Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 37: The Farm

Feng Yun returned to the kitchen.

The food in the farm was not abundant. Oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and rice were brought from Andu City. Firewood was collected by Xing Bing and Mei Ling's troops everywhere. They were all piled outside the kitchen, very neatly.

Feng Yun was busy in the kitchen. Xing Bing walked around in the yard outside the kitchen, frequently looking at her, as if waiting for her order, and as if observing her situation.

During this period, Feng Yun felt that Xing Bing was more useful. He was a cautious and quiet person.

Feng Yun calmed down, pulled two handfuls of sprouted bean sprouts and boiled them, then cut the lotus root nodes and stir-fried them in the pot. During this period, the cook wanted to help, but she refused.

The smell of smoke and fire in the yard became thicker and the fragrance was overflowing.

The food that the guards of the Beiyong Army usually ate in the camp was far less rich than that of Feng Yun's family. It was common to soak dry biscuits in hot water. When they smelled that smell, their eyes changed and they kept swallowing saliva.

Feng Yun called Xing Bing over and pointed at the prepared food.

"Take it to the injured guest in the hut."

Xing Bing glanced at her and found a bamboo tray to put the dishes on.

Feng Yun asked in a low voice: "Do you have anyone you trust?"

Xing Bing thought for a moment: "Ge Guang and Ge Yi. They were my subordinates back then. One was a sergeant and the other was a squad leader. I taught them martial arts. They are loyal and reliable, and they are as close as brothers."

Feng Yun nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Xing Bing also worked silently and didn't say anything else.

Seeing the two people talking to each other, Ao Qi came over with a waist knife in his arms and blocked the door of the kitchen, his sword eyebrows raised, with a bit of disdainful childishness.

"Why are you hiding it? Just say it openly."

Feng Yun looked back at him, "What does Guard Ao want to hear?"

She raised her eyebrows again and smiled faintly, "I'm saying Guard Ao is really handsome. Such a handsome man came to my small manor to be a guard, which is a waste of talent."

Ao Qi couldn't stand the smile in her eyes, especially the sentence "Guard Ao is really handsome", which made Ao Qi want to curse.

Knowing that this girl is saying one thing and thinking another, why does she like it so much?

Ao Qi's slightly baby-fat jaw was tense, and he hurriedly moved his eyes away to look at the stove, not meeting her eyes.

But he had no resistance to the food made by Feng Yun, and his soul seemed to be hooked away. His feet couldn't help but walk over and stretch his neck to look at the plate of snow lotus root.

"What is this, why have I never seen it before?"

Feng Yun asked: "Do you want to eat it?"

This was said gently, and Ao Qi's face flushed immediately.

This Feng family girl is really abominable, tempting him with delicious food.

Gulp! His stomach growled.

"No!" Ao Qi answered firmly, but he regretted it as soon as he said it.

Especially when he found Aozai hiding under the food table and eating meat with relish, his mood became even worse.

He wanted to be Feng Yun's cat!

"Isn't it time for dinner? Let's eat. I'll serve it out."

Feng Yun stopped his arm, "Didn't you say that the general is coming? Are you not respectful to the general?"

When it comes to Pei Jue, Ao Qi's eyes wilt. Recently, he didn't want to see his uncle very much. Every time he saw him, it was difficult for him to be as happy as before. Sometimes he even hoped that his uncle would not come...

"Okay." Ao Qi's brain was in a state of fantasy. When he turned his face away, he became arrogant. "Then the general will come. Let's see how he will deal with you and your lover."

"Lover?" Feng Yun saw him leaving and stopped him. "What did Guard Ao say? Say it again."

Ao Qi's eyelids turned up, "I didn't say anything."

Feng Yun: "I heard it."

Ao Qi: "Then you still ask?"

"Do you believe I will let Aozai tear your mouth?"

"..."Ao Qi saw her face sank, her beautiful eyes were full of fierce light, and knew that he had misunderstood, so all the dissatisfaction was swept away.

But he was still stubborn.

"Who made the girl stare at him? He looks so unserious, no wonder others would think too much..."

Feng Yun made him laugh.

Ao Qi actually said that Wen Xingsu looked indecent?

In Taicheng, in the Feng family, who doesn't say that Wen Xingsu is a decent and upright gentleman?

He Ao Qi showed that he was full of bad intentions when they first met?

Feng Yun asked back: "Then Guard Ao is not bad looking either, so do I have to avoid you from now on? I have to avoid you when I see you. Otherwise, you will be my lover?"

Ao Qi's face was red because of Feng Yun's choking.

In Feng Yun's emotionless teasing, he was confused and his heart beat much faster than usual, especially when she said "Guard Ao is not bad looking" and "my little lover", it was clearly insulting him, but it sounded like heavenly music when it came out of her mouth...

Feng Yun didn't know that the young man had so many thoughts. Seeing that his ears were red, she stopped teasing and just smiled and asked gently: "The misunderstanding has been resolved, so can I go and talk to him?"

Ao Qi's ears were still pink, and his voice was soft, "You can talk, but I have to be there."

Feng Yun glanced at him and didn't refuse.

Wen Xingsu lay quietly on the wooden couch, with a thin quilt covering his waist, his eyelids closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

Xing Bing put the bowls and plates on the table. The sound woke him up. He opened his eyes and saw Feng Yun. He was stunned for a moment, and his eyes moved to Ao Qi who was leaning against the door...

Feng Yun said: "Are you hungry? Eat something before you go to sleep."

Wen Xingsu opened his mouth, "Thank you for your help, girl."

Feng Yun lowered her eyelids, brought out the porridge and side dishes, and carefully added them to the small bowl. Ao Qi then realized that Wen Xingsu's food was not in the kitchen.

The girl actually cooked for this person?

The dissatisfaction on Ao Qi's face was visible to the naked eye, but Feng Yun ignored him and motioned Xing Bing to help Wen Xingsu up, and asked casually:

"What did the medical officer who came just now say to you?"

Ao Qi pricked up his ears.

Wen Xingsu, like Feng Yun, seemed to not see him and weakly pointed to the small porcelain bottle on the wooden cabinet.

"Take the pill three times a day, one pill each time."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Didn't he say anything else? How is the injury, and how long will it take to recover?"

Wen Xingsu shook his head and said, "It should not be a vital injury, otherwise I would not have lived to wait for the girl to rescue me..."

Ao Qi saw that the two of them were talking normally but listening to abnormal words, and their eyes were exchanging as if no one was there, and his mouth was very sour.

He suddenly interrupted and asked a question.

"Where did you come from, warrior? Who injured you?"

Wen Xingsu said calmly, "I am from Xinzhou. I stayed in Andu when the war broke out. I had nowhere to go and had been fleeing for many days. Today, I encountered bandits and almost lost my life for two Hu pancakes..."

Ao Qi stared at him and asked, "Why are you running around in the chaos instead of staying at home?"

Wen Xingsu smiled bitterly, "To be honest with you, General, I used to serve in the Qi Dynasty army."

Ao Qi's face changed slightly.

In fact, he had known it for a long time, but he didn't expect this person to admit it frankly.

"What is your position in the camp?" Ao Qi asked again.

Wen Xingsu said, "I am just a sergeant, leading a dozen people. When the war started, I fled with my brothers..."


Ao Qi raised his eyebrows and stopped asking.

This person spoke flawlessly, and his expression was exactly the same as that of the Feng girl, as if they were the same person. The familiarity and intimacy made Ao Qi very unhappy.

But the general didn't say he was going to kill him, so he could only stare blankly.

"Take good care of your wounds. The Beiyong Army treats prisoners well. You are so tall and strong. It's much better for you to follow our general and serve the Beiyong Army than to follow your tyrant."

Wen Xingsu pursed his lips and said nothing.

Feng Yun stuffed the bowl into his hand, "Eat, talk less, it's a waste of energy."

She meant that he should talk less when he was injured, which was a waste of energy.

What Ao Qi heard was that he should talk less to him, and his mouth curled up, and he was very upset.

Feng Yun saw that Wen Xingsu had an injury on his hand, which was not very convenient, so she simply took the bowl and fed him with a spoon. Wen Xingsu raised his eyelids to look at her and said thank you. Feng Yun smiled gently and fed him mouthful after mouthful, carefully and patiently. In order to prevent food from getting on his lips, she took out the handkerchief close to him and wiped it carefully for him.

Ao Qi couldn't bear it anymore and turned his back.

"Aren't there any chores in the farm? Do you need to do it yourself?"

Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu looked at each other, put down the bowl, called Xing Bing, and went out.

Ao Qi saw that she was silent, thought about what he had just said, followed her out, and walked to Feng Yun's side.

"I'm not scolding you..."

"Girl, think about it yourself, is it right for you to do that?"

"If the general sees it, won't he peel my skin off?"

Feng Yun suddenly turned her head and looked at Ao Qi, "Is Guard Ao unhappy just because of the general?"

Ao Qi's heartstrings trembled a few times, almost breaking, and he looked at her with a blushing face. He couldn't speak for a long time, and the emotions hidden in the corner of his heart were almost blurted out.

But Feng Yun sneered.

"Guard Ao clearly hates me. You hate me yourself, but you use the general as an excuse."

Ao Qi was stunned.

Looking at Feng Yun's depressed back, his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground. After a long time, he rubbed his forehead and went to the dining hall.

The food had been prepared long ago.

Feng Yun was calm as if what happened just now had never happened. She asked Alou to bring the pot under the eaves and invited all the guards in the yard to eat.

Ao Qi felt warm in his heart.

The girl was mean, but kind.

Just now she said that there was not enough food in the farm and she would not support idle people. Now she cooked so much rice. Wasn't it because she couldn't bear to see the guards starving?

Ao Qi sat down and took his bowl.

There were two eggs under the rice, which were fried in lard and exuded a strong meaty aroma. When he ate it in his mouth, the soft and tender taste seemed to melt in his heart, making him feel happy involuntarily. The corners of his mouth rose wildly, and he had a kind of excitement that made him forget himself...

The girl treated him differently from others.

No one else had eggs.

Only he had.

He alone had one in his bowl.

Ao Qi took a deep breath, and finally suppressed the urge to find her and talk to her. He savored the rice very slowly...

He was eating, and then he found that something was wrong around him...

There was no wine in the food.

It seemed that the guards he brought were all drunk?

Ao Qi was startled, and a light flashed in his mind...

But it was only a flash, just a moment. He stretched out his hand and didn't have time to take the knife, and the whole person fell on the table.

Feng Yun walked out of the kitchen, pushed him, and sighed.

"Ao Qi is smart, not to lay two eggs, but to make him taste strange..."

Feng Yun turned around and called Xing Bing, "Move! Hurry up."

She didn't notice that Ao Qi's eyes, which were red like blood, were almost about to shed tears.

One chapter today, sisters, but there are many words~~

Flying kisses!

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