Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 38 Sudden Disappearance

Alou looked at the soldiers of the Beiyong Army who had fallen to the ground in the yard, and his legs went limp with fear.

"Girl, what should I do?"

Feng Yun said nothing, and quickly returned to the house to wrap the Dragon-Slaying Sword in a rough cloth and stuffed it into Wen Xingsu's arms, "Brother, let's go!"

Wen Xingsu understood her thoughts.

He was the garrison commander of Xinzhou and the general of Ningyuan of the Great Qi. Once he fell into Pei Jue's hands, death would be the best outcome, and he was afraid that life would be worse than death.

But how could Wen Xingsu abandon Feng Yun?

He frowned slightly, "Yaoyao, come with me."

Feng Yun shook his head, unable to bear to look at Wen Xingsu's eyes, and turned back to shout: "Xing Bing."

Wen Xingsu was injured, and he could not leave Andu by himself. Xing Bing removed the door panel, asked two soldiers to lift Wen Xingsu up, and then wrapped him on the door panel with a cloth strip to prevent him from being bumped on the road.

Feng Yun said, "I have prepared a small boat. The eight of them will escort you across the river and go directly back to Taicheng. Then they will not come back. They will wait until the war is over and see what fate will bring."

The eight soldiers who received the order had red eyes and responded in a low voice.

"We will not let you down."

Feng Yun nodded, "Go east to Shiguan County, don't go back to Xinzhou."

It seems that going to Xinzhou is very close, and there are Qi troops stationed there, but there must be a large number of Beiyong soldiers patrolling along the way, which is dangerous. The trade route between Shiguan County and Andu City is not cut off, and there are many people traveling back and forth. This route is the safest.

Seeing that Feng Yun had planned everything, Wen Xingsu felt a pang in his heart and stretched out his long arms to pull her, "Yaoyao, either I stay or you go with me!"

Feng Yun looked at him with a smile in his eyes, "Brother, I can't go back. Don't come back this time, take good care of your injuries. If there is a war in the future, don't fight so hard, take care of yourself..."

"No!" Wen Xingsu's pupils trembled, and his fingers tightly grasped the door panel, trying to struggle to get up, but Xing Bing wrapped the cloth strips very tightly and put a quilt on it. Only a pair of arms could move, how could he resist the clamp of four Mei Linglang.

"Yaoyao!" Wen Xingsu roared.

The air was filled with unspeakable sadness.

Without time to say more, Feng Yun waved his hand: "Let's go."

Four Mei Linglang carried Wen Xingsu and walked quickly out of the manor.

Feng Yun followed him out of the gate, looking at the figure going farther and farther away, and reminded Xing Bing again.

"Take a few people with you and follow us, and guard from a distance to ensure that my brother is safe."

Xing Bing saluted with his sword in his arms, "Yes."

There is a small river less than two miles outside the village, which is a tributary of the long river in Huaxi Village. It goes all the way east to Shiguan.

When Ao Qi wakes up or Pei Jue reacts, Wen Xingsu has already left the north bank, and it is impossible to catch up with him.

"Brother, take care!"

Feng Yun stood in the golden sunlight, looking at the endless fields. Under her calm face, her heart was like layers of huge waves.

In her previous life, Wen Xingsu was torn into pieces by Pei Jue...

Since she knew her fate, how could she let the past repeat itself and watch him die?

Of course, she didn't think that she could hide this from Pei Jue, and she couldn't hide it.

But she thought that Pei Jue would not easily take her life for the sake of 200,000 shi of grain. However, if she wanted to gain Pei Jue's trust again, she would have to work harder.

Even inevitably, you have to pay something...

Feng Yun thought of this and called Alou, "How are the concubines doing recently?"

Since Feng Yun came to Huaxi Village, Alou's mind has been put aside. The new steward took office with three fires. He kept an eye on the whole house, and any movement would not escape his eyes.

Hearing Feng Yun's question, he said: "Don't worry, girl, I have a bright eye."

Feng Yun waved at him, and Alou immediately leaned over to listen. When he heard Feng Yun's order, his eyes were stunned. It took a long time before he exhaled and bowed.

"I understand."


In the blue-tiled house in the west room, several concubines had dinner, but did not take a rest as usual, but sat in front of the window waiting with complicated thoughts.

They never thought that Feng Twelve dared to poison the Beiyong Army.

Not only did she do it, but she did it so calmly, as if she was not afraid at all. The concubines had their own thoughts. Some expected the general to come and see this situation and how angry he would be, while others were afraid of being implicated.

For a moment, you looked at me, I looked at you...

"Will the general forgive Twelve Niang?"

Someone asked, and someone answered.

Yuan Jiao hesitated and nodded uneasily.

"Maybe, the general treats Twelve Niang very kindly."

Lin E sneered, as if she had heard a joke, lowered her head and rubbed her calloused fingertips, her eyes full of hatred.

"How serious is poisoning soldiers? Do you think the military law of the Beiyong Army is just a decoration?"

She smiled faintly again, not knowing what she was thinking, "Even if the general is willing to forgive her, don't we still have His Majesty and the Queen Mother? Will they forgive her? Feng Twelve, you are dead this time."

All the concubines looked at Lin E.

Feng Twelve has been torturing them these days, but gradually they got used to it, and some people settled down and felt that there was nothing wrong.

You have to work to eat, that's only natural.

Whatever Feng Twelve does, it's open and aboveboard, without the shady methods that they've heard people say about the wealthy families.

So someone said, "If something really happens to Twelve Lady, will you and I... still be able to shelter from the wind and rain in this place in the future? Will we be sent to another family to be slaves or concubines..."

Lin E glared at them, "That's all you can do? You've been treated as a slave by Feng Twelve for a few days, do you really think you're her slave? You're not worthy of being on the stage!"

She has always been strong among this group of people.

Once she got angry, no one said anything.

Lin E sneered again, "Without Feng Twelve, you and I have the opportunity to serve the general. In the future, sisters will work together to serve the general well, so why worry about not having a good future? Unlike now, look at your skin, look at your hands, do you still think Feng Twelve is a good person?"

The concubines were ashamed by what she said and lowered their heads.

The summer heat was strong before the beginning of autumn, and the sun was scorching.

Feng Yun stood outside the house for a while, and the whole person seemed to be burnt. He was sweating all over. When he returned to the manor, he asked Xiaoman to prepare water.

Xiaoman didn't think much and went down happily.

Daman followed, with a trace of sadness in his eyebrows.

"The general will be here soon. Go to the girl's room and clean it up, change the bedding, and I'll prepare water."

Xiaoman was puzzled, "The general can come, why do you have to clean the girl's room?"

Daman looked at her innocent look, sighed, and pointed to the Beiyong Army soldiers outside the house who were dragged to the straw shed by Mei Linglang to escape the summer heat after being unconscious.

"It's not easy for the girl to pass this level. If it goes wrong, you and I will lose our heads."

Xiaoman felt the danger and was immediately uneasy, "What should we do?"

Daman took a look at the house, "The girl should have a countermeasure, you just do what she says."

This farm is where Feng Yun plans to live for a long time. In the past few days, it has been cleaned up inside and outside. A new layer of wood was laid on the floor of the clean room, and it felt very clean when stepped on.

She liked this feeling.

The air was filled with moisture, carrying the soft jade and warm fragrance.

A brand new skirt was hung on the wooden board, which was specially prepared for her by Daman.

Feng Yun took a look and said nothing more.

She understood Daman's thoughts.

Sending Wen Xingsu away was a capital crime.

Daman wanted her to save her life with her body.

Feng Yun smiled and remained calm.

"Go down, no one is needed here."

She took off her coat and walked slowly towards the bathtub in the misty water, dragging her skirt. The beauty with snow-white skin, black hair and gorgeous hair, as exquisite as a painting, was so beautiful that even Daman and Xiaoman could not help but feel ashamed.


The oppression brought by the extreme beauty made the two hold their breath and concentrate, not daring to make any sound, as if they were afraid of disturbing something.

Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief after leaving the bathroom.

"The girl is so beautiful. If I were a general, I would treat other concubines as worthless..."

As soon as the words came out, I realized that Daman's face was not good.

"Sister, I'm not talking about you, sister is also beautiful..."

Daman chuckled, "You are right, with Twelve Niang as beautiful as a girl, who can the general have room for?"

Xiaoman blinked.

"I know sister likes the general. If the girl wants to choose a concubine for the general in the future, I will recommend sister."

Daman was terrified and his eyes widened.

"Where did you hear this gossip? When did I fall in love with the general?"

Xiao Man pouted, "I can hide it from others, but not from me. That day in the camp, I saw the general dancing with swords under the moon. My eyes were full of love. I saw it all..."

Da Man grabbed her arm fiercely, "Little hoof, don't talk nonsense. You want my life..."

"Hiss, it hurts. I didn't tell anyone else." Xiao Man took her hand away and comforted her in a low voice, "Anyway, there won't always be only a girl in the general's room. As long as I serve sincerely, I will have more opportunities than other concubines, right? The girl will respect you..."

"Hurry up!" Da Man's cheeks flushed because of what she said. She felt that the scorching sun shone diagonally from the bamboo curtain, making her almost breathless.

"I'll go add water for the girl."

She turned around and left.

Xiao Man knew she was shy, so she smiled and bent down to pick up the dirt. Just as she was about to raise her hand to throw the sparrows on the eaves, a burst of hurried horse hooves came from outside the manor...

It's bad! The general is here.

How did he come so quickly?

Xiaoman was shocked and turned around to run into the house. As soon as she shouted "girl", she ran into Daman, who was pale.

She seemed to be quite frightened. Not only did her face change, but even her voice changed.

"The girl is gone!"

Sisters, "Nagato's Thin Waist" will be available this Friday, which is the 13th~~

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