Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 39 My dear misses me

Xiao Man stood there blankly.

The steam in the bathtub was steaming, and the scent of gourmet floated in the air. The clothes on the wooden raft were still there. I searched the clean room but couldn't find the girl's outer clothes. She just disappeared...

The girl is gone and the general is here, shouldn't he take their lives?

She almost cried.

Daman said: "Could it be that the girl left with the man?"

Xiao Man shook his head firmly, "No, no, a girl wouldn't do that."

She grabbed Daman's arm and said, "Something must have happened to the girl, it must be... Sister, didn't you say that the girl has her own countermeasures? What should we do now? The girl is gone, will the general want our heads... "

Daman was shaken by her until his eyes were dizzy. He looked sideways and then pushed the window open.

The wooden pins of the window were not inserted properly and they opened when pushed.

She remembered that when she helped the girl prepare water, she had specially checked it. There should not be such a flaw.

What's more, girls are also cautious people...

Daman's eyes fell on the wooden floor, the messy footprints left by water stains...

She pushed Xiaoman away, bent down, made some gestures with her fingers, suddenly picked up a towel and whisked the water out of the tub, splashing it on the ground, and then pulled Xiaoman around on it...

Xiaoman: "Sister?"

"Shh." Daman quickly turned around and threw the towel back into the tub.

"When you see the general later, you will cry, cry with all your strength, do you understand?"

Xiaoman's eyes were red, "Huh?"

The village road outside Zhuangzi.

Puyang Jiu followed Pei Madang by the horse's rope, with a puzzled look on his face.

"How can you be so sure that that person is Wen Xingsu? Couldn't the scouts have made a mistake? How could the dignified Xinzhou defender be in danger in Andu? It's unbelievable..."

Pei Ran didn't answer a series of questions.

Puyang Jiu doesn't care, a person can say it very freely.

"Don't tell me, that guy named Wen has a pretty face, but he doesn't look like someone who leads troops in a war..."

Pei Madang turned his head to look at him. Puyang Jiu smiled awkwardly when he thought that the man in front of him was also leading the troops in the war, "Just like Wang Zhi, rich and handsome, beautiful in appearance, literary and military, the sun and the moon are gorgeous..."

Pei Ran frowned impatiently, "How is the injury?"

Puyang Jiu: "Very great, but not as good as you."

Pei Madang's face sank, and Puyang Jiu laughed out loud, "I mean the wound was big, but... not as serious as your previous injury. There was one spot at the base of the leg that was more serious, but when I went there, Feng Twelve Niang It has been treated, the bleeding was stopped in time, and the bandage is very good. If you wait for a few days, you will probably be cured..."


Puyang Jiu's mouth didn't stop when he didn't hear Pei Ran's response.

Unexpectedly, the big black horse suddenly raised its hooves forward, causing him to eat a mouthful of dust. He quickly covered his face and spit out sand. When he looked up, he found that only his back was left. He turned around and disappeared from the "long door" hanging on it. The gate of Zhuangzi with a plaque.

The door is wide open.

Xiao Man was so frightened that his face turned pale. He didn't have time to think about how to cry when he saw Da Man rushing over hastily and kneeling down in front of Pei Man, who was speeding towards him, crying and shouting.

"General, help! Save the girl..."

Pei Madang reined in the horse when he was only three feet away from her. He looked down at the bold maid and quickly turned his eyes to the soldiers of the Northern Yong Army in the hay shed.

The surroundings were almost eerily quiet.

Pei Madang didn't say anything, jumped off his horse, picked up a bucket of cold water and poured it on Ao Qi.

When Ao Qi shook his hair and opened his eyes, Pei Madang was already striding towards the bewildered Xiao Man.

"lead the way."

Tears hung on Xiao Man's face. He was about to start crying when the general came over. His tall figure pressed over him like a city wall. His sharp eyes were as cold as ice. Xiao Man forgot to cry. His heart was so scared that it could hardly beat. He took a hurried look. The sister who was kneeling in the yard took Pei Ran to the clean room honestly.

There was a warm mist, and the windows were wide open.


"General, something must have happened to the girl. Please help me, General..."

Thinking of such a good girl, Xiaoman felt sad, hid his face and cried, as if he had lost his backbone.

However, how could such a good person disappear into the clean room without making a sound?

Or was it just after letting go of Shinshu guard general Wen Xingsu?

The soldiers of the Northern Yong Army who were awakened by the cold water, as well as the concubine in Zhuangzi, all thought that Feng Yun had absconded out of fear of crime. Lin E kept fanning the flames, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

Only Ah Lou and the servants around Feng Yun firmly believed that something had happened to Feng Yun.

Ao Qi's eyes were red. He had not yet recovered from the hurt caused by the two lying eggs. When he faced his uncle with a cold face, his steps were unsteady.

"General, save people."

"After the girl is rescued, I will come back to receive the punishment."

Pei Ran said nothing.

He checked around the clean room for a long time and said, "You lead people towards Shiguan County and intercept Wen Xingsu. If you can't catch anyone, you don't have to come back!"

Ao Qi cupped his hands and roared from his chest.

"Subordinates take orders!"

He looked up again, "That girl..."

Pei Ran's face suddenly turned cold, "What are you doing standing there in a daze?"

"Here." Ao Qi didn't dare to delay any longer, but couldn't help but care about Feng Yun. While asking people to follow him, he frequently looked back at Pei Mad.

"General, go and save the girl quickly..."

Pei Madang's originally calm face suddenly felt like it was immersed in ice water.

The frightening indifference scared the people in the courtyard to hold their breath and not dare to say a word.

"Zuo Zhong." Pei Madang finally said, "Prepare your horse."

At this moment, Feng Yun was sitting dizzy in a bumpy carriage, running along an unknown trail.

Her head hurt a lot, and her mouth was as thirsty as a fish in a hot pot, tormented back and forth.

The sound of horse hooves was heard, especially clear on the quiet path.

At this time, the carriage shook violently and stopped.

With a "click", a breeze swept by, and the curtain of the carriage was opened. A ray of sunlight came in through the gap. Feng Yun realized that it was not dark yet, and the sun was shining outside, but the windows were sealed too tightly, which gave her an illusion of darkness.

"What are you looking at, Qingqing?"

The car body shook, and a slender figure walked up slowly.

The sunlight fell on the cold mountain eagle mask, and only the thin curve of the jaw and a pair of unruly and wild eyes could be seen.

Feng Yun raised her eyelids slightly, "Chun Yuyan...?"

"We meet again." The man chuckled, bent down and pinched Feng Yun's face, "I knew you missed me."

After that, he took a step with his long legs, stepped over Feng Yun who was lying in the carriage, and sat upright beside her, making a light, mocking laugh.

"Let's go."

Feng Yun was slightly shocked.

From the moment she found herself in Chun Yuyan's hands, she felt that something was wrong and subconsciously wanted to get up...

Bang! The door closed tightly.

The carriage fell into a brief darkness again.

An arm casually reached out and hugged her slender waist, preventing her from getting up.

The dim light gradually revealed Chun Yuyan's cold and gentle outline. His eyes stared at Feng Yun with a playful smile, as if he was looking at a prisoner waiting for the death penalty.

"Poor little thing, you still want to escape after falling into my hands?"

Feng Yun took a breath, "What does the prince want to do?"

Sneer! Chun Yuyan stared into her eyes and leaned over to her ear, "What do you think?"

The man's low moan, like an itch attached to the bone, accompanied by a sticky numbness, spread along the lumbar spine.

Feng Yun frowned, feeling a sharp thirst brewing silently, as if waiting for a stronger storm. Uncontrollable, bone-eroding and heart-stirring...

Feng Yun had suffered such hardships before, but with Chun Yuyan by her side at this moment, the feeling was even more different.

She restrained herself and said nothing.

Chun Yuyan's black eyes flashed with a strange brilliance, and he glanced at the blush on her fair face.

"Tit for tat, you should also taste the humiliation I suffered that day..."

Feng Yun lowered her eyes and glanced at her clothes.

Messy, wet, still the same set she wore when bathing.

But the collar was tightened because she was lying down, and the bulging front trembled with her breathing, almost stretching the fabric...

She laughed softly, "Did the prince forget what I said? If something happens to me, the prince's beauty will be known to the whole world, and I don't know what kind of obscene words and paintings will be compiled by literati and poets about that naughty brown mole..."

This sentence brought back Chun Yuyan's shameful memories.

Some feelings are like engraved in the lungs, and they cannot be forgotten just by wanting to. The bone-eroding tremor will hit the soul with breathing, and the body will also involuntarily heat up and feel embarrassed because of her.

The clothes taken off in front of her can never be put on again.

This girl's eyes are like poison.

No matter how tightly he covers himself, in her eyes, he is always naked.

Chun Yuyan's hand froze in mid-air, and in just a moment, he resumed his smile.

"I was fooled by you that day. Do you think I will be fooled by you again?"

A slender and clean hand reached out and grabbed the silk belt around Feng Yun's waist.

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