Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 40 The Crown Prince's Hatred

Feng Yun's heart was slightly choked, and his brain went blank for a moment.

"Your Majesty...just want to take revenge on me?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Chun Yuyan played with her belt, as if he sincerely wanted her to feel the torment, slowly, without pulling, and as if it would be pulled apart at any time, embarrassing her.

"I saved Qingqing. If I hadn't taken action in time, once your skin and tender flesh fell into the hands of jackals, tigers and leopards, do you think they would have torn you apart?"

Feng Yun smiled weakly at him: "Jackal, tiger, leopard? Who is the prince talking about?"

Chunyu Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "It's someone you shouldn't provoke."

He was calm and gentle, and his hand was close to Feng Yun's waistline, flicking the belt of his clothes.

Feng Yun felt like a thorn in his back under his gaze, his eyes gradually became hot, and he broke out in a nervous sweat.

She felt the suffering that Chun Yuyan suffered that day.

"So, the prince saved me just to humiliate me?"

Seeing her miserable appearance, Chun Yuyan felt wonderful for no reason. He pinched one end of the belt and flicked it on her face, sliding around like feathers. Feng Yun couldn't bear the itch and felt uncomfortable. He frowned, his body trembling slightly because he was holding back.


Chunyu Yan licked his lips with interest and asked himself questions.

"You don't need to be afraid. There are many good-looking people in the world, but few interesting people. I don't want you to die too soon..."

Feng Yun didn't look at his face, didn't meet his eyes, and tried not to give him any reaction, not wanting to satisfy his perverted taste.

"I am lucky that the prince cares about me so much."



A golden sound echoed in the quiet carriage.

The air seemed to be broken. Feng Yun's cheeks felt slightly cold. He looked sideways and saw the dagger in Chun Yuyan's hand.

"I also got a good knife that can cut hair with a blow. Guess, is it sharp?"

His voice was cool, like a fish swimming in the water, bringing with it a rustling tide. A pair of phoenix eyes looked up and down at Feng Yun, as if it was something for him to play with. His hand with clear joints held the knife. He used the back of the knife to rub Feng Yun's thin clothes repeatedly, picking lightly and pressing hard.

"Is it itchy? Please relax...there are even bigger surprises waiting for you."

Feng Yun's body tightened, and the chicken skin quickly climbed up her waist. Everywhere she touched the back of the knife she felt hot and uncomfortable. Under the intense fear, she couldn't help but tremble, and she felt the helpless itch that crawled up her back...


I just want to see her make a fool of herself and watch her beg for mercy.

Might as well give her a knife.

But Chun Yuyan would definitely not do this.

He came back with revenge in mind and was very interested.

"Don't be afraid. You are so lovable, how can I be willing to let you die?"

Chun Yuyan looked down at her and chuckled softly, "I will control the knife in my hand and prevent it from scratching the delicate skin and tender flesh of Qing's body... Tsk... it looks like watery tofu. It looks so good, but it would be a pity if it breaks."

The lunatic returned everything he said that day to her.

Feng Yun clenched his fists tightly, his whole body was wet with sweat, as if he had been fished out of water.

But she didn't want Chun Yuyan to be proud.

He was restrained and motionless, his face as frozen as ice.

When Chun Yuyan saw her like this, for no reason, his heart felt as if he had been soaked in hot spring water and melted away.

He asked happily: "Do you regret it?"

Feng Yun hummed, "Sorry."

"Oh, is it so?"

Feng Yun sneered, "I regret not being cruel. If I had known that day at Huayue Stream, I would have killed you with one knife. Sure enough... the ancients did not deceive me... we should not be kind to animals..."

brute? Chun Yuyan's beautiful eyes instantly cooled down.

Feng's daughter's hatred for him was completely unreasonable.

"If I remember correctly, Huayuejian was the first time we met. Why do you hate me so much?"

Feng Yun moved his dry mouth but said nothing.

If Chun Yuyan hadn't humiliated her in her previous life, she certainly wouldn't have treated him like that in Huayue Stream.

Of course, it's not that she never thought that Chun Yuyan would take revenge, she just didn't have any fear.

What Chun Yuyan did to her before was much worse, and this point was really insignificant at the moment.

There was no shame or anger on her face, but she was trying her best to endure it. This made Chun Yuyan's doubts continue to expand. He was not a lecherous devil, nor was he motivated by lust. Why did this girl treat him like a savage beast?

Chun Yuyan sneered, suddenly stopped his hand, slowly leaned down, and pinched Feng Yun's slender neck with his palm, applying slight pressure and tightening it more and more.

Feng Yun closed his eyes.

Chun Yuyan: "You expect me to strangle you to death?"

Feng Yun raised her neck slightly, even though she was breathing poorly, she did not change her arrogant posture. She only stared at Chun Yuyan with a pair of eyes, indifferent and without any emotion, but her eyes and cheeks were covered with a layer of blush, very Something is wrong.

Chun Yuyan suddenly narrowed his eyes, "Have you been drugged?"

Feng Yun turned aside and didn't give him any reaction.

Chun Yuyan sneered as if he had some understanding: "You suspect that I administered the drug? That's why you hate me so much?"

Taking a deep breath, he suddenly retracted the hand stuck on Feng Yun's neck and snorted coldly, "My prince wants to deal with a woman, why do I need to use such despicable methods?"

Feng Yun's throat was burning, her heart was in turmoil, and her whole mind had to be used to deal with the love wave that had become intense and ferocious. She had no way to listen to what Chun Yuyan said. He only closed his eyes, closed his mouth, and frowned, sinking in the torment, a little confused, and as stiff as a dead person...

She's fighting.

and drugs, and myself.

The delicate skin was stained with rouge, and the neck vein close to the back of the knife seemed to be beating with life.

Chunyu Yan had seen countless beautiful beauties with delicate appearances, and never felt surprised, but Feng Yun was different. She was not only beautiful, but also charming, like dew on the petals in the morning, trembling and tempting to pick.

"Feng Yun? Are you awake?"

Seeing Feng Yun restrained and calm in sweat, Chunyu Yan's breathing seemed to tremble with him, his body tightened, and his throat hardened.

"You said I was a beast, so I will do something that beasts do..."

The dagger in Chunyu Yan's hand seemed to have eyes. It would swim to wherever Feng Yun felt itchy. Although there were clothes blocking it, it was like adding fuel to the fire for Feng Yun at this moment. Her skin was dyed red, and she curled up in agony and motionless, but she couldn't bear the delicate panting.

"Has Pei Wangzhi ever seen a beauty like you?"

Chun Yuyan lowered his head to examine her, his body close to her.

Sweat and fragrance, such extreme beauty!

The evil thoughts that Chun Yuyan had accumulated for twenty years grew wildly at this moment...

The unprecedented passion made him crazy, and he wanted to take this girl for himself.

When this thought came to his mind, Chun Yuyan was very surprised.

He did not allow himself to be controlled by others like this. He calmed down a little and smiled at her gently. His breath fell on her face, like a warm breeze blowing over.

"You are so tempting and delicious, it would be a pity not to eat... But eat it, will it get stuck in your throat?"

This was said as if he wanted to tear her bones and eat her meat...

Feng Yun heard excitement in his tone and choked slightly.

For fear of stimulating the big pervert, she continued to maintain the "dead" state, but her breathing was ups and downs, and there was sweat on her forehead. How could she hide her unique color?

Chun Yuyan's heart beat violently.

His dagger slid to the tip of Feng Yun's red ear, and his fingertips rubbed against her tender skin, which made his scalp numb...

"Are you seducing me?"

The ambiguous voice sounded like a lover's whisper, Chun Yuyan's voice was very warm, and it sounded harmless.

Look! This is what a beast in human clothing looks like.

Feng Yun panted and pulled her long hair out from behind her sweaty neck, spreading it on the blanket in a mess, with dark eyes like a trapped beast.

"Prince Chunyu, do me a favor..."

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Do you want to pledge yourself to me? Ask me to help you detoxify?"

Feng Yun stammered, "Prince, if it's convenient..."

Chun Yuyan sneered, "Wishful thinking!"

Feng Yun saw that he refused so quickly, and her heart was slightly relieved. This kind of flirting intimacy was not suitable for her and Chun Yuyan. If they hated each other, they should just talk about the matter.

"Since the prince is not convenient, can you let me go... to the bathroom?"

Chun Yuyan's eyes tilted: "Want to play tricks again? Hold it in!"

Feng Yun was panting hard, and her charming almond eyes were almost overflowing with mist, very pitiful, "If the prince is not afraid that I will dirty your carriage, then I..."

The carriage was filled with cold fragrance, which was very pleasant.

Prince Chunyu was a man of elegance, how could he let her do whatever she wanted?

Sure enough, he looked disgusted, "Stop the car."

Sisters, see you tomorrow~~

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