Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 41 Two men fighting

The carriage stopped at the corner of the trail, and Feng Yun got out of the car shakily. He found that the sky was getting darker and the rays of light had already disappeared into the clouds.

Below the official road is a wasteland with lush vegetation, who knows how far away from Huaxi Village.

Chun Yuyan asked the two maids to follow her, "Don't go too far."

Feng Yun turned around and looked at the mysterious mountain eagle mask in the car curtain, "Your Majesty, please don't peek."

Chunyu Yan hummed and lowered the curtain.

Feng Yun saluted the two maids, "Thank you."

The maids didn't respond, didn't even blink, and were as eccentric as their masters.

Feng Yun didn't care.

With the help of her maid, she walked deep into the grass. Her body was so weak that she seemed about to fall down at any time...

After finding a quiet place, surrounded by lush thorns and woods, she said to her maid, "I will do it myself."

The maid let go of her hand and said, "Hurry up."

Feng Yun said "hmm" and walked inside again.

The clothes belt entangled with the weeds, making a rustling sound in the grass.

She was not very convenient, and her hands and feet looked clumsy. A maid couldn't stand it anymore, so she came over and wanted to help her...

Feng Yun was trembling, unsteady on his feet, and suddenly fell down.

The maid bent down to help her, and Feng Yun grabbed her neck and said, "Don't move!"

It was a thin piece of stone she found in the grass. It looked very sharp. The maid moved slightly and her neck was cut open...

Feng Yun looked at the other maid.

"Don't underestimate it, it can easily kill you."

There was immediate hesitation in the maid's eyes.

Feng Yun said: "I know that you sisters have a deep relationship. If you don't want her to die, don't say anything."

Her red eyes were full of fierce light, and when the stone scratched her delicate neck, blood dripped out, and she, who was so weak just now, was so strong that she couldn't break free...

The two maids looked at each other and did not move.

Feng Yun restrained the maid and slowly backed away, then suddenly pushed her hard to the slope on the right.

The maid rolled down, and the other one was so frightened that she rushed forward to save her.

Feng Yun took the opportunity to run away to the other side of the forest...

The desire to survive can overcome everything.

Her blood surged and her mind went blank, but she still ran far away out of breath based on instinct...

It was quiet all around, and she suddenly felt uneasy.

How come no one is chasing me?

Feng Yun stopped and saw a tall figure standing in front of him, playing with a broken jade sword and standing in the sunset, looking at her with a half-smile...

Feng Yun's expression changed, and the man laughed.

"Qingqing is indeed dishonest."

Feng Yun was carried back to the carriage by Chun Yuyan. She did not resist. Her face was flushed with sweat, her temples were sticky and stuck to her forehead, and her breathing was so rapid that she seemed to be dying.

But even so, she still shut her mouth tightly and didn't make a sound.

Chun Yuyan watched her trembling, without any pity, and threw her back into the carriage with a thud.

Feng Yun was choked by pain, "Chun Yu Shizi..."

"Shh!" Whether because he was tired or not in the mood to play, Chun Yuyan lowered his eyelids, took a sip from the water bag, and handed it to her mouth.

A mountain hawk mask covered his face.

But under the long eyelashes, the dark pupils are so dark and scary.

Feng Yun drank water with difficulty, water stains dripping down his chin.

Chun Yuyan took out a snow-white handkerchief, lifted Feng Yun's chin like a small animal, wiped her clean carefully, and then pressed his thumb on her red lips with interest, his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking. …

This was the first time Feng Yun saw such a look in Chun Yuyan's eyes.

Restrained, forbearing, crazy desire, bottomless in the dark eyes...

"Don't make any sound. I need to take a break."

Chun Yuyan suddenly chuckled, turned away in disgust, and leaned lazily against the carriage wall with his broken jade sword in his long legs and wide robe, as if he had really fallen asleep.

The carriage jolted and sped up.

The curtains were turned, and the light was seen to disappear, and the sky was completely dark.

The most unbearable thing is despair and unknown.

The incense filling the carriage had a seductive smell, stimulating the effect of the medicine. Feng Yun's eyes were red, and every inch of his skin was burning, clamoring to pull her into the abyss of desire...

Time passed extremely long.

Chun Yuyan's world is static.

Feng Yun curled up in the corner, his blood boiling under the impact of waves of desire, like a landslide and tsunami, he gradually became unable to hold on, and even had a frivolous thought...

Chunyu Yan is beautiful...

It's better to just eat him...

This horrifying thought entered my mind, and the sound of galloping horse hooves suddenly came to my ears.

Chunyu Yan opened his eyes suddenly.

The sound of hoofbeats flew past my ears, and only a sound of control was heard. The carriage was blocked on the road by several fast horses and came to an emergency stop...

Feng Yun jumped forward and grabbed the cushion to steady himself.

Amidst the sound of horses neighing, Chun Yuyan slowly opened the car door a crack.

"Brother Wan? Are you blocking the road at night because you have trouble with my brother?"

Pei Madang sat high on the horse, pulled the reins and stood up, "Your Majesty, I'm here to ask for someone."

Chun Yuyan looked at the anger between the man's brows under the moonlit night, and a subtle gleam appeared in his eyes.

"It's easy to talk about." He glanced at the attendants who were accompanying him and smiled softly, "Brother, I can pick out whichever one I like."

Pei Ran said: "The people in the car. My people."

Chunyu Yan was startled and laughed.

"Brother, what you said is wrong. I am taking my family back to Yunchuan today. Will there be anyone in the car that my brother wants?"

After saying that, he suddenly stretched out an arm to pull Feng Yun into his arms, pressed her face to his chest, and let her long hair fall, while his fingers slid from Feng Yun's cheek to her snow-white back with a half-smile. Neck, as if to strangle her, but also like some kind of silent caress...

"Is it possible that what my brother wants is my concubine?"

Feng Yun's body tensed up unconsciously, biting his lower lip to prevent the shameful voice from escaping. He gasped for breath. He tried to break free several times, but Chun Yuyan held him tightly...

Chun Yuyan was very satisfied with her reaction.

"My concubine has a very wild temper. I'm afraid my brother can't control her..."

"Your Majesty." Pei Ran's eyes were dark, his posture on the horse's seat was very wild and awe-inspiring, and his tone was undeniable indifference, "Leave him behind, and Yunchuan will make good friends with the Jin Dynasty."

He didn't say anything else, but a threat that was neither light nor serious was more shocking than saying it.

Chunyu Yan raised his eyebrows.

Pei Madang's anger was obvious, but he found it interesting.

This is Pei Madang.

Calling for a concubine to trouble him?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would believe it.

Chun Yuyan's eyes narrowed with laughter, "To be honest, I fell in love at first sight, and I plan to take Yunchuan back to be the concubine of the Crown Prince..."

"I'll count to three." Pei Ran said with a cold face and lost his patience, "One!"

The corners of Chunyu Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

In fact, he knew it when Pei Ran showed up. There was no need to explain, there was no way to avoid it, and the two men who knew each other well just needed to fight.

"Okay. I happen to have itchy hands. If my brother defeats me, it won't be a big deal if I give you my concubine..."

Chun Yuyan pushed Feng Yun back into the car, straightened his clothes, and got out of the car leisurely.

Several attendants drew their swords and followed, but he raised his hand to stop them, "No need."

Pei Madang didn't say anything, jumped off his horse, handed the Piyong Sword to Zuo Zhong, and walked towards Chunyu Yan with a cold face.

Neither of them allowed the guards to intervene, and neither of them carried weapons.

Chun Yuyan clasped his fists and saluted with a smile in his eyes, "General Pei, please enlighten me..."

boom! All he could hear was the sound of a fist hitting flesh.

A right uppercut hit Chun Yuyan firmly on the cheek...

He was so powerful that his mask was almost blown off.

Chunyu Yan's mind was confused for a moment, he wiped the corners of his mouth and gritted his teeth viciously.

"Pei Ran! You don't follow martial ethics!"

Hit someone but don't slap them in the face.

Pei Madang is really not a decent person, he just slaps people in the face.

Chunyu Yanqi to the extreme.

Another fist shadow flashed before his eyes.

"That's great, then I'll stick with you till the end!"

The two people were going back and forth, their figures were flashing quickly, their clothes were flying, it was really beautiful.

Feng Yun in the carriage was so uncomfortable that he almost died.

Feng Yun couldn't hear clearly what Chun Yuyan and Pei Ran said. There was a buzzing in her ears, and she felt that the pores all over her body were stretched. Her whole body was dripping with sweat, she was thirsty for something, and her intolerable emotions needed to be released... …

The half-open curtains trembled in the wind.

She looked over.

Under the night, there is a long sparkling river.


She needs water.

The water can relieve the scorching heat on her body, and soothe the medicinal properties that corrode her heart and lungs...

Feng Yun panted rapidly, suddenly jumped off the carriage, ran over with all his strength, and fell into the long river...

A group of people on the official road watched the fluttering skirt sink into the water and shouted in fear.

"The girl drowned in the river!"

Sisters, "Nagato has such a slim waist" will be released tomorrow.

I don’t know what time v will be opened. There are a lot of words in the update and a lot of time to read typos, so the update time may not be exactly 12 noon, it may be after 1 pm, which will be more stable at 1:30 (the group will notify )……

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