Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 42 A Husband

I don’t know how long I have been floating in the water...

In a daze, Feng Yun only felt her body falling into a wet embrace. The man hugged her powerfully, and hot breath was sprayed on the back of her neck, causing her to suffer repeatedly in the flames and icebergs...

Her mind was a little blank.

"Let go of me..."

The man was very imprudent and couldn't tell whether it was intentional or unintentional. His movements were rough and violent, and he grabbed her hair and pulled her to the shore.

pain! Feng Yun resisted instinctively, struggling with his hands and feet as if dying...

thump! The two men fell heavily into the river.

Feng Yun lowered his head, bit hard on the back of his hand, and pulled like crazy, unwilling to leave the comfort brought by the river...

She is cruel, and men are even crueler!

An arm was placed across her body to drag the person over. The movements were cruel and ruthless, and Feng Yun was strangled so hard that she could hardly breathe.

"If you move again, I'll drown you!" The deep voice was a bit breathy. The man dragged her over and wrapped her face to face in his arms. His hard chest made Feng Yun dizzy.

Feng Yun was startled and turned to look...

The moonlight fell unscrupulously on the man's face. His hair was tied up in a bun, and his wheat-colored face with water droplets was clear-cut. His original sharp features were even sharper at this moment, as if he wanted to see through her at a glance...

It's Pei Ran...

There was a string in Feng Yun's mind that was broken.

"Hold on!" Pei Madang's hand around her tightened, his eyes darkened and his jaw tightened, "It's about to fall."


His breath was warm and long, falling on his ears.

Feng Yun clung to him, his teeth chattering unconsciously.

In the hot season, their clothes were very thin and transparent, and the material could not block the contact. She could clearly feel the outline of the other person against her tight belly, and could even see clearly the veins on his arms that had swelled due to exertion...

Pei Madang held her and paddled to the shore...

She was limp and wrapped tightly around him.

At a glance, it is the light waves of the river, swaying.

Both of them were a little out of breath,

Feng Yun's body was shaking even more violently.

There was a crazy clamor that was gnawing at her, and they were sticky and clinging together. Their wet bodies and ambiguous postures were about to crush her last line of defense...

"General..." she whispered.

Pei Ran lowered his head and fixed his gaze on her face.

It's not easy to paddle alone. He was breathing heavily, and his gloomy eyes were full of strong and ferocious power, like a hunting beast, surging with animality.

"do not move!"

He might want to tear her apart.

Feng Yun is familiar with this kind of light.

If he hadn't been soaked in cold water, his whole body would have burned.

No! She was already burning.

Burning on Pei Madang.

The sound of water waves hitting the body is particularly lingering in the lonely river. Feng Yun was almost hanging on him, stirring up the water of the river with the heat of swimming and friction. He closed his eyes again and listened to the water splashing around him. The toes wrapped around his lower back curled up unbearably in the friction. …


She wished she could sink into the water immediately.

But Pei Ran didn't give her such a chance.

Her body, eroded by drugs, did not allow her to wake up.

Holding each other in this position, the clothes were as thin as if they were nothing, and the unbearable numbness made it impossible for her to suppress the medicinal properties that were ten times and a hundred times stronger than her willpower.

The bones seem to have become lighter.

The body next to him felt sore.

Pei Ran kept paddling forward with a calm expression.

The moonlight was thick, and the attendants on the shore could not see the rapids surging underwater.

"General..." Feng Yun called again.

"Shut up, okay?" His voice was very low, and his breath was right next to his ear, revealing an indescribable annoyance, but it was very tempting.

"I can't close feels uncomfortable." Feng Yun let out a long sigh, held Pei Man's shoulders, looked into the reddish black eyes, as if he was afraid of slipping, and wrapped around him tighter, unaware of the subtle movements. What a thrill of destruction it brought to Pei Madang.

"Help me, General, huh?"

He whispered hum, so charming that he had a water-stained face with a sultry crimson color, sweaty and fragrant, his clothes were disheveled, and his eyes were staring straight at him, just like the picture that was wrapped around Pei Man long skirt...

Confused, stubborn, yet extremely soft.

"How can I help?"

In the moonlit night, it took a long time for his hoarse voice to be heard.

Feng Yun suspected that he did it on purpose.

She was so embarrassed.

Pei Madang could clearly see her embarrassment and insisted on letting her beg.

If this person wasn't Pei Ran, she might be able to endure it any longer.

But once you know it's him...

I have done everything in the past three years, so what’s the harm in doing it once or twice more?

Feng Yun grabbed the clothes behind his neck with both hands and pressed softly against him. She seemed to be sitting cross-legged on his waist, whispering something in his ear like a kitten, and then nibbling on his Adam's apple.

"Well..." Pei Ran's pupils shrank, and he pressed her back suddenly, his arms tightened around her, and he gritted his teeth while breathing heavily, and he held her up and lifted her up.


Jieqiu Mountain, Beiyong Army Camp.

The soldiers were practicing intensely and sweating profusely.

They were shirtless, talking dirty words, and roaring loudly as they came and went.


Seeing Pei Man wrapping a wet woman in his cloak, holding her in his arms like a treasure and heading straight to the Chinese military tent, the soldiers' eyelids jumped and they all looked over, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

Pei Ran: "What are you looking at? Keep practicing."

"Here!" everyone shouted in unison.

Pei Madan then ordered Zuo Zhong, "Let Puyang Jiu come to my tent!"

"Here." Zuo Zhong responded.

A group of soldiers followed closely, cheering around him with excitement on their faces.

"Left guard, who is that girl?"

"That's right, where did this goblin come from that dared to impress the general?"

There was a burst of laughter, and everyone became more and more excited.

They didn't know what was going on, their eyes were gleaming, and they were so curious that goosebumps popped out of their skins.

"Are you looking for death?"

Zuo Zhong looked complicated.

Everyone was frightened when they saw Twelve Niang committing suicide by jumping into the river. Even a calm man like the general suddenly changed his face and jumped into the river to save people without saying a word.

On the contrary, Prince Chunyu, who kept saying that he wanted to take Twelve Niangs back to be the crown prince's concubine, saw the general going into the water to save people, and he actually added insult to injury. He rushed up and gave the general a hard punch on the back...

Therefore, the general went to save Twelve Niangs despite his injuries.

Zuo Zhong has been with the general for so long and has never seen him treat another person like this.

The part where the two were tossing in the river could not be seen clearly because of the dim light at night. However, Zuo Zhong had been following the general for a long time, so long that he could judge the general's condition with just a few tiny details. mood.

That girl must have seduced the general very hard.

At the moment when the general picked up his cloak and wrapped it around the girl, Zuo Zhong saw with his own eyes that the general who was known for his calmness and restraint actually set up a tent...

But before returning, the general silenced him.

What about the reputation of Twelve Niangs? How can it be spread?

Zuo Zhong had no choice but to beg for mercy.

"No comment, brothers, no comment."

"Don't pry into the general's private affairs if you don't want to get slapped with a military stick."

When Puyang Jiu came with the medicine box, Feng Yun's medicine had already taken effect very powerfully. His face seemed to have been roasted on the stove, his forehead was covered with thin beads of hot sweat, and his bright red lips were dripping with beauty. The voice is as breathless as a gossamer, and it is all a man's death spell.

"This is a powerful medicine!" Puyang Jiu widened his eyes in surprise, "If you don't let it go, you will die..."

After saying that, he looked at Pei Madang meaningfully.

"This is God's will. It is perfectly consistent with your Yang dryness syndrome. Why don't you..."

Pei Ran said with a cold face, "Shut up!"

"Yes, yes, I will prescribe medicine, prescribe medicine."

Puyang Jiu knew what kind of virtue he had and felt sorry for him. He sighed and sat down, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Our General Pei is a gentleman. We disdain the behavior of villains, let alone take advantage of others' danger..."

Pei Ran didn't say a word, and there was no emotion on his calm face.

Even Puyang Jiu had a hard time imagining how he could restrain the ignited flames and suppress his desires on the verge of losing control.

"How?" Pei Ran's eyes were calm, looking at Feng Yun's soft white cheeks, which were as moist as suet jade with sweat, and his two rows of eyelashes were trembling helplessly and pitifully.

This is to hook people to death.

He glanced at Puyang Jiu one more time.

Puyang Jiu sat upright and knew how to cherish his life.

It was as if he couldn't see the beautiful scenery in front of him. The old god sighed on the ground, "Tiger and wolf medicine, tiger and wolf medicine, the person who used it is really vicious. If it hadn't been for many years of blind treatment, this miracle doctor has accumulated treatment experience, Even if you have some success, I'm afraid this little girl will be scrapped. "

In other words...

Feng Yun was just like this because he was drugged.

Pei Madang, on the other hand, often had to endure similar suffering.

Puyang Jiuxi asked: "Who is so cruel and ruthless that he is willing to attack a delicate little lady? Chunyu Yan?"

Pei Ran glared coldly, "Let's get to the point."

Puyang Jiu nodded, looking sideways at him and sighing exaggeratedly.

"The medicine is heavy. Even if I diagnose and treat it in time, I'm afraid it will damage the root and cause damage to the body..."

Pei Madang's Adam's apple rolled heavily, "What will happen?"

Puyang Jiu had a sullen face and spoke more cautiously than before.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for this little girl to conceive and become a mother in the future."

Feng Yun woke up faintly.

There are neatly arranged weapons and armors in the tent, of different lengths, and they look heavy.

Her dress was nowhere to be found, and she was only wearing a large men's blouse. She was curled up on the low couch, like a battered flower...

"Where is this?"

Pei Ran had already changed his clothes. He was wearing a dark coat and a wide robe. His back was turned to her. He couldn't see the strong muscles in his body. He had wide shoulders, narrow waist, straight and slender. He was obviously very good-looking, but Feng Yun always thought of that kind of thing. Raging man-eating beasts...

Pei Ran didn't look back, "Eat something when you wake up."

Feng Yun looked at the soup bowl on the cabinet on his left, and then at the men's jacket, feeling a little warm in his heart, "My clothes..."

"It's lost." Pei Ran said concisely.

What Feng Yun wanted to ask was who changed the clothes for her.

"Me." It was another word, but there was nothing in Pei Ran's voice, as if changing her clothes was a trivial matter not worth mentioning.

Feng Yun suddenly tensed up, his heart beating like a drum.

Nominally speaking, she was Pei Madang's concubine, and she had countless physical encounters with him in her previous life. There were no women in the camp, so she should be grateful that he changed her clothes.

But thinking about what happened today, and thinking about letting a man look at her while she was unconscious, she still couldn't face it...

Pei Ran saw Chun Yuyan treat her like that with his own eyes.

In that long river, she almost lost her mind and forced Pei Madang to entangle with her...

This is not something a serious person would do.

never mind! She is not a serious person, so Pei Madang will not think of helping her change her clothes. She will feel embarrassed or shy, right?

Feng Yun rubbed his forehead and wanted to say something, but endured it and asked hoarsely: "When is it?"

Pei Ran said, "It's late at night."

Answering is equivalent to not answering.

Feng Yun pursed his lips and said, "Thank you, General, for the rescue."

"Yeah." Pei Ran responded softly.

"It was my fault to let the enemy go..." Feng Yun said in a weak voice, "Anyway, my ugly behavior today has been exposed to the general. Whether to beat, scold, or punish, it all depends on the general. I have no control over it." Second words..."

There was no hint of shame in her voice.

He soon calmed down and accepted himself.

Pei Ran looked back at her, "What should you call me?"

Feng Yun was startled, "General?"

"If you call me that, I can't protect you." Pei Ran's eyes were deep, as if there was an abyss, and he was pulling Feng Yun, just like an old dream from the past that would never come out, making her feel confused...

"I understand." Feng Yun nodded honestly.

It would be a grave sin to let Wen Xingsu go.

Even if Pei Madang doesn't pursue the case, what about the Jin Dynasty? And what about Li Sangruo?

Will they spare her easily? of course not.

"So, what does the General want me to do?"

Pei Madang looked at her quietly and said, "Call me husband."

Feng Yun was stunned.

Their eyes met in the air.

There is no sound between heaven and earth.

Feng Yun stared at him, suppressing the turbulent emotions in his heart.

Pei Madang was also looking at her, coldly and impersonally, as if what he said just now was not about a relationship between a man and a woman, but about a battle between men and women on the battlefield.

Feng Yun pursed his lips, "The general wants to protect me, who dares to embarrass me?"

Then he asked with a smile: "Will Her Majesty the Queen Mother accuse me?"

This time, she controlled her emotions and thought she was calm and calm.

But when the wounds of the past were opened, they were all filled with pain, and he inadvertently showed self-deprecation mixed with complaints, which immediately aroused Pei's crazy exploration.

"Who told you?"

Feng Yun did not look at him, his pink face dropped slightly, and he smiled with a relaxed expression, "How many people in the Jin court are more powerful than the generals? Why do you need others to tell you?"

Pei Ran didn't speak and walked towards her.

He had a tall posture and a cold expression as he approached step by step. His tall figure covered Feng Yun's head with darkness.

"General?" Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.

He didn't respond, and suddenly stretched out an arm, firmly and powerfully wrapped around Feng Yun's back. In her astonishment, he grabbed her waist and pulled her into his arms, forcing her to raise her head and face him.

"Remember, I won't let you die, no one dares to touch you."

As if she was afraid that her memory would not last long, she tightened her grip again.

"Before you jump into the river next time, ask me if you agree or not!"

Jump into the river? Did he think he was seeking death out of shame?

Feng Yun was a little puzzled, but it was difficult to be moved by it.

For such a sentence, it is not worth mentioning.

She would not be disappointed like that, but she said thank you wisely.

"But you deserve some punishment." Pei Man's voice was a little hoarse. The hand on her waist did not move, but the heat coming out was amazing.

Look, for such an indifferent person, her breath is hot and her body is hot. On such a summer day, it shines through like a soldering iron, as if it is going to melt her...

Feng Yun's lips were dry and he was a little thirsty.

She brushed down her damp hair and nodded submissively.

"How will the general be punished? I will do whatever you want."

Pei Madang's pupils shrank slightly, and when she came close to him, his body stiffened, his waist and eyes felt numb, and he was unable to answer for a moment.

Soft and carefree, this kind of Feng Yun has an irresistible magic power. Even if she knows she is pretending, when she leans her face in her arms and looks at him gently with her eyes, she will take away everything he has. Anger and rage. All that was left was the tenderness that touched people's hearts and brought him overwhelming pleasure.

The two men looked into each other's eyes.

Well aware——

Pei Ran wants her.

"Feng Shi Ayun." Pei Madang's throat was so dry that he couldn't speak, and his voice was indescribably depressed, "Have you thought about it?"

Feng Yun hummed in a low voice.

She thought about it, and Wen Xingsu had left Pei Madang's clutches anyway. My eldest brother survived, which is better than anything else. Things between men and women are nothing more than this. She suffered a lot from General Pei, whom so many people thought of.

Anyway, in her heart, Pei Madang is just a tool.

If you don't enjoy such a good skin while it's clean, how can you make Li Sanruo cheap?

Since Li Sangruo would never let her go no matter what she did, why not make her feel comfortable?

No matter how much we fall in love, Queen Mother Li will also eat what is left of her...

Feng Yun nodded calmly.

"Have you thought about it? General, have you thought about it?"

Pei Mann slowly withdrew his hand, the movement was so gentle that it was almost lingering. There was no fluctuation in his calm voice, but his words were like thunder.

"Then I will take you back at dawn. Let your brother and sister meet in two days."

Feng Yun's calmness suddenly collapsed.

This sentence contains so much information.

Pei Mad not only knew that the person she rescued was a general of Qi, but also knew that it was Wen Xingsu.

Moreover, Wen Xingsu also fell into his hands at this moment.

Feng Yun's breathing was tense, but he still felt lucky.

"The general is joking. My eldest brother is in Shinshu? How can he meet me?"

Pei Ran said expressionlessly, "Caught at the dock in Shiguan County."

Feng Yun softened slightly.

The helplessness of falling into another reincarnation of fate made her fearful for a moment, but she soon came to her senses.

The dust has not yet been settled, the outcome has not yet been decided, and it is not time to give up.

First update

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