Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 43 Xiao Lang and Pei Lang

Feng Yun smiled lightly and moved her face closer.

"General, how are you going to deal with my elder brother?"

Pei Jue did not answer, but put his palm on her shoulder and pushed her away from him.

"This general admires General Ningyuan's talent, Ji Ying persuades him to surrender."

Feng Yun's head was buzzing, and the whole person was exhausted, "If he refuses to surrender, what should the general do?"

Pei Jue's face was solemn, "I just taught you how to call me?"

"Husband?" Feng Yun's voice was a little trembling.

It's not that I haven't called you in my previous life, but I have never called you so seriously. Most of the time, it was only when I was extremely tender that I would be so intimate. Pei Jue would withdraw his troops early and let her go if he heard it.

Pei Jue lowered his head, "Very good."

His breath was warm, but his eyes were cold.

Feng Yun could easily tell from his tone that Pei Jue had feelings for her.

But it was not affection, but not love. So, she would not sink and give up herself because of this.

Anyway, I want to take advantage of this time to struggle out of my own way.

Losing her virginity to Pei Jue was not a big deal...

Anyway, she had never thought about keeping her innocence for anyone.

The premise was that Wen Xingsu's life had to be saved...

Feng Yun grabbed the corner of his clothes, "General, do you know what a husband is?"

Pei Jue looked at her without saying anything.

Feng Yun said, "A husband is a woman's heaven. He is the protection that she must never abandon no matter what the situation is. He is the support that she can share weal and woe with..."

She laughed again, "General, you can't do it, why do you embarrass me?"

Pei Jue's calm face was full of surprise.

Perhaps General Pei did not expect that he had allowed her, a female captive from the enemy country, to call him husband, and he had praised her so much, but she was so ungrateful?

Feng Yun did not hear his response and smiled knowingly.

In his cold eyes, she continued:

"If the general likes to hear it, I can call you. But there are two conditions..."

Pei Jue frowned, "Say,"

Feng Yun said: "I want to be the general's subordinate and help the general's great cause. Privately, I will call you whatever the general wants to hear, and I don't care too much. But I will not enter the general's back house in this life, wasting time, and only doing my own business. If one day the general is tired of me..."

Almost subconsciously, Feng Yun thought of the day when she was expelled from Zhongjing by Pei Jue in her previous life.

She knew what the queen mother called him to do, because eunuch Fang had come with the queen mother's oral order two days ago to warn her about the fate of seducing the general...

She thought Pei Jue would not listen at that time.

Three years of companionship, not to mention the whispering and entanglement in the dark night, even if it was Pei Jue's tough and unyielding character, he would not let others control him.

She was Pei Jue's roommate, and had slept with him for three years. Not to mention that she was a person, even if she was a dog he had raised for three years, he would have feelings for her, right?

At that time, Feng Yun was very sure that Pei Jue was so greedy for her that he would not give her up easily...

But who knew that she was even worse than a dog?

When he returned home that night, Pei Jue went to the study and sat in her room until midnight before coming to her room and telling her that he would send someone to clean up her manor in Andu County and let her live back.

She asked him: "Did the Queen Mother force the general?"

He said: "No."

She asked again: "Is the general going to marry?"

He thought about it and said: "Maybe."

She didn't give up, and asked again: "When will the general take me back?"

He was silent, pressed her on the couch, bullied her all night, and didn't get up until dawn.

That was the latest day that Pei Jue left in the three years they were together.

General Pei, who was restrained to the bone, didn't get up early for the first time.

But that was also the saddest day for Feng Yun...

Because she thought about it carefully later, their Qu'er should have been conceived that night, and they had committed a great sin.

"Go on." Pei Jue's voice was unusually cold, pulling Feng Yun back to her senses.

She looked up at Pei Jue, and her eyes suddenly turned red when she thought of their child who was trapped in Zhaode Palace and whose life and death were unknown.

"When the general gets tired of me, I will leave by myself, and we will owe each other nothing."

Pei Jue: "How about the second one?"

Feng Yun avoided his gaze, "I am weak, and in order to prevent the general's offspring from getting sick, I will not bear children for the general in the future."

Pei Jue's black eyes suddenly turned cold.

No concubine does not want to give birth to children for her husband in order to consolidate her position, but Feng Yun's little calculation, no matter how you listen to it, is to be able to leave him freely one day...

This is not something that men will understand, and Feng Yun does not expect Pei Jue to understand her, but just to clarify her position, and it is up to him whether he accepts it or not.

"If the general refuses, then I would rather die than obey."

The room was very quiet.

Feng Yun did not look up, but when Pei Jue stared at her intently, she felt a bitterness as if her soul was locked.

This was an extremely cold, extremely restrained, and at the same time extremely proud and conceited man. He would not bow his head for a girl.

Feng Yun knew this, but he did not regret saying it.

It seemed like a moment had passed, and it seemed like a long time had passed, and finally footsteps came to her ears.

Pei Jue left.

Feng Yun looked up and saw only his back as he walked out with his sword, without a word.

Pei Jue came back before dawn the next day.

Feng Yun did not know where he slept at night, and did not ask, but Pei Jue wanted to send her back in person, which surprised Feng Yun.

His behavior of leaving the camp at this critical moment puzzled Feng Yun.

It was dozens of miles from the Jieqiushan camp to the farm in Huaxi Village.

Fortunately, at this time, she could escape the heat, and Pei Madang found a carriage for her to carry goods in the camp, which was quite comfortable to sit on.

Along the official road along the river bank, there was a gentle breeze, and Feng Yun sang about the empty city strategy in his stomach, and his thoughts were particularly active. Some were things that had happened before, and some were things that had not happened yet. The entanglement made her feel dazed. After taking some medicine left by Puyang Jiu, she gradually fell into drowsiness and fell into sleep.


"Don't come Lang..."

"Xiao Lang..."

"help me……"

The carriage stopped.

Pei Man opened the curtain and looked over. He saw the girl leaning on the soft pillow, breathing shallowly, frowning, as if she had had a nightmare, her lips moving, a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, and fear visible to the naked eye on her face...

Pei Ran stared for a moment, lowered the curtain, and turned around to order the driver.


Zuo Zhong watched the general riding his horse in front, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he rarely said a word.

"The Twelfth Mother is very talented. She collects food and grass, takes care of internal and external affairs, everything is very orderly, especially... a female, she can actually come up with those ways to govern the people. Not to mention an official, I think she should also be a prefect. have to."

Pei Ran said coldly, "You talk a lot today."

Zuo Zhong quickly lowered his eyes and apologized, "I can't bear that the general has to work on military affairs and also take care of people's livelihood. If there is a wise person like the girl to help me, I can breathe a sigh of relief."

Pei Ran said: "You, Ao Qi, Ye Chuang, you all think highly of Feng."

Zuo Zhong was slightly shocked.

There seems to be another deep meaning in the general's words.

He said bravely: "My subordinates were frightened and overstepped their bounds."

At this time, the sky was not bright yet, and Zuo Zhong couldn't tell clearly what Pei Madan's expression was, but the cold aura of the general made him regret being too talkative.

Why does the general care about the life of the guards?

Fortunately, Pei Ran didn't say much.

The entire journey was speechless.

The carriage drove into the farm, but Feng Yun still didn't wake up.

Daman and Xiaoman looked on in panic outside the car. They were about to be brave enough to go up and call the girl, but saw the general move.

He opened the curtain and knocked twice on the car wall.

The sound, neither soft nor serious, was enough to wake Feng Yun up from his groggy dream.

"Is it you?" Feng Yun was momentarily stunned, as if he was surprised to see Pei Ran. His eyes were dull, confused, and a little uncertain, and his behavior was a bit unusual.

Pei Ran leaned forward slightly and stared at her.

Feng Yun's eyelids trembled, and when he saw that cold gaze, he immediately woke up.

It's not a dream, it's the real Pei Mad.

Pei Madang alive!

She rubbed her forehead and smiled unintentionally.

"Did the general call me just now? I fell asleep."

Pei Ran asked: "What did you dream about?"

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and was silent for a moment, "I dreamed about my grandmother. She taught me to take good care of the farm. In troubled times, eating is the most important thing, and other things can be put aside."

Pei Ran glanced at her, said nothing, and slowly stretched out a hand.

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and looked over.

The knuckles of that hand were long and the fingertips had thin calluses. They were very powerful. She subconsciously handed her hand over.

"Thank you, General."

Pei Ran held her hand very hard, as if he wanted to crush her hand...

This kind of strength made Feng Yun terrified.

She glanced sideways and saw that Pei Ran's expression was cold and solemn, like a piece of wood without warmth. If it weren't for the heat coming from the palms of his hands, she would have suspected that this was an emotionless monster.

The yard was full of people.

There are Ao Qi and Beiyong army guards.

There are farmhands and maids.

There is Xing Bing and his subordinate Mei Gongzi.

There are also Lin E and other concubines who are secretly waiting excitedly for the general to get angry.

They waited quietly for the upcoming execution.

Pei Madang led Feng Yun and walked through the crowd. This attitude made the anxious people feel even more uncertain...

"Who do you think was the one who drugged me?"

Pei Madang's voice was low and there was no address.

A simple word "you" made Feng Yun couldn't help but look up at him.

"Isn't the general suspicious of Chun Yuyan?"

"It's not him." After Pei Ran finished speaking, he added: "He said it wasn't him."

If he says it’s not him, do you believe him?

Didn't you expect General Pei to have such an innocent side?

Feng Yun didn't know the result of the fight between the two men yesterday, so he smiled lowly and said, "Yeah. It wasn't him."

Pei Madang glanced over and met her eyes in the air.

This is Feng Yun's farm, and it becomes her private property the moment she gets the title deed. But Pei Madang was like the male master of Zhuangzi. As soon as he sat down at the main seat in the main hall, the maid obediently served him a cup of tea.

When Feng Yun saw it, the whole hall was holding its breath and concentrating. Even Ao Qi stood dejectedly in the hall, so she silently sat down under him.

She didn't know what Pei Ran was going to do, so her face was a little cold and she was silent.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two actually looked like a married couple...

The whole farm was silent.

Everyone was wondering how the general would punish the crime.

Pei Madang picked up the tea on the table and took a slow sip.

His nails are very clean and have nothing to do with the words "tough guy" or "barbarian". Just a gesture of drinking tea makes people only notice his handsome appearance and forget that he kills people and drinks blood. The battlefield of Hell.

"You come to the trial." Pei Ran suddenly looked at Feng Yun.

The order was given without any clue, but Feng Yun understood it.

He did not question why she let Wen Xingsu go, nor did he come to punish Ao Qi and others. Instead, he first interrogated her about being drugged. Pei Madang's behavior is very thought-provoking.

Does the general want to see if she has the ability to be a counselor?

Feng Yun pondered for a moment, "Bring Lin Ji to the hall."

Second update, more later

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