Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 44 Evil Thoughts

Lin E was still looking around in the yard just now, wanting to see Feng Yun's excitement, but she didn't know that the situation had suddenly changed.

Leng Buding was called, and seeing Feng Yun's unkind look on her face, she felt a little weak.

When she arrived at the hall, without waiting for a word, she bowed down to Pei Manang with a sweet voice.

"I have met the general."

Pei Madang lowered his head and drank tea without saying a word.

Feng Yun sneered: "Lin Ji is so vicious. Just because I arranged for you to work in the farm, she drugged me and wanted to kill me?"

Lin E's expression changed.

She contacted Eunuch Fang, who also gave her poison, hoping that she would find an opportunity to frame Feng Yun, get it into her bowl, and then fall out of favor with the general...

But hasn’t she done it yet?

No one knew about this, so Feng Yun was captured. Was she happy? How could she be rescued by the general and accuse her of poisoning without telling her anything?

"No...I don't have it." Lin E shook her head and denied, "I was assigned by the Twelve Mothers to hoe the fields at the farm, with the scorching sun above my head and the loess under my feet. I worked like a pig and a dog every day. I never dared to complain at all. How dare you have such vicious thoughts?"

Feng Yun laughed.

At this time, do you still want to complain in front of the general, saying that she sent them to do hard labor and abused them?

"Whether it was poisoned by Lin Ji or not, you will know with just one search."

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Ran and saw that he had no intention of intervening, and said calmly: "A'lou, please ask two of the general's guards to search Lin Ji's room."

Why did she bring Pei Man's bodyguard with her? Naturally, she was afraid that people would say she had framed Lin E.

Ah Lou responded and hurriedly led the people away.

But after a while, he came back and reported excitedly.

"Girl, I found this in Lin Ji's makeup box..."

Feng Yun asked someone to open it, and it turned out to be an earthy-yellow powder.

Feng Yun said: "Bring it to Lin Ji."

Lin E lowered her head, not daring to look further, and her body was a little unsteady on her knees. She was obviously feeling guilty and scared.

Feng Yun asked: "Lin E, what is this?"

Lin E glanced at him, her eyes changed slightly, and then she lowered her head, "I don't know, I've never seen it before."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Really? Why don't you come and taste it to see what it is?"

Lin E was so frightened that her face turned pale.

How could she still have face if she took such a tiger-wolf medicine on the spot? How can I serve the general in the future?

"Girl, concubine, I remembered it. I bought this for facial use a few days ago. I put it in my makeup package and forgot about it..."

Feng Yun smiled: "It seems that Lin Ji is very forgetful."

Then he darkened his face again and ordered Alou sternly.

"Give it to me! When Lin Ji tastes it, maybe the memory will come back..."

"No, don't..." Lin E's expression changed drastically, and she screamed in fear. She struggled in Alou's hand. Seeing that the earthy yellow powder with a fishy smell was about to enter her mouth, she suddenly closed her eyes and cried. Call.

"Say... I said... I said anything..."

Feng Yun signaled Alou to stop.

Lin E breathed a sigh of relief, knelt down and came forward again, looked up at Pei Madang, and said sincerely:

"I don't dare to talk about this matter to outsiders. Please ask the general to step aside first."

In front of everyone, she revealed that it was Eunuch Fang who ordered her. Even if she was lucky enough to survive today, she would not be able to escape from the hands of the Queen Mother in the future. Lin E was not stupid and did not dare to do this.

Seeing that Pei Ran was not responding, Feng Yun smiled and said, "Just follow her."

Pei Ran waved his hand.

Everyone in the hall left, leaving only Pei Mad and Feng Yun, and Lin E, who was almost collapsed, kneeling in the hall, crying.

"General, I am guilty..."

There was no beating or scolding, and Lin E cried and confessed clearly on the spot.

She was jealous of Feng Yun's favor from Pei Madang, and resented Feng Yun for throwing her into the farm to do menial work, so she asked her former "friend" in Yutangchun to send a message to Eunuch Fang to show her loyalty.

Unexpectedly, Eunuch Fang sent someone to bring the medicinal powder very quickly, and repeatedly warned her to find a good opportunity before administering the medicine, and not to act rashly and let the general notice...

"I was afraid that the thing would kill someone, so I hid it in the makeup box when I got it back. I didn't dare to use it yet..."

At this point, she lay down again, her pear blossoms covered with rain, and she expressed her true feelings.

"From the first time I saw the general, I was impressed by the general's charm and fell in love with him. From then on, I couldn't help myself... I wanted to serve the general, but the Twelve Mothers blocked it in many ways and actually put the concubine in the farm. Being exposed to the sun and rain, and having to do rough work, I was afraid that I would lose my beauty and be abandoned by the general, so I started to complain, but my kindness was still intact and I was not ruthless..."

She spoke stumblingly.

It sounds very sincere.

Feng Yun refused to be the general's boss and looked at Pei Madang with a smile.

Pei Madang frowned and picked up the tea cup again.

When Lin E saw this, she was jealous, hateful and afraid. She turned to Feng Yun with tearful eyes, crawled over and kowtowed heavily to her.

"Girl, please spare me. It's true that I'm jealous of you, but I never thought of murdering you... I didn't know about the girl's poisoning. I'm really unjust..."

Feng Yun's eyes were calm and he didn't look at Pei Ran.

"Last time I was in prison to bring someone up, I had a verbal conflict with Eunuch Fang. I thought it was resolved on the spot, but I didn't expect... such a misunderstanding would arise..."

She didn't say Li Sanruo.

He added: "It is up to the general to decide how to deal with this matter."

Pei Madang's face was filled with chills. Although Lin E was still kowtowing and begging for mercy, saying that she was wronged, he no longer had the patience to listen.

"Someone's coming."

Two guards walked in.

Pei Madang said: "Drag him down and kill him with a stick."

As soon as she heard the stick death, Lin E's whole body stiffened, and her crying stopped. Only tears fell down, and she wanted to rush in front of Pei Madang and Feng Yun like crazy. There was twisted fear on her face, and her whole body All trembling.

"No, I don't have it."

"General, spare your life, I didn't poison you."

She roared, unwilling to give up, and screamed that she was wronged.

But no one listened to her and believed her. Two guards, one on the left and one on the right, dragged her arm out.

Feng Yun looked at her retreating back, frowned slightly, and said to Pei Ran:

"My matter is settled, it's time to wait for the general to make his decision."

She was referring to the private release of Wen Xingsu.

Pei Ran said that she deserved to be punished and would not let her go.

Unexpectedly, Pei Madang's expression was still calm.

"This matter is over."

Feng Yun couldn't believe it.

Would the hard-hearted General Pei let her go like this?

Hiding enemy generals secretly or letting them go, either one can lead to the same fate as Lin E...

Pei Madang's expression did not change and he called Ao Qi, "I ordered you to go down and leave the farm. If anyone mentions what happened today, they will be killed without mercy."

He didn't say much, but Ao Qi understood what he meant.

Don't mention the fact that Feng Yun took in an enemy general, or the fact that Feng Yun was drugged, otherwise there will be no need for his head.

My uncle is so kind to Twelve Niangs...

For such a big matter, in order to preserve the reputation of Twelve Niangs, not only did Twelve Niangs not be held accountable, but they were also spared.

Ao Qi stood there glumly, motionless.

Pei Ran frowned slightly, "Is there anything else?"

Ao Qi came back to his senses and saw the flash of light in Pei Man's eyes. He felt confused and quickly clasped his fists and saluted.

"My subordinate failed to guard the enemy general well and should have been punished. Please punish me, General."

Pei Ran said: "Go down."

"Here." Ao Qi felt very uneasy.

If his uncle scolded him as usual, or even punished him with a military stick, he would be more at ease.

But the way his uncle looked at him made him feel ashamed, as if he had noticed the privacy hidden under his robe.

Ao Qi was annoyed and depressed, and his heart felt like it had fallen into an ice cellar and been roasted on the fire.

He couldn't figure out whether it was cold or hot. He lowered his head when he went out, looking mournful.

The other guards in Zhuangzi and Prince Mei all breathed a sigh of relief.

After saving a small life, they were all very grateful to the general for his love for Twelve Niangs...

Feng Yun doesn't think so.

Everyone knew that she was favored, but in her opinion, Pei Ran did this just to protect the Queen Mother's reputation.

Lin E confessed that Eunuch Fang was drugged and framed. Who was the person behind Eunuch Fang? Pei Ran knows better than anyone else.

This kind of treatment was not so much that Pei Madang spared her and Young Master Mei, but rather an exchange of equal value that made everyone keep their mouths shut...

They were the only two people left in the hall.

Feng Yun looked at Pei Madang with an expressionless expression.

"Thank you, General, for not killing me."

This thank you was not so sincere, and Pei Madang could tell.

He frowned, "Ji is still dissatisfied?"

Feng Yun looked at General Pei's stern face and smiled slightly, "No. The general is generous and please forgive me. How could I dare to go against the general's wishes and do something that would embarrass the general?"

Pei Madang lowered his eyes and just drank tea.

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, stood up, walked to him, and bowed deeply, "But this matter is all because of me. My eldest brother is innocent. I hope the general will be kind enough to spare my eldest brother..."

Her voice was melodious and very moving.

Because of the harm caused by the medicine, his face still looked a little pale and pitiful.

Pei Madang looked at her for a moment and then said, "I believe it."

Just as Feng Yunchang was about to say thank you, he saw him squinting his eyes again and said in a deep voice: "He did it unintentionally, but you did it intentionally."


Feng Yun was choked by him and asked slowly: "What is the general going to do with me and my eldest brother?"

She still didn't believe that Pei Madang would reveal this.

This man is cruel and will definitely have his back.

Pei Madang said: "Ji is mine, and I will take the blame. Wen Xingsu is different. If he offends me, he must be severely punished to correct military regulations."

Third update, there will be more later

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