Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 45 One person offline

Pei Ran's meaning is very simple.

Even though he could forgive Feng Yun, he could not forgive Wen Xingsu.

Feng Yun knew how General Pei acted and did not want to argue or get entangled with him on this issue. That would do Wen Xingsu no good at all.

So she smiled and said, "Okay, the general will save my brother's life and let me slowly persuade him to surrender."

Pei Man tapped his fingers on his knees twice and said calmly, "Okay."

With this good word, Feng Yun's tense body relaxed a little.

If nothing else, Pei Madang is a man of great promise.

He agreed, and the eldest brother was not in danger of his life for the time being.

Feng Yun thought for a while and said warmly: "After a long day of running around, the general must be hungry too? Why don't we have a meal first and rest later to talk in detail?"

Pei Ran's black eyes deepened slightly and he looked at her.

She said nothing and looked calm and natural.

The two people's eyes met in the air, as if there was a collision of firelight, and there seemed to be a strange tacit understanding.

Feng Yun didn't give any explicit hints, but the meaning behind his words was very obvious.

She was willing to compromise for Wen Xingsu.

She would do anything to save Wen Xingsu's life.

Including Xiaoyi serving him tenderly.

Pei Ran looked at her with cold eyes, as calm as water, "No."

Then, he stood up and said, "I have something else to do."

Listening to Pei Ran's steady footsteps gradually leaving, Feng Yun was stunned for a moment before she realized what she was doing, and she was convinced that she was rejected by Pei Ran...

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaoyi's sad face returned to calm at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

What a proud man is the general?

Pei Ran wants her.

But he wouldn't want her like that.

Of course, if Pei Ran really stayed because of this, Feng Yun would not be embarrassed.

She has indeed thought about it. Sooner or later, she will be stabbed. General Pei is very good and has the capital.

What's more, it can disgust Li Sanruo, which is really not a loss.

But when he left, Feng Yun was happy and relaxed. After all, she still needed some psychological construction if she really wanted to get there. That man was like a beast and was difficult to deal with——

Feng Yun drank a full cup of herbal tea. It took him a while to calm down and called Alou to ask.

"How is Lin E?"

Ah Lou was nervous and distressed. He turned around and closed the door. Then he walked to Feng Yun and handed the packet of medicinal powder he had just collected from Lin E's room into Feng Yun's hand.

Feng Yun took it and took a look.

"Is someone dead?"

Ah Lou said in a low voice: "The two guards have done something serious, Lin Ji is already dying. The left guard said, find a place to dig a hole later and bury her. Just bury her."

Feng Yun said: "I'll go take a look."

It's almost the beginning of autumn, and the weather is dry and hot.

Young Master Mei carried buckets of water and washed their feet by the canal. Not far away, Lin E, who had been beaten to pieces, was thrown into the courtyard like a puddle of mud, with blood splattered all over the ground.

The beautiful Yutang Chuntou brand lady, with a body that many men have thought about, now has no place to look at it.

Zuo Zhong knows how to make people suffer.

Fighting without dying, slowly passing away in pain, this process is more torturous than death...

Feng Yun didn't know what others would think when they saw Lin E's fate, but when he came out and saw the concubines, no one dared to look her in the eyes.

Come to think of it, I can rest for a while.

Lin E was already dying. When she saw Feng Yun coming over holding an umbrella, with her elegant skirt flying, she raised her eyelids hard, not knowing whether she wanted to ask for help or regretful, and her purple mouth opened and closed.

"Does it hurt?" Feng Yun walked to Lin E's side, stood there for a moment, then slowly squatted down and looked at her, "You could have lived a good life, but you wanted to die. It's too hard to think about."

Lin E's eyes suddenly burst out with anger, which looked more like doubt, grievance, or something else.

Feng Yun knew that Lin E had doubts in her heart.

She didn't open the medicine bag she put in her dowry, so why was Feng Yun poisoned?

If she doesn't figure this out, Lin E won't be willing to die.

"What a fool." Feng Yun chuckled, looking at the stars far away in the sky, gently stroking Lin E's hanging hair, and sighed quietly as he looked at her unwillingness to fight to the death.

"In fact, I never meant any harm to you. And although you didn't drug me, it was not because you were kind-hearted, but because I didn't have the chance to drug you..."

Lin E's head shook, and she was as angry as a gossamer.

"You are very confused, why do I know this?" Feng Yun pursed his lips and smiled, and whispered two words in her ear.

Lin E's eyes widened and she stared at Feng Yun.

Seeing her angry and helpless, Feng Yun didn't feel happy.

She knew the pain and despair of death, and she sighed again.

"Do you still want to know who poisoned me?"

Lin E was speechless, only her body twitched occasionally, making her look like a living person.

But she winked at Feng Yun, expressing her strong desire to know.

Feng Yun was silent for a long time.

She took Lin E's look into her eyes, and what came to her mind was the Feng Yun who died in Qigong in her previous life, so she smiled bitterly, "Sometimes, people suffer too much and suffer too much, and their temperament is worn out." Be cruel to others, but even more cruel to yourself.”

Lin E opened her mouth wide as if she had realized something.

She seemed to want to say something, but no sound came out.

The look of disbelief slowly turned into horror in Feng Yun's smile.

The most clever hunter always appears as a prey. Feng Yun did take the medicine herself.

When she learned that Lin E and Eunuch Fang were connected, she kept silent and waited for such an opportunity to fight back.

She saved Wen Xingsu, deceived Ao Qi and others, and then let Wen Xingsu go. As long as she did not leave Andu, she would inevitably face the storm of Pei Jue, Li Sangruo, and even the court of the Jin Dynasty.

At this time, she was still very weak, and even if she was reborn, she would not have the strength to resist the powerful.

When people have no power to fight, they can only borrow strength.


she thought of a plan of "killing three birds with one stone".

She took the poison herself, arranged for the trusted Mei Linglang, pretended to be kidnapped, and staged a self-torture plan. On the one hand, she could eliminate some of Pei Jue's anger, and on the other hand, she could frame Eunuch Fang and alienate the relationship between Pei Jue and Li Sangruo...

As long as Pei Jue was still interested in her, he would not let anyone put her to death easily.

Third, taking the medicine was also to stop being hurt.

Living in a chaotic world, she couldn't be pure forever, nor did she plan to keep her virginity for the rest of her life, but she didn't want to experience the pain of childbirth again, and she didn't want to leave behind any misfortunes, and let the pain of the previous life come again.

It would be better to take a strong medicine and end it all...

But she didn't expect that Chun Yuyan would come out halfway, intervene, and kidnap her before the two Mei Linglangs...

Feng Yun looked at the dying Lin E and said lightly, "You have been struggling among men, but you don't understand men. Lin Ji, I never regarded you as an opponent. It's you who can't let go, and your death is not worth it."

She said this to Lin E, and she also reminded herself.

"The worst thing a woman should do is to covet a man who doesn't care about her."

Lin E's tears rolled down, staring at her motionlessly, her mouth open, as if she was breathing hard, and squeezed out two words from her teeth...

"You... ah, so... cruel..."

Feng Yun smiled.

What's wrong with being cruel to yourself? She didn't take the initiative to hurt others.

If Lin E didn't mean to harm her, she wouldn't have slapped back at her...

But even so, she only escaped Pei Jue's punishment, which made Lin E get retribution, but Li Sangruo didn't suffer a bit...

This is probably the preference of men.

She tried her best to save her life, so that Pei Jue would stop punishing her and personally protect her because she was a victim. And Li Sangruo didn't have to do anything to get his full protection...


The moan in the wind was short and slight.

Then it fell into silence.

Lin E probably didn't have much strength to wail in despair.

She just stared at Feng Yun with wide eyes and left this world in pain.

Feng Yun covered Lin'e's eyes with her palms, and waited until her eyelids closed before silently supporting her knees and standing up. She seemed to be tired of squatting for a long time, and her movements were as slow as an old woman...

A Lou came over to help her, "Girl..."

Feng Yun shook her head, "I'm fine, just my legs are sore."

A Lou has been with her for so long, and he has some understanding of her personality. Of course, he knows that her legs are not just sore.

"Is that medicine really okay?"

"It's okay." Feng Yun smiled, "With the Puyang doctor here, what can go wrong?"

A Lou was half-believing and half-doubting, and then felt a little annoyed after thinking about it, "It's because I didn't do my job well that there are so many complications. Now the brothers Ge Guang and Ge Yi are still missing, and I'm worried. Could they have fallen into the hands of Prince Yunchuan?"

Yesterday, Ge Guang and Ge Yi were ready outside the house, just waiting for Feng Yun's signal to push the window to show up and "rob people", and even how to get out later, they had already made a thorough plan...

Who knew that Feng Yun would be kidnapped by Chun Yuyan, and Ge Guang and Ge Yi were nowhere to be found.

Feng Yun also suspected that it was Chun Yuyan who took them away.

But Chun Yuyan didn't show up in the carriage yesterday, so she was not sure.

"If they fall into Chunyu Yan's hands, they won't have to worry about their lives if they tell the truth. The fear is that they are tight-lipped and refuse to tell the truth, and they will suffer."

A Lou was very worried, "The brothers Ge Guang and Ge Yi will not betray the girl."

Then, Chunyu Yan will definitely interrogate them severely in order to clear himself.

If they refuse to confess, they will suffer a great crime.

What's more frightening is...

"What if they are not in the hands of Yunchuan Prince?"

Feng Yun knew that A Lou and Mei Linglang had been together for these days, sharing joys and sorrows, and were as close as brothers.

Seeing that he was worried, he had to calm down and comfort him.

"I'll find a way to find Chunyu Yan and find out what he has to say. On your side, continue to send people to find him. No matter what the price, you must find the person..."

A Lou nodded heavily, as if he had thought of something, and asked in a low voice: "Girl, how should Yuan Jiao be dealt with?"

Feng Yun turned around and took a look at the curled up dead Lin E.

"I can't keep her."

Fourth update, more later

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