Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 46: The Hate of Broken Jade

A man who betrays his sisters is shameful and untrustworthy.

If it weren't for Yuan Jiao, Feng Yun wouldn't be able to control Lin E's private matters.

"The general is right, only a dead man can shut up."

Ah Lou looked at the girl's calm face and trembled for no reason.

Yuan Jiao lives up to her name, she is a squeamish-looking young lady who is very snobbish. When she first entered the camp, she followed Lin E to bully Feng Yun, and she was very thoughtful. Later, when she saw that Feng Yun was gaining power, she immediately turned her back and surrendered to Feng Yun...

How can such a person keep his mouth shut?

Ah Lou gritted his teeth and said, "The villain will do it immediately."

Feng Yun looked at him and smiled.

People can really be trained. In the past, Alou was so thin and timid that he had to close his eyes to kill a chicken. Now, although he is also very scared, he has the courage to do things.

Feng Yun said: "Yuanjiao had an elder brother who was addicted to gambling and aggressive. He bullied and beat her since she was a child. In order to repay the gambling debts, he even persuaded her parents to sell her to a madam. Yuanjiao hated him... "

After a slight pause, she said: "Don't let her go on the road alone, so as not to be lonely."

Ah Lou noticed the frightening cold light in his master's eyes, and his heart beat fast.

This is cruel!

Is she still the dull and gentle Twelve Mother who was called stupid?

Ah Lou's gesture of bowing with his hands raised was a bit more respectful than usual.

"The villain understands."

Feng Yun said nothing more and slowly walked back to the yard holding an umbrella.

Behind her, two guards dragged Lin E's body into the field. There was not even a straw mat to wrap her body, and her body was draped limply on the pit. It ended miserably...


Coming out of the farm, Pei Ran went straight to the Beiyong Army camp.

Zuo Zhong followed him and noticed that the general was in a bad mood and did not dare to express his anger.

Returning to the barracks, Pei Ran searched for a moment in the Chinese army tent, found a jade pendant from a rosewood box, and handed it to Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong was about to reach out to take it, but Pei Madang let go of his hand.

The jade pendant fell to the ground.

With a bang, it broke into three pieces.

Zuo Zhong's face changed with fright.

This piece of jade was consecrated by Her Majesty the Queen Mother to the eminent monk of White Horse Temple. It is a piece of peace jade. That day, the general marched to three cities in succession, and the Queen Mother specially sent someone to deliver it, saying that this jade could keep the general safe, invincible in battle, and free from illness and disaster.

If this jade breaks into pieces, what's the point?

A chill ran down Zuo Zhong's spine, and he immediately clasped his fists and knelt down on one knee.

"General, I forgive you, but I won't investigate for a while..."

"I dropped it." Pei Madang ordered Zuo Zhong in a cold voice without looking at the broken jade on the ground.

"Send it to Zhongjing quickly and return it to the Queen Mother."

He added: "And please ask the Queen Mother to punish Fang Fucai for poisoning and wounding others."

Zuo Zhong raised his head in astonishment and looked at Pei Madang's face.

There was silence and no room for negotiation.

Zuo Zhong cupped his hands and responded, "I will take care of it immediately."

The three broken pieces of jade were not very flat. They were all shiny green and were rare treasures. Zuo Zhong picked them up carefully and found a piece of yellow paper to wrap them up. He felt very confused.

A good jade pendant, why did it break?

What did the general mean by bringing it to the Queen Mother?

"Rather Stick to your guns."

In Luocheng, Beijing, Li Sangruo in Jiafu Palace opened his palms and looked at three pieces of broken jade, his pretty eyes were red, and there were faint tears.

"He is reminding me, giving me a wake-up call..."

"He wants that bitch, he's protecting her! He won't let me touch his people again."

"Tell me, why is his heart so hard?"

The young queen mother's voice became sharper with each sentence.

Eunuch Fang was sweating on his forehead, thinking about the causes and consequences of the whole thing, and thinking about the packet of medicine he gave Lin E, he was trembling with fear.

"Your Highness, there must be a misunderstanding here, General... But, he may have been instigated by that bitchy concubine and wrongly blamed Your Highness..."

"Misunderstanding?" Li Sangruo turned around suddenly and stared at him with a sad look.

"He doesn't even want the jade I gave him. What kind of misunderstanding do you think it is? What did I misunderstand him for? I have desecrated the imperial power and disrespected the queen mother. He, Pei Huanzhi, doesn't take me seriously!"

Eunuch Fang's lips trembled for a long time, then he knelt down with a plop and slapped himself hard.

"Your Highness, it was the old servant's incompetence that caused Your Highness to be misunderstood by the general..."

After thinking for a while, he hit his head on the ground and said with sobs: "Your Highness, please hand over the old servant to the general to relieve the general's anger... As long as Your Highness gets what he wants, the old servant... The old servant died without any regrets."

snort! Li Sangruo sat down coldly.

"It's just a cheap maidservant. The Ai family can reward him as much as he wants. Why do you want this Feng Twelve Niang? What's so good about her? He was so obsessed that he killed the girl given by the Ai family for her. Concubine, he even broke the jade that the Ai family gave him..."

Eunuch Fang couldn't answer.

The only reason a mutilated man can come up with is just for beauty.

"Am I not beautiful enough?" Li Sangruo was really sad. She had never been so embarrassed in front of the palace people. Her eyes were filled with tears, and she wanted to cry but didn't want to. The look on her face made Eunuch Fang feel soft.

"The Queen Mother is so stunningly beautiful, who in the world can compare to her?"

Li Sangruo turned to look at him, smiling uglier than crying.

"Then why did he reject the Aijia but wanted that cheap maid?!"


Eunuch Fang's heart skipped a beat and kept beating.

Although he was a confidant of the Queen Mother, he was afraid of being killed and silenced by her after hearing so many secrets like this.

In fact, the Queen Mother is very easy to coax.

Eunuch Fang is the best person in Jiafu Palace at coaxing the Queen Mother.

But he was also embarrassed about this matter. Eunuch Fang's back of his head was sweaty, and he racked his brains to find an excuse for the general to comfort the Queen Mother.

"The general is not lustful, and considering the status of the prince, he naturally has to observe the etiquette between the monarch and the minister... But in my opinion, for so many years, the general has no one to serve him. If he is not thinking about the prince, why? How can a man with blood and blood keep someone in his heart?"

"Then why did she suddenly accept Feng Shier Niang, this lowly maid?"

The Queen Mother was furious, and Eunuch Fang stuttered.

"Maybe this lowly concubine has learned some kind of charm, it is also possible..."

"Really?" Li Sangruo's face looked much better.

Thinking carefully, it was indeed the case.

With Pei Jue's character, if he didn't have her in his heart, how could he do his best to support her Kuang'er to the throne?

If he didn't have her in his heart, how could he have promised her in person that he would devote himself to Kuang'er's kingdom until his death?

How could he say that as long as he was there, he would ensure that "mother and son would be safe and the kingdom would be forever"?

But he was still going against her for a girl.

In fact, Li Sangruo didn't care that Pei Cong had concubines.

In this world, which capable man doesn't have a few beauties around him?

What made Li Sangruo hate was that Pei Cong put other women in his heart, pampered, protected, and pitied them, and looked at them like eyeballs, but he didn't allow her to touch them.

Li Sangruo's heart has never been so empty.

She thought of many reasons to comfort herself, but the empty place could not be filled...

The oil lamp burned slowly at night, and Eunuch Fang gave a look to the handsome man standing outside the tent.

The handsome man nodded in understanding, walked in front of Li Sangruo, and bowed slowly.

"Your Highness, would you like me to accompany you for some supper and chat..."

"Get lost!" This guard was called Song Shouan. His eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Pei Jue, but he was thin and not as tall as Pei Jue. However, he was the one that Eunuch Fang had finally found after searching all over Jin.

Song Shouan had not been serving in Jiafu Palace for long.

Usually, he would always please the Queen Mother and get some rewards by speaking to her in a gentle voice.

Who knew that he would get into trouble today?

Song Shouan did not dare to speak loudly, but lowered his head weakly and backed out.

"Wait." Li Sangruo suddenly turned his head and looked at him.

Song Shouan raised his eyes in shock, his eyes full of timidity.

This was what Li Sangruo hated most about him.

What was the use of having eyebrows and eyes that resembled Pei Jue?

He was still a coward, a wimp, without any masculinity.

When had Pei Jue ever been so timid as him?

When has Pei Jue ever bent his back to her?

Li Sangruo's heart ached and her eyes turned red.

She missed Pei Jue so much that she was almost dying.

"Eunuch Fang, find him a set of general's clothes."

Eunuch Fang was stunned, but he didn't feel too surprised.

This was not the first time that the Queen Mother did this.

Sometimes when the Queen Mother was in a good mood, she would ask Song Shouan to wear a general's clothes, stand in a hazy light and shadow, smile at her, or say a few nice words...

Eunuch Fang was familiar with this routine and did it quickly.

When Song Shouan changed his clothes and walked in carefully, Eunuch Fang took a look at his eyebrows and sighed in his heart.

This man's face was about 60% similar, but his temperament was completely different from Pei Jue, and he couldn't teach him no matter what.

Eunuch Fang pressed down one of the wicks of the oil lamp to make the light dimmer.

He thought it would be the same as before, just coaxing the Queen Mother.

Unexpectedly, Li Sangruo called him, "Go out and receive twenty strokes of the cane."

"Your Highness..."

Eunuch Fang had a bitter face, tears were about to fall, and he kept begging for mercy with his body bent.

"Didn't you just say that you would die without regrets? Are you afraid now?"

Looking at his appearance, Li Sangruo was disgusted, "Go. He said, I can't not respond."

Eunuch Fang knew that he could not avoid the cane, and said a few more words to show his loyalty.

Li Sangruo's mind was a little distracted and he became impatient.

"I will punish you later, you stay outside first. No one is allowed to approach Jiafu Palace without my order..."

Eunuch Fang breathed a sigh of relief: "Old servant, save it."

He gave Song Shouan a look and retreated silently.

The door of the palace closed with a muffled sound.

Li Sangruo sat on the couch, looking at the young man in a general's uniform but with a panicked face, half-closed his eyelids, and slowly waved at him, "Come here."

Song Shouan paused for a moment, and silently moved towards the Queen Mother, "Your Highness..."

He was very scared. The Queen Mother could make Eunuch Fang suffer twenty strokes with just one word, and at the same time, he could kill all his clans with just one word.

However, the Queen Mother did not get angry. She just gently put her hand on his shoulder, and then slowly moved down, stroking a little bit, as if she was looking through him, at another person, the real general.

Song Shouan's pupils shrank slightly, and his ears turned red.

The Queen Mother never touched him before, never.

The Queen Mother despised him for his lowly birth and that he was just a second-rate potter.

But the Queen Mother liked his face, and often looked at him infatuatedly, with lingering and nostalgic eyes.

Sometimes, the Queen Mother stared at him for a long time, which made him feel creepy, as if he was on the execution ground.

This kind of intimacy was the first time.

Song Shouan's heart was beating like thunder, and he was extremely unbearable.

Li Sangruo liked the sound of his heartbeat very much. She put her ear close to it to feel it for a moment and asked him, "Before entering the palace, did you have any women in your room?"

Song Shouan shook his head in shame.

Li Sangruo sneered, "Do you know how to do it?"

Song Shouan stared at the Queen Mother's eyes that had become strangely bright, and almost instantly understood what the Queen Mother meant by asking, and stammered: "I heard, I heard someone say..."

Li Sangruo laughed again.

"What's the use of others saying it, you have to have the ability yourself."

Song Shouan lowered his head, "Villain, villain..."

Ha! Li Sangruo lowered his eyes, "Come, I will teach you."

After saying that, she gently pushed on the hard armor, stood up and walked around the curtain to the inner room, "Come, wait for me to bathe."

The Jade Palace was empty.

Song Shouan swallowed his saliva and followed closely.

The curtains were deep in spring, the fragrant quilt was silent, and the green smoke in the golden furnace was curling...

After a while, a beautiful girl called out softly. Calling again and again, calling again and again, General, General, please love me, love Aruo...

"I see, I see the general..." She was happy to see the general she liked rushing in like a wild horse, leading thousands of troops to rush in and making her tremble.

"General, you hit Aruo's heart."


Eunuch Fang was guarding outside the palace, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

The Queen Mother has been a widow for two years.

A young woman, during the day, presided over the court in the palace, discussing state affairs with civil and military officials, and at night, guarding a lonely and cold Jiafu Palace, which was even more miserable than the nuns in the temple.

Eunuch Fang didn't know whether he should worry about the Queen Mother or be happy for her...

It was too hot!

After an unknown amount of time, Eunuch Fang was ordered to enter the palace again. The Queen Mother had washed up, changed into light clothes, and walked out with a flushed face and a gloomy face.

Song Shouan stood aside with an embarrassed face, not daring to look up at people.

Li Sangruo calmed down and slowly sat on the couch, her voice a little hoarse.

"Call the Prime Minister to the palace, I have something important to discuss."

Prime Minister Li Zongxun is the biological father of the Queen Mother. He is a talented person from a noble family. He is highly appreciated by the late emperor and is the most trusted counselor of the late emperor. After the young emperor, his grandson, ascended the throne, he held power and dominated the court.

The so-called Queen Mother's rule, to be scheming and scheming, still needs this biological father.

Eunuch Fang understood and took Song Shouan to leave.

Li Sangruo sat alone for a while, then took out the three pieces of broken jade and looked at them, with a miserable expression, "You treat me so cruelly, you are really fearless, aren't you afraid that I will turn against you and be ruthless?"

The fifth update is over, see you tomorrow, sisters.

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