Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 47: General with a Great Aura

Beiyong Army's base camp in Qiushan.

The weather was so hot that people were sweating profusely. It was noon, and there was no training in the camp. It was quiet, and the chirping of summer cicadas on the mountains in the distance could be heard.

In the tent of He Lianqian, the left deputy general, the four leading generals of the Red Armor, Orange Crane, Qinglong and Zidian Army were sitting together on the reed mat. On the table in the middle was a stacked map, and two jars of wine were placed on the ground. They were discussing something eagerly.

The Beiyong Army is divided into seven routes: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Green, Blue, and Purple. The people are almost gathered, and they must be discussing big plans together...

But it didn't sound right. The five generals looked very charming.

The general brought back a wet girl, which was even more shocking than the Qi army attacking the city. Not only the soldiers were curious, but the generals also wanted to know what happened.

The five people were talking passionately when they suddenly heard the guard outside the door shouting:


The faces of the people in front of the desk changed.

They exchanged glances and quickly hid the wine.

Helianqian pointed at the map in a pretentious manner.

"...What our Northern Yong Army is best at is fighting tough battles. Taking down five cities in Southern Qi is just like chopping melons and vegetables. I think Xinzhou is just a piece of soft tofu, and an army of 500,000 is just a gimmick..."

Several generals nodded.

"What General Helian said is absolutely true."

"I don't know when the general will cross the river and attack Xinzhou..."

Pei Madang entered the account, looked at them, and then scanned the map on the table without saying anything. Helianqian quickly stood up, cleared his throat, cupped his fists and cupped his hands and said loudly:

"General, we are discussing fighter planes."

Pei Ran said: "Wipe your beard clean."

Helianqian smiled awkwardly, stroking the wine from his beard, and laughed, "The jars of old wine that Feng Twelfth Mother sent last time will be left there alone in the end. It would be a pity not to drink them. "

Pei Ran's expression was cold: "Where is he?"

Helianqian looked at Pei Ran's features and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he had no intention of pursuing the matter.

"General, I'm being detained in a dark room."

Pei Ran asked: "Have you eaten?"

Helianqian scratched his head, "Does the person named Wen still want to eat?"

He didn't seem to expect that the general would come to care about the enemy general's diet. After thinking about it, he added:

"General, that man surnamed Wen is not a good thing. If you and I fall into his hands, there will be no way to survive. Yimo will humiliate him for his foolish opinion, and then take him to the gate of Xinzhou City, directly slaughter the sacrificial flag, and Strengthen the reputation of our army.”

Pei Ran said: "Bring over some food."

He Lianqian made an ooh and joked: "Is the general treating him so favorably to persuade him to surrender? Then why not give him a little girl?"

This guy has a loud voice and is a rough guy.

His words made everyone laugh.

Pei Madang said expressionlessly, "Good idea, you can arrange it."


Helianqian couldn't say anything more.

Even though everyone calls them "general", there are nine levels of officials in the promotion, which are divided into upper, middle and lower levels. The general is the first level, with high position and authority, and the best military minister.

Pei Manqi said he was right and could not be disobeyed. Although everyone wanted to tear Wen Xingsu into pieces, looking at his face, they could only smile.

Zhu Cheng of the Red Armor Army asked: "Did the general fall in love with the man named Wen?"

Pei Madang said: "He is a general."

All the generals believed this.

But how many generals are there in the world? General Wanning was defeated and committed suicide. The general also said that he was a talented general. However, why not hang his body on the tower for public display?

Why should the person named Wen be given such preferential treatment?

No beating, no scolding, two meals a day, how can this be an enemy general guarding him? It was obviously for an ancestor...

He Lianqian was emboldened by his drunkenness and raised his hand towards Pei Man.

"I will finally have something to say."

Pei Ran sat down and said calmly, "Say."

Helianqian said: "The general cherishes his talents, but he should also teach Wen a lesson, otherwise the Qi army will think that our Beiyong army has become soft. The brothers below also need to be appeased. Not everyone is convinced..."

Several generals also looked over.

He didn't say anything, but he was probably thinking the same thing as Helian Qian.

Pei Madang poured a cup of herbal tea by himself.

"The war won't last forever."

We have been fighting together for many years, and several generals were promoted by Pei Ran. Just a few words are enough to understand the meaning of Pei Ran's words.

He wanted to persuade Qi Wenxing to retreat not only because he was a rare general, but also because he wanted to send a signal to the Qi army that surrendering would lead to a good future. At the same time, he also wanted to put pressure on Xinzhou on the south bank in order to win without a fight. A conquering soldier.

In the past hundred years, there have been more than a dozen emperors from north to south. After years of war, famine and disasters, refugees scattered, it is difficult for the people to have enough to eat.

A truce between the two countries would also allow the people to take a breather.

After hearing this, Helianqian was no longer dissatisfied.

Several people laughed and nodded in agreement.

"The general has a broad mind and is really generous!"

"Why are you so angry?" Puyang Jiu was already a bad person, but he was very unhappy when he was called over to see the enemy general's wounds on a hot day.

He said in a sinister tone: "I think the general is very incompetent and has no brains. He is confused by beauty and loses his bearings."

Pei Madang was swallowing tea and choked and coughed.

As for the five Helianqians sitting cross-legged in front of the case, they wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh. They twisted their faces to pretend to be calm, and it was very hard to endure.

All the generals admired the Puyang medical officer.

In the entire Beiyong Army, except for the Puyang medical officer, who dares to ridicule the general like this?

The camp was filled with a strange atmosphere.

After a while, Pei Madang stood up, as if he hadn't heard what he just said, and glanced coldly at Puyang Jiu.

"Go to the darkroom."

Puyang bowed his head and said yes, then raised his eyes and winked at Pei Man.

Pei Madang walked in front and ignored him, but he didn't know that he would get a good reputation as "Pei Daqi" from then on, all thanks to Puyang Jiu.

I won’t elaborate on this matter, only the darkroom.

This place was actually used by the Beiyong Army to punish soldiers who did not abide by military regulations. There were no windows on all sides and the light was dim, but there were straw mats inside and it was relatively clean. Ordinary prisoners did not receive such good treatment.

Wen Xingsu was injured, but he was sitting in front of the case. His white shirt was stained with blood, his face was pale, but he was handsome, elegant, and very noble.

Pei Madang glanced at the useless piece of food on the wooden table, walked over calmly, and turned on the oil lamp himself.

There was no bench in the room, so he sat on the floor like Wen Xingsu.

"Qi people don't like to eat wheat rice?"

Wen Xingsu looked at Pei Ran and said, "Wen is deeply grateful for the great general's kindness. But general, there is no need to waste your words. My Wen family has been farming in Jiangzuo for generations since our ancestors, and I have been blessed by the emperor. I will never surrender."

Pei Ran didn't say anything, and raised his hand to pour the wine in the pot into two cups.

Then he pushed one of the cups in front of Wen Xingsu.

Wen Xingsu took a look and said, "I don't drink."

Pei Ran's face was still expressionless, so he picked up a glass and took a sip.

"Feng Shi Ayun is in the palm of my hand."

Wen Xingsu's expression changed, "How are you doing?"

When Feng Yun let him go privately, Wen Xingsu refused.

Since he has been targeted by the Beiyong Army, he has no intention of surviving anymore. How can he implicate Feng Yun because of himself?

"The general wants to use A Yun's safety to blackmail Wen?"

Pei Ran glanced at him, "Ayun is worried about General Wen."

He spoke so calmly that Wen Xingsu couldn't tell how Feng Yun was doing, and his heart was in a state of confusion.

He said: "Wen and Ayun are brothers and sisters. She rescued me. It was a humane act and a pure act of kindness. The general should not blame her."

Pei Madang looked calm and said, "I know."

Still ambiguous words.

Wen Xingsu was worried and couldn't figure out Pei Man's behavior for a while, so he didn't dare to ask rashly.

Pei Madang looked at him coldly, "How are the troops and horses under General Wen's command?"

Wen Xingxu said: "The state of keeping faith is enough."

Pei Ran said: "General Wen's trip was reckless."

The war is about to begin. As a defender, crossing the river privately and falling into the hands of the enemy is more than a reckless act.

Wen Xingsu also knew that what he did was not very smart, but he did not have to explain to Pei Madang his decision to make a desperate decision because he was worried about his waist.

So he lowered his eyes and said nothing.

"Do you regret it?" Pei Ran asked.

Wen Xingsu replied: "No regrets."

Pei Ran's eyelids moved slightly, "General Wen will have a good rest tonight. At dawn tomorrow, I will take the general to watch the Northern Yong Army's drill."

Wen Xingsu was greatly surprised by these words.

Each army has its own secrets. The Beiyong Army has been good at fighting since its formation. It is an elite division of the Northern Jin Dynasty. The method of arranging troops is very unique and exquisite.

It can be said that both Wen Xingsu and other leading generals had the desire to observe the formation of the Northern Yong Army.

Pei Madang actually has such a big heart?

Wen Xingsu didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd. He didn't persuade or humiliate him. He only showed his grace and mind, which was very different from the rumored evil god of hell.

He raised his hand and drank the glass of wine in one gulp.

Pei Madang didn't stay long and signaled Puyang Jiu, who was waiting, to come in, check Wen Xingsu's injuries, and then said goodbye and left.

Wen Xingsu looked at the back, thinking that his waist was in this person's hands, and couldn't help but clenched his fists...

First update

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