Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 48: Cruel and Powerful Enough

That night, Chun Yuyan got the news from Huaxi Village.

In troubled times, beating a concubine to death was not a big deal for the master. But it was impossible to conceal it completely, not to mention that Chun Yuyan was deliberately spying.

But that was all.

The scout said: "The people in the manor kept their mouths shut about what happened that night. The farmers in the village saw the body buried, but they didn't dare to ask too much. They just avoided the manor..."

Chun Yuyan sat lazily, with a faint smile at the corner of his lips, as if mocking.

"What do you think, sir?"

Sitting opposite Chun Yuyan was the staff member Qu Ding, a native of Xingtai. He had entered the officialdom in the Southern Qi Dynasty, but was not reused. Later, he ran to Yunchuan and claimed to be a disciple of Guiguzi, and became a guest of honor of the prince Chun Yuyan.

Hearing the master's inquiry, Qu Ding did not dare to neglect it.

"At first glance, it's a fight between concubines, and then it's a dispute in the court of Northern Jin."

Chun Yuyan asked: "What do you mean?"

Qu Ding said: "Pei Cong has a large army and his achievements are greater than his master. The young emperor of Northern Jin has nothing to reward him, no title or no title. With one person's power, he has dominated the court. Wouldn't it make the Li family anxious? Using the concubines to test Pei Cong's edge, it kills two birds with one stone..."

After he said that, he nodded firmly and stroked his beard with great satisfaction.

However, the eyes under the mountain eagle mask were slightly blazing, but there was no affirmation. Qu Ding said again: "Is the prince afraid that Pei Cong would suspect that it was not the concubine who poisoned him, and thus suspect you, the prince?"

Chun Yuyan asked back: "If Pei Cong did not believe me, how could I sit peacefully in Huayuejian and drink tea with the master?"

Qu Ding was puzzled, "What is the prince's opinion?"

"No. The master's analysis is very reasonable." Chun Yuyan was very relaxed, rubbing the bruise on his cheek, and there was a little unnoticeable sarcasm in his eyes.

From Pei Cong's rush to save people, it seems that the Feng girl is very important to him.

The Northern Jin court must think so.

Empress Dowager Li is more petty than a bean, it is not surprising that she sent someone to poison...

At first, he thought so too.

But when he came back and thought about it carefully, he felt a lot of strangeness.

Huaxi Village was originally guarded by Pei Cong's heavy troops yesterday. It was Feng Yun who gave these guards a knockout drug, which gave him an opportunity to take advantage of it.

When the Feng girl opened her eyes and saw him, her initial reaction was not fear, but surprise and surprise...

Besides, he went to rob people on impulse, which even he himself could not guess, and Li Sangruo who was far away in Northern Jin could certainly not guess it.

So, if he did not rob people, who would the little girl who took the aphrodisiac and bathed and changed clothes fall into?

As soon as he left, Pei Jue arrived...

The answer was obvious.

That was simply a feast of fragrance and softness that the Feng girl carefully prepared for Pei Jue...

In order to seduce Pei Jue into the trap, she did not hesitate to hurt herself. No matter what she was after, this girl was really...

She was cruel, stubborn, and strong.

Chun Yuyan laughed happily.

Before going to Huaxi Village, he was still thinking about how to humiliate her and slowly kill her...

But when she really fell into his hands, he changed his mind-not to mention her beautiful appearance and figure comparable to a beauty, even her head full of bad water and crooked tendons was hard to find in the world.

"It's a pity to kill him..."

"It's really a pity to kill him."

Qu Ding watched the prince's lips open and close, and his expression gradually stiffened.

It's not easy to make a living by talking. Could it be that the prince found that he had no great talent, let alone a disciple of Guiguzi's disciples, and was considering whether to kill him?


The next day was another sunny day.

It was just dawn, and the summer heat had not yet arrived. It was the most comfortable time of the day.

Feng Yun was looking at the two rows of radish seedlings that had just broken through the soil outside the courtyard, and Xing Bing's new wife Xu rushed in in a hurry.

She helped Feng Yun manage the chores of the women in the inner courtyard. She worked diligently and quickly, and soon got the hang of it.

"Twelve Niang." Xu suppressed her voice, "Yuan Ji wants to go back to her parents' home. It is said that her brother sent a letter that her mother is seriously ill."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "The general did not say that concubines are not allowed to go back to their parents' home. Yuan Jiao wants to go back, so let her go back."

Xu waved her hand and gestured excitedly.

"The maid thought Yuan Ji was a little strange."

Feng Yun asked, "Why is she strange?"

Xu frowned, "It's so hot, and Yuan Ji looks very bloated, as if she's wearing several layers of clothes. She stuffed all the food and daily necessities into her bag, saying that she was going to take it back to her mother at home..."

Feng Yun didn't think much of it, and bent down to look at her radish sprouts.

"Take it, it's rare for you to go home. Go to the kitchen to get a few pounds of flour, and pack a few eggs for her, and tell her that it was my idea to let her take it back to visit her parents."

Xu said, "Oh," and went down angrily.

She suspected that the girl was confused.

Yuan Ji was plump and beautiful. That day in the manor, she wanted to get close to the general, but the girl didn't take it seriously.

So when she went to get the flour and eggs, Xu said to everyone she met:

"The girl gave it to Yuan Ji, the girl is very kind."

Yuan Jiao seemed a little bit unbelievable when she saw the things.

Facing the main house, she said to Xu with tears in her eyes, "Please ask Sister Xu to thank Twelve Lady for me."

Xu curled her lips. To be honest, if she really wanted to thank him, she would have kowtowed to the girl without much effort. That was sincerity.

Yuan Jiao left with her things.

She did not bring the two maids that Fang Gonggong had pointed out to her.

Her home was far from Huaxi Village. She had no ox cart or horse, so she had to walk back home. It was dark when she got home.

However, after leaving Huaxi Village, she did not go home. Instead, she went straight into Andu City, turned a corner, and went to Mingyue Lane near the city gate.

Before the fall of Andu, this alley had many merchants coming and going, so there were many foot shops, teahouses, and restaurants. Most of them were closed now. Only one teahouse had its door panel removed, and a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old sat on the threshold.

Yuan Jiao walked over, and the young man stood up with a straight face.

"The teahouse is not open and we are not accepting guests."

Yuan Jiao looked around nervously, then took out a purse from her arms and stuffed it into the boy's hand.

"Little brother, please tell me that I am Lin Ji's good friend. My name is Yuan Jiao. Lin Ji is dead and someone wants to kill me..."

From the moment she saw Lin E being beaten to death with bruises all over her body, Yuan Jiao never felt calm for a moment.

She was afraid.

At first, she was afraid that Lin E's wronged soul would come to find her.

Unexpectedly, the evil spirit did not come, but Alou did.

He hesitated and said in a roundabout way, "I met Yuan Ji, and I don't want Yuan Ji to follow in Lin Ji's footsteps... If there is another way out, Yuan Ji should make plans in advance."

Ah Lou is usually a kind and honest person, but no matter what his intentions are when he comes to warn her, Feng Yun has murderous intentions towards her.

She couldn't stay any longer.

But, where can she go?

Unable to return home, it is difficult for a woman to survive in troubled times.

Then she thought of the purse Lin E gave her, and what Lin E told her about how to find Eunuch Fang.

This teahouse was owned by Lin Ji's former acquaintance.

As long as she helps her find Eunuch Fang and expose Feng Twelve Niangs, there is still a glimmer of hope, not to mention rising through the ranks and meeting noble people.

"Lin Ji, who is Lin Ji? I don't know her."

The boy didn't want the purse and was impatient when he pushed it back.

"Go quickly! Our boss doesn't care about other people's business..."

Yuan Jiao gritted her teeth and stuffed the white noodles and eggs she was carrying into her hands, "Help me, little brother, go and report to the boss, just say... I know the secret of Feng Twelve Niang, and I can redress Lin Ji's injustice... …”

After hearing about Feng Twelve Niang, the young man finally had a reaction on his face.

"You wait outside..."

Before the young man could finish his voice, a figure suddenly emerged from the alley. Without saying a word, he grabbed Yuan Jiao's hand and cursed loudly:

"What a little bitch. After going to the General's Mansion and living a good life, I don't care whether my parents live or die... I'm in my hands today. I'll see where you go to enjoy your happiness..."

The man was unshaven, with sunken eye sockets, and his clothes were so shabby that the original color could not be seen. He was Yuan Jiao's brother Yuan Dalang.

After he finished scolding, regardless of Yuan Jiao's behavior, he snatched the basket and took a look at it, his eyes widened.

This is white flour and eggs.

Who has finely ground white noodles these days?

Who can afford to eat eggs?

Yuan Dalang's mouth was dry and his tongue almost stuck out of his throat.

"Let's go home with me."

The young man shouted angrily, "What are you doing?"

Dalang Yuan raised his fist and swore, "Brother scolds my sister, it's only natural, what does it have to do with you kid? Don't interfere with my housework!"

There are many people living in Mingyue Lane.

When they heard the noise, they all looked over.

Yuan Jiao's expression changed a long time ago. This Yuan Dalang was nothing and he never had any brother-sister affection for her. She was miserable and wanted to die, but she couldn't break free and could only look back at the young man.

"Help...little brother, help me..."

"My mother was so hungry that she ate Guanyin mud and her stools were bleeding. You little bitch, it's better to raise white-faced little ones with white-flour eggs. Come on, follow me!"

Yuan Jiao was dragged out of the city gate by Yuan Dalang.

Second update

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