Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 49: Fox's Thoughts

Yuan Dalang felt very satisfied thinking about those white noodles and eggs, but within two miles of leaving the city, he was stopped head-on by a few gangsters.

That was his creditor.

All of them were murderous and holding hatchets in their hands.

Yuan Dalang turned pale with fright and subconsciously pushed Yuan Jiao out.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me. I'll use her to pay off the debt. How about using my sister to pay off the debt? She's the general's concubine. I'll keep it to your satisfaction...ah..."

A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Yuan Dalang lowered his head and saw that the hatchet had passed through his chest.

Yuan Jiao's eyes widened in fright, she screamed, turned around and wanted to escape, but the bastard's knife was faster. She didn't even feel much pain, and her body fell softly, and she quickly lost consciousness...

"What a pity, this pretty little girl..."

"Idiot! Didn't you hear what Dalang Yuan said? That's the general's concubine. She killed people when she saw us. Isn't it a disaster to stay? Do you want your life or your wife?"

"What the boss said is..."

"Hurry up and pack your things and let's go!"

It was already dusk when Yuan Jiao's body was discovered, and enthusiasts even reported it to the authorities.

He Qia took a look and roughly understood the situation, then sent someone to take the two corpses back to Yuan's house and leave them to his parents.

In this world, countless people have starved to death, there are bones in the wilderness, and there are no straw mats to collect the corpses. If it weren't for He Xia in the General's Mansion, Andu County would be a chaotic place right now.

If a man with gambling debts is killed, doesn't he deserve it?

Who has the time to take care of...

The general sent him to take charge of general affairs and appease the people, not to solve crimes.

But Yuan Jiao was from the General's Mansion, so He Qia politely asked to see Feng Yun and gave her a message.

Not for anything else, just because the general said that it was up to her to decide the affairs of the back house.

Feng Yun thanked He Qia, asked Alou to inform others of Yuan Jiao's unexpected death, and wrote a letter to Pei Ran.

A few words, filled with respect and condolences.

"Unfortunately, your concubine Yuanjiao died tragically."

She thought that Pei Madang would either ignore him or reply with a "letter to inform" like before. Unexpectedly, Zuo Zhong came back from the camp in a hurry and brought her a bloody fox skin and a letter. letter.

"The general hunted the fox yesterday and treated it roughly in the camp. The general asked the girl to make a cloak to keep warm in the winter..."

Zuo Zhong was excited.

I wish I could say something good about the general.

Feng Yun looked at him and opened the letter.

This time, the number of words is a bit more than usual, and it is still Pei Madang's usual writing style, which is strong and sloppy.

"The day after tomorrow is the beginning of autumn, but you are in the mood to cause trouble."

This is unclear.

Did killing his concubine cause trouble, or did he write a letter to cause trouble?

Zuo Zhong stretched his neck and saw that the girl's face was calm and there was no happy reaction. He was worried about the general, so he helped him open his mouth.

"The general said that there is only one girl in the back house so far, so why is there a concubine next to her?"

This was not what Pei Ran said.

Feng Yun smiled disapprovingly at Zuo Zhong and called Xiaoman over.

"Take the left guard to the dining hall to get something before leaving."

Filling one's stomach was a big deal, and Zuo Zhong did not refuse.

The food in the camp was so bad. For this reason, he was very envious of Ao Qi and Ye Chuang working here. Because Feng Twelfth Mother is very good at living, she can always make tricks with the same food. Especially after opening a farm, she never seems to be short of food in the farm.

However, in a short period of time, those former withered young masters made her look in full health, and her maids and maids also had rosy faces. When she walked out of the door, compared with the skinny peasants who had fled from famine, they were as small as People from two worlds...

Xiaoman brought out some white flour steamed buns and a bowl of wild vegetable soup.

"The left guard has taken a few bites, but it's still hot."

In this weather, it's hard for steamed buns to get cold.

Zuo Zhong took a bite and was extremely satisfied.

This steamed bun is softer than the ones in the camp, with a hint of sweetness, and the noodles are chewy and chewy.

Take another sip of that soup.

They are also wild vegetables. When cooked in the camp, they are astringent and bitter, like pig food. When cooked in the kitchen of Changmen Yard, they are oily, salty and fragrant.

Zuo Zhong really hoped that the general would write to Twelve Niangs every day.

Xiao Man watched him devouring his food, and leaned forward with a low smile: "Guard Zuo, in front of the general, please give the girl a few nice words. Xiao Man will always leave delicious food for you in the future."

Zuo Zhong stared blankly at the little girl's beaming smile, and it took him a long time to swallow. Unexpectedly, the mouthful was too big, and he choked and coughed.

Xiaoman couldn't stop giggling.

Zuo Zhong blushed.

Fortunately, the general didn't recognize these as his concubines, otherwise he would have received thirty military sticks if he had just looked at them a few more times. No, fifty, or eighty?

Before Zuo Zhong could figure out the matter, Xiao Man had already left happily. The girl had to go out to do something, so she wanted to follow her, and she also liked to follow her the most.

Most of the time, Twelve Niangs don't have the airs of a master, but they are fierce and ferocious. She is different from many people, and even the maids around her are different. They are all smart, cunning, and lively.

Xiaoman asked happily: "Girl, where are we going?"

Feng Yun wanted to go to Huayue Stream to find Chun Yuyan and inquire about the whereabouts of brothers Ge Guang and Ge Yi, but he had not figured out how to get there.

The last time she was kidnapped by Chun Yuyan, she was in the center of the whirlpool. Although her mind was a little confused after being poisoned, she knew that Chun Yuyan and Pei Madang had a fight.

Pei Madang didn't say how they fought, but with General Pei's strong temperament and the face-hungry Chun Yuyan, the battle situation was definitely not optimistic.

The strange thing is that Chun Yuyan didn't find fault after that.

It's like nothing happened.

Feng Yun guessed that Pei Ran had used some method, but it was not convenient for her to ask him...

"Girl." Xiaoman suddenly called her, pointing to Mingyue Lane in front.

"I heard that Yuan Ji was kidnapped by her brother there."

Daman also took a look and said, "I heard from the police officer at the Political Affairs Hall that the Yuan family brother and sister died miserably, and the blood that flowed out soaked the road..."

Andu City is currently in a state of turmoil, and any news will be spread like crazy.

Feng Yun smiled and did not answer.

When passing by the teahouse in Mingyue Lane, I took a look.

The door panels were tightly closed and there was no one around. There were only a few businesses in the neighborhood, but none of them had any business.

After He Qia took charge of Andu, people's livelihood recovered slightly, but the big shops were basically in the hands of aristocratic families. Before the war, these people either moved their families south or hid to observe the situation. It was difficult to make a living by relying solely on small merchants and hawkers. drive.

"Put down the curtain." Feng Yun ordered.

Xiaoman said oh, turned around, wrinkled his nose and asked:

"I wonder why Yuan Ji came to Mingyue Lane? When she was in Yutangchun, she had no acquaintances in Mingyue Lane, so why did she come to this teahouse?"

Feng Yun smiled and said: "I'm so curious, why don't I send you down to find out more?"

Xiaoman quickly stuck out his tongue and stopped talking.

The girl said this, but she was not very happy.

Even if she uses a smiling tone, if she continues to be stubborn, she will definitely suffer consequences.

The donkey carriage became quiet, but Feng Yun's thoughts were active.

This teahouse is quite interesting...


Chun Yuyan was lying lazily in the shade of a tree, with two maids beside him waving cattail fans. On the green bricks in front of him, kneeling on the green bricks were a dozen servants, all with bruised noses and swollen faces, being punished under the scorching sun.

The master had a smile on his lips and said nothing. The mountain eagle mask exuded a cold air, like the black and white impermanence that seduces the soul, and may kill at any time...

When General Pei came to borrow food that day, they had already been severely punished by the Crown Prince.

Unexpectedly, the prince was beaten by General Pei again...

He also slapped the face that the prince valued most.

How can the prince swallow this resentment?

If he doesn't go to General Pei to fight back, he will beat them.

When the prince was unhappy, he would pull them out to practice. Their bodies can no longer bear it, but their spirits are still questioning...

The prince said last time that they were not guarding well...

But where is the disadvantage?

The grain was lent by the prince on his own initiative.

The prince received the beating based on his ability.

Who asked him to lend the grain but couldn't figure it out, and on a whim, he actually ran to kidnap Pei Man's concubine?

Prince Chunyu's temper is really messy.

Just punish them once. With this narrow-minded temper, if he becomes King of Yunchuan one day, I am afraid that the centuries-old foundation of Yunchuan Kingdom will be destroyed in his hands.

Crouching in the sun, a group of servants were sweating, and they were complaining and complaining, and someone came to retaliate.

"Your Majesty, Mother Feng Twelve would like to see you."

Chunyu Yan's eyes narrowed.

Does she still dare to come?

Do you still dare to come to your door?

"Tell her to come in." Chun Yuyan raised his eyes slightly, and his laughter changed. The blazing light bursting out of his eyes would make anyone tremble when he looked at her.

Feng Yun came in alone.

When he saw Chun Yuyan, he was beating someone with a whip.

It seemed that he was tired from the beating, his head was covered with sweat, and he was panting and dropped the whip, put his hands on his hips, looked at her and sneered.

"What are you doing here? To die?"

The servants trembled when they heard that the prince was going to cause trouble again.

Unexpectedly, the delicate and soft girl seemed not to be aware of the prince's anger. She glanced at the servant kneeling under the sun, was surprised for a moment, and then bowed with a smile.

"The little girl is here to apologize to the Crown Prince."

Three updates. See you tomorrow~~

Chunyu Yan: What’s the point of giving a fox skin? It would be more interesting to give something away.

Pei Ran: What did you give me?

Chunyu Yan: I’ll give her a whip!

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