Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 50 Soft Whip Qiu Tong

Chunyu Yan sneered.

The air around him became cold and solemn.

"How do you make amends?"

Feng Yun looked at the servants around him in embarrassment.

"Can you ask the prince to step aside?"

"Go down." Chunyu Yan secretly said cruelly.

This girl is so disgusting, she has done so many shameful things, and yet she still looks like a noble person from a famous family...

With this gentle and pretty face, no matter who sees her, they cannot believe that she is a person who would point a dagger at a man and threaten him and still remain indifferent...

Chunyu Yan hated her in his heart.

The scene of that day was like a poisonous insect entering his brain. It had been replayed in his mind countless times. Every time he thought about it, the unbearable longing spread in his body like a disease and grew crazily.

No matter what I do, I can't relieve it...

How ridiculous!

Chunyu Yan sat back with a cold face, not giving Feng Yun any color.

The servants retreated one after another.

All of them felt a little grateful to Feng Twelve Niang for coming at just the right time. Otherwise, on this hot day, I wonder what the crazy prince would have done to them...

Feng Yunjiao always had a smile on her beautiful face.

When there was no one else in the yard, he bent down and picked up the soft whip. He seemed to like it very much and was full of admiration.

"Is this something the prince doesn't want? I have never seen such an exquisite long whip..."

He raised his eyes again and asked Chunyu Yan seriously:

"It's a pity to throw away a good thing, why don't you give it to me as a gift?"

Chunyu Yan sneered repeatedly.

How could she think so beautiful?

This whip is called "Wu Shao". It is a leather whip polished by water workers. Its tenacity and strength can be called a magical tool for martial arts practitioners. It took a lot of effort to get it.

So, of course Chun Yuyan didn't throw it away.

It was the one he threw out in anger when he hit someone just now.

But Chunyu Yan forgot to refuse——

He looked at Feng Yun's knotty white fingers holding the dark round-headed whip handle. He was so happy that he rubbed it back and forth for a moment, then held it tightly and shook it twice. His mouth was dry for a moment, and he had the illusion that he was being dragged by her. Tailbone numbness...

Feng Yun: "Your Majesty, did you agree?"

Chunyu Yan's dark eyes flickered slightly.

This black shoot must be worthy of such small hands.

"Take it." He finished in a low voice, almost biting his tongue.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Feng Yun saw that his jaw was tense and his beautiful eyes under the mountain eagle mask were cold and strange, so he thanked him.

"They say that everything in Yunchuan is prosperous and the people are prosperous. I didn't believe it before, but today it's finally an eye-opener..."

Feng Yun had nothing to say, but now he got a good whip. He couldn't put it down, coiled up the whip, couldn't control the fun of playing with it, and gave it a new name in front of Chun Yuyan.

"Just call me Qiu Tong, she and Jian Shui are a perfect match."

As if she was afraid that Chun Yuyan wouldn't understand, she explained thoughtfully.

"Jian Shui is the curved dagger that the prince has seen..."

Chunyu Yan's throat tightened.

very eloquent.

I really wanted to strangle her to death on the spot.

Feng Yun saw him staring at him coldly and smiled again.

"A vessel from the Hantian Temple of the Bone-Chong Shen, with a pair of eyes like autumn water. This name should commemorate his original owner."

This is taking advantage and acting nice.

Fortunately, she knew how to praise his eyes in a roundabout way, as beautiful as autumn pupils...

"The name is acceptable." Chun Yuyan sneered, and coupled with the bruise on his jaw, it seemed a bit strange, "Tell me, how do you want to apologize?"

Feng Yun said: "The most sincere thing is to use the other person's method to treat the other person's body. As long as Chunyu Shizi is willing..."

Does this make him treat her the way she treats him?

Chun Yuyan sneered, "You have a beautiful idea."

Feng Yun:......

She hasn't finished speaking yet.

"Okay, may I ask how the prince wants me to apologize?"

Chun Yuyan glanced sideways and brushed his robe with his fingertips.

"Peel your skin and make a drum. Get up and listen to it every day."

"Pull your muscles to make oil, light a lamp at night, and let it shine..."

"Hiss... It all sounds good, but you can only die once. Once you die, you have no more fun. It's a pity..."

He spoke in a very frightening tone.

Waiting to see Feng Yun's expression change with fear.

However, the smell of blood spread into the air, but Feng Yun stood calmly and gracefully, still playing with his whip and speaking calmly.

"Okay. The prince will choose."

Chun Yuyan wondered what she was doing here.



It doesn't even look like...

Could it be possible that he was fascinated by his beauty?

In terms of appearance, Prince Chunyu is quite confident.

According to his mother, there is no one who can't look at his face and not be eclipsed by it, be shocked by it, and fall in love with it...

What's more, he was still young at that time, but now he has grown up and is even better than before...

If she, Ayun of the Feng family, was so beautiful that she could captivate an entire country, then it would not be a problem for him, Chun Yuyan, to captivate an entire country.

This girl was the only person besides Chunyu's family who had seen his appearance when he was an adult, so it made sense to be fascinated by him.

But one moment she drugged Pei Madang to seduce him, and the next moment she came to tangle with him. I'm afraid she didn't have any good intentions——

This woman is vicious!

If she gets ruthless, she would even dare to kill herself.

Chun Yuyan flicked his big sleeve to cover the bruise on his cheek, picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip casually.

"Qingqing came to Huayue Stream to borrow grain that day and said that he would exchange it for "The Essential Farming Technique". Now, two hundred thousand stones of grain have been taken away. Where is the Essential Farming Technique?"

Yunchuan borders the Three Kingdoms, surrounded by steep mountains, barren land, and poor farming. This is the reason why Chunyu Yan travels around to buy grain.

Last time, Feng Yun said that farming requires skills. It's not that Chunyu Yan is not interested, but he doesn't believe that a little girl can have any real skills.

This question hits the nail on the head for Feng Yun.

"Just wait for the prince to speak." Feng Yun was well prepared and handed over a small booklet with both hands, "What is said in the booklet is applicable to Yunchuan. But..."

Chunyu Yan raised his eyebrows, "But what?"

Feng Yun smiled, "Skills are dead, people are alive. Most of the recorded farming skills are obscure and difficult to understand..."

After a pause, she said kindly: "When the war is over, I will go to Yunchuan with the prince and teach him in person. I will never break my promise..."

She is flattering herself and looking for the soil for survival.

Chunyu Yan's ears itch when she hears it.

She said so much in a roundabout way, is she going back to Yunchuan with him?

Chun Yuyan looked at her with dark eyes.

"Alright. This prince is not afraid of you being cunning. If the harvest is not as good as you said, I will take your head."

"It's a deal." Feng Yun bowed and secretly observed his expression.

Chun Yuyan hated her for hating so frankly. If the Ge brothers were in his hands, how could they not react at all?

Feng Yun looked around the yard and smiled: "The last time I came to Huayuejian, it was late at night and I didn't have the heart to appreciate the scenery in the garden. It's a pity... If the prince doesn't mind, can you let me walk around?"

Huayuejian has a beautiful name and a beautiful garden.

Seeing the appreciation and desire in her eyes, Chun Yuyan narrowed his eyes and looked at her for a moment, then stood up slowly.

"Then I will take you to broaden your horizons."


The two of them wandered around Huayuejian for more than half an hour with their own intentions.

In Chunyu Yan's eyes, the Feng girl was very gentle and considerate today, and her attitude towards him was completely different from the previous two times.

She said a lot of things, talking about the situation in Southern Qi and Northern Jin, the people's livelihood and trade routes in Andu, and of course the farming she boasted about, and she felt a bit like a confidante...

Her insights surprised Chunyu Yan.

Unfortunately, what happened that day was like a demon seed planted in his heart, growing wantonly, and he could no longer look at this vicious woman who had played with her normally.

As soon as he met her eyes, his waist was numb and itchy. Although he said it carelessly, his eyes could not stop looking at her hand holding the whip handle...

"Prince?" Feng Yun saw him staring at the whip in his hand and asked with a smile:

"You won't be reluctant to part with this whip, right?"

She held the soft whip in her hand like a treasure, as if she was afraid that Chunyu Yan would snatch it back. Her hands were very white and smooth, her nails were neat, and the whip handle was tightly in her hand, with only the round tip showing, just like a cat scratching people's hearts...

Chun Yuyan's throat was dry and itchy, "I give it to you, it's yours."

Feng Yun saw that he could not get any information from him, and gradually lost his patience.

"That's good. By the way, I wonder if the prince's Lian Ji has been found?"

Chun Yuyan's eyes narrowed slyly.

"What does it have to do with you?"

"Oh..." Of course it has nothing to do with it.

Feng Yun just wanted him to think about something sad and live an unhappy life.

She bowed slightly and saluted with proper manners.

"That's all for today. Thank you for the prince's hospitality, and we will discuss it again after the war is over?"

Without waiting for Chun Yuyan to answer, she retreated leisurely.

"Prince, goodbye."

Chun Yuyan had just looked at the whip, absent-minded, and now seeing her turn around and leave without any nostalgia, it seemed as if his face had been slapped.


He didn't show his emotions, but the slightly protruding veins on the back of his clenched fist revealed his master's rage.

"Feng's Ayun, I will tear you apart sooner or later."

Tear you apart, chew you up, and don't spit out any bones.

First update

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