Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 51 The beautiful lady enters the camp

After returning from Huayuejian, Feng Yun was very silent. She didn't talk as much as she did when facing Chunyu Yan, nor was she happy because she got a good whip for nothing.

Daman and Xiaoman didn't know what the girl was thinking. They wanted to comfort her, but they couldn't ask when they saw her cold face.

This Twelve Lady became more and more unpredictable, especially after General Wen left. No one in Changmen Manor wanted to be the troublemaker who was punished.

Of course, this was what they thought.

In fact, Feng Yun was just a little tired.

In Huayuejian, she deliberately made a lot of noise, and when she talked to Chunyu Yan, she spoke loudly and it was very tiring for her throat -

If Ge Guang and Ge Yi were in Huayuejian, they would definitely hear her voice.

Unfortunately, there was no movement until she left. Chunyu Yan's appearance didn't seem like he had tied someone up in her manor...

The person was not in Chunyu Yan's hands.

It was more disturbing than in his hands.

Why did the Ge brothers disappear out of thin air?

Will he be taken away by Pei Jue...

Also, how can she rescue her elder brother from Pei Jue and prevent him from suffering the bad luck of his previous life?

Feng Yun dismissed the servants, bolted the door from the inside without saying a word, picked up Aozai and nestled on the soft couch, stroking it for half an hour, and then calmed the anxiety in her heart.

"Xiao Man."

It was Feng Yun who opened the door herself.

Her calm face was as gentle and smiling as always.

"Go to the stove to prepare some food, boil a fish, roast two pounds of meat... and the noodle soup that my elder brother likes must be there, remember to ask the cook to sift the flour carefully, make it smoother, and add gravy to the soup..."

Xiao Man saw that the girl had regained her smile, and smiled too.

"Are you going to visit the elder brother in the camp?"

Feng Yun hummed lightly.

Xiaoman said, "Then the girl should also bring some food for the general?"

Feng Yun nodded slightly, "Okay. Prepare it."

Xiaoman asked her embarrassedly, "Then what should we prepare for the general? We don't know what the general likes to eat?"

Feng Yun: "Whatever you like."

It's not that she doesn't know what the general likes to eat, but there's no need to worry.

In the last life, she cooked so many dishes, and more than one pot for boiling soup was broken, but he didn't show any emotion. Every time he asked what he wanted to eat, he said "whatever you want". In this life, let him eat "whatever you want".

Before leaving, Feng Yun invited Ao Qi to go with her.

There are many military camps in Beiyong. Pei Cong may not be in Jieqiu Mountain, and it is even more unknown where Wen Xingsu is.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Ao Qi knew what she was thinking. He was not very happy, but he did not refuse. He even took the initiative to put the things that Feng Yun wanted to take to the barracks on the donkey cart.

"The girl prepared so much, but there is no one for me?"

The young man spoke very frankly, and his emotions were simple and direct.

Feng Yun smiled and opened the curtain of the carriage, and handed Ao Zai out from the carriage.

"Aozai, let me pat your head."

Ao Qi opened his eyes wide.

Except Feng Yun, no one else can touch this cat.

Did he let him pat it?

He was the only one who got to hold Aozai!

Ao Qi immediately became excited. Aozai seemed to realize something and went to Feng Yun's arms, but when he heard Feng Yun say, "Go, your brother will take you riding and give you fish to eat," the little guy became obedient.

"As expected, the mother is the one who has milk."

Feng Yun laughed, and the maids all giggled.

Ao Qi stroked Aozai's head and laughed too.

A beautiful atmosphere suddenly descended.

Ao Qi held Aozai in his arms, carefully took off his clothes and held it in his arms, as if he was afraid that it would fall. Aozai was also a little excited and poked his head out of Ao Qi's arms to look at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun handed over a paper bag filled with dried meat.

"Feed it if it wants to run."

Ao Qi stuffed a piece into Aozai's mouth, and Aozai squinted his eyes and ate it.

"So you're so easy to coax." Ao Qi was very proud.

Aozi no longer resisted him as much as he did at the beginning, but when Ao Qi touched him, Aozi's little body was still a little stiff.

Thinking of Feng Yun's words that it had been hurt, Ao Qi was even more cautious.

The young man's gentle eyes fell on Aozi, and Aozi also looked up at him.

The two looked at each other, and the picture was actually a little beautiful.

The donkey cart stopped only when the sun set. Feng Yun jumped off the car and asked Alou and two maids to take the food off the car.

Starting from the camp gate, he handed two pieces of dried meat to everyone he saw.

At this time, it was rare to have meat in the camp. Feng Yun's trick was very popular. Ao Qi felt that he was also very face-saving. He said to everyone he met:

"Eat it, brother."

It was as if the food was his.

Some soldiers were very envious of him when they saw him like this.

Tasting another piece of dried meat, thinking that Guard Ao might have such good things to eat every day, jealousy grew on his tongue.

The beautiful lady entered the camp again, and all kinds of eyes were on her along the way.

Feng Yun lowered her head, and under the guidance of Ao Qi, she successfully met Pei Jue.


Feng Yun asked Daman and Xiaoman to carry the food boxes and put the food on the table. He stood in the middle of the big tent, looking at him and smiling.

The tent was quiet for a long time, with only the crisp sound of porcelain colliding.

Feng Yun could feel the sharpness in Pei Jue's eyes, and Ao Qi could also sense that his uncle was not so happy about their arrival.

But he had already held Ao Zi, so what was the point of making his uncle unhappy?

The girl was happy, Ao Zi was happy, and he was happy.

"General." Ao Qi clasped his fists and said, "The girl said that the solar term is coming, and the food in the camp is rough. I prepared a special meal for you to whet your appetite."

After being fed by Feng Yun in Zhuangzi these days, Ao Qi became a little fairer, and her starry eyes were even brighter. The young man standing next to Feng Yun was more than half a head taller than her, and he looked like a young man in bright clothes and angry horses. spirit.

Pei Madang said, "Do you want to see Wen Xingsu?"

Feng Yun lowered his head and smiled.

Pei Madness is Pei Madness.

No matter how pleasant or sensational other people's words are, they can't sway him in the slightest.

He will quickly and calmly see the essence.

Feng Yun accepted Ao Qi's kindness and smiled at him. He didn't mince words when facing Pei Madang. He just smiled and said:

"My eldest brother is injured. I am very worried and came here to visit."

Seeing that Pei Ran was silent, Feng Yun smiled again, "The general cherishes his talents and has already told me to persuade my elder brother to surrender. So, I am here today."

I don't know whether Pei Ran wanted to get the general Wen Xingsu too much, or whether Feng Yun's soft words and the delicious food had an effect. Pei Ran didn't say anything more and motioned to Zuo Zhong.

"Go get the token."

The person responsible for guarding Wen Xingsu was the left deputy general He Lianqian.

After Zuo Zhong got the token, he took Ao Qi and Feng Yun to the darkroom.

Before he even entered the door, Feng Yun felt distressed.

The eldest brother has been well clothed and well-fed since he was a child, and he was also a general in the Qi army camp. He has never been treated so weakly.

The light in the darkroom was weak, there was a pervasive musty smell in the air, and the oil lamp seemed to be extinguished at any time.

If a person stays in a place like this for a long time, all willpower will be worn away.

Obviously, this was also Pei Ran's intention.

But compared to other prisoners, Wen Xingsu's treatment was excellent. At least he had good doctors to consult him and he had two meals a day.

"Brother." Feng Yun called in a low voice.

Wen Xingsu was originally lying on the straw mat with his back to the door. He didn't react when he heard footsteps. As soon as Feng Yun arrived, he sat up suddenly and turned around.

"Waist waist..."

"Slow down!" Feng Yun was afraid that he would pull the wound, so when the door opened, he rushed over and helped her.

"Don't worry, I'm here and I won't leave."

He lowered his head to open the food box, no longer letting Daman and Xiaoman do it for him, but took it out with his own hands, put it into a white porcelain bowl, touched the edge of the bowl, and smiled affectionately.

"Still warm."

Wen Xingsu's eyes were sunken and he would only laugh when he stared at her.

Feng Yun sniffed and laughed too: "Brother's favorite noodle soup, it has gravy. The flour is sifted with fine silk. It's very tender. Try it."

Wen Xingsu took the porcelain bowl and put it on the ground. He held Feng Yun's hand tightly, as if he had a thousand words to say, but he could only say one sentence.

"Why are you here? Did they make things difficult for you?"

Feng Yun shook his head.

I wanted to laugh, but my eyes were misty.

"I have food, drinks and someone to wait on me, but you have to take good care of yourself."

This is a very unfounded statement. How can a person who is behind bars take care of himself if he has no ability to protect himself? But Wen Xingsu smiled gently, as if he was not aggrieved at all.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about your waist, brother."

His unabashed concern, in those eyes that could see through people's hearts, was profound and sharp, and was conveyed to Feng Yun silently, all tenderness.

The two looked at each other quietly and didn't speak for a long time.

But the exchange of glances seemed to speak a thousand words.

Feng Yun suddenly lowered his head and laughed.

As he smiled, his throat became choked with sobs.

"I didn't expect that my eldest brother and I would meet here."

Wen Xingsu raised his hand to wipe the corners of her eyes, but then thought that his hands were unclean, so he took his hands back and hid them under his sleeves, saying in a low voice: "Don't be sad. At least we are all alive."

Natural and man-made disasters, wars for years, countless people died silently...

Feng Yun understood Wen Xingsu's comfort.

Therefore it is even more painful.

This is Wen Xingsu.

The famous young general of Daqi, the upright and upright Shinshu defender, a hero admired and respected by many people, was actually locked up in a dark cage by Pei Man day after day.

"Brother." Feng Yun suddenly opened his arms and looked at Wen Xingsu as he did when he was a child, with mist in his eyes and pink cheeks: "I want to hug you."

Wen Xingsu was stunned.

His waist has grown up a long time ago, and he no longer looks young. Not to mention that he is a stepbrother who is not related by blood. Even if he is a biological brother, he still has to take into account the protection of men and women.

Wen Xingsu was very hesitant.

But the uneasiness shown in Yao Yao's wet eyes, and thinking about the suffering she had suffered in the enemy camp, and the loneliness and helplessness she had felt these days, he felt so distressed that he wished he could take him away immediately...

"Waist, big brother is incompetent."

"It's not your fault..." Feng Yun raised his hand to cover his mouth, knelt down and leaned forward, opened his arms to hold Wen Xingsu tightly, and buried his head in the crook of his neck.


I'm going out to attend an event today, so I'll just update you twice~~

Thank you dears for your support! What...

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