Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 52 Who is distracted

Wen Xingsu's face softened instantly.

The delicate body in his arms trusted him completely, leaning against him without any defense, hugging him. Under Wen Xingsu's exposed smile, his heart ached as if it was about to tear.

"Waist waist..."

Wen Xingsu slowly raised his hand to hug Feng Yun back, caressing her back gently with his palm.

"Don't be afraid, big brother is here."

He closed his eyes and listened to Feng Yun say: "Brother, your life is the most important thing. If the general threatens his life, there is no harm in surrendering..."

The sound was neither light nor heavy, and could fall into the ears of the guards.

Then, Feng Yun pinched his lower back, and Wen Xingsu heard a voice with a lower breath, saying to him: "I will find a way to save you, brother, take care of yourself."

Before Wen Xingsu could speak, she spoke slightly louder, "Nothing is more important than living. Brother, you are my only relative in this world..."

Taking a breath, she said in a low voice, "You are important, very important."

"Waist and waist." Wen Xingsu's throat tightened, and he felt the warm air waves hitting his ear sockets, almost tearing away his sanity.

He wished he could take out his heart and exchange it for the sweet girl in his arms to have a smooth life, happiness and peace.

As a man, what could be more painful than seeing the person you want to protect being bullied and dependent on others and unable to do anything?

Wenxingsu is very painful.

The pain made both sides tense.

Such a good waist fell into the enemy general's trap.

"Does the wound hurt?"

"No. I'm fine."

"Don't try to lie to me." Feng Yun's voice was a little bit coquettish, and she finally looked like a seventeen-year-old girl. The concern in her eyes was unabashedly directed at Wen Xingsu, "I It’s not like I haven’t seen my eldest brother’s injury before, even if there is a Puyang medical officer, it will not be cured for a while.”

"As things stand, brother, I have nothing to fear, as long as my waist and waist are... well." Wen Xingsu's chest rose and fell violently, his forbearance visible to the naked eye.

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

Is the eldest brother determined to die?

With his pride, he will not surrender.

If he doesn't surrender, Pei Madang won't let him go.

"Don't be sad." Wen Xingsu smiled gently and patted Feng Yun on the back. Unexpectedly, Feng Yun suddenly wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

She said nothing and cried silently.

Wen Xingsu was suffocated, and his chest was filled with an indescribable sense of frustration. He hugged Feng Yun into his arms, more wantonly than before, hugging each other deeply, getting tighter and tighter, as if he had forgotten what was on his body. The injury seemed to be crushed into pieces, rubbed into her arms, and rubbed into her body...

"Yaoyao, whether I live or die, you must live well."

Feng Yun was heartbroken.

Wen Xingshuo also said this in his previous life.

Before he led his troops into battle.

Feng Yun thought it was unlucky and was so angry that he covered his mouth and asked him to take his words back...

Who would have thought that after that trip, he actually didn't come back.

Feng Yun bit his lower lip and sniffed to stop the emotions that were about to rush out. He leaned in Wen Xingsu's arms and was held by him. He was immersed in the emotions of his past life and this life, completely forgetting the people around him...

The darkroom is silent.

The people at the door also held their breath...

It's not unusual for a brother and sister to embrace each other, but this pair of siblings is different.

They are so handsome and beautiful, the tall prisoner general and the delicate beautiful girl, a big man full of brokenness and a petite and cute little lady. No matter how you look at the picture, you will feel excited, and no matter how you look at it, you will feel beautiful and regretful. , I wish they could hold each other like this forever.

Of course, people who think this way do not include Ao Qi.

Ao Qi's eyes turned green and his heart felt sour. He wished he could throw Ao Zai over to stop them.

But he had no reason.

His fists were clenched again and again, and Ao Zai was still lying on the crook of his neck, making him unable to move.

He didn't notice that in the shadow outside the darkroom, Pei Madang looked at the brother and sister in distress hugging each other, his expression bright and clear...

The guard noticed Pei Ran first, clasped his fists and saluted, "General."

The rest of the people came back to their senses from the scene of the brother and sister hugging each other, and all bowed their heads, "General."

Feng Yun did not immediately get up from Wen Xingsu's arms. Instead, he turned his head against him and sniffed, looking fragile and helpless after seeing his relatives.

"The general is here?"

Pei Ran said calmly, "General Wen, have you figured it out?"

Wen Xingsu raised his head.

He sat and watched Pei Mang's body become even taller.

Heroes emerge from troubled times, powerful and arrogant overlords. Wen Xingsu has seen many heroes, but Pei Madang is very different. He is arrogant but restrained, brave and resourceful.

For some reason, seeing him, Wen Xingsu suddenly thought of Xiao San.

One can even imagine the coming bloody storm.

He looked down at Feng Yun and smiled warmly, "Wen said that if he falls into the hands of the general, he will be slaughtered. But as a guard general of Shinshu, leaving his post without permission is a serious crime. How can he still have face if he returns to the general again?" Standing in the world?"

Pei Madang said: "A good bird chooses a tree to roost, why should it surrender?"

Wen Xingsu smiled bitterly, shook his head, and patted Feng Yun's back twice.

"Yaoyao, you go back first. It's humid here and you're not in good health. Don't stay too long."

"Brother..." Feng Yun looked up.

When their eyes met, Wen Xingsu's face did not show the hardship of being in prison. He was always gentle and calm, as if no matter how bad the environment was, he could not shake him in the slightest.

"Okay." Feng Yun hugged him tightly with both hands.

When she stood up and saluted Pei Ran, her mood had returned to its original state, with a smile on her face that was indifferent.

"Thank you, General, for your support."

After saying that, he glanced at Wen Xingsu and said to Pei Madang, "I'm waiting for the general outside."

She has something to say.

Pei Madang had no expression on his face and said to Ao Qi: "Take it back to the Central Military Tent."

Ao Qi lowered his eyes, "Understood."

Feng Yun waited in the Chinese military tent for about two quarters of an hour before Pei Madang came back.

She greeted him with a smile.

"How is it? General, can you convince me?"

Her eyes were clear, as if she really wanted Wen Xingsu to surrender to the Jin Dynasty.

Pei Madang leaned against the tent door and did not move. "You guys go down."

This order, of course, refers to other people.

Feng Yun looked sideways at Ao Qi and said, "Watcher Ao, please take care of Ao Zai."

Ao Qi's throat seemed to be stuck by something foreign. He sensed that the atmosphere between the two was tense and wanted to say something, but that was the uncle he had been in awe of since he was a child. He had a natural and hard-to-break-through repressive power.

He hugged Ao Zai and retreated like the others.

But his eyes fell on Feng Yun for a long time, full of worry.

The door curtain fell down, making Pei Madang's armor look even colder and tougher.

"General?" Feng Yun's body was tense for a moment, which was from the memory of his body, but he soon relaxed and smiled calmly.

"Why don't you speak?"

Pei Ran: "Say."

Well! This is waiting for her to speak...

Under the gaze of those cold eyes, Feng Yun was silent for a moment, swallowing those circuitous lies.

Pei Madang just doesn't like to talk, but he doesn't understand human nature, nor is he stupid.

She walked closer, stood in front of Pei Ran, raised her head, and looked directly into his eyes, "Does the general want me?"

Seeing that Pei Ran was silent, she relaxed her brows and smiled warmly, "I know, the general wants to."

Feng Yun actually has a lot of experience with Pei Madang, but the most effective is always the most direct——

She gently put her hand on Pei Man's shoulder. Seeing that he didn't move, she immediately slid closer to her body and moved gently through the armor...

"The general is really hard..."

Pei Madang's Adam's apple slid slightly, and his face was colder than before.

He grabbed Feng Yun's hand and pulled it forward.

"If you want to save Wen Xingsu, why don't you risk your life to save him?"

Feng Yun bumped into him, raised his head and smiled, "I never hide my thoughts from the general, and I can't hide my thoughts. But the general's words... well... the first sentence is right, but the second sentence is wrong."

Pei Madang's black eyes darkened.

She said: "It is absolutely true that I want to save my eldest brother, but I promise to do so with my body...I don't like to hear this." She raised her beautiful eyes, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and pressed her soft body against her, like a fairy. Blooming, "The general is a real man, what girl wouldn't want to take him as his own?"

Before his voice fell, he chuckled again, "I want the general to give me his life."

Pei Madang's body was stiff.

His expression at this moment, whether in his previous life or this life, was something Feng Yun had never seen before. He probably never thought that a woman would say such outrageous things. His brows were furrowed, as if he was suffocating.

"General, are you willing?" Feng Yun glanced at his lower abdomen, "It seems that the general has agreed?"

"Ridiculous!" Pei Ran grabbed her hand and pulled her away, saying coldly: "You did everything you could to save Wen Xingsu."

Feng Yun shook his head, with a half-truthful sigh in his voice, "I will not use this kind of thing to insult the general or brother."

"Oh?" Pei Ran seemed to have heard too many lies from her, and there was a rare hint of mockery in his dark eyes, "Is Ji sincere?"

Feng Yun nodded solemnly and said seriously: "Qi Emperor Xiao Jue is mediocre and incompetent, and Jingling King Xiao Sanlang is even more petty. The eldest brother returned to Qi not only to show off his talent, but also to fall into the tiger's mouth. But the general is different. The general has always been broad-minded and awe-inspiring..."

She laughed lowly and noticed that Pei Ran's eyes were dark, and said seriously: "Only a person like the general is worthy of a famous general like my eldest brother who is astonishingly talented. Otherwise, what if he is talented? No fight. If you die on the battlefield, you will probably die at the hands of your own people because of your great achievements."

These few words are not against my will.

Listening subconsciously shows sincerity.

"I sincerely hope that my eldest brother can follow the general and do great things..."

She said it seriously and meant something.

In the troubled world, there are many people who are claiming to be the king. With Pei Man's strength, as long as he wants, he can conquer the world immediately, control several cities, and make plans for the country...

First update

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