Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 53 Who is jealous?

The girl's thoughts are ready to come out.

Pei Ran looked at her coldly, as if he had just met her, his lips were pursed tightly, and there was unconcealable surprise in his dark eyes.

But Feng Yun didn't say anything clearly, he curled his lips and smiled lightly.

"A sword is easy to come by, but a famous general is hard to find. The general also knows that the more capable a person is, the more arrogant he is. If you cannot convince the elder brother, then surrender is meaningless."

Pei Man grabbed her wrist and slowly pulled it up, so high that Feng Yun was a little unsteady on his own strength and had to lean on him, leaning up.

He then said: "Do you really want to persuade him to surrender?"

Feng Yun: "Seriously."

Pei Ran paused for a moment and said, "Tell me your conditions."

Feng Yun said calmly: "Brother is an upright man. He will definitely not be able to figure it out for a while. I only hope that the general will save his life no matter what..."

Pei Madang lowered his head and stared at her, silent for a long time, as if thinking about her real intention of doing this.

"I also have conditions." He said.

Feng Yun was not surprised at all and was even willing to listen.

People have no private possessions, but the conditions are true.

"General, please speak."

Pei Mad stared at her, his eyes filled with lust.

"I want you," he said suddenly.

There were no unexpected words, only the heat caused by the crazy burning of the touching skin, which was more scorching than the fire.

At this moment, Feng Yun looked at Pei Mang as if he had transformed into a beast, and he was strangling her so hard, as if he wanted to break her thin waist...

When their eyes met, Feng Yun felt a little tense.

But the response was without hesitation, "That's it for you."

She agreed to Pei Madang's conditions and didn't feel ashamed.

In her previous life, she was too shameless and cared too much about other people's eyes and opinions, so she was picked on time and time again. She is shameless and heartless now. In her eyes, Pei Madang is just a tool. He is no different from Chun Yuyan. When it is useful, he will be used...

Seeing that Pei Madang didn't move, she put her hand around his thin waist.

"When and where will the general come to decide? Or now, now, in the camp, in front of everyone?"

Pei Madang remained motionless, his eyes staring at her like sharp knives, as if he wanted to pierce several big holes in her body, and his body was even stiffer than before.

"General?" Feng Yun's watery eyes were full of confusion, and his looking-up posture made people feel pity for him.

"Habitual offender." Pei Ran said.

"Are you talking about me?" Feng Yun smiled, stroking Pei Madang's hard armor with his palms, his eyes evil.

Perhaps it was the tight wrapping of the armor that greatly increased her destructive desire. She wanted to peel it off, tear it into pieces, and let General Pei reveal his original animal nature under the disguise...

She asked: "Why does the general restrain himself? It's so heartbreaking. It's not just me, there are more than a dozen beauties in the mansion waiting for the general's favor..."

His restraint will only make Feng Yun want to force him to lose control.

So he blinked again and asked with a half-smile:

"Does the general have someone in his heart? Otherwise, I don't believe that anyone can stay calm..."

Feng Yun had seen him losing control of his emotions. When the persistence in his bones was torn apart, he would no longer be the calm and self-possessed General Pei. He would transform into a wolf, a wolf that eats people without spitting out bones...

But at this moment, he was terrifyingly calm.

Those eyes were cold and biting. At such a charming time... Feng Yun felt that there was something wrong with Pei Mad.

She couldn't help but think of some old things.

The two barely spoke to each other in the first year they were together. Every time Pei Ran stayed with her for the night, he would come in after dark and leave before dawn. He was also very restrained in this matter, sticking to tradition and following the rules.

She was also very timid at that time, and she was extremely afraid of Pei Madang. She closed her eyes and just thought that she was a pig on the slaughterhouse, letting him take whatever he wanted...

Then one day, Queen Mother Li suddenly summoned her.

Feng Yun was picked up by a gorgeous carriage and sent to a separate courtyard, where he met the Empress Dowager of the Jin Dynasty who came incognito.

Before going there, she foolishly thought that the Queen Mother must be a certain age, serious and upright, and she dressed more modestly in order to leave a good impression. Unexpectedly, what she saw when they met was a young woman with exquisite makeup, who looked to be a few years older than her. She was dressed in bright clothes and had an overwhelming aura.

Feng Yun actually couldn't remember clearly what Li Sangruo said when they met him for the first time. He could only remember Li Sangruo's superior look down on him, the contempt and indifference of a superior looking at him like an ant.

And the plum makeup on the snow that day was particularly fragrant.

She smelled exactly the same fragrance as Pei Ran on Li Sangruo.

Li Sangruo gently pulled his shirt and told her, "The general just left."

At that time, she was still a little confused.

Until I saw that under the Queen Mother's pepper-colored loose clothes, there was nothing but weak bones and rich muscles. However, from the collarbone down, there were countless red marks spreading all the way...

She knew what it was.

She has fair skin, and if Pei Man's hand is slightly stronger, he will leave marks on her body, but Li Sangruo is different. There are fingerprints, lip marks, and even teeth marks, as if they have been gnawed by wild animals, which is enough to be seen. How hard that man used on her, and how deep his love was...

How could I have such unbridled joy if I wasn't so happy that my bones were filled with joy.

Feng Yun's self-esteem was shattered.

She was humble and weak that day.

Li Sangruo let her be humiliated without even using a single curse word.

Cruelly, he trampled her whole body into the dust.

Returning to the General's Mansion in a daze, she sat on the couch and waited until midnight before returning to Pei Madang...

She remembered that was the first time she asked about Pei Madang's whereabouts.

"Has the general gone to see the Queen Mother?"

Pei Ran was silent.

His eyes were a little wandering.

Without looking at her, he said, "Here we go."

At that moment, Feng Yun knew.

Everything I saw, heard, and smelled in the other courtyard was true.

There was never a time when Pei Ran didn't dare to look at her.

But at that glance, Feng Yun could see that he was guilty.

Feng Yun took the initiative to undress him and saw the scratches on his neck...

That's what the woman left behind.

How crazy do you have to be to do this?

At least, she never dared.

Even if he couldn't bear it anymore, he could only bite the back of his hand, not daring to leave even the slightest trace on his body.

She thought of Li Sangruo's contemptuous smile.

My heart is like a knife.

But what can a concubine sent by an enemy country do if she knows everything?

The only revenge Feng Yun could think of was to leave such marks on his body, biting him and gnawing him unscrupulously like a beast, taking advantage of such an entangled situation, and strangling her to death before he could get even more angry. Opportunity to destroy the poor self willfully...

She was like a caged animal that couldn't find an exit, biting him with tears.

Pei Ran did not strangle her to death.

But the thousand-year-old iceberg melted, and it was out of control. She never saw the restrained and conservative General Pei again...

Both of them were covered in scars, and she got no less than the marks on Li Sangruo. Pei Madang even used more cruel and deeper methods to tear everything apart from her.

She tasted the bitter consequences of her own brew.

It was only after serving him for a year that I realized that in the past he was considered a kindhearted person, and I also understood that there were many differences between men and women...

It was she who stripped off Pei Madang's pretense of abstinence with her own hands, and it was she who trapped herself in a cocoon, knowing that his heart was not with her, yet unable to control herself and sinking into the abyss.

In the past, she thought she only liked Xiao Sanlang.

It turns out that being together for a long time will also make you emotional.

When he left that day, Pei Mang just sent someone to deliver medicine, but he didn't come back.

Feng Yun shed tears and couldn't find a way out. Without her confidants in the house, she was like a bird in a cage, knowing nothing about the outside world.

It took half a month to find out that Pei Madang had gone to the battlefield and was injured...

She saw the injury later, it was on the ribs.

She suddenly glanced at Pei Ran's ribs——

He stared at it for a moment without blinking, then smiled in amusement.

If he only gets emotional when Li Sangruo is mentioned, why not give it a try?

Feng Yun asked with a smile: "Who does the general have in mind? Is she okay with me? Does she like the general's body so much that I do?"

She blew into Pei Ran's throat.

Then she looked at him with satisfaction, her Adam's apple rolling heavily, and she looked like she wanted to go crazy but had to restrain herself, which made her even more interested.

"Okay, if the general doesn't say anything, I won't say anything."

She closed her eyes and put Pei Man's hand on her waist, "The general can treat me as his own person, I don't mind."

He is a tool man and himself a living dead. Feng Yun really doesn't mind. If this caused the calm general to lose control, that would be an achievement.

"Get out!" Pei Ran suddenly said.

Not very vicious.

It was the calm, bland, condescending dislike she was familiar with.

Did it really irritate him?

Feng Yun's eyes full of hope did not receive a fiery response, but he smiled even happier.

She was like a heartless monster, clinging to him, wishing that the hot blood all over the general's body would become cold.

"General, why don't you think about it carefully for a moment?"

The air froze for a moment, and he lowered his head slightly and glanced at the girl in front of him. A violent storm seemed to be brewing in Pei Man's black eyes.

"go out!"

Feng Yun raised his head as if he was frightened, looked at his cold eyes that seemed to have never changed for thousands of years, slowly stepped away, and bowed in salute.

"Feng's daughter takes her leave."

She turned and left without any regrets.

The curtain opened and fell, making a heavy muffled sound.

When the surroundings fell silent, Pei Madang turned his head and laid his eyes on the food table.

Among his food was a cup of duck soup with a few green vegetables boiled in it. It smelled delicious, but there was not even half a piece of duck meat, and it had all been fished out.

Just put it in front of Wen Xingsu.

Feng Yun came out to find Ao Qi, smiled and left the camp.

She was not ashamed of being rejected, she only knew that she had escaped another disaster.

What man doesn't want the girl to be willing to marry him because she is obsessed with him and admires him? Even if he doesn't love this girl, his mentality is the same.

She was willing to do it, but she embarrassed General Pei every time.

General Pei's pride does not allow him to do this...

As long as she begged for favors from time to time and sincerely persuaded Wen Xingsu to surrender, she would be able to save her eldest brother's life for the time being...

Pei Madang is talented.

If the eldest brother is willing to stay, Feng Yun would be happy to see it happen.

After all, following Xiao Cheng might not end well.

Second update

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