Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 54 Cutting off his retreat

It was the beginning of autumn in a blink of an eye.

On that day, Grandma Han got up early.

The elderly pay the most attention to the solar terms.

"Eating the residue of the beginning of autumn will prevent adults from vomiting and children from diarrhea."

"Residue" is a kind of tofu residue made of green vegetables and bean residue. It is rough and tasteless in ordinary families. Now that there is food at home, Feng Yun specifically instructed that they should eat "sweet residue" this year, so Grandma Han specially added some sugar.

Sugar is a precious thing, or the two cans that were looted from Wang Dian's house. She originally planned to give the girl sweet ones, but Feng Yun insisted that everyone in the mansion should eat them, which made Grandma distressed and kept complaining.

"If you waste money like this, you will be hungry again in a few days."

Feng Yun laughed it off.

Then, while Grandma Han was nagging, she ordered the stove to cook white rice.

White rice without grains, mixed with lard refined a while ago, and then cooked with lard residue, everyone can get a bowl, such delicious, comparable to the New Year, the mansion is lively again.

Grandma Han almost broke her thigh.

"My dear mother, the beginning of autumn is not a big festival, so waste food..."

"White rice is so fragrant, mixed with lard is really delicious..."

"I can't wait to swallow my tongue."

A Lou looked at the satisfied faces, full of energy.

"Follow the girl, one day, we will have white rice for every meal."

"Believe it! We believe that there will be not only white rice, but also lard, lard rice every day!"


No one knows what Feng Yun is celebrating.

She has been waiting for the beginning of autumn for so long, just waiting for Xiao Sanlang on the other side to get into trouble, waiting to see him get angry...

She remembers this incident very clearly.

The news that Xiao Sanlang started the uprising and proclaimed himself emperor reached her ears on the third day after the beginning of autumn. At that time, the Qi army had already turned its guns to counterattack Andu, and the Beiyong army was still raising grain everywhere. It was also at that time that Pei Cong opened the granaries of Wang Dian and many wealthy families in the county.

This time Pei Cong had a response, and things would not develop as in the previous life...

As long as Xiao San made any unusual moves, he would take advantage of the situation to attack Xinzhou.

She couldn't wait to wait for good news from the battlefield in Xinzhou, and was ready to celebrate during the beginning of autumn.


Until the third day after the beginning of autumn, there was no news from Huaishui Bay.

Obviously, the development of the situation has changed a lot.

Xiao Cheng doesn't want to be an emperor in this life?

Feng Yun was very uneasy, and took the opportunity to send "sweet dregs" to find He Qia.

After a long chat, she asked in a roundabout way: "Is there any news from the Huaishui side?"

She had no way to inquire about the exact movements of the Beiyong army, but He Qia was someone close to Pei Cong and was more informed than her.

Feng Yun asked the right person.

He Qia was very relieved to hear that, "The girl is worried about the safety of the general, this is just right..."

Just right? Feng Yun smiled.

He Qia pondered for a moment and said, "The Qi soldiers were very rampant a few days ago, threatening to attack the city with a large army. They suddenly stopped moving these two days and became honest... I wonder if the general brought a powerful deputy general with him this time and frightened the other side..."

Feng Yun was stunned, "What deputy general?"

He Qia said, "The newly appointed General Po Lu Wen Xingsu is injured, and the general carried him to the Huaishui Bay camp..."

Feng Yun was shocked.

Wen Xingsu must not have volunteered to be the General Po Lu.

The name itself is ironic enough.

Pei Cong had to carry Wen Xingsu to the front of the battle, and his purpose was very simple. Many of the generals on the south bank were Wen Xingsu's subordinates and brothers. The news was spread, which was a big blow to the Qi army...

At the same time, it also cut off Wen Xingsu's retreat.

Even if Wen Xingsu regained his freedom, how could he return to Southern Qi? How could he face his former subordinates? Especially Xiao Cheng, who was suspicious by nature. Even if Wen Xingsu was a close friend of his, he would not be able to escape the bad luck...

It must be said that Pei Jue's move was really vicious.

It can be said that he killed two birds with one stone, and he beat the man without the power to fight back.

Feng Yun was very worried about Wen Xingsu's safety. She looked at Xiao Man, signaling her to put up the good tea and wine she brought and push them to He Qia.

"He Gongcao, I have an unwelcome request."

He Qia looked at the things on the table, with a smile in his eyes, but answered cautiously.

"Girl, just say it. If I can help, I will definitely help. If I can't help, I can't do anything."

Feng Yun said: "I won't make He Gongcao embarrassed. I am worried about you, but at the moment, it is inconvenient for me to ask the general too much... If He Gongcao has any news, please come and tell me."

Is this for intelligence?

He Qia looked at her with a squint, thinking of the general's order.

This woman is cunning. If she has any request, she can agree to it verbally.

He Gongcao accepted the gift with a smile, "It's a small matter, the girl will be relieved."

Feng Yun sincerely thanked He Qia and then led his people away.

However, she didn't know that the gifts she gave to He Qia were quickly handed to Pei Jue without any touch, and expressed his loyalty by the way.

"In order to avoid the girl's suspicion, I have to accept it. General, please don't blame me..."

"You did a good job." Pei Jue glanced at the gifts and said coldly: "Take it to Wen Xingsu and tell him what Feng said intact."

He Qia: "Ah?"

This is really puzzling.

Let Wen Xingsu know how much Feng Shier Niang cares about him and how she tried her best to find out his news. Is it really good?

What is the general singing?

Feng Yun waited for several days and took a break.

The expected war did not start.

The Beiyong army did not forcefully cross the river, and Xiao Cheng on the other side did not proclaim himself emperor. The two armies were on the verge of a fight, but neither of them moved, as if they were waiting for the other side to fire the first arrow.

The predetermined thing did not happen.

The gears of fate turned in the wrong direction...

Feng Yun thought for a long time.

If there is any difference in this life, one is her, and the other is Wen Xingsu.

She is no longer like in her previous life, waiting and waiting, trying every means to send a message to the south bank.

Wen Xingsu returned to Southern Qi without seeing her in his previous life, and still defended Xinzhou City with injuries. This time, he was taken back to the camp by Pei Jue and was named General Po Lu.

The situation has completely changed, and Feng Yun can't laugh or cry.

But the trajectory has changed, but people will not change.

She believes that Xiao Cheng will definitely embark on the road to becoming an emperor.

I just don't know if Pei Jue will still believe her words?

And the Ge Guang and Ge Yi who can never be found also make her feel uneasy, as if there is a handle in the palm of a mysterious person, which has been kept hidden, which is a hidden danger.

The sword hanging over one's head is more frightening than the sword piercing one's chest.

Feng Yun couldn't stand the heat and felt even more upset, so she took a donkey cart to the farm.

He Qia's administration was simple, and farmers in Huaxi Village were gradually registered and given land. On a hot day, farmers could be seen weeding and hoeing in the fields, working busily.

If there were fields, there would be food, and if there were food, there would be no hunger.

This was the life of an ordinary person, the simplest happiness and hope.

Feng Yun's farm had been weeded in front of and behind it, revealing clean and tidy fields and roads, which were more comfortable than ordinary farmhouses.

She sat down in the thatched pavilion beside the lotus pond, looking at a still landscape and stroking the smooth fur of the turtle.

"Baby, the fate of the world is uncertain, so we don't have to rush. We are all still alive. As long as we are alive, there is a way."

"Was Xiao San so busy being a bridegroom that he forgot about being an emperor?"

The temperature dropped at night. Lying on the wooden couch in the farm, I heard the frog sounds in the silence and soon felt sleepy.

Under the eaves, the night lights were dim.

Daman, who was on night watch, saw a tall figure suddenly passing through the hall and lost his sleep in an instant.

She bowed and bowed her head, "General..."

Pei Jue didn't say anything, walked past her and opened the door.

Xiaoman followed and coughed heavily to remind Feng Yun.

"General, the girl has gone to bed..."

Before she finished speaking, her arm was grabbed by Daman.

Daman shook his head at her. Xiaoman said "oh" and turned around to see that the door was closed by the general from the inside.

"Sister..." Xiaoman stepped out, a little complaining, but seeing Daman's serious eyes, she finally didn't say anything.

The sound of the door was particularly clear at night.

When Xiaoman coughed, Feng Yun had already woken up, but she did not move.

She thought that person would come to the couch, but he stopped outside and did not move for a long time, which made her feel uneasy.

"Who?" Feng Yun asked softly.

"You sleep." It was Pei Jue's voice.

The voice came through the curtain, and it was low and sticky.

Feng Yun looked at his shadow reflected on the curtain, a little absent-minded.

Puff! The man raised his hand and waved his sleeves, the fire went out, and the room was dark. Feng Yun could not see him, and could only guess by the sound. He pushed away the table, pulled out the mat and put it on the ground, and lay down.

This night was particularly quiet.

Feng Yun held her breath, very puzzled.

Pei Jue rejected her with a cold face that day, and now he came to her room inexplicably. She thought he had figured it out, but he slept on the floor through the curtain. What kind of temper was he in?

She wanted to ask.

But Pei Jue was a dull person, his mouth was like a sawn wood. If he didn't want to talk, even if she asked, she probably wouldn't get an answer.

Feng Yun turned over, lay down with her back to him, and closed her eyes.

The night insects chirped, but the room was terribly quiet.

Even Aozai huddled in the corner, lurking, without making any sound.

Did Aozai seem to be afraid of Pei Jue? Every time he saw him, he would take the initiative to avoid him...

Feng Yun thought about it, her heart was in a mess, and she didn't dare to turn over.

She was afraid that the sound she made would destroy the quiet atmosphere and put herself in a more embarrassing situation...

Pei Jue slept very properly, just lying there like a corpse, not snoring much...

He wasn't a very rude person, so how could he not control himself in that matter?

Feng Yun couldn't help but think of the two people in her mind, calm, heartbeat, hateful, resentful, noisy, like a slow replay.

Three years is neither long nor short. Too many memories disturbed her to calm down...

At dawn, she gradually fell asleep.

When she woke up, there was no one in the room.

The mat that Pei Jue had slept on was put back in place, clean and tidy.

Xiao Man said that the general left before dawn, and the people in the village didn't even know that the general had come last night and stayed in the girl's room...

Three more updates, with nearly 10,000 words. Thank you sisters for your support, love you!!

Feng Yun: Mom, stop love, solve my emotional problems quickly, there are so many scumbags, it's hard for me...

Er Jin: No, you don't need to solve it, you don't have emotional problems, the problem is money, make money and career well, and honor your mother, okay?

Scumbags: Mom, I will honor you, let Twelve Niang do me

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