Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 55: Killing My Own Father

The weather was hot, so Feng Yun did not return to the general's mansion and lived in Changmenzhuang with a group of servants.

Grandma Han saw that she had a bad appetite, so she tried every means to get her some fresh food to eat. She visited all the nearby villages. The east family bought a handful of green vegetables, and the west family bought two sticks of corn. The three meals a day were also varied. do it.

But Feng Yun still lost weight visibly.

When I wake up every day, I yawn nonstop, as if I have slept a lot, and my temper is a bit bad.

Even the little thing Ao Zai is droopy, as if he hasn't slept at night, and he just finds a cool place to nest during the day...

"Ao Zai used to go out at night, but he doesn't go out anymore these days."

Grandma Han felt that there was something wrong with this person and the cat, so she reached out and touched Feng Yun's forehead.

"You're not sick, are you?"

Feng Yun shook his head, "The heat is heavy."

He glanced at Ao Zai, who was sleeping soundly, and said, "Zai is also tired. Let him sleep."

Grandma Han said, "Old servant, go get Zai some delicious food."

When she went out, she frowned when she saw Pei'er and Huan'er carrying water to the clean room again.

Twelve Niangs don’t like to eat, they don’t sleep well, and they bathe more often than usual?

"It's already passed the beginning of autumn, how can it be so hot that I can't eat?"

Under the eaves, two maids were sweeping and talking.

In the yard, some villagers from Huaxi Village exchanged things for mosquito repellent tablets.

That was what Feng Yun had taken a while ago to prepare Alou in Shiguan County. He said that it was added with rosin, mugwort, sulfur, arsenic and other substances. The medicinal materials themselves were very expensive, but the girl explained that as long as they were from the village, People come to exchange, whether it is a handful of vegetables or an egg, they can exchange whatever they want.

Ah Lou felt a little distressed, but he didn't dare to disobey the order.

Seeing the two women going out with great gratitude, he sighed and turned around to meet Granny Han's staring eyes.

"Building manager."

"..." Alou was frightened.

Grandma Han used to always call him A'lou affectionately, like a nephew.

How could he afford to be the general manager of the building?

"Grandma, just give me instructions if you need anything, don't scare the little one..."

Grandma Han pulled him and walked a few steps outside the hospital, "What's wrong with the girl?"

Alou was startled, "What?"

Grandma Han thought for a while, "But what kind of disease does she have that you are told not to let me know about?"

Ah Lou wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied with a smile, "I can't. The girl said that grandma is the treasure of the village, and you must be filial to the last bit. If there is such a thing, how dare I hide it from you..."

snort! Grandma Han looked much better when she saw that this boy was honest.

"Don't be too tired on a day when the stove is under the stove. It's getting late. Go and rest quickly."

Ah Lou is grateful.

Did anyone finally notice that he had lost weight too?

At night, Huaxi Village is silent.

Ah Lou didn't dare to sleep too seriously, so he would get up and take a look if there was any disturbance.

It took until the middle of the night to finally feel at ease. As soon as I fell asleep, it was dark. When I heard the arguments and noises outside, I thought I was dreaming.

Until the door was knocked, he put on his clothes and went out, just in time to meet Ao Qi coming out of the back room.

The young man had two dark circles under his eyes and pulled out his sword with murderous intent.

"I'm going to see who the murderer is and pick him up early in the morning."

Seeing that he was so angry, A'lou raised his hand and called out to Guard Ao. He was about to say something, but the young man had long legs and walked very fast. Before he could say anything, Ao Qi's figure disappeared.


Ah Lou walked out with his feet, but what he saw was Ao Qi sheathing the knife carelessly.

The person who came was none other than Yushi Zhongcheng Ao Zheng, Ao Qi's biological father.

The censor Zhongcheng supervised all officials, and was responsible for impeachment. He had no special rule. His authority and position were very prominent, and all officials were afraid of him.

Therefore, Ao Zheng did not expect that someone would actually come to chop him with a waist knife. He was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat before he saw that the bitch was actually his biological son, and he immediately became furious.

"Kneel down!"

There was a dark group of people in the courtyard.

From the gate to the courtyard, there were more than a hundred forbidden troops crowded.

There were more than 20 members of Mei Ling's tribe, squeezed in the middle by the officers and soldiers, like meat patties with no fighting power.

The leader of the army was Wei Zheng, the general of the left guard of the Forbidden Army.

This man used to be a military attache in the East Palace. After the young emperor ascended the throne, he was able to live in the palace of guard. Because he was tall and handsome, he was highly valued by the Queen Mother, and his status naturally increased.

In front of Wei Zheng, Ao Zheng wanted to strangle his son to death.

Ao Qi didn't resist much and knelt down on the blue brick with a plop.

"My son bows to my father."

Ao Zheng was angry and felt sorry for his son.

This is the first time that father and son have met since Ao Qi left home to join his uncle in the war.

My son has grown taller, tanned, and lost weight. His eyes are as wide as a wolf's cub, and he looks like he hasn't slept well. What he said in his heart was that he didn't know how his uncle was raising the child, but he was humming.

"Get up and talk."

Ao Qi stood up and looked at her biological father, her eyes were red.

"My father is not enjoying your happiness in Zhongjing, so why are you here in the war-torn Andu County?"

"Go away, it's none of your business." Ao Zheng felt that his son looked very bad, as if he had been greatly wronged.

But in front of so many people, he couldn't express himself.

A'lou couldn't recognize the origin of this group of officers and soldiers. Seeing that they were not dressed as Beiyong soldiers, and the leader was Ao Qi's biological father, he was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward and bowed.

"I am the manager of Changmenzhuang in Huaxi Village. I dare to ask all the officials..."

"Get lost!" Wei Zheng was very angry. He rushed forward and pushed Alou hard before he could finish his words.

"Who are you? How dare you come to ask the master of the platform? Call your master to come out and answer."

Alou was half a head shorter than him. He was not fully recovered yet and was a little thin. He staggered back two steps.

He didn't get angry, but patted his sleeves and politely said, "My girl got up at 12:00 a.m., so please don't disturb her. How about you sit in the west hall for a while..."

"Haha?" Wei Zheng sneered twice and stared at him, "The daughter of Feng from the Changmenyuan of Huaxi Village secretly hid Wen Xingsu, the garrison commander of the Qi army, and colluded with the enemy and betrayed the country. This is a serious crime, and you want me to wait for her to sleep until she gets up at 12:00 a.m.?"

Ao Qi got anxious when he heard it, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ao Zheng grabbed his arm, "Shut up! Your matter will be dealt with later, you have no right to speak here."


"Come here, take the young man away."

Ao Qi's eyes widened and he kept calling him father, but a son should not disobey his father. He was angry, but he didn't dare to shake off Ao Zheng's hand. He was so angry that his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

A Lou glanced at the girl's residence, calmed down a little, and bowed again to ask.

"Sir, do you have a warrant for arresting someone?"

"What a dog who takes advantage of others' power?" Wei Zheng cursed, and with another strong force, he pushed Alou to the ground.

Bang! Alou's body hit the blue bricks hard, and his eyes were blurred with pain.

Before he could get up, a foot in a black boot stepped on his face.

"Listen!" Wei Zheng gritted his teeth, stepped hard on Alou's face, smiled sinisterly, and looked at Xing Bing and other Mei Ling's troops who were eager to try.

"I am here by order to arrest the traitor and return to Zhongjing for interrogation. You put down your weapons and kneel down to beg for mercy, or you may have a chance to survive... Otherwise, you will all be regarded as Feng's female accomplices and be severely punished!"

Alou grimaced in pain, and his ears were buzzing.

A group of Mei Ling's men had already changed their faces.

Xing Bing said: "If you can't produce the warrant for arrest from Andu County, what's the difference between you and the bandits?"

He asked loudly.

Immediately afterwards, someone brought up Pei Cong to pressure others.

"Did you get the general's permission to come to Andu to arrest people?"

"That's right, you didn't even ask what the relationship is between Huaxi Changmen Manor and General Pei. How dare you bypass the general and privately send troops to round up and arrest people? Wait for the general's military law..."

"General?" Wei Zheng looked at him coldly, smiling proudly, "The emperor is guilty of the same crime as the common people. Can you do whatever you want with the support of the general?"

He roared, and whispered to Ao Zheng, who was stroking his beautiful beard, "Master, give the order."

Ao Zheng glanced at his son who was glaring at him, and his face was slightly hesitant.

"General Wei must not act impulsively. Wait until you see the person and ask in detail."

"Is the master afraid?"

Wei Zheng sneered again.

Of course he knew what Ao Zheng was concerned about.

But he didn't believe it.

Pei Cong was far away in the Huaishui Bay camp, nearly a hundred miles away from here. Would he come to this dilapidated village to support a little concubine?

It was just a trick of the fox taking advantage of the tiger's power. Wei Zheng didn't care at all.

The Queen Mother asked him to lead the troops to arrest the man in person, which was clearly a reason for him to establish his authority.

He couldn't let the Queen Mother down.

Even if he offended Pei Cong, so what? As long as he took the man away from Andu County, could he still come to Jiafu Palace with a knife to ask for his head?

Thinking of this, Wei Zheng became arrogant again.

"I'm sure to take the man. Master, you can do it?"

Seeing Ao Zheng didn't say anything, Wei Zheng smiled even more sarcastically.

"Master, you are supervising all the officials, you won't want to show favoritism, right?"

Ao Zheng's face darkened.

He never thought that Wei Zheng's power was based on real ability. A man who relied on his looks was not even worthy of holding shoes in front of his capable and warlike brother-in-law.

"I don't like what General Wei said."

Ao Zheng stroked his beard and squinted his eyes, "General Wei, if you have evidence that I violated the law and acted in a private way, why not report it to the Jinluan Palace and charge me with the crime of not keeping my loyalty? Why bother to speak nonsense here?"

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