Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 56: Tacit slap in the face

The imperial censor Zhongcheng could talk angrily against all the officials in the court, and he was so eloquent. How could Wei Zheng, a general, be his opponent?

Wei Zheng had no choice but to move out of the Queen Mother.

"Master, please don't forget the purpose of our trip."

Ao Zheng snorted coldly, cupped his fists and raised his hands, "I have been ordered to leave the capital. I don't need General Wei's warning. I will live up to the emperor's order."

Then he cast a flirtatious glance and said, "General Wei, please be careful with your words. If you say anything disgraceful, I won't be able to return to the court and I'll have to file another memorial."

Wei Zheng wanted to draw his sword and kill this old man.

But before departure, the Queen Mother specifically told him to act according to the situation and not to be reckless.

So with that suppressed tone, he immediately kicked Alou on the body, and then turned around and clasped his fists angrily.

"I don't have any other intentions. Please forgive me, Master."

Before his voice fell, he turned around and kicked Alou again.

"Since your daughter Jin Gui wants to get up at the eleventh hour, I will beat her until she wakes up to see how long she can sleep..."

This hit was done with enough force, which immediately aroused Mei Ling Buqu's anger.

The crowd roared angrily, wanting to fight Wei Zheng to the death.

Ah Lou took a deep breath, turned around and shook his head at Xing Bing.

"Do not collide with... officers and soldiers..."

He barely had the energy to speak the last two words, and his throat felt fishy and sweet. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood in public.


"Building Manager!"

The whole yard was boiling.

This scene made Master Mei's eyes red, and made Ao Qi's blood rush to Tianling Gai.

"Thief named Wei, I will kill you!"

He forcefully broke away from the two Ao family attendants who were restraining him, and was about to rush forward with his knife. Ao Zheng was so frightened that he opened his hands to stop them——

Just at this moment, the door to the main house, which had been closed, opened.

Two slender and beautiful maids came out first, standing on the left and right.

Two more guards came out, Zuo Zhong and Ji You.

The two men stood with swords in their hands. They were tall and strong, very scary.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Wei Zheng, Ao Zheng and the group of forbidden soldiers seemed to realize something and immediately held their breath.

Sure enough, when there was movement inside the door again, everyone saw a man and a woman stepping out of the door together.

Pei Man was walking in front, holding in his clasped hand a pretty young lady in loose clothes and broad belt. Their clothes were fluttering, and their faces had the same indifference. Under the mist of the morning light, they looked like a couple.

Everyone in the yard was stunned.

Didn't it mean that the Jin army's war was about to break out?

As the commander-in-chief, General Pei was not supervising the battle at the Huaishuiwan camp, so why did he appear at Huaxi Farm?

In fact, Wei Zheng had never had the opportunity to see Pei Madang up close. Pei Madang was still wearing casual clothes, but Wei Zheng was sure from the first look at him that this person was the General Pei that Empress Dowager Li longed for.

Love rivals are extremely jealous when they meet...

Wei Zheng was filled with anger and hatred, but he couldn't bring himself to express his anger.

Pei Madang had an aura of looking down on all living beings, which forced him to look at him squarely.

Wei Zheng secretly grinded his teeth and lowered his head in the silence of the courtyard.

"The last general, Wei Zheng, has come to fetch someone under orders. Please give me a favor, the general."

Pei Madang didn't look at him, but glanced at the people in the courtyard and said, "Take it."

Two words, simple, but like thunder.

Seeing a few guards coming out to catch Wei Zheng, Mei Lingbuqu's blood rushed to his head and he shouted excitedly that the general was wise. However, the group of imperial guards who guarded the imperial city usually walked sideways in their nests, facing Bei Yong who went into battle to kill the enemy. The soldiers did not dare to move.

Wei Zheng struggled hard, "General, what do you mean?"

Pei Madang looked over calmly: "General Wei went to war in my house and killed his servants. He should be punished according to law."

At his house?

Wei Zheng stared at the little lady beside him with wide eyes.

"The general misunderstood that the last general and the host were here under orders to capture the Southern Qi garrison and the collaborators who were harboring the enemy generals..."

Pei Ran raised his hand expressionlessly and held Feng Yun's slender waist firmly.

"The person General Wei wants to take is this general?"

Wei Zheng was stunned.

Pei Ran said: "Wen Xingsu, the defender of Xinzhou, who admires me, left the camp privately, fled to Andu, and surrendered to the Northern Yong Army. How noble and noble is this and how righteous is it? How can you be insulted by villains like you?"

There was an uproar in the court.

Even Ao Zheng was stunned.

What admiration, surrender, and awe-inspiring righteousness?

How come things turned out like this when I went from Zhongjing to Andu?

"Zuo Zhong." Pei Ran looked sideways calmly. Zuo Zhong nodded, took out the documents he had prepared long ago from his arms, walked to Ao Zheng, and presented them with both hands.

"Master, please take a look."

Ao Zheng glanced at Pei Mad and unfolded it carefully.

I saw that there was indeed Wen Xingsu's signature on it, as well as the official text that Pei Madang named Wen Xingsu "General Polu" in front of the battle.

The general has this right.

This incident also occurred before the imperial court arrested people.

Pei Madang had already prepared a backup plan.

Ao Zheng's eyelids twitched twice, and he signaled his entourage to present the document to Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng's face was already ashen.

The words on the document were each bigger than the other. His eyes were so frightened that he couldn't focus on those words...

He did not expect that Pei Ran would go against the Queen Mother and the court for a concubine.

Without warning, he fell into the trap of Pei Madang and that little girl.

When he was venting his anger on the manager, the two idiot men and women hid in the room and listened without saying a word, making him mistakenly think that Feng's daughter was afraid and refused to show up. Pei Ran was in the Huaishui Bay camp, and then he got carried away. , beaten hard...

They want to find fault with him.

He must be dealt with severely.

Unfortunately, it was too late to wake up.

"General..." Wei Zheng's legs were weak, his throat was choked, and his eyes were begging for mercy. "It's the general who is ignorant and disturbed the general's peace. I don't know what villain is chewing in front of the Queen Mother for no reason." , which led to misunderstanding..."

He didn't see Pei Ran react.

Those cold eyes didn't even stay on him too much.

Ah Lou had been carried into the back room, and Xing Bing went to call the doctor.

Wei Zheng looked at the dazzling pool of blood on the ground and felt that he was finished.


No one in the whole yard paid any attention to him.

After all, Wei Zheng was young, too restless, and too eager to make meritorious deeds in front of Li Sangruo, so he ignored Pei Man's cruelty. At this time, he realized that he had fallen behind and lost all his momentum.

"The general will act according to his orders. Even if there is an accidental injury, it is not an intentional mistake..."

Ao Zheng asked back: "General Wei, does this mean that the Queen Mother asked you to go out of the capital to commit murder? Why didn't I accept such an order?"

Wei Zheng wished he could slap Ao to death, adding insult to injury.

Pei Madang didn't seem to hear, and looked at Feng Yun sideways.

"Alou is your servant, and you are the master of suffering. How do you think we should deal with it?"

What? Not only was Wei Zheng so angry that he almost fainted, but even Ao Zheng felt that this was inappropriate.

He stepped forward and held his hands, "General, General Wei is an official of the imperial court. Even if he is wrong, how can he..."

Pei Madang said: "The emperor is guilty of breaking the law and the common people are guilty. In the opinion of the Taiwan Master, General Wei lynched without trial and caused serious injuries. What crime should he be punished for?"

This was what Wei Zheng said himself just now, and it was perfect to silence Ao Zheng.

Ao Zheng glanced at Wei Zheng with a helpless expression.

Wei Zheng still wanted to struggle, "Even if the general is guilty, he should return to Zhongjing and let the court punish him."

Pei Ran: "Under the rule of Beiyong Army, we will follow my rules."

After saying that, he lowered his head and said to Feng Yun: "Come here."

Feng Yun's mind was extremely clear at this time.

Things that I couldn't figure out before are now clear to me.

No wonder Pei Ran came to Changmenzhuang silently these past few nights, stretched out his body in her room every day, and left before dawn...

It turns out that he had known that the Jin Dynasty would suddenly attack...

If Pei Madang doesn't protect her this time, as long as she is taken away from Andu and falls into the hands of Li Sangruo, any serious crime will make her life worse than death. You can imagine what the situation will be like...

He didn't take advantage of the situation and handed her over to Wen Xingsu. Feng Yun remembered him as a favor.

But what Pei Madang gave her in front of her was a difficult problem.

No punishment is not enough to establish authority, and a severe punishment will only bring endless troubles to himself and Pei Man, especially when Alou is only injured.

The so-called punishment is not good enough for a doctor.

No matter how badly Alou is injured, he can't cure a court official's serious crime——

Pei Mad now has a lot of troops and great authority. He is an important minister of the Jin Dynasty. And when the Jin and Qi armies are at war, of course no one dares to embarrass him.

But what about the future?

How many great officials who have made great contributions to the prosperity of the dynasty have ended up like birds flying away and good bows hidden.

Pei Madang would not understand the game of power.

He definitely doesn't want people to poke his back and say that he has great achievements and arrogance, thus arousing the resentment of both the government and the public...

Maybe this was Pei Man's test for her to become a counselor.

Feng Yun asked Pei Ran: "May I ask the general, what do you think about military law?"

Pei Ran: "Behead."

Wei Zheng shuddered and was so frightened that his lower abdomen trembled.

No matter how trustworthy the Queen Mother was, even if Pei Madang really killed him, no one would come to redress his grievances...

"General, spare your life! General, spare your life!"

Wei Zheng could no longer care about his face and kept begging for mercy.

The group of forbidden soldiers all had pale faces, and they didn't know what would happen to them.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun suddenly pressed on the back of Pei Man's hand and smiled softly.

"It's just a misunderstanding, there is no need to behead..."

Hearing her say this, Wei Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"But..." Feng Yun sighed, with a hint of helplessness in his voice, "A'lou is my person. If I don't make the decision for him, how will I be convincing in the future..."

Everyone's hearts were lifted again.

Feng Yun thought for a moment and looked at Wei Zheng in embarrassment.

"The Queen Mother cares about the soldiers on the front line and the people's livelihood, so she is so nervous to send generals here, right..."

When Wei Zheng heard it, he was right.

He nodded hard and vigorously.

Feng Yun said: "Then if General Wei and the Forbidden Army officers do something for the people's livelihood in Andu County, the Queen Mother will definitely be happy, right?"

Wei Zheng nodded again, "Yes, yes, Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother loves the people deeply, and the world can learn from it. This misunderstanding is all because Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother cares for the people and the soldiers in front of the battle..."

Feng Yun also nodded, looking very impressed.

"Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother is kind and virtuous, benefiting the people, and is really a blessing to the villagers of Huaxi..."

What does this have to do with Huaxi Village?

Wei Zheng's mind was blank for a moment, and then he saw Feng Yun turning around and bowing to Pei Mang in a polite manner.

"General, there are still hundreds of hectares of wasteland and dry land in Huaxi Village that have not been taken care of. Our Feng family alone has as many as ten hectares. One is the lack of manpower, the other is the lack of farm tools and the inability to cultivate the land... Since General Wei is so determined, Why not let General Wei lead the heroes of the Forbidden Army to clear out the wasteland in Huaxi Village and pay for it? Then the people can cultivate the land and settle it. How will they thank the Queen Mother and the General?"

Pei Ran stared into her eyes.

I don’t know what he was thinking, the waves were shimmering, deep as the abyss.

After a long while, he uttered a word, "Yes!"

Wei Zheng looked at the flaming sun in the sky and almost fainted on the spot.

On such a hot day, the Feng family girl actually wanted him to farm?

Wei Zheng: Let me farm, it must be Pei Cong who is jealous of my handsomeness...

Feng Yun: Beheading or farming, choose one.

Wei Zheng: ... Farming!

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