Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 57 Ask her to come over

A group of imperial guards were taken to the fields by Xing Bing. Wei Zheng was very reluctant, but he was followed by two attendants of the Northern Yong Army and had Pei Jue's eyes behind him. He dared not disobey his fate.

It was better to go to the fields than to be killed by Pei Jue.

The group of imperial guards thought so too.

Some had farm tools, one could do the job of two.

Those without farm tools pulled weeds with their bare hands and worked very hard.

Ao Zheng looked at this scene and didn't know what to say for a while.

But Ao Qi looked at the speechless Yushi Zhongcheng with a frown and a lot to say.

Before today, the brothers in the camp didn't know that Ao Qi was the son of the boss of the Yushitai, and his real name was Ao Qi.

Now that his background was exposed, even if he made military achievements in the future, I'm afraid some people would say that he relied on nepotism.

Ao Qi wanted Ao Zheng to leave quickly, so he stepped forward and bowed to chase him away.

"When will the master return to Beijing to report?"

Ao Zheng saw that he was not doing well, so he wanted to teach him a lesson and didn't want to leave.

"I'll settle the score with you later."

He glared at his son and bowed to Pei Cong.

"Wangzhi, sorry to bother you."

Pei Cong didn't seem to recognize him as his brother-in-law, and his expression didn't change at all.

"Master, don't be so polite, let's talk in the main hall."

After that, he looked at Feng Yun.

He didn't say a word, but Feng Yun understood.

"Master, General, please sit down in the pavilion."

When the uncle and the brother get together, they will definitely have some private conversations. Feng Yun invited them to sit in the small wooden pavilion by the lotus pond, and personally brought Daman and Xiaoman to serve tea.

The small wooden pavilion was renovated a few days ago, and the thatched roof still had a fresh grass fragrance. The lotus in the lotus pond was in full bloom. It was a bit simple, but also unique.

Feng Yun was very particular about serving tea. She warmed the cup, poured water, and scalded the pot. Every move was a rule that could only be taught in aristocratic families. The seemingly simple tea actually had a lotus fragrance when it entered her mouth, and it made her salivate when she sipped it.

Ao Zheng couldn't help but look at her more, "Good tea."

"Enjoy your meal, Master."

Feng Yun didn't want to interrupt her, so she took the tray and left.

Pei Jue didn't say much, just looked at her and drank the tea with his eyes downcast.

Feng Yun walked down the platform and was about to go to see A Lou's injury, but was stopped by Ao Qi.

The young man had a complicated look in his eyes, and his handsome face looked very melancholy against the backdrop of the gray tile and wooden house.

Feng Yun asked, "What's wrong with Guard Ao?"

Ao Qi pursed his lips and hesitated for a long time.

"Girl, don't you have anything to say? Do you want to ask me?"

Somehow, Ao Qi's drooping look made Feng Yun want to tease him.

Just like treating Ao Zai, she even wanted to stroke his head.

"No." She pretended to be indifferent, "Guard Ao, don't block the road. I want to see Alou."

Ao Qi raised his red eyes, full of innocence.

"The doctor has seen it, and it won't die."

Feng Yun looked at him dissatisfied, "What are you talking about?"

Ao Qi saw that she didn't care about him at all, and his face was not very good.

"Everyone cares about the girl, everyone thinks of her, but not me."

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows, "What does Guard Ao need me to think about?"

Ao Qi choked her for a moment and couldn't speak.

At this time, he was a little annoyed. Why was he so dumb and didn't inherit his father's eloquence? Is he his biological son?

"I..." Ao Qi took a breath, "My name is not Ao Qi."

Feng Yun was surprised and raised her hand to shake in front of his eyes.

"Are you possessed by a ghost?"

Ao Qi grabbed her hand and a piece of smooth skin fell into his palm. It was like being burned by fire, and he quickly took it back. He didn't know where to put it, and hurriedly rubbed his hot ears.

This time, it became even redder.

"My name is Ao Qi."

"You are not Ao Qi, but Ao Qi? What exactly does Guard Ao want to say?"

"It's not that Qi, it's that Qi."

"..." Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

Ao Qi was annoyed and wanted to grab her hand and write to him, but he didn't dare to, so he just held her palm, "I'll write to you later."

Feng Yun said, "Then I'll go to see A Lou."

Seeing her leaving, Ao Qi was a little anxious, "Aren't you angry?"

Feng Yun turned around, "What are you angry about?"

Ao Qi: "I lied to you and didn't tell the truth."

Feng Yun asked suspiciously: "What are you laughing at, Guard Ao? That's your private matter, how can I be angry?"

Ao Qi breathed a sigh of relief and regained his usual smile, "I'll go to see A Lou with you."

Feng Yun hummed, but didn't refuse.

The two walked side by side and went to the yard.

Ao Qi didn't know what he was thinking of, and suddenly asked: "Has the girl been to Zhongjing?"

Feng Yun frowned slightly.

I have been there in my previous life.

After so long, the prosperity of Zhongjing is still vivid in my mind. The towering houses, the bustling crowds, the various vendors, and the peonies in Luocheng are all things I want to forget but cannot.

She even remembered that there was a century-old peony king in the general's mansion in Zhongjing Luocheng, which Pei Jue loved very much.

Later, for some reason, because Li Sangruo often found an excuse to come to the general's mansion to watch flowers, she raised it to death...

At that time, she was really willful.

Fortunately, Pei Jue didn't know the truth, otherwise he might have taken her life long ago.

Chaotic memories collided with reality in her mind. Feng Yun didn't pay attention to Ao Qi, so she missed the expectation in Ao Qi's eyes.

"I haven't been there." She heard herself answering against her will.

Ao Qi asked: "Do you want to go, girl?"

Feng Yun realized Ao Qi's weirdness.

She looked sideways and looked at the young man in front of her quietly. Suddenly, she thought of an old story.

It seems that Ao Qi secretly went to war with Pei Ran because she resisted the family marriage...

Now that his biological father has caught him, he must be panicking, right?

She pursed her lips slightly, "Why did Guard Ao ask me this? With my status, how can I choose?"

Ao Qi asked: "What if the girl has a chance to choose?"

Feng Yun thought for a while and nodded, "I want to take a look too."

Ao Qi's eyes lit up and he smiled, showing his neat white teeth, "That's good..."

Feng Yun shook his head in a funny way, feeling that Ao Qi had become very cute after his biological father came.

"Then how do I get to Zhongjing? Take a prison car?"

Ao Qi said: "When the war is over, I will ask the girl to come over."

Feng Yun's face was full of doubts.

What kind of nonsense did she hear?

In his previous life, Ao Qiji disliked her and did many things to embarrass her in order to drive her away from Pei Mad.

What tricks are you trying to pull this time?

Feng Yun was on guard.

Ao Qi, however, was heartless, with a bright and sunny face, "Young lady, just wait."

The light in the wooden pavilion is very good.

Ao Zheng and Pei Madang took in their eyes the two figures walking and talking, but neither of them spoke.

After a while, Ao Zheng broke the silence with a voice.

"Xiaoqi is in the camp, how about it?"

Pei Ran's eyelids were slightly closed, and there was no emotion on his face, "The host saw it."

To use the title of official position instead of brother-in-law is to draw a clear line with him.

Ao Zheng had a headache.

In fact, he discovered it just now.

Ao Qi was really too interested in that Feng girl, and his attitude became a bit more intimate.

Fortunately, Pei Ran didn't react at all, so he probably didn't care much.

Just a concubine.

No matter how nice it is, it is still something that the owner can throw away as he pleases.

Nowadays, it is common for friends, brothers, superiors and subordinates to give concubines as gifts, which is not surprising.

But if it falls on Ao Qi, Ao Zheng cannot accept it.

Teenagers in Zhongjing, like Ao Qi, have long understood the charm of romance, but Ao Qi is dedicated to practicing martial arts, and wants to fight on the battlefield and become a hero like his uncle.

This child has great ambitions and an unlimited future. How could he make a joke about stealing his uncle's concubine?

Ao Zheng observed Pei Madang's face, considered it for a moment, stroked his beautiful beard, and sighed:

"Xiao Qi's marriage has been decided a long time ago. As soon as the war is over, the family will arrange it for them. But this bastard refuses to let go. If you are my uncle, you can help us persuade him if you have the chance."

Pei Ran didn't look at him, lowered his eyes and drank tea.

For a while, Ao Zheng couldn't hold back and wanted to kneel down and admit his mistake for his son, but he saw him looking up without changing his expression.

"Master, try this tea."

Ao Zheng's heart was racing. He took a deep breath and lowered his head to take a sip.

"With lotus in tea, the Feng woman is clever and can run a household."

Pei Madang seemed unaware and pursed his lips slightly, "Really?"

Ao Zheng said in his heart, don’t you just want me to praise you? I shamelessly praised you, but you pretend not to know.

It's a pity that this censor Zhongcheng can scold all the civil and military officials of the court, but he is afraid of his brother-in-law.

Ao Zheng sighed, "If Mrs. Feng were an ordinary woman, she would not have made the palace jealous, and would not hesitate to move out the court officials, censors, and go to war in such a big way..."

Pei Madang said: "It's just Li Zongxun taking the opportunity to cause trouble."

Ao Zheng saw that his heart was clear, and Lao Huai was relieved, "As long as you understand. But you personally handed this knife to Li Zongxun, can you blame him for stabbing him to death?"

Pei Ran's face was expressionless, his eyes swept over the retreating figures of Feng Yun and Ao Qi, and he frowned.

Ao Zheng saw that he acted like it had nothing to do with him, and coughed lightly, "That old guy Li Zongxun has a lot of ambitions. Just now you heard that Wei Zheng had only been in office for a short time, and yet he dared to challenge me in front of me. Who gave him this?" ability?"

Pei Ran raised his eyes: "Oh?"

Ao Zheng put down the tea cup, leaned forward, looked into his eyes, and lowered his voice, "Recently there has been news in the court that the Queen Mother wants to expand the number of candidates and establish a 'Da Neiti Cavalry Division' in order to compete with Cao Wei's school." Someone told me that the Queen Mother recommended Wei Zheng in front of Li Zongxun..."

The waiter is the scout, and the waiter is the leader of the scouts. His job is to spy on intelligence. Now there are hundreds of them.

But compared with Cao Wei's school affairs office, it lacked some secret agent functions, could not be detained and imprisoned, and could not cause much trouble.

If it expands further...

It is clear that they want to imitate the school affairs office and use a secret service agency to monitor and control all officials, which is bound to create a bloody storm...

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