Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 58: Heartfelt

"Old dog Li wants to control the lifeline of all officials and use them for his own benefit."

Ao Zheng broke down the major events in the court one by one, and then analyzed them separately.

But Pei Cong remained silent, like a bystander.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but remind him: "What the Li family fears most now is nothing but recklessness. The favor of the past is the hatred of today. The greater the favor, the greater the hatred, and recklessness must be prevented."

It was Pei Cong who supported the young emperor to ascend the throne, and it was also because of his heavy troops that he was able to suppress the power of those royal relatives, so that the Northern Jin Dynasty did not fight against each other like the Southern Qi Dynasty in recent years, and maintained relative stability and development.

But how long can the peace last?

What Li Zongxun relied on back then has become what he fears today.

The merit of following the dragon will eventually become a merit that surpasses the master...

Ao Zheng said: "In my opinion, Wang Zhi really doesn't need to expose his shortcomings for a concubine and hand the handle to Li Laogou. Once he is accused of collaborating with the enemy, even if nothing happens today, he will definitely bring up the old account tomorrow..."

Pei Jue: "It's a false charge."

Seeing that he was not moved, Ao Zheng sighed heavily.

"If you want to accuse someone, there must be a reason. You can't make up a story out of thin air. Wang Zhi's move is very unwise. If you believe me, you might as well let me take Feng's daughter back to Zhongjing. I will guarantee her life with my own head."

Pei Jue looked at him coldly: "If one day the court wants to punish your elder sister and force you to hand over the person, what will the master choose?"

Ao Zheng was stunned.

These years, Pei Jue rarely mentioned his elder sister to him.

Because after marrying his wife, he took in two concubines, and Pei Jue alienated him from then on.

Ao Zheng sighed, "Feng Shierniang is just a concubine, or to put it bluntly, she is no different from a house slave. How can she be compared with your elder sister?"

"A real man has his own way of doing things and his own way of not doing things." Pei Jue didn't seem to want to discuss this issue with him. He left this sentence without even looking at Ao Zheng's stiff expression.

"If you really care about your elder sister, you won't take a concubine."

After saying that, he stood up and left.

Ao Zheng was left alone in the pavilion, blowing the hot wind, his mind was fogged.

"Wang Zhi will understand me one day."

Men only fall in love when they are young, and they will understand when they reach a certain age. How can they be faithful to one person?

The buds of the watery flowers are budding and blooming in front of him, and even a saint can't help it.


The doctor Xing Bing found was called from the village. His surname was Yao, and his given name was Ru. He was naturalized in Huaxi Village two days ago. He lived in the west end of Feng Yun's village, and a family of seven lived in three simple thatched houses.

In the turbulent times, people interact with each other very simply - don't ask about the past.

On the morning of the day of moving in, Doctor Yao's new wife, Wang, came to Changmen Village with courage to borrow two pounds of white flour, saying that her child was craving for big white steamed buns and couldn't be coaxed.

Ah Lou asked the kitchen to give it to her, and Wang went back with many thanks, and returned ten pounds of corn at night.

When she came, she happened to meet Erlang from Xing Bing's family with a runny nose, so she immediately took him to Yao's house for a consultation, took out the few medicinal materials, helped him make a decoction to drink, and then sent it back.

Medicinal materials are rare and precious nowadays. The Yao family does not hide them, and Changmen Village cannot be too stingy. Moreover, it is a great thing to have a doctor living next door.

Feng Yun asked Xing Bing's new wife, Xu, to bring a knife of meat and more than 20 pounds of rice to Yao's house, thanked her profusely and gave the consultation fee. After a few visits, the relationship between the two families became closer.

Ah Lou was beaten and just woke up from a coma, screaming in pain.

When Feng Yun went in, Doctor Yao was sitting in front of the bed, treating his wounds...

"Young man, just bear with it."

A Lou was about to scream, but when he saw Feng Yun, he suddenly closed his mouth, and his face was squeezed into wrinkles, like a crushed bun.

Feng Yun asked about his injuries, and when Doctor Yao said that he had no internal injuries, he was relieved and teased A Lou.

"If it hurts, just scream. A real man, it's useless not to scream."

A Lou pouted, and his eyes were red.

"Girl... I don't feel any pain."

"How can I not feel any pain when I'm injured like this?" Feng Yun looked at his pitiful appearance, "Don't worry, I'll avenge you. Let's starve the guy surnamed Wei for a day."

Is he not given food for working?

A Lou thought about it and felt relieved.

But in his heart, he felt sad and aggrieved.

A Lou knew that the general was in the girl's room.

But he didn't expect that the general and the girl heard him being beaten by the Wei man, crying and screaming, but they didn't come out to support him.

Until the moment he fainted, A Lou was actually very sad...

Servants have a cheap life.

No father, no mother.

So what if he was beaten to death?

However, when he woke up and heard that the Wei man and those arrogant imperial guards were all taken to open up wasteland, his anger subsided...

Just like the time when he was asked to blackmail Wang Dian with injuries, it was for everyone in Changmen Courtyard, so that everyone could live a good life and have enough food.

As long as everyone has a good life, what does it matter if A Lou is injured?

The hut was silent.

After Doctor Yao applied the medicine and said goodbye and left, Feng Yun spoke.

"What are you thinking about?"

A Lou's face was sad and happy, and he shook his head, "I'm not thinking about anything."

Feng Yun snorted and laughed, "Manager Lou has worked hard and made great contributions, what reward do you want?"

A Lou was slightly stunned.

He looked into the girl's eyes.

Why? Did the girl seem to see through his thoughts?

Ah Lou felt a little ashamed for that selfish thought.

Before Feng Yun could speak again, he had already lowered his head, "The villain doesn't want rewards... The villain just received a beating and didn't do anything well. The villain doesn't deserve the credit."

"Nonsense!" Feng Yun looked at him sternly, "You are the first to succeed today. Without your beating, how would the general and I have been able to deal with that man named Wei? How would we have fought back?"

Ah Lou was a little down on himself at first, but after hearing what Feng Yun said, he felt that he was indeed great.

In the past, when he met a powerful man like Wei Zheng, he would have knelt down and begged for mercy.

But today he dealt with the nobles very appropriately and did not embarrass the girl. Except for the fact that he screamed in embarrassment when he was stepped on and beaten severely, he looked like a general manager.

Ah Lou turned over and remembered...

Naihe touched the wound and let out another cry of pain.

Then he looked at Feng Yun ouch and grinned with his teeth bared.

"It's worth it. It's so worth it. Next time there is such an errand, the lady will let the villain do it... The villain is hiss... The villain is very handy..."

"There will be no next time." Feng Yun looked at him gently and said word by word, "I'm sorry for you today. Please forgive me."

Ah Lou was shocked, his mouth wide open and unable to close.

"F-girl...what are these words?"

Feng Yun lowered his eyes slightly, "You follow me, but I don't have the ability to protect you well... That's why I have to take this step. It's because I am weak and incompetent... Alou, if there is a next time, I hope we can use it The simpler and more brutal way is to fight back instead of being beaten in order to compromise..."

Ah Lou looked at her blankly, and suddenly burst into tears.

In fact, I felt aggrieved, but at this moment, I felt relieved.

The girl was only seventeen years old, a little younger than him, but she carried such a heavy burden alone, and she still thought about how to protect them, and even apologized to him...

All of Alou's self-esteem was flattened.

He whimpered, crying so hard that he couldn't open his eyes, and he didn't dare to rub his eyes...

Tears flowed down the wound, and the more painful it became, the harder I cried.

When Feng Yun saw that it was not good, he quickly took the clean gauze left by Dr. Yao and wiped his tears with his own hands.

"Don't cry, don't cry anymore, the wound will be damaged if you cry again..."

Ah Lou sniffed and curled his mouth, finally stopped his tears and smiled through his tears.

Feng Yun also laughed with him, his eyes red, "This injury will take a while to heal."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of pain."

"Are you still trying to be brave? So are you. From now on, you can learn some self-defense skills from Xing Bing and the others. Not to mention hitting people, you will always be able to dodge when you are hit..."

The master and the servant talked with their hearts out.

Outside the door, Ao Qi also looked at Pei Madang standing in front of him quietly with red eyes.

"Are uncle's thoughts the same as those of the girl?"

Others didn't know that Pei Kuang was in Feng Yun's room, but Ao Qi saw it with his own eyes.

In the past few nights, my uncle has been sneaking in in the middle of the night. Every time he enters the house, the lights in the girl's room go out...

When Ao Qi was tossing and turning alone, he would always think over and over again in his mind about what the two of them would say and what they would do. It was so heart-wrenching that it was like being tortured in purgatory...

When Ah Lou was beaten today, he didn't take action at first because he thought of Pei Madang.

When uncle comes forward, no one dares to be presumptuous anymore.

It's a pity that he didn't wait until Pei Madang came out, and finally raised the ring knife to kill someone...

"I didn't understand why my uncle came to the village late at night before, but now I understand the profound meaning..."

Having said this, Ao Qi cautiously raised his hand and saluted Pei Ran.

"My nephew misunderstood my uncle, so I apologize."

Before he could bow his head, Pei Madang's cold voice came from above his head.

"You didn't misunderstand."

Ao Qi slowly raised his head and met those calm black eyes.

Pei Ran was as indifferent as ever, "Feng and I are equally heartless."

Ao Qi: "Uncle?"

"In order to achieve your goals, you will not hesitate to sacrifice others."

After speaking sternly, Pei Man clasped his hands behind his back and turned away.

Ao Qi was in a daze for a moment. He suspected that he had heard wrongly. How could anyone admit that he was a cruel person?

No, my uncle is always cruel, but the girl is not.

She apologized to Ah Lou so gently and sincerely...

Bride: a title for a married woman.

Concubine: often used to refer to a woman, not just concubines.

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