Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 59 Uncle Uncle

When Ao Qi went to the Lotus Pond Muting Pavilion, Ao Zheng had just finished drinking the pot of tea and was about to find a hut for convenience.

Unexpectedly, Ao Qi walked up and blocked the person.

"Father, I have something to talk about."

Ao Zheng stroked his beard and looked at him, "Just right. Father also has something to ask you."

Ao Qi was startled for a moment, "Father, ask first."

Ao Zheng coughed lightly and looked far into the distance, asking an intriguing question.

"Is it possible that your uncle has true feelings for Feng's daughter?"

Ao Qi stiffened and looked at his father with a cold face, "Why do you ask me this?"

"You think I want to ask?" Ao Zheng glared at his son dissatisfied, "If it hadn't been for your mother's repeated warnings, I wouldn't have bothered to care about your nephew and uncle's affairs!"

Ao Qi pursed her lips and asked, "Is mom okay?"

snort! Ao Zheng's face looked better, "You have some conscience in your belly, and you still know how to ask your mother."

After a pause, he said earnestly, "If you are not stubborn and decide on the marriage earlier, my mother will not worry about you anymore."

Ao Qi didn't like hearing this, and his handsome face turned down again.

"When will father leave Andu? My son will see you off."

Ao Zheng frowned at the debt collector and lowered his voice: "You bitch, you don't want to see your father so much? Are you driving someone away without even taking a bite of the meal?"

Ao Qi raised his eyebrows and asked with a cold look: "If father doesn't leave, do you still have the idea of ​​​​bringing Miss Feng back to Zhongjing to revive her?"

No one knows his son better than his father, and no one knows his father better than his son.

Ao Zheng sighed, "I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Feng's daughter gave your uncle. He was so affectionate and rational for his father, but he said that I was not."

"Father," Ao Qi said, "My son has a good way to get the best of both worlds."

Ao Zheng looked at his serious-looking son and suddenly felt that his son had grown up, "Tell me and listen."

Ao Qi said: "My son will ask Feng's daughter to come over, and the matter will be solved."

Ao Zheng's face changed, and he almost thought he had heard wrong.

"Bullshit, do you have the guts to say it again?"

"My son has a seed, it's your seed." Ao Qi frowned, staring at his furious father for a long time, then suddenly lowered his head and knelt down straight.

"Father, I want to take Feng's daughter as my own, please let me do it."

Ao Zheng was scared to death.

He wished he could kick this evil obstacle to death, but he couldn't defeat it——

The sun is so bright and sunny.

He must have heard wrongly. He raised his head and breathed, breathing hard to control his anger.

"Father!" Ao Qi kowtowed, "Father, please grant me my wish!"

Ao Zheng held his forehead, feeling dizzy. He shook his head and looked at his son in disbelief.

"Naughty son! Did you know that she is your uncle's concubine? Uncle, uncle, uncle is like father!"

Ao Qi's cheeks showed a touch of heat, "It's only my son's fault that he started too late."

Ao Zheng gritted his teeth, and the curses were almost coming out of his throat, but he was afraid that others would hear him.

He grabbed Ao Qi's face, bent down, and scolded him in a low voice, "You evildoer, take back your ridiculous idea immediately. This time when you return to Zhongjing, my father will immediately hire you..."

"Father!" Ao Qi raised his head and looked directly at his father bravely, "As far as I know, Feng's daughter has no affection for her uncle. And her uncle's treatment of her... is even more unintentional."

He didn't know Feng Yun's status in his uncle's heart, but he could imagine that even if he was somewhat interested, it was just based on lust, which was completely different from his sincere agreement.

Ao Qi said nonchalantly, something that even she could not believe, "There are more than a dozen concubines in my uncle's house, and there is no shortage of Feng. As long as my father opens his mouth, my uncle will definitely agree."

I'm going to die, I'm going to die! Ao Zheng's blood surged in his chest, and he wished he could faint immediately.

"You little evildoer, what do you think your father can say about you?"

He took another breath to make sure no one noticed the father and son, and continued to train others with a dark face.

"Take back your little thief mentality, do you hear me? Never mention it in front of your uncle."

Ao Zheng showed a hint of warning and said in a serious tone, "Your uncle is not a man of lust. Today, he will go against the Prime Minister, the Queen Mother, and even the civil servants of the court for a daughter of the Feng family. How can he easily pass it on to you? How do you have such a brain? ?”

"Father!" Ao Qi's eyes were red, "How will you know if you don't try?"

"You... are so whimsical!"

"Father, I want her, very much, very much."

Ao Qi kowtowed, one after another, "Son, I beg you. Only this time! My son has never asked you for anything. As long as my father is willing to bring Feng's daughter here for him, my son will listen to his father from now on." If... my father talks about the east, my son does not talk about the west..."

"Bah!" Ao Zheng squeezed his face hard, wishing he could wake him up. "If you really want to get Feng's daughter, will you still listen to your father? With your bad character, you can't wait to shake him in front of others. The tail is gone, where are the parents in sight?”

Ao Qi:......

"What a shame, what a shame!" Ao Zheng seemed to be extremely angry, his old face turned red, "If you dare to say one more word, there will be no rebellious son like you in our Ao family!"

Ao Qi stared at him, motionless, his eyes shining with a cold light like a wolf.

"Okay." He suddenly sneered, turned around, jumped off the platform, and left without looking back.

"Xiao Qi!"


Ao Zheng sighed.

At dusk, a fire was lit in the farmhouse, and smoke curled up.

Feng Yun took two young plum blossoms with him and went down to the lotus pond to dig snow lotus roots.

She didn't go into the water, but she was very happy watching others dig lotus roots. It was an irreplaceable sense of gain.

Xiaoman saw that the girl was interested, so he held a paper umbrella over her head, and Daman kept fanning her with a palm leaf fan. The cheeks of several people were flushed.

Ao Zheng walked closer with his hands behind his back, observed for a moment, and then coughed lightly.

"What do you want to do with it, girl?"

In the afterglow of the setting sun, Feng Yun smiled and narrowed her eyes, "The host will know how delicious it is after tasting it."

Ao Zheng was very surprised: "Eat it?"

Feng Yun smiled and nodded, looking at the white and tender snow lotus root in the basket, and motioned Mei Linglang to get up, "Almost enough."

Ao Zheng never thought that things dug out of the mud could also be eaten.

"The girl really has a family background in learning."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, not wanting others to attribute the credit to the Feng family, and patiently explained: "I learned it from a book called "Essentials of Farming" left by my mother. It's not a big deal."

Ao Zheng stroked his long beard, "That's also remarkable. Learning is an important skill."

Feng Yun said: "Master, you are too kind. It was because I was too clumsy when I was young that no one wanted to play with me, so I turned to books and read for a long time before I understood it."

She has learned to hide her clumsiness and keep her mouth shut, and her words are flawless.

Ao Zheng didn't think about it, "So that's it."

With the "heartache" given by his son, Ao Zheng strolled around Feng Yun's farm all day, trying to do something.

Unfortunately, in the end, he just shamelessly ate two delicious meals, and when it was dark, he didn't accomplish anything.

Ao Zheng: Who will help me clean up this evil, I will give two white flour buns and three boiled eggs...

Ao Qi: Father, what are you talking about?

Ao Zheng: I'm asking, which girl would be kind enough to take good care of my precious baby boy for me?

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