Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 60 Asking for Fragrance in the Dark Night

This time Wei Zheng brought about a hundred or so of his attendants and imperial troops. He had the intention of taking all the people in Changmen Manor back to Zhongjing for punishment, but he never expected that he would now become a farmer in the fields.

If people stay, food and accommodation are the problem.

Pei Madang also decided to let people deal with it according to the Beiyong Army's organizational structure.

Arid land, right? Camp where you are, make a fire and cook on the spot, and don't mess with the people in Huaxi Village.

With Pei Madang calling the shots and the Imperial Army plowing the land, Feng Yun was happy and relaxed.

But when it got dark, she became frightened.

I thought that after dealing with Wei Zheng, Pei Madang would not come again at night.

Unexpectedly, not only did he come, but he also came earlier than usual. He came almost as soon as it got dark and no one in the village fell asleep.

"Girl!" When Xiao Man saw Pei Madang walking towards the main house, Dian Dian ran into the room and called Feng Yun happily, "...General, the general is here again."

Feng Yun didn't sleep well for several nights, and he lost weight. Coupled with the physical damage caused by the poisoning, she has been looking very haggard recently. During the night meal, Grandma Han forced her to drink a bowl of soup, which almost made her stomach feel full. When she heard this, she let out a "burp".

Xiaoman quickly helped her, "Don't you like the general coming?"

Feng Yun lowered his eyes, "You all go down."

Xiao Man responded and was about to go out with the two maids when Pei Madang walked in with a normal expression.

"Is there any food left?"

Normally he would just sleep on the floor without making any demands. Feng Yun did not expect that he suddenly wanted to eat.

She was stunned for a moment before giving Xiao Man a look.

"I have leftover snow lotus root and stewed pork bones."

Pei Ran didn't speak, sat down and waited quietly.

The food was warm on the stove. In fact, it was not leftovers, but Feng Yun's special leftovers.

I originally thought that Dr. Yao had helped and wanted to send it to his home, but just as Daman went to send it, the whole Yao family had gone to the city and had not come back, so Wen stayed there.

Xiaoman put the food on the table, not daring to raise his head, "General, use it with caution."

Pei Madang sat upright, opened the soup lid, and a rich aroma wafted out of the room.

Feng Yun felt a little uncomfortable seeing that his expression remained unchanged and he drank the soup so elegantly.

The aristocratic families in the Southern Qi Dynasty highly valued men who were weak and gentle. In the city of Andu, many gentlemen also regarded whiteness and elegance as their beauty, but Pei Mad was not such a person.

How can a general who has been in the army all year round be so gentle?

If you eat like this every day, if the enemy comes to attack you, you may not have finished eating yet...

But the Pei Madang in front of me was polite and courteous...

Just like making it for her.

The small white porcelain bowl fell into the wide palm of the tiger. He should have drank it all in one gulp, but instead he drank it slowly, spoon by spoon. Isn't it uncomfortable for him?

Feng Yun's eyes hurt from looking at it, "General, doesn't he have an appetite?"

Pei Ran glanced at him.

Feng Yun pursed his lips, "It's getting late, so we can use it faster."

She couldn't bear to see him eating slowly. She felt like she was watching a tiger and a lion eating with chopsticks. She was scratching her head, but as soon as she said the words, she regretted it.

He wouldn't mistakenly think that he wanted him to come to bed quickly, right?

wrong! The two of them sleep in their own places, so what about sleeping?

Feng Yun felt like he was beating. General Pei, who was in front of the dining table, still had no expression on his face. He ate a bowl of snow lotus root at a speed that gave Feng Yun a toothache, and he didn't make any sound.

The room was so quiet... Feng Yun could hear his own heartbeat.

The wait is very long...

After finally waiting for him to finish eating, Feng Yun yawned and was polite.

"General, are you full? You still need some."

Pei Ran looked at her and said, "Okay."

Feng Yun was stunned, his expression was hard to describe.

If someone is being polite to you, how can you take it seriously?

"That's it." Pei Ran put down the bowl and chopsticks, "Just put it away."

Feng Yun felt relieved and called Xiao Man and Da Man in.

While they were clearing away the desk, Pei Manang went out.

After a while, he came back with wet hair. It looked like he had washed up. His already handsome face looked even more energetic. His skin had a watery color, and his eyebrows gave off a stern and scorching light, which was captivating. Soul...

Daman couldn't move his eyes away.

When he stepped back and closed the door, he couldn't help but take another greedy look.

The next moment, he was dragged out by Xiaoman.

Feng Yun saw it all and said, "Daman."

The two sisters stopped and looked at the girl.

Feng Yun said: "Daman stays here to change the general's clothes."

She is very enthusiastic and willing to help the general.

"Get out." Pei Ran's voice was soft and tired, without any emotion or anger.

But everyone who knows him well knows that if he doesn't obey, he will be punished.

Feng Yun waved his hands to the two maids, "Go down."

The door closes gently,

There was no wind in the room, and Feng Yun felt stuffy. He was so hot that he felt nervous. He had just taken a bath not long ago, but his back seemed to be sweating, and his body became sticky for no reason.

Pei Madang has helped her so much, does he want to be paid?

Feng Yun guessed his thoughts and his heart beat a little fast.

"This incident is all due to the general's carefulness. The general saved my life and my eldest brother's life, Feng Yun is very grateful. I just don't know, how does the general want me to repay?"

She sat in front of the couch.

The soft pajamas could not hide the exquisiteness of her delicate body. Radiant, white and tender skin. Like a fat jade exuding the fragrance of plum, her long black hair was tied up in a bun, with a few strands hanging down disobediently, adding to her softness and laziness, like an ice and snow lotus lying in front of a man's eyes, too hard to pick...

Pei Madang was silent for a long time.

When he spoke again, his voice was a little dull and hoarse, as if it had been caught in the night wind.

“No need. Each of us takes what he needs.”

Feng Yun could not ignore the burning in his eyes, and remembered Pei Jue’s expression when he said “I want you” that day. She stroked her hair and asked with a smile: “What does the general need?”

Pei Jue stared at her for a moment, then pulled the curtain, “Go to sleep.”

Feng Yun’s breathing stopped suddenly.

Hearing the sound of him spreading the mat on the ground, her cheeks burned, and she wanted to slap herself.

She thought others were beasts, but she was the beast.

Feng Yun did not say a word, but lay down quietly, looking at the top of the tent, and suddenly found something wrong.

Tonight, he did not turn off the lights...

What is he doing?

Feng Yun turned over and looked over.

The shadow of Pei Jue flipping through the book was cast on the curtain...

So he was reading a book?

It was very hard to wait for sleep with a stiff body. I don’t know if it was because he was too familiar with her, Pei Jue did not move, did not make any noise, but she seemed to hear the man’s breathing...

And the fragrance of “plum makeup on snow”.

Feng Yun listened to her heartbeat and couldn't hold back.


Pei Jue said "hmm".

Feng Yun's mood was aroused by the fragrance of the plum makeup on the snow, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"Did the general sleep well these few nights?"

Pei Jue: "Not bad."

"With the general by my side, I didn't sleep well."

This is the order to expel the guest.

Feng Yun didn't want to say it too harshly, but the faint fragrance was really annoying. It had disturbed her sleep for several nights. Thinking back to the proud look of Li Sangruo saying "The plum makeup on the snow, only me and the general can use it in the world", she felt even more uncomfortable.

"The battle before the battle was tense, and the general was running back and forth, which was really hard..."

Pei Jue was silent again.

After a long while, he put down the book.

"My brother-in-law stayed at the farm, so I came."

He had to do the whole play. If he didn't come tonight, he was afraid that Ao Zheng would think of him?

Is that what you mean?

Feng Yun listened to him in a serious tone, but she didn't believe a word of it in her heart.

How could Ao Zheng control him?

Feng Yun turned sideways and rested her hand on her cheek, "Then are you sleepy, General?"

Pei Jue: "No."

"Then let's chat for a while, okay?"

After a pause, Feng Yun asked what had been hidden in her heart for a long time, "General, you like to use incense very much?"

These words should not be said, and there is no need to say them.

But she couldn't help feeling awkward, and even though she knew it was wrong, she still asked.

"I don't like it." Pei Jue's voice was flat.

I don't like what I use on my body, do you think she is stupid?

Feng Yun said, "Oh", and felt that she couldn't talk anymore, so she decided to control her mouth, "Then the general should rest early."

She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

I don't know how long it took, Pei Jue's voice came from the other side of the curtain again, "People in the army never pay attention to details. But you are a person who loves cleanliness very much."

Feng Yun's breath was choked.

Pei Jue wanted to say that he was afraid that the smell on his body would have the sweat odor of the men in the camp, and she would not like it, so he used incense to cover it up?

If she hadn't known the origin of this fragrance and that it was called Snow Plum Makeup, Feng Yun would have believed it, and maybe even been moved.

After all, Pei Jue rarely explained it.

But can you really believe it?

She named her residence and the manor "Changmen" to remind herself to always remember and never forget the humiliation of being abandoned by men again and again in her previous life.

If she still believed in men after dying once, then she really deserved to die.

Feng Yun smiled, "Thank you for your pity, General."

Pei Jue didn't answer again.

Unbearable silence passed between the two of them...

Feng Yun pretended to sleep, but couldn't fall asleep.

Perhaps the sound of her tossing and turning startled him, the figure on the other side of the curtain stopped, and the lights went out.

The room sank into darkness. Feng Yun was obviously very sleepy. She was obviously nervous all day, and her body should be tired and easy to fall asleep, but her mind was getting clearer and clearer.

Her chest was stuffy and unbearable. The thin quilt pressing on her body was made of silk, her favorite one, but it seemed to weigh a thousand pounds at this time.

She wanted to open the quilt and roll around on the couch freely and comfortably, but with outsiders around, even if there was a curtain between them, she couldn't sleep peacefully without the quilt...

The night was deep, and she was trapped in the torment of being alone.

Pei Jue didn't move, as if he had fallen asleep.

At dawn, Feng Yun was woken up in a daze and saw Xiaoman's happy face.

"Girl, girl, Mr. Ao is leaving Andu."

This young lady didn't worry as long as she was full. Her little face was as happy as a flower.

Feng Yun yawned and got up to wash up. When she went out, she saw Pei Jue and Ao Zheng sitting opposite each other in the main hall drinking tea.

She was stunned for a moment. Didn't Pei Jue go to the camp?

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