Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 61: The Imperial Guards

Feng Yun didn't know what time he slept last night, but he seemed to be in much better spirits than she was.

"The host is going back to Beijing today, why don't you stay for two more days?"

Ao Zheng stood up and returned the courtesy, saying polite words such as "I'm back in Beijing to resume my duties. Thank you for your hospitality."

Then, he moved out of the car the things that his wife had brought to his son when he left Beijing, and some of them were given to Feng Yun.

His son was in the military camp and had no use for anything else. It was mainly for food. They were all expensive and good things used by the nobles in the capital. Feng Yun thanked Ao Zheng and stuffed some into his car to clean when he left. The snow lotus root...

When Ao Qi saw such a scene, many charming pictures came to mind.

It would be nice to be a family.

He kept winking at Ao Zheng, but Ao Zheng just pretended not to notice, glared at his son, then smiled and bowed to Pei Madang, and whispered his plea.

"Young Master Xiaoqi is not in trouble. If he makes any nonsense that will ruin the family tradition, he will be punished as much as possible, but please give me and his mother... a breath of life."

This was because he was afraid that after he left, Ao Qi would be stupid and offend Pei Mad.

Others thought it was a joke, but Ao Qi turned her head away angrily, not looking at him.

Pei Madang was noncommittal and returned the greeting with clasped fists, "Master, please go slowly. I'll see you off not far away."

"If you don't send me off, I won't send you off. If you go to Zhongjing, I will take care of everything, so you don't have to worry about it."

Politician Ao was polite and polite, but when he looked at his son who looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water, his brain ached, and with a heavy sigh, he got into the carriage.

After seeing Ao Zheng off, Pei Madang left Changmen Village with his attendants.

Feng Yun breathed a long sigh of relief, went back to his room and rested until noon, having a solid sleep before getting up to eat.

After the beginning of autumn, the weather has not turned cooler yet and is very hot.

Feng Yun had nothing to do and wanted to "take care" of Wei Zheng's forbidden troops.

Ao Zheng returned to Beijing to resume his duties. As long as there is no new order from the court, this group of people will have to work in Huaxi Village.

What Feng Yun has to do now is how to make the most of this labor force and create more value for Huaxi Village...

When Feng Yun walked out of Zhuangzi, someone greeted her.

That was Dr. Yao's bride, Mrs. Wang, who looked in her mid-to-late 30s and was very warm and generous.

Feng Yun saw her watering the newly planted vegetables in the field outside her home, and walked over with interest.


"It's planted." Mrs. Wang was in a good mood, holding a water ladle in one hand and pointing to the ridges of land with the other hand, "This is the cabbage that was spread, and here is the sunflower. They said that these two vegetables sprout quickly. I'm wondering. Plant a few ridges and look happy, your life will be more prosperous, and your home will have green vegetables to chew on.”

Feng Yun looked at the rows of vegetables she had dug crookedly, smiled, and said nothing more.

The Wang family's skin is fairer and more delicate than most farmers, and their family does not look like farmers, especially Dr. Yao's medical skills, which are not comparable to those of doctors who walk around the streets.

Wang's parents-in-law rarely go out. The whole family wears coarse clothes, but they look like people from a scholarly family.

But this is actually not unusual.

The world is like this. A battle or a disaster can make ordinary people impoverished and homeless in a foreign land. Anyone who is not a top aristocratic family is just an ant.

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Sister-in-law Wang, if there is anything you need, just come to Nagato and tell her."

"Okay." Ms. Wang was very happy to meet such a talkative neighbor.

While the two were talking, farmers working in the fields would look at them from time to time.

Most of the farmers lived with their belts tightened. They were thin and timid. They would look at Feng Yun curiously. When Feng Yun looked over, they would look nervous or frightened and quickly avoid him.

In Huaxi Village, everyone knows that the place where the plaque "Changmen" hangs is the farm of a noble family, and the noble girl living there is the concubine of the general.

They usually don't get too close to Nagato. If they have any requests, they will only go to A'lou and Xing Bing's wife Xu, but will not deal with Feng Yun.

Wang said: "Most of the villages are short of farm tools. This family doesn't have a hoe, and that family doesn't have a sickle. In the past two days, many people have come to borrow them. My family only has one, so I really can't get enough. I'm about to start planting. It’s winter wheat, I’m really afraid that everyone will be delayed.”

The lack of farm tools is not only a problem in Huaxi Village, but also a headache for Feng Yun.

But Andu County was in dire straits, and the inventory of several farm tool shops had been robbed during the war. Feng Yun had to exchange grain for the rest, but it was not enough. Other farmers are even more lacking in arms and legs, and they don’t have anything they want...

At present, Huaxi Village is registering new people every day. Many of them are refugees, reclaiming wasteland, and do not even have a place to live. They can only build temporary thatched houses to protect them from the sun and rain. Where do they get the farm tools?

Moreover, if the land is abandoned for too long, the soil quality will deteriorate and the harvest will not be very good.

Feng Yun was thoughtful as he watched the farmers cultivating the poor soil with their hands.

"I'll figure it out."


A step came quickly from Zhuangzi.

Before anyone arrives, the sound comes first.

Mei Ling Bu Qu sends people to patrol around the village every day.

Feng Yun nodded to Mr. Wang and walked back, "What happened?"

That soldier's name is Lu Dashan. He has been following Xing Bing a lot recently and is highly valued by Xing Bing. Today he is leading the patrol.

He approached and said, "That man named Wei set fire to the field."

"Set fire?" Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.

The wasteland reclaimed by Wei Zheng's group was very close to Jieqiu Mountain, and the soil was relatively hard. She thought that Wei Zheng was so angry that he was burning the mountain.

Unexpectedly, Lu Dashan wiped the sweat from his forehead, panting, and continued: "The wasteland is full of weeds. They think it's too troublesome to pull the weeds, so the man surnamed Wei ordered to burn them all. But most of the weeds were not dry and difficult to ignite, so they went to carry the firewood from the Zhao family and the Sun family and spread it on the ground to start the fire..."

How unreasonable.

How difficult is it for farmers to collect firewood?

Feng Yun sneered: "They really know how to think of ways."

Lu Dashan was also very angry, and his words seemed to be spitting fire.

"There are only two old people in the Zhao family at home, and they dare not say anything when they suffer a loss. The Sun family kid often came to the village to play with Erlang from the Xing family these two days. He was bolder and went up to scold him. As a result, he was pushed into the ditch by the bandits, and his nose and face were swollen, and his elbows were broken..."

Lu Dashan spoke very quickly.

Feng Yun quickly understood the whole story.

She had to take some responsibility for this matter, because the man surnamed Wei was left behind by her.

"Sister Wang." Feng Yun turned her head and asked Wang, "Is Doctor Yao at home?"

When Wang saw her face change, she guessed something was wrong. She was looking at her frequently and sighed, "Yes, yes, I'll go call him."

She didn't even ask Feng Yun what it was.

Feng Yun smiled gratefully and asked Lu Dashan to take Doctor Yao to Sun Xiaolang's house to treat his injuries. She went back to the farm to call Xing Bing and a group of soldiers to meet the Wei family.

But halfway, she suddenly stopped.


Xing Bing asked, "What do you think of?"

Feng Yun said, "The Wei family is numerous and powerful, and they are already angry. If you provoke them at this time, you may suffer."

The favorite of the Queen Mother, his mind has long been inflated to the point that he doesn't know what his surname is. Now that she has been ordered by her to farm in the farm, Wei Zheng is afraid that he will be suffocated. If she goes to him now, isn't it just a way for him to vent his anger?

Xing Bing was completely confused.

"I don't quite understand what the girl means."

Feng Yun said: "A gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall. They are numerous and powerful, and the Wei guy likes to show off his bravery and fight fiercely. If he really goes crazy, we can't beat him. It's better not to fight against him with eggs."

Xing Bing was a little confused, "What should we do now?"

Feng Yun: "The enemy is strong and we are weak. It's better to lure them with benefits, let the enemy go deep, then expose their weaknesses, divide and conquer..."

Xing Bing's eyes were bigger than copper bells.

He heard every word the girl said.

But put together, it's a fog.

Feng Yun frowned, turned around and walked into the manor, and had already made up his mind.

This Wei Zheng is actually a ruthless person.

Don't look at him as young and energetic, a little ignorant of the world, in fact, he later did things very carefully and thoroughly, and had a set of tricks. If he grows up a little more, he will be a big disaster.

Soon after, the Northern Jin Dynasty established an organization called "Da Nei Ti Qi Si", which was independent of the Censorate, the Ministry of Shangshu and other departments, specializing in reconnaissance, arrest, and secret investigation of officials, fabricating charges, and was only responsible to the emperor.

Wei Zheng was the chief of the Da Nei Ti Qi Si, a vicious and ruthless person, and the first minion of the Queen Mother and Prime Minister Li Zongxun.

The Li father and daughter also relied on the Da Nei Ti Qi Si to supervise and control the officials. In just two years, they dominated the court and the country, making all officials terrified...

Feng Yun remembered that in her previous life, she did not see Wei Zheng in person after she returned to Zhongjing with Pei Jue, but at that time, Wei Zheng was already famous, and the Da Nei Ti Qi had become a notorious and feared hawk dog. The ministers in the court were afraid of being caught by them. Even Pei Jue would be extremely cautious in the mansion and would not confront them head-on...

Such a person...

What's the point of beating him?

Instead of waiting for him to grow up, it's better to root him out early.

Even if there are still Li Zheng, Xie Zheng, and Wang Zheng in the future, it will not be this Wei Zheng.

Xing Bing: What did the girl say? Why am I confused?

Ao Qi: I will translate. №☆※£¤¢℃ξοωχυλβιμητσ

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