Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 62 Son of a Bitch

Ao Qi had just sent Ao Zheng to Andu and came back. When he heard about the local things, he saw Feng Yun.

Seeing her blushing face, he thought she was angry.


The young man was the most impatient and impulsive. He was about to go to Wei Zheng's camp with a ring-handled sword.

"Guard Ao!" Feng Yun called him, feeling helpless.

"The matter has been resolved."

Ao Qi was stunned, "So fast, how did the girl resolve it?"

Feng Yun lowered her eyelids, "General Wei is the Queen Mother's man, what else can he do? I asked Doctor Yao to go to the Sun family to see the injury. The cost of the treatment will be paid by my Changmen Manor. Other things can be tolerated if you can."

She was not really wronged, she was just pretending.

Ao Qi was furious.

How dare Wei Zheng, this bastard, bully the girl?

He wanted to chop Wei Zheng into pieces, but he knew Feng Yun's personality very well. If he went to help without her permission, he would not only get no benefits, but she might even dislike him.

"You really don't want my help?" Ao Qi asked with a raised eyebrow.

Feng Yun looked at him. In the sun, the boy's cheeks were sweaty. He asked seriously and earnestly. The back of his hand holding the knife was full of bulging veins. If she nodded, Ao Qi would probably fight Wei Zheng to the death.

"No need." Feng Yun saluted him and walked back.

Ao Qi followed behind, feeling hot on his back.

This son of a bitch Wei Zheng!

"Are you afraid that I can't beat him?"

Feng Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Of course not. The Wei guy is not worthy of you."

Ao Qi's mind has been very sensitive recently. After receiving the compliment, the sweat on his forehead became denser, his legs were light, and the sun was shining on his head, and he felt a little dizzy...


It was just after noon and the weather was hot.

When Feng Yun returned, several concubines finished their work and gathered under the awning, fanning themselves, resting, and talking.

Since Lin E and Yuan Jiao passed away, Feng Yun no longer restricted them as before.

Sometimes they handed things over to their own maids, and Feng Yun turned a blind eye.

After all, she was a beauty, pleasing to the eye, and she was willing to treat her well.

The concubines had a comfortable life, and with the lessons learned from the past, whether they were afraid of Feng Yun or sincerely attached to him, they all obeyed on the surface.

At present, Wen Hui and Ying Rong were running a shop in Yutangchun in Andu City, and Chai Ying and Nan Kui were staying at home in the general's mansion, responsible for the daily distribution of porridge. Therefore, there are still twelve concubines in Changmen Manor.

Among these people, Shao Xueqing, Luo Yue and Gu Zhu were the three who were closest to Lin E in the past, and they were particularly cautious these days.

Feng Yun observed for a while under the eaves, and soon returned to the main house.

"Xiao Man."

Xiao Man was holding two fresh lotus flowers and wanted to put them in a vase. She turned her head and saw that the girl's face was not right, and she was startled.

"Girl, you call the maid?"

Feng Yun nodded, and suddenly waved at her, motioning her to come over.

Xiao Man put the lotus on the table, walked over obediently, put her hands in front of her, lowered her head, and was nervous.

"Girl, did the maid do something wrong?"

Feng Yun shook her head, "I have a question to test you."

Xiao Man's eyes widened, "Girl, tell me quickly."

Feng Yun said: "If you encounter a difficult problem and have to choose one person from the group of concubines in the pergola to do something for you, who would you choose?"

Xiao Man didn't understand what the girl's question was.

But the girl asked, which means that she trusts herself and can be of great use.

So she counted on her fingers and analyzed, "Sister Tu Lan is the most gentle and has a nice voice. Sister Tian Yi is the sweetest and can coax people. Sister Jiang Ru is straightforward, speaks quickly, and has no ulterior motives. Sister Jiang Yin..."

She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Feng Yun.

"Besides the girl, I think Sister Jiang Yin is the prettiest. She is also quick and skillful. I often watch them do things, but Sister Jiang Yin is the most honest, from beginning to end, she never complains, and doesn't like to talk too much..."

Feng Yun asked: "Who do you hate the most?"

Xiao Man's face suddenly fell.

"I hate Shao Xueqing the most."

Feng Yun asked: "Why?"

Xiao Man snorted, "She is the most lady from a noble family. She said that her father was the magistrate of Andu County, how rich her family was in the past, how noble she was, and she looked down on the maids. Humph, Xiao Man heard many times that she deliberately said bad things about the girl to Lin Ji. She is a mean person..."

"Why didn't you say it before?"

Xiao Man pouted, "Shao Xueqing is not like Yuan Jiao, she just talks in a roundabout way. It doesn't matter at first, but it makes people feel uncomfortable. But Manager Lou said that he couldn't find any fault with her, and Xiao Man couldn't say it either..."

Sometimes, women are more careful and sensitive than men.

A Lou, a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, how could he see so many things.

But people who can't find faults are definitely smarter than those who talk nonsense.

Feng Yun smiled, "What else?"

Xiao Man thought for a moment and said, "Xiao Man heard from Luo Yue that she and Shao Xueqing are good friends. Luo Yue said that Shao Xueqing's heart is bigger than a dustpan, and she hopes that the general will accept her one day, or give her to another general."

Feng Yun frowned, "Really?"

Xiao Man nodded, "Neither of them wants to work, and they always talk about serving the young master in private. Especially Luo Yue, she grew up in the building, she knows a lot, and the things she said are embarrassing, and she even talked about the general..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Man suddenly stopped talking, looking at the ground, looking at her feet.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "What are you talking about the general? The general is not here, just say it, what are you afraid of."

Xiaoman lowered his head, and his voice was thinner than a mosquito, "They said, General, with a nose as thick as a gallbladder and a straight Adam's apple, he must be strong and powerful, with the most energy to spread the rain. Luo Yue also said, the girl may be very happy... …”

Feng Yun chuckled.

The rules in Changmen Manor are to work, eat, and support oneself. Xiao Man accepted this order and could not stand those concubines. But Feng Yun didn't think it was a big sin to discuss these things in private.

She said: "Men are very beautiful, and women love handsome men. It's their nature. A bunch of concubines are together every day. If we don't chat about this, what can we say? Besides, they are all concubines awarded to the general by the queen mother. Not too outrageous.”

Xiao Man had already blushed: "They are so stupid and have no brains. The general will not take a fancy to them!"

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing, "Xiaoman is the smartest. No one in Nagato can compare with him."

Xiao Man immediately became happy and asked with a smile: "Tell me, girl, did the maid answer your question correctly?"

Feng Yun chuckled, "Of course you are."

Then he asked: "Xiao Man, do you want to be a general?"

Xiaoman's eyes showed surprise, but he shook his head firmly, "Xiaoman wants to be a girl."

Feng Yun stroked his forehead, smiled and rolled his eyes, "Go and get busy."


Xiaoman happily took the lotus flowers and went in to decorate Feng Yun's room.

The general has been coming every night these days, so she and Daman are extra careful, fearing that something left untied will cause discomfort to the general and the girl.

Later in the evening, Lu Dashan came back and asked Feng Yun to report the situation of the Sun family's young man.

The child was only twelve years old. When the bones were reattached, he suffered a lot. In addition, a piece of skin was rubbed off on the left side of his face. Doctor Yao said that he was lucky to be young and tried his best to treat him without leaving any scars...

Lu Dashan also brought back a skinny hare.

"Brother Sun hunted this in Jieqiu Mountain. He asked me to bring it back and stew it for the girl to eat..."

The Sun family used to be from Huaxi, making a living by hunting in Jieqiu Mountain. They had just been assigned a field not long ago, but they were reluctant to leave their hometown again.

Having offended the soldiers and bandits from Zhongjing, they were anxious and afraid. What they were thinking about was not how to get revenge at all, but the fear of being retaliated by Wei.

The Sun family was reluctant to eat this hare, so Baba brought it to Feng Yun.

"Take it."

Feng Yun asked Xiaoman to carry the hare to the stove, and asked Lu Dashan to bring some rice and flour to Sun's house, saying it was a courtesy.

Then take the eggs and the consultation fee to Dr. Yao.

Lu Dashan came back and said that Sister-in-law Wang had collected ten eggs and said they would be used to hatch chicks, but she returned the money without receiving a penny.

"Doctor Yao said that neighbors should help each other, and there is no need to be so polite..."

Feng Yun saw that the family was not stingy and signaled Xiaoman to put the big money back.

"Tell the stove to prepare an extra portion of food for the night."

Xiao Man was stunned for a moment and then realized that this was prepared for the general.

It seems that the girl finally got the idea.

Xiaoman was very happy and turned around to talk to Grandma Han.

Grandma Han smiled so much that her face wrinkled, and she quickly went to the stove to stare at the cook.

Feng Yun actually didn't know if Pei Ran would come tonight. After all, she said some not very polite words last night, which was a tactful rejection of the awkward sleepover.

But something happened with Wei Zheng today, so it would be better if he came. Some things should be explained clearly in advance.

At night, Daman and Xiaoman prepared water for Feng Yun to take a bath.

Feng Yun took a pleasant bath, lay on the bed comfortably, and read a book.

The night was as cold as water, and the sound of frogs came through the window, making her uneasy.

It wasn't until Xiao Man's voice calling "General" came from outside that she sat up straight and felt like the dust had settled...

Feng Yun listened to the man's footsteps and entered the inner room.

The curtain was hung on a golden hook. When Pei Madang entered the door, he looked up and saw Feng Yun sitting upright.

"General." She stood up and saluted.

Pei Ran hesitated and took off his cloak, "Aren't you asleep yet?"

Feng Yun said: "Waiting for the general."

There was no surprise on Pei Ran's face. He poured a cup of herbal tea and drank it all before sitting down and looking at Feng Yun's face calmly.

"For the surname Wei?"

News spreads quickly.

Fortunately, she thought about how to explain it for a long time.

Feng Yun smiled: "Does the general know?"

Pei Ran said: "I am here just for this matter."

There was only one lamp in the room, and the soft light shrouded the two of them. Their plain words gave a sense of the tranquility of the years of discussion between husband and wife.

This kind of daily routine was rare in the past life. When Pei Madang entered the house before, there was no time when he didn't run like a monkey and a wolf...

Feng Yun: "How does the general want to deal with it?"

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