Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 63 Beauty Under the Lamp

The lights were not too bright, and the girl's face was illuminated with a layer of fuzzy light.

As the saying goes, "looking at beauties under the lamp", the more you look at them, the more excited you become. This is probably the case.

When Pei Ran spoke again, his throat became a little tight.

"Send them back to Zhongjing. Or, kill them."

His tone was as calm as killing a chicken.

Feng Yun understood that Pei Mad could indeed make Wei Zheng disappear without anyone noticing, but no matter how Wei Zheng died, as long as he died in Huaxi Village and Andu County, Pei Mad would be suspected of murdering an important official of the imperial court, and would be punished. Criticize.

Reputation is sometimes more important than human life.

Pei Madang didn't care, but Feng Yun was just a grasshopper tied to his rope. He still hoped that the rope would be stronger so that it could hang longer and not break midway.

Her foundation is now unstable. Where can she find such a thick and durable rope?

Use it sparingly.

Feng Yun laughed as soon as he thought about it.

"I thought there was no need to go to war in such a big way——"

Pei Man frowned and looked at her.

Feng Yun felt that it was very inconvenient for two people to discuss important matters across such a long distance, let alone a general and a counselor.

So she put down the book in her hand, stepped on wooden clogs and walked across from Pei Madang in the dim light, knelt down and straightened her shoulders.

"It is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. General Wei is the Queen Mother's favorite. There is no benefit in offending him. It is better to turn the hostility into friendship."

Pei Ran raised his head again and looked at her with a particularly deep look.

Their eyes met for a long time, and Feng Yun couldn't grasp what emotion was hidden in his eyes, so he simply gave up guessing and spoke calmly.

"I would like to offend the gentleman, but not the villain. The general is not afraid in the camp, but I am."

She lowered her head when she said the word "fear", deliberately speaking uneasily, for fear that Pei Madang would see that she had other plans.

But Pei Madang seemed to have listened.

He said: "It's up to you."

Feng Yun let go of his guard and bowed slightly to him, "Thank you, General."

Pei Ran glanced at her pretty face and said nothing.

Feng Yun leaned forward slightly and filled a cup of tea for him. "I didn't predict the beginning of autumn. I thought the general would never trust me again..."

She raised her eyelids and looked at him smiling.

"I even thought the general would be suspicious. I am an undercover agent left by Nan Qi."

"Aren't you?" Pei Ran's black eyes lowered slightly, without looking at Feng Yun's face, he picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.

Feng Yun stared at his tall Adam's apple while drinking tea. Thinking of what Xiao Man said during the day, he sighed softly, "Of course not."

Pei Ran: "You'd better not be."

This is a pointless conversation.

Paired with Pei Ran's gloomy and ruthless face, it fits perfectly for no reason.

Feng Yun was in a good mood.

"If I were careful, the general wouldn't be sitting here chatting with me tonight. The general should know that my heart is for you. From the day I was abandoned by my family..."

Pei Ran looked at her silently.

Suddenly said: "Do you want to take revenge on the Feng family? Take revenge on Xiao Cheng?"

This statement contains a bit of temptation.

Feng Yun's lips curved slightly, "Where do you start talking about this?"

Pei Ran said: "Prince Jingling is getting married. He married your stepsister Feng Ying."

Feng Yun's hand holding the cup shook and he almost lost his composure.

Prediction and hearing it with one's own ears are two different things. The numb nerves were instantly torn back to life by the unknown pain.

She has obviously quit and is cruel, but the pain seems to be growing from her bones and is beyond her control.

Almost suddenly, the dead Feng Yun affected her emotions, reminding her of her complete failure and leading her towards collapse.

"Sister, the day I married him, I wore the wedding dress you embroidered by yourself..."

"On the wedding night, he praised me for my gentleness and beauty, and said that I was his first wife. He also said that if possible... I would like to be the only one in this life, year after year. But God has no eyes... Xiao Lang and I love each other so much, but We cannot have a child with the same blood as ours..."

"If it weren't for the purpose of borrowing your belly, do you think Xiao Lang would endure his nausea and sleep with you?"

Pain surged through his internal organs, and Feng Yun was also disgusted.

It was disgusting that night after night, the happiness I thought I had was all deception. It's disgusting that Xiao Cheng can pretend to be so good, making her completely believe in his pity and love...

She bent down and covered her stomach with her hands, sinking in the pain before death. Her forehead was sweaty and her face was gray. She opened her mouth and really made a "vomit" sound, almost vomiting...

"He married an equal wife." Pei Madang's voice sounded ruthlessly.

He could see Feng Yun's pain and had no intention of letting her go. He stabbed the knife into her wound calmly and without any disturbance.

"The two wives are the first wife, and you are honored. Are you happy?"

Feng Yun suddenly raised his head.

Her eyes stared at him in disbelief.

Pei Ran's face was expressionless and motionless.

From scholar-bureaucrats to common people, there are equal wives. Due to frequent wars, many couples remarried after separation. It is a common custom to have two wives together.

However, those who marry an equal wife are those who already have a wife, so they are called "equal".

When two wives are concubines, there is generally no distinction between the concubine and the concubine, and there is no saying about who should be respected.

Xiao Cheng did not marry Feng Ying as his equal wife in his previous life, but she became his equal wife later.

Now that Xiao Cheng has not yet married, he gives Feng Ying the status of his equal wife. How can the Feng family agree? How could Xiao Cheng have the nerve to think that a fiancée who had been sent to the enemy camp by them was still his wife?

Feng Yun's eyes were hot, as if there was fire burning.

She couldn't see how angry she was.

I only saw Pei Madang getting up and opening half of the window to let the cool breeze blow in through the window.

The sound of frogs in the fields instantly woke Feng Yun up.

This is not the dark and cold palace in Taicheng, but the farm of Andu.

The person in front of her was not Xiao Cheng, but Pei Mad, the same ruthless and unjust Pei Mad.

Feng Yun smiled so much that his eyes were moist, and there seemed to be a sob in his throat.

"General, why are you here today just to tell me this?"

Pei Ran didn't speak, looked back at her for a moment, walked to sit beside her, held her shoulders with his palms, slowly moved down, and gently hugged her to her chest in a comforting manner.

"Would you like to take a shower?"

Feng Yun fluttered his eyelashes a few times and looked at him puzzled.

Pei Ran said: "My clothes are soaked."

Only then did Feng Yun realize that he was covered in cold sweat, as if he had returned from a trip to the underworld, and his body was as weak as collapse.

She shook her head and leaned on Pei Ran's shoulder.

Pei Madang's body is very hard, hard everywhere, but very safe.

She allowed herself to be weak at this moment, in front of Pei Ran.

"The general is laughing."

Pei Ran looked down at her, his dark eyes flickering with an unreadable expression.

"Prince Jingling's palace does not arrange wedding ceremonies in a big way."

Feng Yun chuckled lightly.

It didn't take Pei Ran to tell him, but Feng Yun could guess what Xiao Cheng would say.

When the two countries go to war, life is devastated. It is not advisable to be extravagant when marrying a wife at this time, but to keep everything simple.

"He is just a hypocrite." Feng Yun said: "What the general should think about is why Xiao Cheng wants to marry at this juncture?"

Pei Ran looked at her sweat-filled forehead and asked, "Why?"

Feng Yun said: "If Xiao Cheng doesn't marry the daughter of the Feng family, Feng Jingyao will not deal with him in the court. Without the support of important ministers, even if he has 500,000 troops to force Xiao Jue to abdicate, he will still be just a brother-killer to seize the throne. He is a traitor and a treacherous minister. He has gained an unfair position and will be despised by the world. This is not what he wants..."

The young master of Southern Qi, Dujue Sanlang.

Elegant and noble, as clear as a god.

This is Xiao Sanlang in Qi Ren's eyes.

Feng Yun smiled coldly, as if two poisonous snakes were about to emerge from his eyes.

Pei Manggang said, "I want the position and the name."

Feng Yun stared at his face with blurred eyes, "He is not as good as the general."

There was a hint of darkness surging in Pei Ran's half-closed eyes, "What's wrong?"

Feng Yun felt suffocated.

What does he want her to say is not good enough?

"The general is not a good person, but the general does not seek the false reputation of being a 'good person'. He does not care much about the infamy he carries. With such a big heart, he cannot compare to him."

Pei Ran didn't respond. He rolled up her smoky purple pajamas, pushed the slipping belt in and tied it tightly.

He was as calm as a listener, like a naive little girl.

Feng Yun's mentality has long been old and dead. She is no longer a little girl, but she is very useful.

At least for Feng Yun at this moment, the silent comfort calmed her emotions. The long-dead and burned-out grievances and hatred between her and Xiao Cheng were slowly blown away by the night wind and gradually subsided.

She just leaned on Pei Man's shoulder and didn't move for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, all the sweat on her body seemed to have been dried by the wind, and then she stood up and bowed to Pei Mad.

No thanks, no sound, just a smile.

Pei Madang silently tidied her clothes, leaned over to pour the tea, and drank by herself, not mentioning her gaffe or the tenderness of this moment.

The two were silent for a while.

Pei Madang broke the silence.

"Xiao Cheng has gathered a large number of troops on the south bank. What do you think?"

In Feng Yun's letter, it was said that "Xiao Cheng would raise troops to rebel" and would not cross the river to attack the city.

And what happened before my eyes. Completely different from her "prophecy".

Feng Yun smiled and said, "It's just a trick."

Pei Madang lowered his tea cup and looked at her with his deep black eyes.

"Why do you think Xiao Cheng will definitely rebel?"

No rebel would talk about rebellion.

On the contrary, they will be extremely secretive.

How did Feng Yun, a house girl, know about Xiao Cheng's movements?

So, Pei Madang has been guarding her because he has doubts about her, right?

If she, Feng Jingting, and Xiao Cheng had colluded with all this, it would have been a beauty trap in the name of offering up a daughter. If Pei Ran listens to her words, the half-million-strong army will be a big urn, just waiting for the Beiyong army, which is not good at water, to get in...

From Pei Madang's perspective, Feng Yun also felt that he was questionable——

Of course, Pei Madang was indeed doubting her.

There is no doubt about this.

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