Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 64 Wind Chime Past

Feng Yun smiled again.

"I thought the general would ask me the day he received the letter."

Pei Ran looked at her lonely expression, his dark eyes slightly narrowed.

Feng Yun said: "The Feng family is on the same street as the Jingling Palace. Xiao Cheng and I have known each other since childhood and have an engagement. I know his character very well. This man has been dormant for many years and was bullied after Xiao Jue ascended the throne. He has a strong desire for power. Extreme desire... He will not miss this opportunity."

This is the most acceptable answer Feng Yun can give him.

After saying that, when she saw that Pei Ran didn't respond, she dipped her fingertips in water and stroked the table hard.

With some water stains, a river is drawn, with the north and south banks clearly defined.

"It was the Civil War and the fall of the five towns of Wanning in Andu that gave Xiao Cheng the opportunity to be employed. If he didn't take advantage of the east wind to get what he wanted, no matter whether he lost or won the war, his end would not be too bad. good……"

If the battle is lost, Xiao Jue will severely punish the defeated general.

The battle was won, the swords and guns were stored in the warehouse, and the horses were released to Nanshan. What did the court want him to do?

Feng Yun's white fingers slid gently on the table, and also mobilized Pei Man's attention to follow the fingers, "Xiao Cheng knows better than anyone else that power must be in his own hands."

Pei Ran's eyes were heavy: "I really understand him."

He said this calmly, but Feng Yun knew that he didn't like to hear it.

She laughed again: "Xiao Cheng is different from the general. He does not have the righteousness of the general. He will do his best to help others win and defend the country. He has no sense of security and is unwilling to accept it. He will be afraid that it will end badly in the end..."

Pei Madang looked at her, "What are you implying?"

Feng Yun blinked, "I want to remind the general that power is most secure only if it is in your own hands."

Having died once, she understood too well that men's desire for power is far greater than women's lust.

In my previous life, I had never seen Pei Madang have the ambition to become king and emperor.

What if it happens in this life?

She wanted to encourage Pei Mad to use his troops to destroy the country that Xiao Cheng had gained from Jiji's camp, and she was also very much looking forward to the day when Pei Mad would break up with Li Sangruo for the supreme power...

However, Pei Madang seemed to have seen through her.

Their eyes met, and there was a cold light flowing in his dark eyes.

There was silence in the room. The two sat opposite each other, and the atmosphere became extremely strange.

Feng Yun's heart beat slightly faster, regretting his rashness and radicalness just now.

Pei Ran was loyal to the Northern Jin Dynasty. How could he easily accept such a view?

If one is not good, it may be counterproductive and make him even more wary of himself...

She lowered her head and said, "My knowledge is so shallow that it makes the general laugh."

Without even looking at her, her whole person became less stubborn and more gentle, with a look of obedience that was ready to be picked. Her natural charm was already turning into huge waves without her even realizing it.

Pei Man raised his hand as if he wanted to hug her.

As soon as it reached mid-air, it paused and landed on the tea cup again.

"According to what you said, how should I respond?"

Feng Yun was startled, "Hasn't the general already prepared a response? Stationed at the Huaishui Bay camp, dug trenches, made traps, and set up a defensive posture..."

Pei Ran said: "Do you think I should defend Andu?"

Feng Yun smiled and shook his head, "The general does not want to defend Andu, he is just waiting for the opportunity to cross the river and attack the city..."

Pei Ran asked: "Where is the opportunity?"

Feng Yun said: "The opportunity I told the general - wait for Xiao Cheng to rebel."

Both men fell silent.

There is an incredible tacit understanding between them.

This is something Feng Yun doesn't have when getting along with others, not even Pei Madang in his previous life...

There are many things that don’t need to be said or spoken, but it seems to be understood.

Feng Yun's snow-white hand rested on the back of Pei Man's hand, giving him an encouraging squeeze.

"I'm waiting for good news from the general."

Pei Ran replied: "In ten more days, we will see the outcome."

An army of 500,000 was not easy to dispatch, and the Southern Qi court would not give Xiao Cheng much time. With the arrow on the string, no matter which way it goes, it is impossible to remain in a stalemate for a long time.

Feng Yun felt relaxed.

After saying what needed to be said, the two of them seemed to have nothing left to talk about.

She glanced at Pei Ran's face and said with a smile: "I asked someone to leave some food for the general to warm on the stove. If the general is hungry, I will order someone to bring it in."

Pei Ran's eyes dimmed, "I ate it in the camp."

Feng Yun hummed, a little absent-mindedly.

Pei Ran frowned and said, "Go to sleep."

The sound was like armor, without any warmth.

Perhaps his body was too tense, and his cold expression had a confusing alienation.

Rejecting people thousands of miles away, but giving people a desire to conquer...

Yes, conquer. Pei Madang always gave her this feeling.

Therefore, the moment Feng Yun truly owned him in the current life, the psychological relief was far greater than the physical relief.

The first time was too painful and not that much of a pleasant experience. Everyone thought about the general, but it wasn't that delicious.

Only by climbing mountains and wading rivers can we meet each other. The beautiful scenery is the tremor of the soul. When he was able to become complete after going through hardships, the satisfaction he gained instantly overcame his fear and brought about a strange desire to conquer.

She loved Pei Madang's uncontrollable look at that time...

"Do you have anything else?"

His random thoughts were interrupted by Pei Ran's voice, and Feng Yun realized that he was still sitting here.

If she doesn't go to bed, Pei Ran can't sleep well.

It's like she's expecting something...

Feng Yun suddenly felt like there was a fire burning in his heart.

In the dead of night, when a man and a woman live together alone, ambiguity will arise even among strangers, let alone men and women who have been close to each other before.

As long as the mind wanders, the details of the relationship will appear in the mind, those crazy entanglements in the dark night, the feeling of him inch by inch, almost instantly numbing the heart...

Feng Yun took a breath silently, calmed his mind, and said calmly: "The general slept in Changmenzhuang for three or four nights on the floor. I'm afraid it might hurt his body. Why don't we go to the second room to rest tonight? I asked Xiaoman to prepare a soft couch. …”

Pei Ran's voice was cold, "I'm strong and I'm not afraid of sleeping on the floor."

Feng Yun glanced at that tall and strong body, helpless.

She could no longer see clearly what Pei Ran was thinking.

Want her or not? It looks like neither.

But after talking for so long, the two still haven't reached an agreement, which proves one thing.

Even if Pei Madang is somewhat interested in her, it's not big enough for him to give up his bottom line...

He is calm and restrained and will not compromise easily.

Neither does she.

Feng Yun thought about it over and over again and decided to let him go.

"It's getting late. General, please rest."

Feng Yunfu bowed, walked to the wooden couch in a dignified manner, and smoothly removed the golden hook of the curtain.

With a pop, the two were separated by a curtain.

Feng Yun lay on the bed, his thoughts fluctuating.

Xiao Cheng in Taicheng became the groom, and Feng Ying also married Ruyi...

It's happy and cheerful over there, but it's deserted and deserted here.

Many things have changed after rebirth, but the love between Xiao San and Feng Ying is still firm, and their destiny is still on the track that Feng Yun is familiar with.

The scumbag man and the bitch finally get together, it’s God’s will!

She shouldn't have emotions and shouldn't be controlled by them.

Neither Pei Madang nor Xiao Cheng can influence her anymore.

Feng Yun closed his eyes and recited it fifty times in his heart.

"I don't ask for my beloved to grow old together, but I want to be domineering in this life."

It was still dark when Pei Ran left.

Zuo Zhong went to the stable to bring the horse out and found the general standing in the courtyard, looking at a string of wind chimes hanging under the eaves. It was made of feathers, leaves and pine cones. It was very unique.

Pei Madang was so absorbed in watching that he didn't notice Zuo Zhong approaching.

Zuo Zhong had to remind him loudly.

"General, let's go."

Pei Madang looked away and hummed.

"Who did this?"

Zuo Zhong called Ao Qi to come and ask. Ao Qi looked at it and felt that his uncle's expression was too serious and he was a little confused.

"The girl made it. She made several skewers. She also promised to make another skewer for me later."

Pei Ran took a look at his happy face.

Zuo Zhong also looked up to see the string of wind chimes swinging under the eaves.

"The girl has such a clever mind."

The wind chime made a crisp sound, but Pei Madang made no sound.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him and thought: "When the war is over, why don't the general move to the village to live for a while? The country farm is also very interesting."

Pei Ran walked away with cold eyes and quickened his pace.

The tinkling sound of wind chimes can be heard in my ears, like a gentle chirping in the silence.

Ao Qi and Zuo Zhong looked at each other and both felt that the general was sick.

Feng Yun slept until three o'clock in the morning before getting up.

After waking up, the whole world is different.

Thinking back to what happened last night, I gave myself two loud slaps in the face.

It hit hard and it hurt.

Ao Zai felt sorry for her and rubbed and kissed her. She couldn't forgive herself and slapped her again.

Why is she upset about Xiao San's wedding?

I feel sorry for the embarrassed and humble Feng Yun, so be cruel and kill him and Feng Ying, and don’t give them another chance to hurt me——

And Pei Ran...

Pei Madang was very seductive and had a happy past. It was Pei Madang who transformed her from an ignorant little girl into the lustful and wicked woman she is now, who would not change her face even if she saw Prince Chunyu naked.

But this is no reason to be dependent and foolish.

"Xiao Man, tell the stove that within three days, I will be a vegetarian and I won't touch any meat or fish."

Several maids looked at their master with puzzled expressions.

How come a person who wants to eat meat every day suddenly wants to become a vegetarian?

"Tired of it."

Feng Yun spoke calmly, with a numb face. After washing and having breakfast, he changed his clothes and walked out of the main room. He was stunned for a moment when he saw the leaf wind chimes under the eaves.

"Who took out the wind chimes and hung them here?"

Xiao Man came over and said, "The pine cones are not completely dry. I was afraid that they would become damp and moldy if I kept them in the house, so I took them out to dry..."

Feng Yun raised his hand to touch it and said no more.

The leaves on the wind chime were chosen by her herself, and the pine cones were picked up by a few children in the village to play with. Feng Yun saw them and asked Alou to give them a few bowls of rice in exchange for them.

She silently makes wind chimes by herself, and others just think that she is idle and has a childlike mind.

But I don’t know…

She also made many such wind chimes in her previous life.

It's what Qu'er wants.

There are many hangings in his bedroom.

Qu'er is afraid of the dark and loneliness. He is a reserved and sensitive child who likes to fall asleep with the sound of tinkling bells on his pillow. In that huge palace, he had no friends, no father's love, and no one except his mother was really good to him. The wind chime was his friend.

Qu'er once asked why his father didn't like him and only liked his younger brother.

Feng Yun told him that being an older brother means you have to suffer some grievances because your younger brother is younger.

The child's dark eyes were clear and pure. He believed in his mother's words and worked very hard since he was a child to gain his father's approval...

Qu'er was born so beautiful, worked so hard, and grew up so well.

But he has never received the same pure love...

How could they have the heart to lock such a child up in Zhaode Hall alone and starve him to death?

Feng Yun felt guilty towards her child, but Qu'er was even more guilty.

It's a pity that in this life...

They will never meet again.

If you don't come, you won't suffer.

Qu'er, this world doesn't deserve you, don't blame your mother.

She closed her eyes, "Put the wind chime back in the house."

Don't let it be exposed to the wind and sun again.

Feng Yun: Sisters, don't blame me for putting the knife. It was the author's mother who said that if you cut it, everyone will be happier.

Reader: ??? Where's my knife?

Er Jin: Don't hurt innocent people, come to me if you have any problems.

Reader: Hehehehehehehe, we don't hurt innocent people. Don't worry, we're here for you...

PS: Welcome to catch bugs

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