Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 65 Crazy Night Banquet

After the new policy was promulgated, the number of households registered in Andu County gradually increased.

Some were refugees with their families, who were settled in Andu County, and some were locals who escaped from Andu and rushed back with their belongings after hearing the news of land distribution.

People received money and food for settling down and dispersed to various villages.

Farmers have a natural and pure feeling for the land, and there is no reason not to cultivate the land after being allocated.

Farmers can be seen everywhere in the fields, and more and more people have come to Huaxi.

Feng Yun's farm was the first to be cultivated in Huaxi Village.

In the past, Feng Jingting occupied fertile land, which was much easier to cultivate than barren land. She first got a few cows from the Wang family, and the cows worked hard to turn the land this time.

What's more, there are more than 100 "cows" of Wei Zheng...

It is a waste to use such good labor to cultivate fertile land. Therefore, the barren land that was initially assigned to Wei Zheng and the group of imperial guards was the most difficult to cultivate in the village.

A group of young imperial guards were sunburned by the vicious "autumn tiger" in just a few days.

Therefore, when Feng Yun personally went to the farm to invite Wei Zheng, apologized with guilt, and said that he would hold a banquet in the manor to thank them for their hard work and invite him to "watch dances, listen to music, drink tea and watch the moon", Wei Zheng agreed without hesitation.

Farming is too hard.

He couldn't refuse to enjoy.

The next day, it was another sunny day.

At night, the weather cooled down a little.

There is a flat dam under the platform of the lotus pavilion in Changmen Manor, with a blue brick and stone ground. In the past, the manor used it to dry grain. The table was set up and the straw mat was laid, which looked very clean and tidy.

There were laughter and joy in the yard.

In addition to stringed instruments, singing and dancing, the manor also had marbles, pitching pots and other entertainments.

Many villagers had never seen the fun of the rich families before and were very curious.

No matter far or near, even people from neighboring villages came to Huaxi Village with their families to watch the banquet.

At first, they only dared to watch from afar. Later, Feng Yun had several barrels of herbal tea brought outside the yard and told the maids that they could "take the herbal tea by themselves" and "enjoy it together". Only then did they dare to come closer to watch.

"Good tea!"


"So sweet!"

The herbal tea served in Changmen Manor has a lotus fragrance and tastes sweet, just like sugar, with a long aftertaste.

How precious is sugar? The kind-hearted girl was willing to give them some snacks, and she also added some snacks to the side of the herbal tea barrel. They were made of coarse flour and added finely chopped bracken. They were baked crispy, fragrant and very resistant to hunger.

The villagers praised Feng Shier Niang in their hearts as a fairy in the sky.

Feng Yun did not restrict others, concubines or tribesmen.

There was no distinction between master and servant, and no distinction between superiors and subordinates.

Andu is located at the junction of Southern Qi and Northern Jin. The people are open-minded. Feng Yun did not set those rules, so everyone completely relaxed and had fun.

Feng's former Yu Tangchun had all the household items. Wen Hui brought Ying Rong and brought the things from Yu Tangchun's storehouse. The concubines were overjoyed.

Everyone was vying to show off.

However, some people wanted to show off to Twelve Niang...

Some people wanted to show off to Wei Zheng.

Luo Yue, like Lin E and Yuan Jiao, came from Yu Tangchun. She was best at sleeve dancing. Even though there were no good-looking dance costumes in Changmen Manor, she still used all her skills and almost danced in front of Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng was already handsome. If he could not get a general, being able to serve such a husband was also an excellent choice for a woman like Luo Yue...

Luo Yue was seen spreading her wings like a butterfly throughout the banquet.

Feng Yun prepared several jars of good wine for Wei Zheng, as well as exquisite side dishes.

This was undoubtedly the best meal he had had in these days.

The moon was high in the sky, and Wei Zheng was drunk.

Feng Yun sat in the lotus pavilion, holding a fan in his hand, waving it carelessly, with a slight smile on his lips.

"The good show has just begun."

After finishing the herbal tea, the villagers in the courtyard were reluctant to leave.

Luo Yue looked at so many people in the dam, a little anxious, and glanced at Wei Zheng from time to time.

Wei Zheng was followed by two guards. His face was flushed from drinking, but he didn't look very approachable, especially he was wary of people in the manor, what should he do?

Before the banquet, Wen Hui told her privately.

The girl offended General Wei and was afraid of revenge. She sincerely wanted to repair her relationship with General Wei, and at the same time, it was also a chance for the concubines to "fly up to the tree and become a phoenix"...

If General Wei took a fancy to one of them, she would definitely ask the general for permission to fulfill her wish.

Luo Yue didn't want to miss such a good thing. But when she was dancing just now, Wei Zheng just looked at her twice more, without revealing any other thoughts, so she was a little afraid to go forward...

At this time, Wei Zheng suddenly left the table.

Luo Yue was anxious and wanted to follow him.

The courtyard was crowded with people, and the light of the torch could not cover too far. She looked around and did not see Wei Zheng.

Where is he? Luo Yue was so anxious that she was sweating.

She wanted to discuss countermeasures with her good sister Shao Xueqing, but found that she was not there either...

Luo Yue suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart and walked straight to Shao Xueqing's residence.

The manor was a three-in-three layout. Feng Yun lived in the main house with his servants, and the concubines lived in the west house, which was a little far away. There were no maids and servants living here. The concubines were all on the stone dam outside the manor at the moment, and the whole west house was quiet.

Without lights, Luo Yue walked in the dark with trepidation, lightening her steps.

Just at this moment, a low groan that seemed to be accompanied by pain came from Shao Xueqing's room.

Luo Yue stopped.

It was Shao Xueqing's voice, it was her.

Mixed with the groan was the man's panting...

Luo Yue came out of the building. Although she was still a girl, she knew what the sound was.

What a Shao Xueqing.

The daughter of the county magistrate who was pure and innocent...

The most noble girl in the whole Changmen Manor, except Feng Twelve.

She was actually having an affair with a man here without telling anyone?

Luo Yue's heart was beating fast, and she tiptoed to the window.

The woman suddenly sobbed, "Will the general treat me well in the future?"

The man didn't speak for a long time, and only heavy panting could be heard.

After a while, Shao Xueqing's moaning became a little louder. The man was afraid that she would make a noise and attract others, so he quickly covered her mouth.

"Don't make a sound..."

The low voice made Luo Yue recognize it.

It's Wei Zheng!

The person in the room is really Wei Zheng!

Luo Yue's heart was broken.

"General..." Shao Xueqing's voice came out from the man's fingers, "...I am yours, you want me, don't abandon me..."

"Well..." Wei Zheng was a little impatient and sped up, as if fire was about to burst out of his throat.

The eager collision made the wooden couch creak.

Bang! The door suddenly opened.

The two people who were entangled were frightened and turned their heads together.

There was no light in the room, and the person at the door was hanging with moonlight, like a female ghost.

Shao Xueqing was the first to recognize it, "A Luo?"

Luo Yue's anger was about to burst out from her heart, but when she saw the dog and the bitch piled together, she suppressed it and walked towards them while unbuttoning her coat.

"General, I also like you..."

She closed her eyes slightly again, and hugged Wei Zheng's waist from behind in front of Shao Xueqing.

"General, please accept me too. I'm so pitiful, I'm almost dying of thirst..."

Shao Xueqing's heart almost stopped beating.

She was ashamed and angry.

In the past, Luo Yue often told her some romantic stories. She knew that Luo Yue was a shameless woman who dared to do anything, but she didn't expect her to be so bold.

She didn't expect that the opportunity she had finally found would be destroyed because of Luo Yue's lowliness.

She was the daughter of the former county magistrate of Andu County, and she came from an honest family.

She promised Wei Zheng with her innocent body, hoping for love and the opportunity to get out of the cage.

For Shao Xueqing, Changmen Manor was her cage.

She was a concubine's daughter, but she had been living a life of luxury since she was a child. How could she have suffered in the farm?

There were everything she hated in the farm, snakes, insects, rats, ants, moths, mosquitoes and cockroaches. She felt like she was living in hell every day.

If she could hold Wei Zheng and go back to Beijing with him, she would be able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

That’s why she had the idea of ​​gamble everything on one throw.

But when Luo Yue came, her promise changed.

What they were doing now was no different from that brothel girl?

And Luo Yue, that shameless thing, was afraid that Wei Zheng would refuse, so she actually reached out at this time...

This was a scene that Shao Xueqing could never have imagined in her dreams. She stood there like a petrified person, as if struck by lightning!

What she didn’t expect was that Wei Zheng actually let that bitch drag him out, turned around and dragged him to roll beside her, and the two of them got entangled in front of her...

Absurd! It was too absurd.

Shao Xueqing screamed in her throat and stood there in a daze.

“Are you... crazy?”

Luo Yue screamed briefly and pinched Wei Zheng’s arm fiercely, “General, be gentle...”

“Crazy, crazy...” Shao Xueqing sat up and looked at them, muttering.

Wei Zheng also felt crazy.

Since he was brought into the room by Shao Xueqing, he had already felt a bit crazy under the influence of alcohol.

This was the concubine given to Pei Jue by the Queen Mother.

He was afraid of Pei Jue, but it was this fear that ignited his desire to win after drinking, and turned him into a wild beast.

Pei Jue treated him like that, so what if he secretly played with his concubines?

He certainly didn't think of taking them back to the capital.

It would be a waste not to play with the bitch who came to the door.

But he never thought that one was innocent and the other was still innocent.

"Is Pei Jue not okay?"

Wei Zheng asked happily and proudly, his mind seemed to be filled with blood, and he didn't care about anything.

Luo Yue let out a long sigh, babbling, and couldn't utter a complete word.

"Shameless, Luo Yue, you are shameless!" Shao Xueqing finally came back to her senses from the shock and sorted out everything that happened in front of her. How incredible it was.

This bitch, her good sister actually took Wei Zheng away from her, and it was happening, and the man who was still saying sweet words just now, but in front of her, she watched with Luo Yue...

She closed her eyes and her body kept shaking.

"You are crazy, I will go... sue you, sue you..."

Her mind was confused, she bit her teeth and clenched her clothes and was about to leave, but was grabbed by Wei Zheng and pressed on Luo Yue...


Suddenly, a fire broke out outside the house.

It was at this time that Feng Yun broke in with a group of troops.

In the bright firelight, the mess in the house was shocking.

A wooden couch, three disheveled men and women.

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