Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 66: Calculate Again

Wei Zheng had just come back to his senses from the sea of ​​burning desire, and when he saw Feng Yun's calm and emotionless face, he suddenly felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar and sobered up.

People are also awake.

He hurriedly arranged his clothes.

"Ms. Feng..."

He called out weakly and bowed his hands, almost in a pleading tone.

"I lost my temper after drinking, please spare me."

Feng Yun looked him up and down, and also looked at the woman huddled beside him, covering her clothes.

For a moment, under the excited and jumping eyes of the onlookers, he spoke calmly.

"General Wei's words are wrong. You hold a high position. How can I, a farm girl, have the courage to forgive the general..."

Wei Zheng heard something in her words, "How are you doing?"

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and said, "General Wei, please invite me. Changmenzhuang cannot afford to invite a giant Buddha like you."

Wei Zheng's mind is slightly clear.

Being caught in front of him, he had no excuse, but Feng didn't pursue it, fearing that there was some other evil in his stomach...

"Thank you, Mrs. Feng."

There is no road in front of Wei Zheng, only the road shown to him by Feng Yun.

He straightened his clothes and saluted awkwardly. Just as he was about to take a step, Luo Yue grabbed his sleeve...

"The general is gone, what will A-Qing and I do?" Luo Yue said with a bitter look on her face, as if she was grasping at a life-saving straw, holding on tightly.

Then, with the other hand, he picked up the crimson quilt on the couch and held it under the bright light.

"A-Qing and I are both virgins. If the general does it, will he deny it?"

Shao Xueqing lowered her head in shame, her whole body was stunned, and she did not dare to look at the prying eyes of the group of people at the door.

She is different from Luo Yue.

Luo Yue can be shameless, but she can't...

She wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, but she also wanted to simply die. How could she live with the dignity like this?

Luo Yue grabbed her arm and shook it, "Ah Qing, please speak. Aren't you the daughter of a county magistrate and a noble person from a noble family? How can you let someone take advantage of you without giving an explanation?"

Shao Xueqing seemed as if she didn't hear him and was as stiff as a puppet.

Luo Yue looked at Feng Yun again and knelt down, "Girl, save me..."

Feng Yun watched quietly, stepped forward and gave her a hard slap.

Then, he turned to look at Wei Zheng and said, "General Wei, please."

Luo Yue covered her face, looked at her in disbelief, and shed tears.

"Why are you crying?!" Feng Yun's usually gentle face was filled with chills, "Who do you think General Wei is? How can you be irresponsible when you start chaos and end up giving up?"

This divine turn of events made Luo Yue burst into laughter immediately, wishing the girl could give her another slap.

"Yes, I was rude. I misunderstood the general and the girl."

Feng Yun said: "Just wait, General Wei will definitely give you an explanation for what happened today."

Then he looked at Wei Zheng, who was in a daze, and said, "I also want to give an explanation to the general and Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother."

When Wei Zheng heard Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother, his face changed immediately.

If the Queen Mother knew that he had done such despicable things in the farm, she would probably skin him...

Wei Zheng felt a little dizzy.

He suspected that he had been drugged and his mind was blinded, so he was tempted by that bitch...

I also vaguely realized that Feng Yun had something to do with this matter, but because I had no evidence, I could only suppress it and follow her words.

"Since you two are innocent, I will ask the general to give you a gift."

He gritted his teeth again and said bitterly: "Farewell."

Wei Zheng left.

When he left the farm, the villagers gathered around the road and saw each other off. The stares made him feel embarrassed.

In Zhuangzi, Feng Yun had just returned from the West Room. Before he had time to bathe and change clothes, he heard the maid coming to report.

Shao Xueqing ran out of Zhuangzi and plunged into the lotus pond.

Feng Yun was too tired to have any strength, "Let's fish it out."

"Catch it up and ask Dr. Yao to take a look. Don't die in the village. It's bad luck."

Several maids in the main house went out to watch. Xiaoman accompanied Feng Yun to the clean room to take a bath. From time to time, there were noises outside. Feng Yun closed his eyes and soaked in the wooden barrel, like an old monk in meditation.

Xiaoman looked at her.

"Girl, is today's incident related to the test questions that day?"

Feng Yun did not open his eyes, "No one forced them."

"Oh." Xiaoman walked over lightly, picked up the girl's clothes and slipped them off.

"Will Shao Xueqing die?"

"I don't know." Feng Yun said: "People who want to die cannot be held back."

Xiao Man said: "Why can't they think about it like this? Isn't it more comfortable to live in Changmen Village than with that General Wei?"

Feng Yun was silent.

The little boy kept his mouth full for a moment and said nothing more.

She thought of what the girl had said before, everyone has his or her own ambitions.

Perhaps, that is the life Luo Yue and Shao Xueqing want to live.

I just wonder what the general will do if he finds out...

Shao Xueqing was not dead and was fished out of the lotus pond by two tribesmen. It is said that she cried all night and was guarded by two maids. She went to sleep at dawn.

Feng Yun did not alarm them.

The next day's breakfast was as usual for the concubines.

It's just that today's West Room is calmer than usual, and also more awkward than usual.

Even someone like Luo Yue was a little lost.

Rumors spread quickly, and in less than a day, it spread throughout Huaxi Village.

That night, Pei Ran did not come to the farm, but someone sent him a message, and Feng Yun made the decision.

Therefore, Feng Yun, with the "goodwill" of turning hostilities into friendship, announced his decision for Pei Ran in public, and rewarded Shao Xueqing and Luo Yue to Wei Zheng.

Both women had received Wen Hui's "tip" in advance, and they should have been happy to get what they wanted, but this was not the result they wanted...

How could they be so shameless when they were caught cheating in public, and one was dragging two people?

Wei Zheng didn't want to agree to this.

But three people were caught cheating in the same room, and Pei Jue ordered a reward, so he had to bite the bullet and agree.

That day, Wei Zheng wrote a letter and sent someone to Zhongjing to apologize before the spies.

In the letter, he pushed all the responsibilities to Feng Yun, saying how cunning she was, how she drugged him in the wine, and how he was confused and dragged into the room by the two women...

Then he expressed his heartfelt feelings...

"I am working in the fields, and every day I don't publicize your benevolence and grace to the people."

"I beg your highness to issue an order immediately, and allow me to return to Zhongjing, and then apologize to your highness..."

In order to return to Beijing as soon as possible, Wei Zheng burst into tears, but no order came from Zhongjing.

Silence is more tense than thunderous wrath.

While waiting, Wei Zheng found that not only the people in Huaxi Village, but also the group of imperial guards under his command, gradually looked at him with a strange expression...

Wei Zheng sent his confidant to inquire, and got the exact news, and almost fainted on the spot.

"They said that the general was drunk and said something wrong that day, and blasphemed Her Majesty the Queen Mother..."

"How did he blaspheme Her Majesty?"

"It's spread all over the village, saying that the general said it himself... The Queen Mother has a black mole on her chest, the size of a bean, with a beard on the mole... They also said that the Queen Mother... is small and drooping, and can't be grasped."

"What did you say?" Wei Zheng took a breath of cold air and almost pinched him to death, "Say it again!"

How could the guard dare to say anything else.

He lowered his head, not daring to look at Wei Zheng's angry expression.

Wei Zheng asked: "Where did you hear it from?"

The guard's face flushed, "It's not just one person saying it, it's... it's spread everywhere, saying that Her Majesty the Queen Mother can't keep her widowhood, and keeps a lover in the palace to defile the harem..."

"It's also said that the general was promoted to guard officer because of his meritorious service to Her Majesty, relying on his two taels of crotch..."

Wei Zheng was so angry that he clenched his fists, and his joints creaked, "How can this be absurd, how can this be absurd! A group of lawless people dare to gossip about Her Majesty the Queen Mother. I will arrest them now and see who dares to talk nonsense."

The guard trembled: "General, this matter may have spread to Andu County, or even further. It is possible that Zhongjingdu has received the news..."

Wei Zheng's face was pale.

The spread of rumors is comparable to the plague, and people's mouths cannot be covered.

There are so many people in the world, can they be caught?

Wei Zheng was afraid that the news would reach the ears of Jiafu Palace in Zhongjing, but he knew that there were spies and marquises everywhere in Jiafu Palace, and Prime Minister Li and the Queen Mother would know it sooner or later.

The first person to suffer at that time would be him.

Wei Zheng's eyes were bloodshot, "Get out."

"Yes." The guard looked at him worriedly and retreated silently.

Wei Zheng looked hesitant.

He thought of the Queen Mother summoning him to the palace before leaving Beijing.

That day, the Queen Mother had just come out of the bath, her clothes were loose, and her long hair was soaked...

The palace maid had no strength to twist her hair, so the Queen Mother asked him to help.

He was eager to show off, and he used a little more force, and the Queen Mother's clothes slipped off accidentally...

His skin was exposed, and there was indeed a black mole there, the size of a bean, with a long beard on it.

But such a private matter, even if he was drunk, he was sure that he would not tell anyone.

What's more, the words "small and drooping, not even a hand can hold" are clearly a deliberate insult, deliberately making the Queen Mother speechless and unable to prove herself, so that she can only swallow the bitter pills and have no way to express her pain.

Wei Zheng regretted it.

He regretted going to drink the wine of Feng...

If he hadn't gone that night, Feng wouldn't have had the opportunity to take advantage of him.

If it was just the rotten thing of sleeping with two concubines after drinking, he could still save himself with his thick skin. The Queen Mother would believe that he was plotted against and that it was the daughter of the Feng family who instigated him.

But when all the things came together, the Queen Mother would no longer believe every word he said.

Because such a private matter would not be known by the daughter of the Feng family.

Then he, Wei Zheng, was the source of the rumor and the culprit.

With the Queen Mother's temper, how could she tolerate such a great shame?

Wei Zheng felt wronged.

But he couldn't figure out who spread this rumor and who knew that the Queen Mother had an indecent black mole on her body.

See you tomorrow~~ My dears.

Is it because not many people like this book? Or is it still a work in progress? I can't see many comments. It seems so lonely and cold when I write it.

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