Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 363: Extraordinary Insight

Feng Yun looked back.

A large number of locusts flew from the direction of the neighboring Shenjia Village, swarming in groups, rustling in the wind, and jumping in the fields under the setting sun...

Yang Shichang ran over from the house, holding a loud speaker brought from Changmen, and notified every household in a loud voice.

"Those who have ducks should release the ducks, and chickens, geese, and livestock that can eat insects should be released."

"Men, women, old, and young, all take tools to the fields, catch locusts, and drive them out."

Xiaoman saw so many locusts for the first time, and goose bumps appeared.

"What should we do?"

"My wife, can our ducks eat so many insects?"

In fact, it was also the first time that Feng Yun saw so many locusts.

But compared with the description in the book that "covered the sky and the sun, like dark clouds covering the top, and in a blink of an eye, the crops were eaten into ruins", the number of locusts that came this time was not that large.

Obviously, it was just a small group of locusts.

But if they are not restrained, they can still eat the crops to pieces.

Seeing that the harvest of grain this season is about to come, the farmers are distressed. Some even kneel in the fields, put their hands together, kowtow and pray to God...

The whole family depends on this harvest.

What if the locusts eat all the crops?

It is already mid-July, and the ducks raised in Huaxi Village have just reached the growth period, which is when they have a large appetite and need to eat a lot.

Feng Yun walked to the edge of a paddy field of his family with an umbrella.

The army of ducks is working hard to eliminate locusts, one by one, one by one, eating very quickly...

Compared to the fields without ducks, there are obviously fewer locusts.

In this way, those farmers who do not raise ducks for various reasons will inevitably suffer losses no matter how hard they drive them away or beat them.

Many people came to find Feng Yun.

"Mrs. Lizhang, can you put your ducks in my fields to help catch insects?"

There are so many people coming, who can answer?

Especially, Changmen has the most fields in Huaxi Village.

The ducks raised in the farm are not enough to take care of their own fields.

Before Feng Yun can speak, Alou rushed to be the bad guy.

"Uncles and aunts, it's not that we don't want to help, but we only raise so many ducks and they can only eat so much. We don't have enough fields in our farm, and we really can't take care of them."

Disappointment was revealed in everyone's eyes.

They really hope that Mrs. Lizhang can help them.

After all, she is the most capable person and the backbone of the villagers.

But most people also understand.

Helping is a favor, not helping is a reason, and it can't be forced.

But there was a family named Lu, who were no one knows where they came from. They were scoundrels and were not liked by the villagers. However, they did not dare to cause trouble because they were under the control of the head of the family.

Now the crops in their fields were about to be destroyed by locusts, and the couple cried and shouted and started to make a scene.

"Wife of the village head, you are watching the dying without helping. Your family is rich and powerful. Even if you lose this season's crops, your warehouse is full of grain and you won't starve. We ordinary people are really miserable. Without food, the whole family will starve to death..."

His wife Yuan simply sat on the ground and cried and wiped her tears.

"After working hard from morning till night for several months, it's over, it's all over."

"I can't live anymore. I can't live anymore."

Feng Yun frowned and ignored it.

She was thinking of a solution and didn't pay much attention to Lu Guiquan and his wife...

Sergeant Yang couldn't stand it anymore and came over with a loudspeaker.

"Lu Guiquan, instead of bothering with the wife of the village head, why don't you pick up the iron pot and knock it on the field to drive away some of the locusts?" Someone else made a sarcastic remark. "Yes, it's unreasonable to blame the wife of the village head for this. What did you say when the village asked us to raise ducks? You said that the wife of the village head must have had something to do with the duck farmer and helped him sell out the ducks." "Isn't it? Lu Guiquan also said that ducks can eat a few locusts. If the locust plague really comes, it's better to eat it yourself than to let the ducks eat it." There was a burst of laughter from the crowd. Mrs. Wang smiled even more, rubbing salt into their wounds. "We have a lot of ducks at home, and the locusts are so scared that they dare not come over. The few that are scattered here and there are not enough to fill the stomachs of our ducks." At this time, the villagers calmed down from their nervous fear and confusion, and found that what Mrs. Wang said was true. There are really few locusts in the fields with many ducks. Feng Yun looked at the sunset glow, and a grim expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"Eating it yourself is a good idea."

Lu Guiquan was stunned, looked up at Feng Yun, and his cheeks flushed for a moment. He didn't know whether he was embarrassed or angry, and he started to curse.

"It's time, and you're still talking nonsense. This is going to drive people to death!"

Yuan cried even louder.

"Oh my God, what kind of evil is this?"

"The wife of the head of the village is going to drive us to death!"

This is blaming Feng Yun.

Feng Yun was too lazy to pay attention to them, and asked Xing Bing to find a few troops to unload the graphite, prepare to set it up, and light a bonfire.

Xing Bing frowned when he saw her arrangement.

"Do you want to use graphite to burn it?"

Feng Yun nodded, "Graphite is more durable than firewood and burns longer."

Xing Bing looked at the graphite and felt a little pity.

His wife Xu was even more angry and started to curse directly.

"Why should I care about the lives of those bastards? Those who don't raise ducks at home are all those who didn't listen to advice."

"It's not to help them, it's to help ourselves."

Feng Yun glanced at Xu and Xing Bing, and said calmly:

"We are in the same village. If all villagers are short of food, we will become the target of public criticism, and the peace and tranquility of the village will be broken. Of course, the most important thing is not this..."

She looked at the locusts jumping in the fields.

"This wave of locusts is not large in number. We can still deal with it with ducks. What if the next wave of locusts is too large to control?"

Xing Bing nodded, "Madam, you have foresight. Just listen to your arrangements."

Feng Yun said, "Sister Wang just reminded me that if we can't finish eating ducks, we can eat them..."

Xing Bing was stunned, "People eat?"

Feng Yun said, "Yes, locusts are also a delicacy."

Several troops looked at each other, almost unbelievable.

Feng Yun didn't say much, arranged the bonfire to be lit after nightfall, and asked people to borrow nets everywhere, weave them together, form a large net, and silently wait for the arrival of night...

When nightfall came, it was just as Feng Yun guessed.

Eliminating the small group of locusts that came first is not the end.

The crops in the fields of Huaxi Village are the best and most fruitful in the surrounding villages, especially the large rice fields in Changmen. Because Feng Yun used greenhouse seedlings, the seedlings were screened before being planted in the fields. The overall plants are stronger and taller than those in the village, and the rice is fuller...

Maybe the locusts also have signals to transmit, knowing that Huaxi Village has good things, they brought their families and came with a large army...

Alou came from the field, sweating profusely.

"My wife, there are more and more locusts. The ducks are full. If we don't leave, they will be unable to eat."

The rosy clouds in the sky have faded, and the night is approaching. The feeling of the dense locusts flying over finally has a suffocating feeling of covering the sky and the sun.

Feng Yun said: "Light a fire."

She set up bonfire points in different locations in the village, as many as 20 or 30.

As soon as it gets dark, the fire will be lit and can be seen from a long distance.

When the locusts saw the light, they turned around and flew towards the light source as if they had received a call from God...

Countless locusts fell into the net.

Those that were not caught flew towards the burning bonfire with all their strength...

Soon, the whole village was filled with the aroma of roasted locusts.

Xing Bing sniffed, "It smells really good."

Everyone said that my wife's method was good, and it could catch locusts and burn them.

Feng Yun looked at the locusts flying towards the fire and said lightly.

"This is a moth flying into a flame."

Xiao Man smelled the fragrance and squinted at the fire in the distance, "My wife, can this really be eaten?"

Feng Yun said, "Yes, but it's burned with graphite, so don't eat it."

She pointed to the net bags and the people who were still trying to cast nets to catch insects, and said seriously, "You need to pack the captured locusts, starve them for a few hours, empty their stomachs, and then fry them or dry-fry them with dipping sauce..."

At first everyone thought it was just a joke.

I didn't expect that my wife would really use locusts as food...

Everyone looked at each other with extremely strange expressions.

The locust plague didn't end until midnight.

Some died, some were captured, and the remaining locusts flew away.

The village became quiet, and the farmers breathed a sigh of relief, only to find that they were sweating all over.

Feng Yun returned to the farm and sent Xing Dalang to follow several squad leaders to verify the disaster situation in each household at night.

The next morning, the squad leaders gathered under the big locust tree to discuss matters.

Squad leader Yang shook his head and sighed.

"For families who raise ducks, about 30% of their food was eaten. For those who don't raise ducks, as much as 50%. For example, Lu Gui's family, whose fields are in the west of the village and close to Shenjia Village, suffered two or three waves of attacks, and there was almost nothing left in the fields. If they were lucky, they could probably get 10% or 20% back..."

Seeing Feng Yun was silent, Xing Dalang also said:

"My wife, our fields also suffered a 30% loss."

It's good to be able to save 70%.

Feng Yun nodded, expressionless.

Everyone was still in shock.

Xing Dalang whispered, "The locusts have flown away, will they come back?"

Feng Yun shook her head, "The locusts will not return, but if the high temperature and drought continue, the locust plague will come again. Wait a few months, maybe the next wave will come back, even on a larger scale."

Xing Dalang's face turned pale.

Several squad leaders depended on the weather for their livelihoods, sighing and not knowing what to do...

Feng Yun said, "We'll survive this disaster and wait until the autumn harvest. If there are no ducks in the village, continue to raise some. It's good for the New Year if they are fat..."

Everyone nodded.

Feng Yun went back to the house, changed her clothes, and went to the stove with Xiaoman.

The cooks were all surprised to see her.

"What are you going to do, madam?"

Feng Yun said, "Prepare to serve Yu Tangchun another new dish."

He also ordered Xing Bing, "Post a notice saying that Changmen Village is buying a large number of locusts." (End of this chapter)

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