Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 364: Disunity

Yutangchun's new dish is called "Outing", and it comes in several different flavors. It sounds delicious, but after learning that it is actually a locust, many people say they are insensitive and find it difficult to eat it.

But people who have eaten it say it is crispy and tender, with a unique flavor, and some people are eager to try it.

Wen Hui looked at the sales volume and was a little worried when she heard that Feng Yun was still collecting locusts in large quantities.

"Madam, after collecting so much, what should I do if I can't sell it?"

Feng Yun said: "Dry and preserve it for later use."

Wen Hui was very puzzled.

She said: "You only become picky when you eat. When you don't eat, you don't dislike it anymore."

And the dried locusts are really crispy, just like fried river shrimp and fish...

Wen Hui saw that the lady had her own opinions, so she didn't ask any more questions and hung the dish in the lobby as usual.

Nagato has been collecting locusts.

The purchase price is very low, but at this time of year, there are many idle people in the countryside. When they hear that there are locusts wherever they are, they all rush to catch them.

There are more people than locusts at the edge of a field...

There were ducks and people, bonfires and drives. This time the locust plague slowly passed.

He Qia made statistics and found that the damage was still considerable, but it was much better than what he had initially expected.

By the end of July, Nagato stopped collecting locusts.

The autumn harvest is coming, and Nagato is very busy as he has to hold a happy event.

The sugar cane crop in Mingquan Town is harvested in July and is also being prepared for sowing in the fall.

Everything seems unaffected...

However, there has been a severe drought and there has been no rain. The water levels in the old wells and long rivers in the village are getting lower and lower, and the price of food on the market is getting more and more expensive.

People could smell the tension in the air.

Gradually, the food shortage became more and more severe...

Grains are being snatched at grain stores at a fixed price a day, and the news is getting more and more serious.

Feng Yun has asked villagers to stock up on food since last year.

But there were not many people who actually followed her instructions and had the spare money to stock up on food.

Fortunately, there is still some harvest this season. Some farmers are affected by the locust plague, so they can buy some from the village. If they ask for Nagato, they can also buy it at market price. Only then can they feel a little more stable and less anxious than other villages...


On the fifth day of the lunar month, Feng Yun got up before dawn. The scent of millet being cut in the village came to her. She took a deep breath, washed up, and then went to Yangxinzhai to pick up Yuan Shangyi and go out together on the street.

She went to buy it for Wen Hui's wedding.

This is the first time Nagato has held a happy event, and Feng Yun is very concerned about it.

But Wen Hui, who was about to be a bride, was afraid of delaying her employer's business, so she did everything herself and did not want to rely on others.

In the past few days, Feng Yun has sent two other concubines, Tu Lan and Gu Zhu, to help Yutangchun. When Wen Hui gets married, there will be someone to replace him...

This is the second time Yuan Shangyi comes to Andu City to buy things for the bride, his eyes are full of happiness.

The market is busy.

Compared with the busy work for the autumn harvest in the countryside, in the teahouses and wine shops in the city, idle people gathered together and talked about the fact that Andu was about to become the auxiliary capital of the Jin Dynasty.

Feng Yun had received the news earlier, and it was revealed by Pei Ran.

But it only took these two days for the news to reach the people.

The market immediately began to boil.

From Qi to Jin, and then to the auxiliary capital of Jin, Andu has changed a lot in just two years.

The people were naturally overjoyed.

Everyone is guessing the imperial court's intentions, and it sounds like that.

He said one thing after another, as if he had seen the resolution in the Tai Chi Palace with his own eyes.

"The first reason for placing the auxiliary capital in Andu is that it is nourished by the dragon's energy - not long after the young emperor came to Andu to recuperate, his illness that he had suffered for many years improved. Do you think that Andu is a blessed place?"


"This is just one of them. The second is to place the auxiliary capital in Andu, one to control the Southern Qi Dynasty, and the other two to swallow up the puppet dynasty in Yecheng. The time and place are favorable, so we can plan for it slowly."

The people of Andu all called Yecheng a fake imperial court.

In their view, their side is the orthodox inheritance, and the nephews of Emperor Xifeng supported by Li Zongxun are not the right ones, and they can do countless things.

"Andu is located in a very dangerous strategic place. Needless to say, it can be advanced or retreated. The most important thing is that Andu belongs to Xinzhou. It has developed waterways and is extremely convenient for transporting troops and supplies. What does King Yonghuai have in mind? Early on. After understanding the situation thoroughly, I'm afraid that Li Zongxun's bottom is about to burn up and he can't sit still..."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"So, after we build the auxiliary capital, we have to attack Yecheng?"

"When to fight depends on King Yonghuai's thoughts... In my opinion, we just fought against Beirong. At present, people's livelihood is in decline, food and grass are not abundant, and this year's locust plague is coming, I'm afraid it will drag on for a few days. Year."

What the old master said was very clear.

A group of people surrounded him, sighing frequently.

Feng Yun's carriage passed by the teahouse slowly. When he glanced at it, he saw Ren Rude sitting inside, followed by Jin Ge.

The two of them were very comfortable holding tea in their hands.

She asked Xiaoman, "I remember Mr. Ren's teahouse was opened by the city gate, right?"

Xiao Man nodded, "The maid also remembers that it is at the west gate."

A person who runs a teahouse is really free to go to other people's teahouses to drink tea and listen to the old master's nonsense.

She turned around and asked Alou.

"How many hours did Mr. Ren study in the village?"

A'lou will calculate work and food for Ren Rude every month, so he knows his class hours very well.

He immediately said: "Mr. Ren comes for half a day every two days, which is a leisure time. The students all like Mr. Ren's classes and say that his lectures are funny, knowledgeable and understand everything."

A person who has traveled around the world and read a lot of poems and books will certainly be able to coax a child into a daze.

This Ren Rude is the first staff member under Xiao Cheng's account.

Is he really willing to settle down and retire in Huaxi Village?

Xiao Cheng is also willing to let such talents teach children to read and read in Huaxi Village?

Feng Yun asked some more questions about Ren Rude.

But Ah Lou said that he was very well-behaved in Huaxi Village, never violated village rules, was extremely kind to his neighbors, and was a teacher of many children, so he was highly respected.

If Feng Yun hadn't known his details in advance, he probably wouldn't have been able to see any flaws.

Their intentions were unclear, and Feng Yun decided to stand still.

Let's see who can outlast whom.

Feng Yun said nothing more.

Yuan Shangyi suddenly asked.

"Madam, are we short of food?"

When Feng Yun looked at the little emperor again, he found that his face was serious.

The six-year-old child was raised in a deep palace and never knew where the food came from, let alone how valuable it was.

He has learned a lot of things from his surroundings in the village these days.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Already A Yuan knows?"

Won Sang Yi nodded.

Feng Yun said: "It seems that it is not entirely good to understand the public sentiment when you are too young."

The children became unhappy.

Feng Yun touched his head and said, "Don't think too much, your ministers will handle it."

His ministers.

Yuan Shangyi thought of the expressionless and cold-faced King Yonghuai.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Feng Yun eagerly.

"Did your wife quarrel with King Yonghuai?"

Feng Yun laughed, "Why do you say that?"

Yuan Shangyi said: "Otherwise, why doesn't King Yonghuai come back? Aren't you husband and wife? Husband and wife should live together."

This is the most unpretentious view of a child.

He didn't have this understanding before.

But the couples in Huaxi Village are all like this.

He specifically consulted Lin Nvshi, and only then did he understand the basic ethics...

There was actually nothing good to say about Feng Yun from Lin's female history, but all she said was that her womanly virtue was not good, which made Yuan Shangyi very unhappy.

Feng Yun was silent for a long time without speaking.

There are some things that cannot be explained clearly to children.

She could only respond seriously: "We are different from ordinary couples. Your Majesty is busy with official duties and has many things to do, and so am I. We are all too busy."

Won Sang Eul asked: "Then you won't miss each other?"

Feng Yun looked at him and hesitated, "I'll think about it."

Yuan Shangyi suddenly put his hand on the back of Feng Yun's hand and said sincerely: "Madam, I am willing to return to Beijing. Please accompany me back to Xijing."

The child's sincere eyes were full of expectation.

He didn't want to go back to Beijing, but he thought Feng Yun stayed in Andu because of him, not with King Yonghuai, and even attracted people like Yang Xinzhai to gossip behind his back.

Yuan Shangyi felt sorry.

Feng Yun looked at Yuan Shangyi like this, and inadvertently thought of the little Qu'er in his previous life, who ran up to her with an umbrella on a rainy day and told her.

"When Qu'er grows up, he wants to move to Zhaode Palace. Qu'er has visited Zhaode Palace. Zhaode Palace is very big and beautiful..."

What child wants to leave his mother?

He was simply afraid that his mother would be in trouble in front of his father in order to protect him. At that time, every time Xiao Cheng came to Feng Yun Palace, he saw that Xiao Qu was not in a good mood. The child sensitively realized that he was not lovable and was an obstacle between the father and the mother...

The heart of a child is as pure as washing.

Feng Yun naturally disagreed.

Qu'er was like this too, his bright eyes stared at her like stars, he held her soft little hands up and said softly:

"Mother, please allow the child. When a baby bird grows up, it has to fly alone. A son should also be independent in order to grow big wings..."

"Madam?" Yuan Shangyi held her hand tightly, "Please accompany me back to Xijing, okay?"

After a moment, Feng Yun came back to his senses and heard clearly what the child was saying.

Subconsciously, she held Yuan Shangyi's little hand and hugged his body tightly.

"Thank you Ayuan for thinking about me, but I can't leave now. If you want to go back, I can send someone to take you..."

As expected, Yuan Shangyi's eyes showed a strange color, and his little mouth pursed.

Feng Yun understood and smiled faintly, "Don't worry, Ayuan, it won't be long before we can be reunited as husband and wife. Isn't Andu going to build an auxiliary capital and build a palace soon?"

Yuan Shangyi asked: "Didn't the lady really stay here because of me?"

Feng Yun felt sorry for him.


Yuan Shangyi immediately became happy, "Okay, we'll stay in Huaxi."

As long as he can be with his wife, he will be happy anywhere.


The carriage passed by the teahouse.

Ren Rude closed the folding fan in his hand slightly and looked back at Jin Ge.

"That car just now was Mrs. Feng's car?"

Jin Ge also saw it just now.

He lowered his eyes, "My subordinate didn't pay attention."

Ren Rude glanced at him, with a gentle smile on his face.

He didn't say anything, stood up and walked out of the door, looking at the carriage going away on the long street, stood silently for a moment, and then sighed softly.

"Your Majesty has waited too long. As subordinates, we should be more attentive and share His Majesty's worries."

Jin Ge knew what he was talking about and was silent for a moment before saying:

"Ms. Feng is only focused on making a living. From my humble opinion, she has no intention of returning to Qi..."

He looked up at Ren Rude again, "Forgive me for saying something impolite. Instead of waiting in vain, Mr. Ren might as well give His Majesty some advice so that His Majesty can withdraw his heart and find another good partner."

Ren Rude laughed.

"You are so bold!"

He glanced at Jin Ge and lazily opened his folding fan, looking shrewd and calculating.

"If His Majesty was so easily persuaded, why would I wait until now? You, who have been with His Majesty for so long, don't understand His Majesty's intentions at all..."

Jin Ge was silent.

Compared to Ren Rude, he really couldn't guess Xiao Cheng's mind.

Ren Rude snorted and sneered, glanced at him, returned to his home at the west gate, spread out the letter paper and wrote a secret report to Nan Qi.

"Since leaving in June, Feng Shier Niang and Pei Jue have not been in contact for several months. In my opinion, the two are alienated and I am afraid that they will part ways sooner or later."

Jin Ge frowned.

Isn't Mr. Ren talking nonsense and adding fuel to the fire?

Even if Feng Shier Niang didn't associate with Pei Jue, she might not be willing to go back with His Majesty.

He was puzzled.

Ren Rude told him with a confident expression.

"Don't worry, His Majesty likes to see this. Just wait for the reward."

Jin Ge: ...

While taking the reward money.

While enjoying a carefree life in An Du.

To be honest, this job is really good.


After buying things and returning to the farm, Feng Yun asked someone to send a batch of winter clothes to the Beiyong Army camp.

In fact, it was still early for winter, but this batch of winter clothes was made of the leftover materials from last year, and leaving them behind would only take up warehouse space.

She asked Xing Bing to deliver it in person and ask Wen Xingsu when he would come to eat.

Xing Bing came back in less than two hours. Without waiting to tie up the horse, he ran in like a gust of wind, taking two steps at a time, looking panicked.

"My lady, I know that the king is injured."

Feng Yun was slightly startled.

"He was in the Yonghuai Palace in Xijing, and there were guards under the guard of the imperial guards. How could he be injured?"

Xing Bing looked up at her, "The king of Yonghuai was attacked and injured on the way back to Andu."

"Back to Andu?"

Since the last letter that couldn't be shorter, Pei Jue hadn't said a word.

She was busy and didn't take the initiative to write a letter.

The two of them were entangled passionately before leaving, and became distant after parting. They were really like a pair of men and women who had an affair. Apart from that little thing, there was no contact.

Feng Yun had no idea that Pei Jue had returned to Andu.

She asked, "Is he seriously injured?"

Xing Bing hesitated.

"I heard that the king was unconscious. I guess he was seriously injured?"

Feng Yun's eyes gradually turned cold.

Xing Bing added: "The news just reached the camp today. The king came back to attend the wedding at the governor's mansion, but he was suddenly robbed by a large number of mountain bandits..."

How could ordinary mountain bandits do anything to Pei Cong?

Feng Yun felt that this matter was suspicious.

Xing Bing saw her calm face, and his pounding heart also eased.

"The eldest son said that he has sent someone. Let the lady notify the Puyang doctor to go to Wanning City to meet him quickly..."

Feng Yun's sharp eyes slightly restrained, and he said lightly:

"You go and call the Puyang doctor to prepare the wound medicine. I will change my clothes and go with you." (End of this chapter)

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