Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 365: Can’t stop taking the medicine

Feng Yun and Puyang Jiu hurried and ran into a few soldiers of the Northern Yong Army outside Wanning City.

They told Feng Yun that Wen Xingsu sent Shen Tu Jiong to meet him. He passed Wanning in about an hour and should have received King Yonghuai by now.

They also said that Shen Tu Jiong brought a doctor and a thousand soldiers with him, ready to wipe out the bandits in Xiufeng Mountain in one fell swoop.

Feng Yun asked two soldiers to lead the way and crossed Wanning City. Not long after getting on the official road, he heard the sound of horse hooves in the distance.

Puyang Jiu said: "Wanning mountain bandits are rampant, sister-in-law, do you want to avoid them?"

Feng Yun was about to speak when she heard the neighing of the warhorse in front of her, and the roar of the man on the horse was like a bell.

"Military affairs are urgent, pedestrians should get out of the way!"

This official road was not very wide and was the only road leading to Wanning. Feng Yun drove a carriage in the middle and almost blocked most of the road.

But she did not avoid it, but showed a hint of surprise.

"It's Brother Shentu!"

Shentu Jiong and Yang Qi are good friends of Wen Xingsu. Feng Yun has known them since childhood. They followed Wen Xingsu to surrender to Jin and are now very important in the army.

This time, Wen Xingsu asked Shentu Jiong to lead the troops to pick up people and suppress bandits, also to support his good friend.

Feng Yun got out of the car with an umbrella and waited under the scorching sun.

A moment later, smoke and dust rolled in front. Shentu Jiong brought about 20 people and drove a carriage, driving quickly. The speed was so fast that the wheels seemed to grind sparks on the ground...

"Drive!" Shentu Jiong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Feng Yun.

"Hello, Princess. Is there any doctor from Puyang coming with you?"

Feng Yun nodded and looked at the quiet carriage. In the hot weather, his face turned slightly pale.

"How is the king?"

Shentu Jiong's expression was very serious and he shook his head.

"Not awake yet."

Before he finished speaking, the curtain of the carriage opened from the inside, revealing Zuo Zhong's face.

Weak and pale, it was obvious that he was also seriously injured.

"Princess, the king is seriously injured!"

Feng Yun nodded and called the guards on both sides.

"Carry him to my carriage."

When they went to pick him up, several guards unloaded two door panels in the city and made a simple wooden frame. The carriage was also temporarily taken from the Wanning County Magistrate's Mansion.

It was so hot that the temperature in the carriage was very high and the heat was unbearable.

So when Feng Yun passed through Andu, she went to Yu Tangchun to bring the ice basin stored in the cellar.

At this moment, the ice basin was not melted, and her carriage was much cooler.

Usually Feng Yun fanned herself with a large cattail leaf fan, but she was reluctant to use it. Today, she was extravagant.

Several ice basins were neatly placed and wrapped in mattresses.

When the curtain was lifted, there was a refreshing cool air.

When the injured were transferred from the carriage, Zuo Zhong and Ji You were fine. They were conscious and their movements were not affected too much. They could support themselves to get on the carriage.

Pei Jue was different.

He was tall and strong, with big hands and feet and long legs. It took several people to carry the two wooden boards side by side.

Feng Yun was afraid that he would bump into something, so he carefully protected him with his hands and sweated all over.

After everything was ready, Shen Tu Jiong bowed outside the carriage and said, "Since the princess and the Puyang doctor are here, I will not go with you."

Zuo Zhong heard the voice and asked vaguely, "Is General Shen Tu going to Xiufeng Mountain?"

Shen Tu Jiong said, "Yes, I will rush back to Xiufeng Mountain immediately and will definitely catch all the bandits in one fell swoop."

Zuo Zhong said, "When the king was in danger, there were many bandits. They had prepared trip ropes and heavy weapons such as crossbows early. General Shen Tu must act cautiously."

Shen Tu Jiong bowed gratefully.

"Thank you for your advice, Left Guard."

How could Shentu Jiong take the person who could seriously injure Pei Jue lightly?

He bowed to each person and said goodbye.

Feng Yun said: "Brother Shentu, please ask for me who caused the king to be seriously injured. Please remove his arm and bring it back to me."

There was silence all around.

Everyone looked at this woman with a sharp gaze and spoke calmly, and they were speechless for a long time.

Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly, "Go."

Shentu Jiong came back to his senses and took a deep breath, "Goodbye!"

Shentu Jiong left with a few followers.

The rest of the people escorted Feng Yun and his party all the way back to Wanning.

The carriage was very quiet.

Zuo Zhong and Ji You looked at the woman with a frown in front of them, holding their breath and concentrating, without saying a word.

Puyang Jiu knelt in the carriage, checking Pei Jue's injuries.

The medical officer brought by Shentu Jiong had treated their wounds. At this moment, Pei Jue was wrapped in white cloth. Except for the bloodstains on his clothes, his injuries could not be seen.

She was silent for a moment and asked Zuo Zhong.

"How did the king get hurt?"

Zuo Zhong was also injured. He covered his wound with his hand, and his expression was relatively calm.

"The weather was hot, and the king wanted to return to Andu as soon as possible, so he took us to take a shortcut and entered Xiufeng Mountain. Unexpectedly, we were ambushed by others..."

Zuo Zhong hesitated for a moment and said, "Those mountain bandits are well-trained. In my opinion, they seem to be the former subordinates of Guan Ping, the former garrison commander of Wanning. After the fall of Wanning City, these stragglers went up the mountain and became bandits."

Guan Ping, the garrison commander of Wanning, was brave in the battle and fought bloody battles with the Beiyong Army for several days. After the defeat, he refused to surrender and committed suicide, preserving his integrity.

Feng Yun still remembered that on the day when Wanning City was captured, Andu City was also filled with mournful songs. When Feng Jingting returned home, he dragged his legs and almost fell to the ground.

Feng Yun said: "I was lucky enough to see the heroism of Guan Taishou once. Several of his subordinates were also brave and courageous. I didn't expect that some died, some were injured, and the rest became bandits."

Guan Ping was also a famous general in the Qi army.

It was a pity that he was born at the wrong time and met Pei Cong.

Pei Cong had praised Guan Ping many times, and Zuo Zhong nodded frequently when he heard it.

"When Wanning City was broken, a general under Guan Ping, named Hou Zhun, led two or three thousand people to break through. The general sent Hu Yi of the Qinglong Army to chase him. Later, Hu Yi reported back that the remnants were all wiped out. He personally killed Hou Zhun with his sword. The remaining stragglers were all dispersed and could not make a difference, so the general did not kill them all."

Later, it was a well-known thing.

Han Xu and Chu Chang turned against each other in the battle, and Hu Yi led his troops to rebel and tried to besiege Pei Cong in Bingzhou.

Feng Yun pondered for a while and pursed his lips coldly.

"So, this assassination is related to the south?"

Zuo Zhong was silent.

Ji You cursed beside him.

He was more seriously injured than Zuo Zhong. His entire head was wrapped in white cloth, revealing only his face, which had two shallow scratches and looked miserable.

But when he spoke, he was more energetic than Zuo Zhong.

"Damn Xiao Cheng, it must have been him. He said that the two countries were forming an alliance, and he was building bridges and paving roads to show goodwill to Dajin. I'm afraid he has been plotting against our king behind the scenes..."

Feng Yun looked back at Puyang Jiu and asked, "Where is the general injured?"

Ji You: "Waist."

Zuo Zhong: "Shoulder."

The two people said in unison. Feng Yun glanced at Pei Jue, who had not yet woken up, and looked at the two of them.

"Were you two far away from the king at the time?"

The two personal guards were not as seriously injured as Pei Jue, but they caused the king to be seriously injured and unconscious. It was so dangerous, how did the three escape later?

Feng Yun was full of doubts.

Ji You wanted to say something, but the wound moved, and he hissed and passed away with a grin.

Zuo Zhong said, "It's my incompetence."

Feng Yun didn't say anything more. After Puyang Jiu finished examining the injury, he turned back and said to Feng Yun:

"The injury is so severe that the bone is visible. You need to rest well."

Feng Yun nodded, "Thank you, Doctor Puyang."

Puyang Jiu sighed helplessly, "Why are you so polite? I have been treating old Pei's injuries for a long time. This guy was injured every other day when he first joined the camp. I am used to it."

Feng Yun's eyes fell on Pei Jue's pale face. Listening to Puyang Jiu talking about things she had not participated in, she imagined what Pei Jue looked like when he entered the camp at a young age...

"In that case, it is really not easy for this person to grow up intact."

Puyang Jiu said, "It is not easy."

He had a smile on his face, and his expression looked too relaxed.

Feng Yun was silent again, and he was speechless all the way.

Until the carriage drove into the long gate, she sent someone to carry Pei Jue into the inner room, called for water, and helped him wash the dirt on his body with her own hands. She dismissed the servants and sat down beside the couch with a stern face.

"You are still not awake, are you waiting for me to invite someone to perform a ritual?"

The room was quiet.

Feng Yun lowered her eyes, "I will count to three. If you don't wake up, I will not bother to care about you. One, two..."

She counted very quickly.

The person on the couch seemed to be afraid that she would shout "three". He opened his eyes and looked at her, crying out in pain.

"Yun Niang?"

Feng Yun stared at him, and suddenly pinched his arm hard. Pei Jue hissed and held her hand.

Feng Yun pulled back hard and glared back.

"I used four basins of ice, you have to pay for it."

Pei Jue frowned and looked at her silently.

Feng Yun took back her hand and personally checked his injury.

Staring at his eyes, poking everywhere with her fingers.

Zuo Zhong and Ji You were not lying. They were indeed injured, but the injuries were not serious. The most serious one was the shoulder, which was where she saw Puyang Jiu carefully bandaged in the carriage.

Pei Jue saw her stop, slowly grabbed her hand, and looked deeply into her eyes.

"I'll compensate you. You are so cruel, are you really not afraid of hurting me?"

Feng Yun looked at him in silence, slowly raised her hand, loosened his outer robe, and pulled open his belt.

"Why didn't you say anything to Andu?"

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