Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 367 Peace of Mind

The news that King Yonghuai was recuperating in his palace spread, and all the royal family members and aristocratic families in Andu became active. They posted posts to send greetings and gifts, and each family became more active than the other.

Feng Yun specially sent Alou to receive him at the gate.

The greeting card is left, and the courtesy is returned intact.

He only said: "The king is not in good health and needs to rest in Zhuangzi. Your distinguished guest accepts it with your heart. When the king recovers, Nagato will host another banquet to invite you."

Ah Lou is now tempered.

He was no longer the boy who drove a donkey cart out of the city and cried in fear.

Having met many important people, he is well-mannered, humble and polite, and will no longer be humble.

Although the guests' gifts were not delivered to King Yonghuai, they received the chief steward's smile, which made them think a little less and stopped thinking about them.

The greeting cards were handed in like snowflakes. Feng Yun counted them one by one, wrote down their names, tapped his fingers on the desk, and smiled at Pei Ran:

"All the prominent people in Andu are here. Even the Xuanping Marquis Mansion has sent messages of greetings."

Because Xuanping Hou's son was bitten to death by a lynx, the Hou Mansion originally wanted to go to war and send people to the mountain to clear it out. However, due to a "Mountain Closing Notice" issued by the governor He Xia, the Hou family had to give up.

But there is definitely some resentment.

It's just that Pei Madang came back alive and didn't dare to disturb Tai Sui.

Feng Yun thought for a moment, thinking of the news given by Jin Ge, and smiled and said to Pei Madang:

"This Marquis Xuanping is said to have a close relationship with the Li family in Yecheng."

Pei Ran nodded.

The candlelight illuminated his handsome face, which gave him a slightly sick look.

"Li Zongxun has the ability to assist the country, and he is also good at winning over people's hearts. Marquis Xuanping and him were old friends, and when they were in Zhongjing, he received favors from Li Zongxun many times. He did not go to Yecheng because the current situation did not allow it, and It’s not that his heart is towards Xijing.”

Feng Yun pursed his lips and smiled slightly.

"The king is open-minded and always praises his opponents. Li Zongxun may not think so..."

Pei Ran glanced at her.

"If it weren't for Queen Mother Chunde stirring up trouble, the Jin Dynasty would not be divided into two."

Feng Yun lowered his eyebrows and smiled.

Why is Li Sangruo stirring up trouble?

It was because of the appearance of Feng Twelve Niang that she stirred things up first, and then Li Sangruo lost his beloved and went crazy...

In this way, the one who stirred up the storm was herself.

Feng Yun always felt that the man meant something.

But Pei Madang didn't say anything, and Feng Yun didn't make trouble either. He lowered his head and fiddled with the fruit bowl with a half-smile.

Those were melons and fruits that Huan'er had just brought over. They were not in short supply in Huaxi, but they were rare in the army.

Feng Yun liked it yesterday when he saw Pei Ran eating it, so he asked someone to prepare more today.

He has a big stomach, so the fruit bowl is quite generous.

The two stopped talking, and after Huan'er retreated, Feng Yun placed a slice of flatly cut melon in front of Pei Ran.

"I heard that Empress Dowager Li sent people with portraits to search for beautiful men everywhere in Xiangzhou..."

She raised her eyes and stared at Pei Madang with a smile.

"I asked someone to buy one at a high price in Xiangzhou. Would the general be interested in taking a look?"

Pei Madang frowned slightly and said softly, "No need."

Feng Yun laughed softly.

She knew everything, how could Pei Ran, the "man in the portrait," not know?

Since he didn't want to see it, Feng Yun didn't force it and said calmly: "Empress Dowager Li's thoughts are quite touching. After so many years, your Majesty is still unmoved?"

Pei Ran's face was gloomy and he didn't speak for a long time.

Feng Yun looked calm and raised his jaw slowly, "Eat melon."

Pei Ran picked it up and chewed it slowly.

But she said: "Your Majesty is really tolerant of Empress Dowager Li, and his men are always merciful. If it weren't for Your Majesty's protection, Empress Dowager Li might not have survived to go to Yecheng to find her beautiful husband."

Pei Madang stopped and slowly looked up at Feng Yun.

"I have absolutely no love between a man and a woman towards her."

Feng Yun asked: "What kind of love is that? The love of childhood sweethearts?"

Pei Madang met her eyes and sighed quietly.

"Yunniang, please be at ease. I am ruthless."

puff! The words ruthless are true.

Feng Yun said with a smile: "Let's eat melon. Brother is coming over in the afternoon. I don't think I have official business to report to you. Your Majesty has a lot of work to do."

She lowered the curtain and went out.

It was as if she just said it casually and never took Li Sangruo to heart.

She is arrogant and lonely, and will not be sour and jealous like other women.

Just as Pei Madang was thinking about it, Feng Yun suddenly opened the curtain and came in.

"Is your Majesty okay with your injury?"

Pei Ran didn't know why she asked this, so he hesitated and raised his eyebrows: "Mrs. Li Zheng, are you going to summon me to sleep with you?"

Feng Yun gave him a roll of his eyes.

"The eldest princess sent a message, saying that she wants to visit the king. Everyone else refuses, but this eldest princess... always avoids seeing her, for fear of not being able to justify it."

Pei Ran said without moving his eyebrows, "Rejected."

Feng Yun: "Seriously?"

"Yes." Pei Ran said, "Except for sleeping with my wife, I will refuse everything else."

Cruel person.


Behind the eldest princess is the entire Jin royal family.

She smiled.

Compared with the general who put loyalty to the emperor and the master first in his previous life, he was still King Yonghuai who had great achievements, which made people more attractive.

Feng Yunfu said, "I know."


Others can be ignored, but Wen Xingsu is the person Pei Ran cannot ignore.

Wen Xing came over here on official business.

This was the only man that Feng Yun kept close to his heart. Before Wen Xingsu arrived, Zhuangzi had already prepared food and drinks and prepared a feast of delicacies.

The banquet for three people was held in the living room next to the flower garden.

The maids passed the dishes back and forth, and two beauties came to serve at the table.

Wen Xingsu felt embarrassed at first. After all, this was the concubine that Feng Jingting gave to Pei Ran before.

But later he discovered that he had thought wrong.

Meiji is not here to serve Pei Madang, let alone him, but...

Came to serve Feng Yun.

There are two beauties, one is named Guan Wei and the other is Awan.

Guan Wei was an official subordinate to Feng Jingting, the former governor of Andu County. She held a military position and was dispatched by the prefect of the county. She was good at riding and shooting.

When Guan Wei first entered the camp, she couldn't stand the gap and had thoughts of committing suicide. Later, when she arrived at Huaxi Changmen, she settled down and wanted to be Pei Mad's concubine. However, no matter how hard she waited, she couldn't wait for the general's favor. Later, she looked around her One by one, women whose family background was not as good as hers found a good future, and then they gradually changed their minds...

Their way out lies with Feng Yun, not Pei Mad.

Awan is different from Guan Wei. Her father was originally a messenger from a lowly background, and dedicated her to Feng Jingting just to get a better job. However, the mental journeys of Awan and Guan Wei are similar to most of the concubines. Same.

In the past, they wanted to win the general's favor, but now they just want their wives to see them and send them an errand, so that they can get a wishful husband.

No matter how bad things are, you can still be like Ying Rong and Kong Yun'e, who manage a huge garment factory, their status and status rise with the tide, and they hold their chests and heads high wherever they go...

Pei Madang was also a little confused.

Two concubines, one on the left and one on the right, waited on Feng Yun, serving her tea and water. They had to help her remove the seeds before eating a grape...

Feng Yun also enjoyed the blessing of beauty with peace of mind.

There's nothing wrong with that.

But there's something wrong with this scene.

This is a scene that would never happen in any house.

At the male host's table, there is no beautiful lady waiting on him.

A whole bunch of beauties are surrounding the mistress...

Wen Xingsu and Pei Ran looked at each other, smiled softly, shook their heads, and said business.

"Shentu Jiong sent someone to report today. The bandits in Xiufeng Mountain were unable to be wiped out by the Northern Yong Army. They retreated to a steep canyon in Xiufeng Mountain. The terrain here is complex and easy to defend but difficult to attack. Shentu did not want his soldiers to be in danger, so he had to besiege instead of attack. Ask for good advice.”

Pei Madang said: "The lives of soldiers are important, there is no need to risk their lives."

Wen Xingsu nodded and sighed, "The Xiufeng Mountain bandits have been here for more than a year. There must be a lot of food stored in the mountain, enough to hold on."

As he said that, he sighed a little, "Guan Ping's men are all good men."

Pei Ran glanced at him.

Wen Xingsu was shocked to realize that his position seemed wrong, so he apologized and smiled bitterly.

"The last one will make a mistake."

Pei Madang said: "What the eldest brother said is absolutely true."

Instead of calling him General Wen politely, he followed Feng Yun to get closer to him.

He added: "It would be a great fortune for our army if we could recruit him."

Wen Xingsu didn't hear the blame, his heart relaxed, and he turned around and thought again, Pei Madang was like this, he was too careful.

So he smiled and said, "The general also has this intention, but...this Wanning remnant army is extremely ruthless and does not hesitate to fight with their lives. It is likely that they will die together with the Beiyong army. The hatred is so great that they would rather die than Will fall."

It has already been lowered.

Why wait until today?

But the more such an opponent is, the more respectable he is.

Thinking about what Feng Jingting had done, and then comparing it to this Wanning remnant army, Feng Yun felt ashamed for his own father.

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