Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 368 The Way of Husband and Wife

Wen Xingsu did not stay in Huaxi for too long.

After dinner, the weather became cooler, so he rode away with his attendants.

Pei Cong stayed in Zhuangzi to recuperate and did not return to the general's mansion in Andu.

Feng Yun arranged all his affairs properly, and he was very comfortable.

There was just one thing that made him uncomfortable...

Feng Yun set the scope of activities, and he could only stroll in the yard at most.

Take a walk and look at the flowers.

Feng Yun did not allow him to wield swords and guns, nor did he allow him to practice martial arts, and even put away the Biyong sword.

It was okay for one or two days, but after a long time, Pei Cong's muscles and bones were sore, and he helplessly discovered that not everyone can enjoy a peaceful life.

The days of idleness were really sad.

In particular, Feng Yun not only did not let him touch the sword, but also did not let him touch her.

He did not take this injury seriously at all, but Feng Yun treated it as a formidable enemy.

Doctor Yao said that the wound on his shoulder was so deep that the bone could be seen. If he didn't take good care of it, he was afraid that it would affect the strength of his arm after recovery.

Feng Yun kept a close eye on him, but Pei Cong couldn't sit idle with peace of mind.

If it weren't for this short stay in the manor, he wouldn't have seen how much business Feng Yun had done and how busy he was.

Pei Cong was a brave and outstanding general and an invincible king on the battlefield, but he was completely unaware of the trivialities of life. He had never worried about it himself, and he never knew it would be so trivial.

The food and winter clothes given to the Beiyong Army at the beginning...

In his opinion, it was just a matter of a word.

But for Feng Yun, from preparation to transportation to the Beiyong military camp, there was actually a long and complicated process, which required a lot of energy.

She had to take care of so many troops and servants.

She had to run the business of Andu, Xinyi, and Mingquan.

The villagers of Huaxi Village all looked at her, asking her to make a decision.

From farming to iron smelting, sugar making, Yutangchun's restaurant, to the styles of the clothing workshop...

Even Wenhui and He Chuandong's wedding, she was also worried about it.

So many things, all supported by a woman like her.

These seemingly insignificant chores are no easier than leading troops to fight.

Where does a weak woman get the energy and ability to possess such a powerful force?

Pei Jue saw it and frowned.

"What can I do for Yunniang?"

Feng Yun saw that he had a serious expression and put a pile of account books in front of him.

"Help me manage the household? Calculate the accounts?"

Pei Jue:...

Feng Yun smiled and looked at him.

"Come with me."

She understood Pei Jue's mood, took him to the study, pointed to the rows of wooden shelves and countless book boxes, and her eyes revealed some complicated emotions.

"These are all the books my mother left me. The general can read them when he is free..."

Turning his head again, staring at him seriously.

"But there is one thing, scholars should love books and not destroy them."

Books nowadays are extremely valuable, and many books are hard to come by.

The amount of books in Feng Yun's study is shocking.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is priceless.

Pei Jue knew about the anecdote that Lu Sanniang brought books with her into the Feng family, and he also knew that Feng Yun loved reading books, but he had never entered Feng Yun's private territory before, and he had never thought that the amount of books was so amazing.

What was particularly surprising was that many of Lu Sanniang's books were military books, and even some manuscripts that he had never seen or heard of, which seemed to be written by Lu Sanniang herself.

Pei Jue was greatly shocked.

Diving into the study was like entering a vast ocean, forgetting to eat and sleep, and no longer thinking about his swords, guns, sticks and clubs...

One day.

Two days.

Feng Yun saw that he loved books like crazy, and she laughed in her heart.

I never knew that Pei Jue was also a book lover?

"It's time for dinner."

Feng Yun went in through the curtain, and her arm was grabbed by the man.

He sat on the wooden couch by the window, his slender figure was extremely lazy...

Feng Yun was startled, but did not dare to struggle, fearing that he would pull her wound.

"What are you doing?"

Pei Jue's eyes were like torches, staring at her straight, as if he saw some rare treasure. Feng Yun looked at him, suspecting that he was attracted by her meat and wanted to eat her.

She took a step back, "Are you crazy? Looking at me like this?"

Pei Jue didn't say anything, but slowly approached, blocking the light in front of Feng Yun, and seemed to take away her breath.

The room suddenly became cramped, and she seemed to be stuffed into a sealed space. There was nothing except the man in front of her.

His face slowly approached, but I don't know if it was because of the wound, he was very slow. After a while, his resolute chin approached and gently touched her forehead.

It was a little hot.

Feng Yun was startled, as if her body was on fire.


No matter how much she read, she couldn't be pure.

Did she read something...

Feng Yun was shocked.

Thinking of those books that were not suitable for showing to others, she pondered for a moment, looking around to make sure she had put them away and whether Pei Jue had found them...

It was awkward.

"General?" She leaned on Pei Jue's chest, "It's noon."

It's time to eat.

Pei Jue didn't answer her.

The breath fell on the top of her head, with a faint smell of Chinese medicine, not unpleasant, but it made her feel confused.

Feng Yun lowered her head.

She wanted to avoid it.

However, Pei Jue, who was recovering from his injuries, was wearing too thin clothes in the hot summer.

The soft robe was half open, revealing a piece of strong chest muscles. The thin material below the waist and abdomen could not hide the perfect figure, with a narrow waist, strong legs, and a clearly visible bulge in the middle. line……

Feng Yun couldn't see much more, but the ferocious appearance of tangled veins came to mind for no reason.

The man's breath suddenly dropped, and Pei Ran pecked her forehead.

Like a dragonfly touching water.

With a low and hoarse voice, it was sticky and gently scratched her eardrums like a feather.

"Yunniang's study is full of good books."

A picture of a summer feast peeked out from his wide sleeves.

The banquet is a good banquet, but the person is a prodigal.

Feng Yun's cheeks were faintly rosy, and he tried to remain calm and smiled moderately.

"Your Majesty is really good at choosing books."

"The way of husband and wife should be practiced."

Pei Madang stroked the cover of the book with his palms, and there seemed to be an undercurrent surging deep in his dark pupils, "I admire how much Yun Niang treats the book."

In fact, every one of Feng Yun's books is extremely well-preserved and protected from moisture and insects. It is like a rare and valuable book, and this is not the only one. Especially those precious bamboo slips, she kept them carefully and never let anyone touch them.

Feng Yun's eyelids moved slightly, and he became proud when he heard the sound.

"These are the most precious treasures left to me by my mother. They cannot be exchanged for a thousand pieces of gold."

Pei Ran said: "The Feng family is actually willing to let you take him away."

"Then I have to thank you, General." Feng Yun said in a calm tone: "When my mother left the manuscript to me, I was still young and followed my father to Andu to take office. No one would say anything even if I brought the book here. But if Andu city is not destroyed, I will take away all the manuscripts, and I am afraid that the Feng family will not be willing... But..."

She winked at Pei Ran.

"Andu surrendered without a fight. My father had no time to take care of these manuscripts and ran away in despair. If these treasures stay, they belong to me. From now on, they belong to me alone."

Looking at her white fingers, gently stroking the book, Pei Man's Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he pulled his wrist. With a little force, Feng Yun was fully embraced by him.

She is not the kind of person who can be manipulated. She has a delicate body and is very afraid of pulling his wounds. Pei Man sees through this and succeeds every time. He squeezes her gently, and she softens as soon as he squeezes her, as if she wants to melt into his arms.

"What does the general want to do? Steal books?"

Pei Madang lowered his eyes, "Don't worry. It's all yours, including mine."

Feng Yun curled his lips slightly but said nothing.

Pei Ran lowered his head and smelled the quiet fragrance of grass and trees on her neck.

"Going to the vegetable garden again?"

Feng Yun looked at him sideways: "I'm going to pick some radishes that are not growing well and make soup for the king..."

Not growing well...

She said it seriously.

Pei Ran looked into her eyes.

"Yunniang, thank you for your trouble."

Feng Yun felt that his eyes were extraordinarily deep today, which made people doubt that she really wanted to "ruin hair and drink blood" and wanted to eat people.

She said: "Just say what you want to say. I'm a little flustered by being so polite."

Pei Ran: "I just want to thank Yun Niang."

Feng Yun took good care of him so well.

In this manor, he enjoyed her "careful raising" and care. Although he was a little uncomfortable with such a slow and leisurely life at first, he knew that this was what countless people yearned for.

When clothes come, I stretch out my hands, and when food comes, I open my mouth.

In the morning, I look at the flowers and read leisurely. At night, my beloved wife is by my side, and there is a collection of books that is so rich that I can't go out for three years...

Owning this woman is like owning the heaven and earth, the world, and all things.

Pei Madang's arms hugged him tighter and tighter, so tight that Feng Yun couldn't breathe and his heart became even more panicked.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble. After lunch, I will secretly take you for a walk around the city to relax, how about it?"

She thought Pei Madang was too idle in Zhuangzi.

In addition, Yang Xinzhai also had a child who was suffocating, so she decided to take a break from her busy schedule and have some luxury.


Lunch was served in the study.

The two people sat opposite each other, without a maid to wait on them.

Pei Ran ate slowly and gracefully, which made Feng Yun's eyelids jump.

After washing up after the meal, he ignored his injuries and personally helped Feng Yun change, then held her hand and got into the parked carriage.

The two of them kept silent. No one in Zhuangzi knew that the general was out, and the few people close to him would remain tight-lipped when they saw it.

Feng Yun was waiting for Yuan Shangyi at the door.

When the little emperor came over, he was still smiling.

When I opened the curtain and saw Pei Madang's face, his little face immediately stiffened, and his sitting posture straightened up and became very tense.

The carriage moved slowly.

No one in the car spoke.

Feng Yun whispered to Yuan Shangyi: "Ayuan, there is no need to be afraid of him. You are the emperor and he is a minister."

Of course Yuan Shangyi knows this.

But as an emperor, he really didn't have any dignity in front of his ministers. He only felt that King Yonghuai was tall and upright and had great power, while he was too weak to withstand one of his fingers.

"I, I'm not afraid."

Feng Yun lightly elbowed Pei Mang.

Pei Madang quickly realized that when he met such a timid emperor, the way the emperor and his ministers got along had to be adjusted.

For example, take the initiative to speak.

He thought for a while and asked: "Do you still like the wind chimes given to His Majesty?"

Speaking of wind chimes, Yuan Shangyi felt much less nervous.

He nodded his head hard and smiled at Pei Ran.

"I like it very much."

Pei Ran: "Yeah."

Yuan Shangyi observed him quietly and nodded, "Yes."

Feng Yun looked at this and that, and decided not to let them communicate or communicate, otherwise it would force out her faults.

After the carriage entered Andu City, Yuan Shangyi's expression relaxed.

He likes to hang out in the market like an ordinary person.

But it was too sunny outside at this time, so Feng Yun didn't let him get out of the car. He walked west along the city gate and saw a teahouse at the intersection. After stopping for a moment, he heard the talk inside.

Your Majesty today...


King Yonghuai...

Li Zongxun...

Xiao Cheng......

These people pointed out the country and spoke with great passion. They had no idea what they were talking about, so they sat quietly in the carriage and listened to their arguments with red faces.

Nowadays, there is a trend of free conversation, and people are also tolerant of public opinion. They will not be punished for speaking out about the faults of emperors, generals and ministers. So, there is nothing to be taboo about.

For a long while, there was silence in the carriage.

It was Yuan Sangyi who asked the question first, continuing the topic in the tea room.

"Why did the imperial court build an auxiliary capital in Andu?"

This matter has often become the focus of people's discussion, but even the emperor Yuan Shangyi doesn't know why he does this.

He is also curious.

Pei Ran bowed his hands to him.

"Your Majesty has a good question. In my opinion, the capital of Xijing is large in scale, rich in resources, steep in mountains and rivers, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It has many advantages as the Imperial City of the Jin Dynasty, but it also has its disadvantages..."

The little emperor looked curious.

Pei Madang said: "The imperial city must be heavily guarded. However, the water and soil erosion in the Xijing area is serious, and the cultivated land is decreasing year by year. The food produced cannot supply the heavy troops. This is one. Second, the Beirong often harass the border, and our court is in the Western Regions and The northwest frontier must be heavily defended. If there is a war, it will be difficult to deploy a large number of troops to defend Xijing. It will be very difficult to deploy the army, transport weapons and supplies, and even communicate military information. This is the case for the battle with Beirong. "

He seemed to be afraid that the little emperor would not understand, so he spoke slowly. He did not just perfunctory because the other party was a child, but analyzed the pros and cons to Yuan Shangyi very seriously.

After saying this, he sighed lightly.

"Xijing is fragile. I built the auxiliary capital to leave a way out for Your Majesty in a land with fertile water and soil. If you plant deep roots in Andu, you can at least fill your stomach."

Yuan Shangyi seemed to understand.

Pei Ran said: "The new dynasty has just been established, and it coincides with natural disasters. The suffering of the people has not stopped. If the world wants to have long-term peace and stability, it must reduce military disasters and develop farming. Only by solving the problem of food can we plan for the long term. Andu is located in the middle of the country. , it’s a good place to recuperate.”

Feng Yun rarely heard him say such a long speech.

Really long.

It’s so long.

She glanced over.

Yuan Shangyi nodded, "I understand. I will study hard. From now on, with the help of the general, the people of the world will have enough to eat, wear warm clothes, and no longer suffer from hunger and cold, let alone During the Chinese New Year, I heard that some people were starving to death or freezing to death..."

Pei Madang narrowed his eyes and said, "Your Majesty has great ambitions and it is my duty to do so."

The carriage continued to go south, turned left and turned south, which was the Governor's Mansion.

In two days, there will be a wedding in the Governor's Mansion. You can see the servants preparing for the wedding banquet coming in and out, with joy on their faces.

Feng Yun was about to ask Pei Ran if he wanted to sit at He Qia's house, when a car drove up the street in front and stopped in front of the governor's house.

The curtain opened, revealing a woman's face.

People in the world: King Yonghuai is seriously injured and may die.

Pei Ran: I am studying.

Ao Qi: Is my uncle going to die? Is it going to be my turn?

Pei Ran: Your uncle is still studying.

Chun Yuyan: When Pei Huan dies, who can match my appearance? This dark and lightless years of secret love will finally end...

Xiao Cheng: Didn’t you hear? He is reading.

Wen Xingsu: ...not only heard it, but also saw it.

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