Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 369 Little Tyrant

"Girl, the governor's office has arrived."

The woman was helped out of the carriage by the maid, looked up at the tall lintel of the Governor's Mansion, and sighed quietly.

"So angry."

Only then did she realize someone was watching her.

Turning around, he met Feng Yun's appraising eyes.

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

Kind and gentle.

But the woman was indifferent and turned away and called her servant.

"Call the door."


Feng Yun watched quietly and smiled faintly.

"He's not from Andu, he's from afar."

Pei Ran was sitting in the car and didn't pay attention. After hearing her words, he followed his gaze.

At this time, the concierge came out.

The steward of the Governor's Mansion came out next. He politely led the carriage to the side door and entered slowly.

Feng Yun was a little curious and sent Ge Guang to ask whose wife she was.

The concierge of the Governor's Mansion did not recognize Ge Guang, but recognized Feng Yun's carriage.

Nowadays, when aristocratic families travel, they often hang the family emblem on the carriage to make it easier for others to identify and reduce unnecessary trouble.

For the convenience of doing business, Feng Yun also designed an emblem for Nagato, which she drew by herself.

The pattern is an illusion of pine cone and wind chime, which few people in Andu City don’t know.

Therefore, she didn't see the emblem on the carriage just now, but she could conclude that the woman was not from Andu.

The concierge glanced at Feng Yun and spoke politely to Ge Guang in a low voice.

Ge Guang came back and whispered outside the curtain:

"It is said that she is a girl from the Yang family in Hongzhou who came to visit her relatives. She also said that her father once served as the minister of Zhongshu in the Xinghe Dynasty and was closely related to the governor."

Feng Yun thought about it in his heart.

do not know.

Pei Ran looked over and said, "Xinghe Chao Zhongshu Minister, Yang Gong."

After saying this, Feng Yun suddenly realized.

"Then isn't this lady the third wife of the Yang family, Yang Lingxiang, who ruined He Chuandong's marriage?"

Wen Hui told Feng Yun privately the name of Yang Sanniang.

She also heard it from He Chuandong.

Feng Yun said calmly: "Don't the Yang family look down on the He family? Now that the He family is powerful, they want to marry another bride, and they come to the door again. What do they want to do?"

Pei Madang said: "In the Zhongjing Incident, Yang Gong, the minister of Zhongshu, died tragically in the Forbidden Garden."

Feng Yun said: "It's not He Qia who set fire to kill people. What does it have to do with him?"

Pei Ran said: "The Yang and He families are related by marriage. Mrs. He's surname is Yang, and she comes from the Yang family in Hongzhou."

"I see."

Feng Yun's eyes darkened slightly.

She integrated Pei Mad's news with what Wen Hui said, and quickly figured out the whole story.

Mrs. He Yang and Mrs. Yang are actually our cousins ​​and nephews.

Sanniang of the Yang family is the daughter-in-law chosen by Mrs. He herself...

At first, the Yang family's lintel was much higher than that of the He family. After Mrs. He got married, she worked hard to promote the marriage between her son and her cousin.

Sanniang of the Yang family was weak when she was young and almost had no way to support her. She was a medicine pot since she was a child, so the Yang family agreed to the marriage.

But as the girl grew older, her body gradually became stronger, and He Qia and his son never had much potential and joined the army. In the Yang family's opinion, He Chuandong was not a good candidate for a son-in-law, so they politely refused the marriage.

Although Mrs. Yang was sad, that was her natal family. The most she could do was blame her husband and son for not living up to expectations, and she would not seriously go into trouble with her natal family.

Yang Sanniang soon married another person, the Sanlang of Guanglu doctor Li Yi's family.

Both Li Yi and Li Zongxun came from the Li family in Longxi, but Li Yi was from the main family and Li Zongxun was from a branch. After Li Zongxun became powerful, in order to show his orthodoxy in the family, he took good care of his brothers. Li Yi followed him and gained power.

The Yang family rushed to get married with the Li family, with the intention of currying favor with the Prime Minister's Palace.

Not so lucky.

Before Mrs. Yang Sanlang came to visit, Sanlang of the Li family fell into the water and drowned because he took her to watch dragon boat racing.

Witnesses said that Li Sanlang was pushed into the river because of the crowds because he was protecting Lady Yang Sanniang.

In short, the marriage between the Yang family and the Li family is very difficult to talk about, and they are extremely jealous and difficult to deal with when they meet.

The Li family said it was Mrs. Yang who killed her fiancé.

At this point, Liang Zi was forged, and Li Zongxun was not very friendly to Yang Gong.

During the Zhongjing Incident, Li Zongxun wanted to flee north, and Yang Gong naturally did not want to follow him to Yecheng.

At that time, the Beiyong army pretended to attack the Forbidden Garden, and the inner city was in panic. Yang Gong, not knowing whether it was true or not, secretly went to seek refuge. Li Zongxun's men found him and hacked him to death.

Of course, these are just outside speculations.

When the Beiyong Army saw him, he was already dead in a pool of blood. He was not killed by one of his own, but by his opponent.

It is unknown whether Li Zongxun admits to the lawsuit.

After Li's party fled to Yecheng, chaos broke out in Beijing, and the Battle of Cangyan Mountain ensued. The whereabouts of the Yang family are unknown.

Pei Ran said: "Shilang Yang is quite knowledgeable, which is a pity."

Feng Yun pouted, "He is just afraid of going to Yecheng and being ostracized by Li Zongxun's party. If he really defected to the Beiyong Army out of righteousness, I would still have some respect for him."

Pei Ran glanced at her and said nothing.

She had been hostile to the Yang family because of Wen Hui from the beginning, and it was useless to say anything.

Feng Yun also knew this.

It was precisely because of this that she was angry.

In three days, Wen Hui will get married.

If the Yang family's third wife came to seek refuge earlier or later, what would she do if she came here at this time?

How will Wen Hui be embarrassed?

These days, Wen Hui has been working hard to manage Yu Tangchun's business for her. She is Feng Yun's confidant, and she will not allow her people to be bullied.

In particular, under the influence of these trivial events, many things that have long been forgotten suddenly came one after another.

Wen Hui was He Chuandong's concubine in her previous life.

And He Chuandong later married a wife.

It was Yang.

So, in the previous life, the unlucky Li family son also drowned while watching the dragon boat, and Yang Sanniang was destined to be a "husband killer", so it was not easy to marry someone else, so she turned around and found the He family that she once looked down upon.

He Qia was originally a generous person, and he was very kind to Madam He. Naturally, what Madam He said about the things in the inner house was what it was.

Originally, after being reborn, Feng Yun had been trying to change her fate...

Her, and others'.

Many things are different from the previous life.

For example, Wenhui is about to become He Chuandong's first wife...

Yang's arrival is so coincidental, as if the wheel of fate is twisting, and it is going to lead things into the predetermined track...

Feng Yun felt cold and uneasy.

"No. This matter cannot be passed by in a muddle, and I can't pretend that I don't know."

Pei Jue looked at her and said nothing.

This is the private matter of the He family.

They have no right to interfere.

He patted the back of Feng Yun's hand and reminded her: "Calm down, His Majesty is still here."

"A Yuan is not an outsider. It's okay to let him see the evil of human hearts, so that he will know how to avoid it in the future."

Pei Jue:...

After a silence, he slowly said: "State affairs are governed by state laws, and family affairs have family rules. It's not your place to intervene."

Feng Yun looked at him and said: "Wenhui is my person."

She has no family.

If Feng Yun doesn't support her, she will be crushed to death.

Pei Jue looked at her quietly: "What do you want?"

Feng Yun said: "The He family should either place this cousin daughter somewhere else, or break off the marriage with Changmen. I will not tolerate anyone who dares to do something behind the scenes, secretly bring her back to the mansion, and treat her as a young lady."

Pei Jue did not speak.

As a grown man, it is not convenient to say anything.

Feng Yun saw that his brows were slightly knitted, and his lips were slightly curled.

"Does the king feel pity for Miss Yang San? When the old love comes to the door, it should also be helped out of morality?"

Pei Jue's eyes opened.

What does this have to do with him?

Feng Yun said coldly: "Men love to hide their inner filth in the name of morality. In the final analysis, they still want to have the happiness of both the old love and the new love."

Rather than scolding the He family, it is better to say that she suddenly sighed.

Pei Jue saw the fire burning on himself and sighed that it was an unprovoked disaster.

Although he also thought that the He family would deal with it this way, he didn't want to worry about things that had nothing to do with him. Unable to get a word in, he hissed, lowered his eyebrows and covered his chest.

Feng Yun turned his head, grabbed his hand and pressed it on his shoulder.

"My king, you are injured here."

Yuan Shangyi had been silent just now, but suddenly raised his eyes and stared at Feng Yun, "Madam, you don't want this Yang San to take refuge in the governor's mansion, right?"

Good child.

Not asking right or wrong, just asking if she wants to...

Feng Yun nodded in response, "They broke up the marriage first, and now they come to take refuge before someone else's wedding. It's unreasonable and shameless."

Pei Jue's eyelids trembled slightly.

"Shameless" is not suitable to say in front of the emperor, especially such a young emperor.

But Feng Yun has no outsider heart when it comes to Yuan Shangyi, and never avoids it.

Yuan Shangyi is also accustomed to it and nodded.


Pei Jue's brows were frowned so much that they could pinch a fly to death.

Look, the emperor turned around and learned it.

Yuan Shangyi also frowned, as if thinking about something.

After a while, when the carriage just passed the street corner, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Then can I issue an imperial decree to ask He Shishi not to take this person in?"

Pei Jue: ...

Feng Yun was also stunned.

In a blink of an eye, she laughed softly.

"If I do this, I'm afraid it will damage your majesty's reputation."

Yuan Shangyi shook his head.

"I just want my wife to be happy."

Pei Jue's eyelids jumped.


A little tyrant.

Feng Yun smiled from ear to ear.

Who else can protect a person purely and without any impurities except such a young child?

She took out a fruit from the ice basin, wiped Yuan Shangyi's little hand with silk, and stuffed it into his mouth to eat.

"I have my own ideas about this matter, and there is no need for A Yuan to take action. How can you use a butcher knife to kill a chicken? A Yuan's strength should be used for big things."

Yuan Shangyi was young and actually didn't know what to do. I didn't expect to get praise from my wife, my little face was flushed, and I looked a little happy.

Pei Jue looked at the big and small, his eyes were complicated, and I didn't know what he was thinking.

Feng Yun returned to Changmen and called Ge Guang as soon as he got off the car.

"Call Wen Hui to the study, I have something to say to her."

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