Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 370: Clean and Pure

The wedding was approaching, so Wenhui did not go to Yutang to have sex, but stayed in Zhuangzi, waiting for the He family's eight-carriage sedan.

When Feng Yun saw her, he still had a shy smile on his face. Seeing Feng Yun's serious expression, she restrained her expression.

"Madam, what happened?"

Feng Yun said: "The third lady of the Yang family in Xianzhou is here."

Wen Hui's heart felt like a heavy hammer and she was slightly startled, "Is this the case?"

Feng Yun told her what he saw outside the governor's house, and said calmly: "I asked you to come here to prepare you mentally. I also want to hear your thoughts on how to do it."

Wen Hui stood sadly.

She knew that her family background did not match that of He Chuandong.

Although He Chuandong didn't care and Feng Yun said he didn't need to care, she knew in her heart that the He family did.

Mrs. He cares.

Even the unknown old man in the teahouse on the street felt very concerned...

With her wedding coming soon, she already lives in people's saliva. Unexpectedly, before the flowers bloomed, there was a violent storm...

She was unwilling to do so, but she didn't want the mute to eat Coptis chinensis...

"You don't have to be embarrassed." Feng Yun said: "Tell me your decision. We in Nagato are not allowed to be bullied."

Wen Hui's mind was in a mess.

But Feng Yun's last words reminded her.

She is not Wenhui, the little singer in Yutangchun. She is the female shopkeeper of Nagato. It doesn't matter if she loses her own face, but she can't lose her wife's face.

"I see."

Wen Hui suddenly murmured and saluted Feng Yun.

"With me, there would be no Yang Sanniang, and with Yang Sanniang, there would be no me. The He family can only choose one of the two."

Feng Yun was a little surprised at first.

After all, Wen Hui had always been a concubine in her previous life and never complained...

But soon she felt relieved again.

Wen Hui changed.

She changes herself and also changes Wen Hui.

"Okay." Feng Yun smiled slightly, "We don't need to be impatient. Let's see the attitude of the He family first."

Today, she signed herself up outside the governor's office and asked Ge Guang to inquire about the situation in a high profile.

By now, the He family must have known that she knew about Yang Sanniang's coming to seek refuge.

"It's them who should panic, not us."

Wen Hui nodded and asked her softly.

"Madam, do you think...will He Lang change his mind in the future?"

Feng Yun did not expect that she would ask this question.

After all, ever since these two people saw each other, they couldn't hide their admiration for each other.

"Sit down." Feng Yun poured her a cup of herbal tea with his own hands.

In the hot summer, herbal tea is very refreshing when it enters the throat.

Wen Hui breathed a sigh of relief and heard Feng Yun's cold voice.

"You're getting married, and I haven't said anything serious to you. I'll give you three words today."

Wen Hui immediately stood up and stood respectfully.

"Madam, please speak."

Feng Yun smiled, motioned for her to sit down, and spoke in a calmer tone.

"First, the changes in human nature cannot be underestimated. There is nothing more complicated than human beings in this world. Second, you must rely on yourself, don't rely on men, emotions are like this, money is like this. Even if he is willing to hold the whole world in front of you, then it is It’s just that his heart is happy with you this day, not forever. 3. When getting along after marriage, love is the cornerstone and profit is the best way. You can be good to him, but don’t sacrifice yourself.”

Wenhui listened carefully to every word.

It was harsh and made her cheeks heat up.

It was completely different from what she had heard before about the three obediences and four virtues that women were taught by their parents before marriage.

Slowly, Wen Hui nodded.

"I have remembered everything."

"And..." Feng Yun looked at her and smiled with his eyes like fire.

"No matter what, Nagato is your natal family."

The corners of Wen Hui's eyes became wet, and she burst into tears.

"My wife is my reborn parent. Even if I betray the world, I will never betray you."

After Wen Hui left, Feng Yun slowly drank all the tea in his cup and poured it down his throat. Then he called Xiao Man and whispered a few instructions in her ear.

Xiaoman's eyes were shocked.

But he didn't say much, nodded, and went down.


There was a fire in He Qia's backyard.

When he returned from the government office that day, he learned that Yang Sanniang had taken refuge, so he told Mrs. He that today was different from the past, and the He family could not take this person in for fear of causing Nagato's displeasure.

Mrs. He immediately made a fuss with him.

"I have humbled myself and agreed to Dong'er's marriage to that singer. What else do you think? No matter how bad the third wife is, she is still a niece of my mother's family and a noble daughter. She has come to seek refuge with me as an aunt. Do I want to beat her up? Going out?"

He Qia had trouble to say, but he said sincerely and sincerely:

"Madam, madam, that's not what you said. Before the accident in the Yang family, how long had it been since the third lady had any contact with us? After the accident, did she come to see you as my cousin? At this juncture, does it make sense to suddenly come to seek refuge with us?"

To put it harshly, it’s not like the Yang family in Hongzhou is empty.

Yang Sanniang could seek refuge with her uncle in the Yang family, but there was no reason to seek refuge with her cousin.

When Mrs. He heard what she said, tears fell down.

"The third wife is pitiful for her son. Her father died in the forbidden garden, her mother became depressed and became ill, and passed away in the past few years. Her brother and sister-in-law took away the belongings and said she was a harmful person. Kefu blamed her father and mother, and put the blame on her. , so he received a high betrothal gift and wanted to marry her to an old widower who was twenty years older than her..."

"That can't be blamed on our family." He Qia said: "She has her brother and sister-in-law to make the decision, and we also have uncles and uncles in the family. No matter what, it's not our turn to take care of it..."

"Alang, what do you mean by this?" Mrs. He stared at him, "Do you want me to die without saving you? Or do you want me to kick people out before Dong'er's wedding and make people laugh at the coldness of our He family?"

He Qia sighed.

"I don't mean this. But, you and I cannot be ambiguous. If she comes to have a wedding banquet, the He family welcomes her. If she has other thoughts, she should give up as soon as possible."

"Hmph!" Mrs. He's eyes were filled with tears, "I can see that after my cousin's death, the Yang family fell into decline. You, the governor, have become famous and you no longer look down on our Yang family, right?"

"...Where is this? Look, what you said is serious? Isn't this also for the sake of our Dong'er's future..."

"Bah! I think you are just a fan of officials. You watch your son marry a singer and jump into a fire pit. You ignore your son's reputation and focus on studying. You have no character at all..."

"Feng Gu and Feng Gu, Feng Gu can be eaten as food."

"I think you are a fool. You work for King Yonghuai and you are just submissive in front of him. A princess from Qi State can also ride on your head and force your son to marry a singer. Look at this person. Are you the heir to the He family? Princess Yonghuai clearly doesn’t care about you and looks down on the He family, so your son is only worthy of marrying a singer..."

"Absurd, isn't that what your son likes?"

"My son is not your son?"

The couple had a heated argument.

The joy of the governor's office was broken by Yang Sanniang.

The servants were nervous and cautious.

Yang Lingxiang naturally knew that he came at the wrong time.

But this is her only chance.

Back then, she actually liked He Chuandong very much.

In terms of character and appearance, how can the playboy Li Sanlang, who relies on the protection of his family, compare to the talented man of the He family?

It's a pity that fate was in vain and they were not destined to be destined after all...

Yang Lingxiang looked at He Chuandong who was rushing over, walked around the arch, and bowed to him.


He Chuandong raised his head slightly but said nothing.

Yang Lingxiang walked over slowly, "Cousin, are you still blaming me for what happened back then?"

He Chuandong waved his robe sleeves and said, "No."

With that said, he went to his parents' room.

He came here after learning that his parents were quarreling and didn't care about Yang Lingxiang.

Unexpectedly, the girl from the Yang family stopped in front of him, her eyes full of tears and full of sorrow.

"He Lang, you still blame me."

He Chuandong was stunned for a moment. Hearing the loud noise in his parents' room, he pushed them away with all his strength.

"Sister, please respect yourself. I have forgotten the past a long time ago, and I almost don't remember who you are. How can I have any complaints?"

As he spoke, he bowed slightly.

"Thank you for not marrying back then, so that I can marry a good wife."

Yang Lingxiang was stunned and speechless as he walked past her like a man.

After all, the He family is also a hairpin family. How could they raise such a rude son?

People who come from military backgrounds do have fewer rules.


Yang Lingxiang looked at He Chuandong's tall back and smiled slightly.

Still likeable.


"Dad! Mom!"

He Chuandong pushed open the door and shouted, then pointed to the door and said in a low voice:

"Why don't you go outside and make a noise so that the servants in the palace can hear it more clearly? I heard that you spoke rudely to King Yonghuai and heard that you humiliated the princess. Do you feel disobedient?"

The master closed the door and made a fuss, and the house became a mess.

The servants stopped what they were doing.

The table for entertaining guests will not be moved.

There are no mats left.

They are all waiting for the master to say whether the wedding banquet will be held or not...

He Qia sighed and sat down dejectedly.

Mrs. He turned pale.

She was so angry that she forgot her sense of proportion.

But she just wanted to overpower He Xia verbally, and of course she didn't mean to have a hard time with King Yonghuai.

"Close, close the door." Mrs. He motioned to He Chuandong to close the door, pulled him over and sat beside her, looked up and down, and suddenly felt sad.

"My son is so talented that he deserves to be married to a noble daughter from a noble family. It is really wronging my son to marry a singer..."

"Mother!" He Chuandong was dissatisfied.

Mrs. He's face darkened, "Mom, I'm asking you, if I were to step in for my mother and marry the third lady as your equal wife, would you be willing to do so?"

He Chuandong's face changed, "Mom, what are you thinking about?"

Mrs. He said: "Mom, I am also thinking about you. It is not unusual to marry an equal wife now. We can't embarrass Princess Yonghuai, and we can't wrong the third wife. An equal wife is the best way..."

"I don't agree." He Chuandong frowned, suddenly straightened his face, looked at He Xia, and lowered his voice a little lower.

"Dad, Mrs. Yang Sanniang must have bad intentions when she chooses to seek refuge at this time..."

When returning to He Mansion, He Chuandong met Xiaoman from Huaxi.

Xiaoman told her that the princess got the news that Yang Sanniang was a spy from Yecheng.

She deliberately chose this time to come to the Governor's Mansion, firstly to inquire about King Yonghuai's injury, and secondly to sow discord between the Governor and King Yonghuai, in order to disrupt Andu and the current situation in Xijing.

He Chuandong has known Mrs. Yang Sanniang since he was a child.

He dared to believe it was someone else.

He said that Yang Sanniang was a spy from Yecheng, but he was actually suspicious...

Unexpectedly, while they were still outside, they heard their parents quarreling and scolding Princess Yonghuai. Mrs. Yang was still staying in the corridor, so there was no guarantee that she wouldn't eavesdrop.

He somewhat believed it.

He Qia and Mrs. He didn't believe it.

"Nonsense!" Madam He was so anxious that she almost jumped up. Seeing He Qia's cold eyes, she lowered her voice again.

"I don't know about others, but don't I know about Miss San? With her weak appearance, you are a fool to bully your mother as a spy?"

"Believe it or not." He Chuandong warned Madam He in a low voice with a cold face.

"The He family has finally lived a peaceful life. If mother is tired of it, she can make the decision for her son and marry Miss Yang San as a co-wife. Anyway, the life and death and future of the son are not important. The most important thing is the face of the mother marrying a noble lady as a daughter-in-law."

After he said that, he turned around and strode out.

After a few steps, he suddenly turned back and stared at Madam He.

"If you don't care about my opinion, then mother and father should make plans early and raise a filial son again."


Mrs. He widened her eyes and watched her son leave resolutely, and was stunned.

"Look, your good son, how can he talk to his mother like this? Where did he learn this bad habit? Yutangchun is not a good place. My good son, a filial son, has not even married yet, but he dares to challenge his mother..."

"Stop talking!" He Qia scolded coldly.

He slowly stood up again, walked back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back.

"Dong'er's words may not be meant to evade you and me."

Mrs. He: "What do you mean, Alang?"

He Qia glanced coldly, "You are a woman, how can you know the dangerous situation? The king is seriously injured now, and the south, east, and north are all eyeing us covetously? Sanniang didn't come to us when she was in the most difficult time, but chose to come before Dong'er's wedding. Tell me, this is not sincere trouble, what is it?"

Mrs. He: "In Zhongjing, I was the closest to Sanniang. She is the daughter-in-law I have chosen. If it's not her, I will regret it. Alang, this is Dong'er's last chance to marry the daughter of a noble family. She has come to our door, we can't turn her away, and the princess can also make sense..."


He Qia turned around abruptly.

I wanted to say something, but I swallowed it in the end, leaving only a sigh.

Madam He was a woman who could only see what was going on in the house. She thought Feng Yun was like her, Feng Yun who was always around the backyard, but in He Qia's eyes, Feng Yun was a woman who was as brave as a man, who would repay a favor and avenge a grudge.

The He family had let Wen Hui down.

It wasn't just a singer they had offended.

They had offended Feng Yun badly.

"Since you like the Third Lady, then you can go live with her." He Qia was too lazy to argue with Madam He anymore, shook his head, and whispered:

"But there is one thing I warn you about, if you dare to talk nonsense in front of the Third Lady and say something you shouldn't say, don't blame me for not thinking about the relationship between husband and wife."

He strode away.

Madam He opened her mouth and closed it for a long time.

"What can I say?"

She knew nothing about politics.

Even if the Third Lady was a spy, what could she find out?

She still didn't believe it.


The news from the He Mansion soon spread to Huaxi Village.

He Qia came in person.

For the sake of caution, Pei Jue did not see him, and still stayed in the inner room under the pretext of recuperating.

Feng Yun received him with a smile on her face.

The two of them talked about some random things in a roundabout way, and He Qia said goodbye and left.

He didn't say much, but he made it clear what he wanted to say.

Feng Yun smiled and sent him out.

When she returned to the room, she saw Pei Jue sitting upright, examining her.

"You asked someone to tell the He family that Miss Yang San is a spy?"

"Hmm?" Feng Yun raised her chin lazily, "Is the king interrogating me?"

Pei Jue sighed, hugged her in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her, "You can't say anything without evidence."

"Who said I don't have evidence?" Feng Yun glanced at him, thought about it, and retracted her gaze, saying lightly: "There is no evidence now, but there will be soon. I have sent someone to check. The king will wait and see."

Pei Jue turned her face over and said seriously.

"Yunniang, be careful of your mouth."

The situation in Andu changes day by day.

Since Pei Jue came here to recuperate, more and more people have settled in Andu. As Feng Yun expected, the land and housing prices are getting more and more expensive...

Many things are also changing quietly.

The parties are playing a subtle game.

The complexity of it cannot be explained in a few words.

Pei Jue is in the open, which is tantamount to being the target of public criticism. That's why he treated the minor injury as a serious one and hid behind the scenes to observe how many turtles are hidden in this muddy water.

"Are you afraid that I will alert the snake?"

Feng Yun quickly noticed something from Pei Jue's solemn eyes.

"You are pretending to be sick just to lure the snake out of its hole?"

Pei Jue held her hand and stroked the wound on her shoulder.

"When did I pretend to be sick?"

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows slightly, "Then the king can't attend the wedding banquet the day after tomorrow."

Pei Jue hummed, afraid that she would think too much about it, and explained again.

"I'm not blaming you. Yunniang's tactic of throwing a stone to test the water is very good."

"Then what do you mean by being sarcastic?"

Where is the sarcastic?

Pei Jue sighed slightly, "I'm worried about you."

All right and wrong are caused by trying to stand out.

It's not a good thing for a person to show off too much.

He had a lot on his mind, but looking at the beautiful young lady in front of him, he couldn't say it.

"Forget it, whatever you want to do, it's up to you."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "That's better! I don't want to be accused of being a seductive troublemaker for nothing."

Pei Jue: ...

He hugged her tightly and lowered his head to kiss her again, but Feng Yun gave up in disgust.

"My hands are so rough and my face is so rough, it hurts me."

Pei Madang looked at his hand carefully, then took the soft, boneless white hand in his palm, rubbed it gently and slowly, and was speechless for a moment.

Feng Yun said: "I have prepared facial fat for the king and rested it in Zhuangzi. If the king uses it every day, he will soon be fair and clean."

Pei Ran's face darkened: "What does that sound like?"

Feng Yun squinted: "Why is it so outrageous? Can't a general be fair? A fair general is more attractive."

Pei Ran was speechless and allowed her to toss and smear facial grease all over his face. He was so distracted that he wanted to hold the person in his arms and tidy him up, but someone suddenly came from outside to report.

"Prince Chunyu is back. He wants to see your wife and tell her that he has something good to say."

Feng Yun was startled and suddenly sat up from the couch.

This dead man has been gone for two months. What good news can he bring back?

She quickly put on her clothes and said, "Let the prince wait in the living room. I will go over immediately."

Pei Madang looked at her excited look, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the depths of his pupils were faintly dark.

If I remember correctly, Chun Yuyan was fair and fair...

White hands, white face, white everywhere...

This chapter has 5,000 words, two chapters combined into one chapter. Is this considered an extra update?

Reader: What do you think?

Erjin: Forget it! ! (Raise hands in favor)

Feng Yun: Some readers said that the title "big king" is a bit strange. In fact, it is not strange. There are always kings, but there are not always big ones... We mainly want to highlight the key points.

Pei Madang: Yun Niang, who is good at talking, please speak more.

Feng Yun: It’s time for your Majesty to apply facial makeup!

Chunyu Yan: Shouldn’t you receive me first and hear the good news?

Ao Qi: Has Ao Qi by the Daming Lake been forgotten?

Xiao Cheng: There are 100 chapters in the whole text, and Xiao Lang only appears in one chapter. What kind of supporting role is this? No one sympathizes with me?

Erjin: Arrange, arrange, arrange everything...I am the best at Yulu...

Feng Yun: Huh?

Erjin: I dare not share it equally.

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