Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 371 Hidden Mystery

When Chun Yuyan went to the main room, he saw several maids from Feng Yun's room outside the yard, and even Xiaoman was under the shade of the tree, teasing the "big cat" with dried meat, and his heart moved slightly.

"Why don't you wait in front of the master?"

Several maids looked at each other.

Feng Yun and Pei Madang had been quarreling on the couch for so long, and the maid had already withdrawn. How could she be an eyesore in the room...

They understood in their hearts, but they couldn't tell Prince Yunchuan more.

"Master is taking a nap and doesn't want me to disturb you."

Chunyu Yan slightly raised his lips.

"At this point, Feng Twelve can sleep?"

On the way back, he had received the news that Pei Madang was recuperating in Zhuangzi.

Hearing that this guy was seriously injured, he hurriedly walked slowly to Andu.

We traveled through wind and rain and refused to delay even a moment.

Who knew that Feng Twelve would have the leisure to take a nap?

Chunyu Yan said: "Go and cook a bowl of noodle soup for me."

He rushed on the road hungry, but because he was anxious, he didn't feel hungry at all. Now that he returned to Andu and sat at Feng Twelve's house, he felt relaxed. He suddenly felt empty in his stomach and unbearable...

Especially, Feng Twelve is sleeping.

He must be sleeping with Pei Wanzhi.

Just thinking about it made him hungrier.

The maid responded immediately, and just as she was about to go down, Feng Yun opened the curtain and came in.

While still in the courtyard, Feng Yun heard Shi Zijun acting aggressively, asking for food and drink. When she walked in, she saw this guy who didn't regard her as an outsider, lying on the soft chair she usually liked. superior.

Wearing a moonlight silver silk robe, a jade crown on her head, a gold and jade object hanging from her waist, even the brocade boots under her feet were embroidered with exquisite cloud patterns, and one word appeared from top to bottom - expensive.

Rich and idle people.

There was a smile on her lips, but her eyes were cold and cold, locked on Feng Yun who was slowly entering the door, like a debt collector.

Feng Yun's eyes slid over him, filled with happiness.

"I've met the prince."

Chunyu Yan stood up slightly, shook his sleeves and cupped his hands.

"I've met the princess."

Such a sour tone.

Feng Yun smiled and asked calmly: "The prince's family is next door, but he comes to my house to beg for food and orders my servants at will. What's the point?"

It's normal for two people to fight each other when they meet.

Chun Yuyan was not used to it without a few words.

Feng Yun asked lukewarmly, and he became energetic. He felt that all the pores in his body were slowly opening, as if seeing the flowers blooming in the garden made him feel so comfortable. He leaned back on the lounge chair, He stared at Feng Yun lazily.

"Stingy! What's the matter with eating a little of you? What I brought is big business."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Business is business, and favors are favors. I thought I would entertain the prince, so I entertained him. Since we are here to discuss business, we have to charge for the meal."

Chun Yuyan curled his lips, "You are still ruthless. Stop it! Feng Twelve, it's just a bowl of noodle soup. I'll see if you can make some delicacies and make me hungry."

"That won't happen." Feng Yun sat opposite him and smiled softly.

"The prince is the richest man in the world. He uses a bowl that is chewy and chewy, with a texture as smooth as silk, and has both color and aroma. From mixing the noodles, cooking the pot, to putting it on the table, four cooks and two maids are required to carefully prepare it." Cooking noodle soup to relieve hunger on the road only costs 500 yuan, how can you be poor? "

A bowl of noodle soup, five hundred bucks?

Feng Twelve really knows how to steal money.

Chun Yuyan sneered, "It seems that you don't want to do business in Chuzhou."

Feng Yun was shocked.

"You went to Chuzhou?"

Chun Yuyan squinted at him lazily, "Didn't you say that? Zheng Shoushan, the governor of Chuzhou, seems to be at odds with Li Zongxun? You really want to dig into Li Zongxun's corner."

After a pause, he raised his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, and don't get me wrong. I happened to be on my way to Chuzhou for business, and I paid a visit to the governor on the way. He is very easy-going and talkative, but it's a pity..."

Feng Yun asked: "What's the pity?"

Chunyu Yan said: "There is no discord with the Yecheng court as you think."

Feng Yun was silent.

Her guess was only based on her past life experience.

Zheng Shoushan, the governor of Chuzhou, later united two warlords to rebel against the Jin Dynasty and took refuge with Xiao Cheng. He submitted a certificate of surrender and was highly valued by Xiao Cheng.

Old God Chunyu Yan was here and said in an understatement:

"I have long said that Zheng Shoushan was the first to seek refuge in Yecheng. As far as I know, he has a close relationship with Ge Pei, Li Zongxun's cousin-in-law. In order to celebrate the new dynasty, Ge Pei was promoted to general, and this man went out of his way to I sent two of my concubines over, tell me, what kind of affection is this?"

Feng Yun glanced at him.

There are some things that I can’t say more about.

She changed the subject.

"Your Majesty, what business are you doing in Chuzhou?"

Chun Yuyan's mood was leisurely. He picked a seasonal grape from the fruit bowl with his slender fingertips, put it into his mouth, and tasted it carefully.

"If you want to know, you have to beg me."

Feng Yun thought this man was very ridiculous.

"Isn't it because the prince came to talk about this matter?"

Chunyu Yan's throat seemed to be stuck.

Feng Twelve was too relaxed.

Smiling easily, as if there was no smile at all, but he could firmly control his emotions without taking it seriously...

This is not the feeling Chun Yuyan likes.

But compared to women who were either flattering or nervous in front of him, Feng Yun's unique sense of relaxation suited him very well.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you."

Chun Yuyan smiled lightly and convinced himself easily.

He has a lot of adults.

There is no need to argue with a villain like Feng Twelve.

"My business is precisely related to Zheng Shoushan..."

Feng Yun: "I would like to hear the details."

Chun Yuyan leaned forward slightly, stared into Feng Yun's eyes and said: "The winters in the past few years have become more and more severe, and the snow in Chuzhou has become thicker every year. The governor wants to do some coal business with Yunchuan... …”

Feng Yun nodded, "Isn't that just playing into the prince's hands?"

Chun Yuyan acquiesced and said with a slight smile: "This Zheng Shoushan is a good person, but he is not very smart in business. The base price he gave is far higher than the current price of graphite. He appointed his second brother Zheng Yanshan to be in charge of the business. This person is better than His brother is even more stupid. He doesn’t know anything except eating, drinking and having fun. Isn’t this just a scammer who comes to your doorstep with money?”

"Then wouldn't the prince be able to make a lot of money from this deal?"

Her tone was calm, neither happy nor angry.

But these words have profound meaning.

Chunyu Yan heard a hint of ridicule in it.

He squinted his eyes and said, "There is no need to be weird. I am the most honest person in business. I made an agreement at the beginning that once the graphite comes out of Yunchuan, you will be the only partner. Everything sold must go through your hands. I will not tear it up. According to the agreement, every penny is worth your share.”

"Your Majesty." Feng Yun lowered his head slightly, as if thinking about something. He raised his eyes after a while, and the frost on his face had not faded in the slightest due to the huge benefits brought by Chun Yuyan.

"There is something I don't know whether to say or not?"

Chun Yuyan raised his chin, "What can't be said between you and me?"

As long as he gets a chance, he will get close.

Feng Yun was too lazy to pay attention to the "hook" hidden in his words. He lightly pursed his lips and said softly:

"My grandmother once told me something that I will always remember. I want to give it to the prince today."

"Oh?" Chun Yuyan put down the tea cup, "What did your Majesty say?"

"My mother said, if there is a person who is just right for you and has no shortcomings, he must be here to deceive you. If there is a business where all the benefits are on your side and the other person is like a boy giving away money, then he is also here to deceive you. "

Feng Yun raised his eyelids and looked at Chun Yuyan steadily.

"Your Majesty, do you think the situation is like this?"

Chunyu Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

After a while, he sneered.

"My prince travels all over the country, who hasn't seen him? Want to lie to me? What a joke! Besides, Zheng Shoushan gave me benefits and sold the graphite at a high price. He was the one who made the money. Why do you say there are no benefits at all?"

Feng Yun frowned slightly.

"In my opinion, this transaction will not be done for the time being."

Chun Yuyan looked at her as if she was facing a formidable enemy, and was stunned for a moment, then sneered.

"Feng Twelve, did Pei Wangzhi's serious injury scare you silly? If you don't make money, push the God of Wealth out. Do you have a grudge against money?"

Feng Yun shook his head and said calmly:

"If this matter had happened last year, I would not have stopped the prince. But now, the prince also said that Zheng Shoushan was having a fierce fight with the Yecheng court, and he surrendered and gave away concubines, which proves that this person is a person who tends to be in favor of others and attaches great importance to interests. What do you mean by giving the benefits to the prince?"

Chun Yuyan slowly leaned over.

Eyes slightly narrowed, expression smiling...

It looked like he was about to kiss her.

Feng Yun tilted his neck back and stared at him calmly.

Chunyu Yan said: "The reason for not doing business is false. You want to take the opportunity to beat Zheng Shoushan and show some color to the Yecheng court. Is it true?"

Feng Yun was silent.

Chun Yuyan: "Feng Twelve, you are not pure. There are hidden mysteries behind your words. Businessmen only talk about profit. For example, I, whether it is the Yecheng court, the Xijing court, or the Southern Qi court, as long as there is profit, I will It’s okay, but your heart is biased.”

Feng Yun did not deny it and nodded.

"Your Majesty is wise, I do have this intention."

Chunyu Yan's face dropped.

"For Pei Wangzhi, why do you do this?"

Feng Yun glanced over and chuckled again, "The fear that the prince will be deeply involved and be burdened by the current situation is another consideration."

Chun Yuyan's face looked a little better.

"I don't care about the current situation. The more chaotic the world is, the greater the profits will be."

Making war fortune, he has always been like this.

Feng Yun smiled lightly and reminded him cautiously.

"The Crown Prince doesn't care whether he does business with Yecheng or Xijing. But there is one thing. The Crown Prince and I are also friends, so I have to remind you..."

She paused and raised the corners of her mouth.

"The Yecheng court cannot last more than three years."

Chun Yuyan laughed and picked up the tea cup.

Feng Yun said: "It will be a matter of time before Li Zongxun is defeated by Xijing. When the time comes, you, the crown prince of Yunchuan, who helped Yecheng solve the 'coal burning crisis' and saved Li Zongxun from the fire, will offend Xijing and come to Taiwan?" (End of chapter)

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