Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 373 Isn’t it wonderful?

There was a cold aftertaste hidden in Pei Ran's words.

Feng Yun's spine felt inexplicably cold and he raised his eyes.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Feng Yun said calmly:

"You guys go down? Close the door."

The maids were all standing outside the door, and they all responded when they heard the sound, "Here."

The footsteps faded away and the door closed.

Feng Yun turned around and looked at Pei Ran.

Pei Ran reached out and held her.

Feng Yun did not move, his voice was gentle, "Today I patted my chest in front of Chun Yuyan and said that Yecheng will be destroyed in Xijing within three years at most."

Pei Ran said nothing.

Feng Yun asked: "Does your Majesty think I am bragging?"

The corners of Pei Ran's mouth pursed subconsciously.

"Hard to say."

He is not the kind of person who likes to talk big and suffer hidden consequences.

There is no absolute certainty, so I won’t boast.

Both of them knew the situation in the Xijing court very well.

There are undercurrents surging between the old and new parties in the DPRK and China. Overtly and covertly, they are giving each other eye drops. Despite Pei Madang's pressure, no major turmoil has occurred for the time being...

But tit-for-tat has been going on for a long time, and one day it will explode.

If news of Pei Madang's death spreads this time, Xijing will be divided in an instant, allowing Li Zongxun to take a big advantage.

Feng Yun said calmly: "Wars consume people and money, and it is the common people who suffer. The past few years have not been good either, with hunger, cold, and famine. The world cannot bear the pain of more military disasters."

Pei Madang: "Therefore, we should recuperate and recuperate now, and we should not cause another military disaster."

Because of this, he believed that the three-year period was too short.

It would be unwise to turn around and attack Li Zongxun without solving the internal problems in Xijing in the past three years.

Feng Yun said: "So, we will not fight."

How to recover Yecheng without fighting?

Pei Ran looked at him without saying a word, his eyebrows solemn.

Feng Yun said with a smile: "No matter how strong the fortress is, it cannot withstand internal disintegration. In my opinion, it is better to attack from the outside than to divide it from the inside."

Pei Madang remained silent.

Feng Yun continued: "In our pursuit of development and people's livelihood, we don't need to fight with them at war. We only need to... divide them from within, disintegrate them, and drag them down."

Pei Madang said: "Zheng Shoushan is a stubborn person. He has always been on good terms with Ge Pei. It is not easy to separate him."

If something is too easy, there must be a trap, and she doesn't dare to do it yet.

Feng Yun smiled softly, "I have a way."

What Xiao Cheng did back then, she can do too.

Wouldn't it be nice to step on Xiao Cheng's shoulders, do what Xiao Cheng had not done before, poke his eyes out, recapture Zheng Shoushan, and beat up Li Zongxun without spending a single soldier?

"You woman..."

Pei Ran's sudden emotion made Feng Yun laugh.

She knew that her serious expression and those outrageous words were against the ethics of a woman in this world and were enough to shock any man.

But she couldn't hide it anymore.

You can only pretend for a day or two, you can't keep pretending in front of Pei Madang forever.

"What should I do? I'm just so bad." Feng Yun's voice was as gentle as an oriole, but his eyes were as sharp as a blade.

Just like that, looking straight at Pei Ran.

"Is the king afraid?"

The tone is like a kitten's paw, scratching my heart.

Pei Ran looked over and saw a pair of bright and clear eyes.

Confident, determined and public.

This is Feng Yun.

He said: "If you don't marry, what's the use of being afraid? It's helpless to smash your hands."

Feng Yun chuckled, with a relaxed and happy expression, "This is not like the behavior of King Yonghuai of yours. It is the right thing to stand up and be killed by the horse..."

"I, too, am not exempt from vulgarity." Pei Madang said and pulled the person hard.

Feng Yun couldn't hold back his momentum and bumped into his arms.

She raised her head and smiled, "Why can't you avoid being vulgar?"

Pei Ran looked down at her, his voice was slow and his breath smelled like the fragrance of osmanthus.

"Sex makes the mind faint."

"The word "sex" has a knife on your head. Your Majesty, please be careful."

"Then I will..." He lifted Feng Yun higher, sat on his lap, then slowly pressed down on her lower back, pressed her closely together, and said slowly: "Kill her under the horse."

Feng Yun groaned lowly, unable to avoid his hot hands, his voice seemed to be pressed in his throat.

"Wounds, be careful of wounds..."

"It's okay." There was a gust of wind and rain, the curtains swayed slightly, and the two of them were covered in sweat from the heat. Pei Madang panted and let her go.


The next day it was sunny and the sun was hot.

The wind blowing from Huaxi seems to be hot.

Two carriages, one behind the other, set off from Nagato, bypassing the main road of the village school, and drove slowly past the village road outside the gate of the farm tool shop, livestock farm, and garment factory.

Chun Yuyan seemed to appreciate Feng Yun's country all over again.

Because of the impact of briquettes on crops and life, Feng Yun built the briquettes workshop directly at the foot of Xiaojieqiu Mountain. She also used some money and food to build another residence for them in the village and moved out. .

Today, the entire small boundary hill is filled with Nagato’s mines and briquettes workshops.

They are all her people too.

The mountains are secluded and there are few people coming and going, making it a good place for her to place her troops.

Half a day's work and half a day's training, Xing Bing arranged it very well.

There are also several minor bosses in the game, all of whom were promoted from Xing Bing's apprentices. Feng Yun has passed the exams one by one and is very capable.

To the outside world, these people were servants of artisans who mined and made coal. Even if they had suspicions, they had no chance to find out.

Chun Yuyan walked down the mountain and saw the high wall. At that moment, he felt a little chilly in his heart.

He just hasn't been here for a few months.

This woman has built a mining and workshop of such a scale.

Feng Yun looked at him, "Prince, please get off the car."

The road has been widened by Feng Yun, and the carriage can go directly to the workshop gate.

Chun Yuyan slowly stepped on the horse stool and walked down.

When the cool breeze blew, he sighed immediately, feeling very comfortable.

"Feng Twelve, you have done a great sin."

This guy never has a few good words in his mouth.

Feng Yun walked forward slowly, ignoring him.

Chun Yuyan followed her and laughed lightly.

"Such a paradise, why not build a summer resort, come here to cool off in summer, that is the beauty of the world."

Feng Yun rolled his eyes at him and retorted.

"Yunchuan is full of beautiful scenery, so there is no need to mine graphite?"

Chun Yuyan said "Huh".

"You have never been to Yunchuan, how do you know the beauty of Yunchuan?"

Feng Yun smiled, "If it is not a beautiful scenery, how can you raise a beauty with the skin color of the prince?"

Is this a compliment?

Or is it a criticism?

Chun Yuyan snorted heavily, brushed his sleeves and raised his head, and walked in front.

At present, graphite is never supplied to the people, let alone used on a large scale. Most of it is supplied to the court for iron smelting, refining, etc.

This is also the cornerstone for Yunchuan to maintain good relations with various countries.

At this moment, the coal briquette workshop is neatly arranged with honeycomb-shaped molds of uniform size and circular holes in the middle.

Next to it are graphite particles that have been filtered out after high-temperature pyrolysis. Because the particles have been treated with an iron sieve, the particles are very uniform in shape. Then they flow into the molding mold, and the molding is carbonized at high temperature, and then washed and dried to become pieces of coal balls of uniform size.

Feng Yun did not hide anything and let Chun Yuyan visit the entire production process.

In fact, making coal briquettes only takes a few steps, which is considered simple, but Chun Yuyan was greatly shocked.

When she saw the neatly stacked and dried coal briquettes, she looked back at Feng Yun's eyes and saw the familiar emotions she had.


"Feng Twelve."

Chun Yuyan smiled.

"How did you know these things?"

Feng Yun understood his suspicion.

"It's all thanks to my mother's dowry of 5,000 rolls."

Chun Yuyan smiled and slowly bent down with his hands behind his back.

There was a small iron stove, which contained coal briquettes of the same size. They were red and no flames could be seen, but the kettle on the stove was boiling.

Chun Yuyan asked doubtfully, "How long can it burn?"

Feng Yun said, "Put two coal balls at a time, stacked together, and it can burn for more than half an hour. You see, there is a stove door designed here. Open the stove door, the fire will burn more vigorously, and it can be used for cooking. For heating or preparing water at night, just close the stove door. The fire on the stove will not go out when you get up the next day, and there will be hot water available all night, which is very convenient."

Chun Yuyan glanced sideways, "Non-toxic?"

Feng Yun said, "It is best to use it with ventilation."

Chun Yuyan immediately sneered, "What is the difference between that and graphite?"

Feng Yun "That's completely different. First, coal balls have a higher combustion rate, which can save graphite resources. Second, because there are pores in the middle, the combustion speed is faster than graphite, and the heat is stronger. Third, it is more convenient to use. Fourth, the toxicity is weaker than graphite..."

Chun Yuyan: "I won't talk about the other things, just the fourth one. Since coal balls are made of graphite, they are from the same family as graphite, how can they be less toxic?"

Feng Yun said: "The processed coal balls can be fully burned. Full combustion can reduce toxic gas and cause less harm to the human body."

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows, not believing it.

"Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

Graphite was not used for heating and cooking in the past. The emergence of coal balls is a new attempt, which may even affect and change people's lifestyles, and will inevitably bring new problems.

Chun Yuyan is not very old, but he has a lot of business experience.

He asked the point, so Feng Yun answered it straightforwardly.

"Of course it's you, the prince."

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