Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 374 Appearance at the Wedding Banquet

Chun Yuyan stood up suddenly, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at her coldly.

"Feng Twelve, you've gone too far."

Feng Yun bowed slightly, politely and mercilessly.

"If it's not profitable, why should I get the prince to join such a good business?"

So straightforward.

Chun Yuyan snorted, gritting his teeth in hatred.

"Feng Twelve, you can torment me as much as you want."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, and his expression changed without a trace.

"Prince, you are wrong. In the final analysis, this is me establishing the prestige for the prince. If the prince doesn't even have the ability to take on this responsibility, how can the business be so big now? How can he be worthy of the reputation of being the richest man in the world?"

Chun Yuyan's sneer gradually weakened.

Feng Twelve can always calm his anger quickly.

Give a slap and a sweet date.

She played to perfection, and he was happy with it.

Chun Yuyan turned away and pointed at the coal briquettes, "How much money can you make with this?"

Feng Yun said: "Try it."

Chun Yuyan subconsciously curled the corners of his lips, looked at her pouting, and pointed at the exquisitely crafted stove.

"You're going to sell this too?"

Feng Yun said: "This kind of precious stove is naturally for rich people like you, the prince? Ordinary people will have simpler stoves. Once purchased, they can be used for life, which is more convenient than charcoal. Of course, people who don't want to buy stoves can just make a mud stove and use it."

Chun Yuyan shook his head, "It's not worth giving up the big business of the Yecheng court for these small coal briquettes."

Chun Yuyan stayed in the coal briquettes workshop for about half an hour, then got in the car and left.

Until he left, he didn't think much of these small coal briquettes.

Before leaving, he left a word for Feng Yun.

"It is exquisitely made and difficult to sell far away. It is unknown whether it can be sold in Xinzhou, let alone the people of the world, who have one in their hands."

She smiled again, stared at Feng Yun and said, "Feng Yun, you are blocking my son's money with this deal, why don't you... kiss me?"

Feng Yun just smiled and said nothing.

She sent Chunyu Yan to the door of the workshop and watched the carriage go away, but she did not leave. Instead, she took Aozai to the mine in Xiaojieqiu.

Compared to the chaos last time, the mine is now in good order.

But Feng Yun, as usual, talked about the same old things.

Every time she came, she had to tell them to pay attention to safety underground.

The managers were all in high spirits and told their wives not to worry.

Feng Yun then walked up the mountain along the path next to the mine.

"Go." Feng Yun touched Aozai's head.

"Don't run too far, come back early."

Aozai's forehead rubbed against her palm, and he quickly disappeared into the dense jungle after a few jumps.

It was born to belong to the forest.

Even though it was raised by Feng Yun, it could not completely lose its wildness, and Feng Yun would not completely restrain Ao Cub and make him lose the ability to survive in the wild. Except for that period when Xuanping Hou hunted lynx everywhere, Ao Cub was free to come and go.


Chun Yuyan's carriage was loaded with about fifty coal briquettes and a set of stoves.

He originally took it back with the mood of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, the next morning, Sang Jiao ran to tell him happily.

"Prince, it's useful, too useful."

Chun Yuyan had listened to the corner of the wall all night last night, and he was not completely awake yet. His mind turned around groggily and he yawned in dissatisfaction.

"What's useful?"

"Coal briquettes, the coal briquettes brought back from the workshop of the village head's wife."

Sang Jiao was very excited, and Yin You next to him and the two servants on the stove were also full of joy.

"Put two pieces of coal balls in the stove, boil water and cook, it's very convenient."

"No need to chop wood, no wood ash, cleaner and more economical than a wood stove."

The servants were so excited that they forgot how scary the prince was, and danced with joy.

"After dinner, block the stove, the coal balls will not go out all night, and there will always be hot water on the stove. In the morning, when you cook, just put another piece. Convenient, too convenient..."

The most direct beneficiaries of the coal balls are the servants like them.

It's convenient to work, save time, and be scolded less by the master. These benefits make him want to kneel down and kowtow in the direction of Changmen.

"The wife of the village head can create such a magical object, it's really a god descending to the earth."

Chun Yuyan listened to them vying to praise Feng Yun, his face was gloomy, and he couldn't tell what it felt like.

Is what Feng Twelve said really feasible?

It makes more money than doing business with the court in Yecheng?

Feng Twelve's tricks are better than one another.


He flicked his sleeves slightly and said with disdain:

"You seem to have never seen the world. If you like it, go to the workshop and get more. Is it worth it?"

Sang Jiao and Yin You had stiff smiles.

The servants bowed happily in response.

"Thank you, Prince, for your consideration!"


On August 13, Wen Hui got married.

To show his sincerity, He Qia held a big wedding banquet.

Invitations were sent to officials from the five counties of Xinzhou, generals of the Northern Yong Army, and nobles of Andu County.

The wedding procession was two miles long, and there were a total of 120 dowries. Such a pomp and ceremony would be counted in Andu, not to mention Zhongjing City at that time.

Now the situation is not good, all industries are declining, and money is scarce. In recent years, whether in the north or the south, the weddings and funerals of ordinary families have become simpler.

In an era when it is difficult to eat, save as much as possible.

The grand ceremony of the He family shocked Andu.

Feng Yun also bought a lot of dowry for Wenhui, the most eye-catching of which was a load of uniformly sized briquettes.

No one watching the excitement on the street knew what it was.

So some villagers from Huaxi Village came out to explain.

The beauty of briquettes...

People were curious.

As for Nagato's wedding banquet this time, all the briquette stoves in the courtyard were used to burn briquettes, so that everyone who came to have a wedding could see with their own eyes the convenience of using briquettes.

On the other side of the He family, Feng Yun also sent stoves and briquettes over early.

The cook of the He family was hesitant at first, but he liked it after trying it once.

Therefore, the biggest protagonist of this wedding banquet became Nagato's briquettes.

In addition to discussing the bride and groom, what people talk about the most is the use of briquettes.

The emergence of any new thing is bound to cause a brief period of doubt.

There will be those who praise, and there will naturally be those who will criticize.

Feng Yun just pretended that he couldn't hear those sounds. On the day of the wedding banquet, he took the place of the "seriously injured" King Yonghuai and went to He's house with congratulatory gifts.

The weather was hot, and many guests were crowded at the waterside pavilion. Feng Yun passed by the garden, glanced at it, and understood.

At the same banquet, countless circles will be formed.

The royal family members have their own circles, the military commanders' families also have their own circles, and there is another group of people surrounding the eldest princess.

Others with small families can only find a cool place to stay and talk about themselves.

When Feng Yun appeared, many people came forward to say hello.

She dealt with it with a smile and went directly to the banquet hall.

The house was full of guests.

She didn't want to chat, so she let the maid lead her. Just as she was about to sit down at the table, she saw two people standing beside the flowers behind the porch of the flower hall.

A fair and fat old woman, and a young and pretty girl, dressed in pink and light clothes, with a bun in a bun, dressed to impress.

The old woman was talking so happily that she didn't notice Feng Yun at all.

"It was also Minister Yang who left early and no one supported Sanniang. Otherwise, how could he let a pheasant act like a phoenix and steal Sanniang's marriage?"

Mrs. Yang lowered her head with a lonely expression.

She also witnessed the He family's wedding ceremony today.

It was more honorable and graceful than she had imagined before marrying Sanlang Li.

Mrs. Yang was jealous.

Originally these all belonged to her.

But now, it is a flower girl who occupies the magpie's nest and gets such favor...

Her voice was low, with a helpless sigh.

"Auntie, stop talking. Today is my cousin's big day. People would think that I came here specifically to ruin his marriage..."

"Sanniang, you are too innocent. If it weren't for his family's relationship with King Yonghuai, Yang Shilang would not have been ostracized by Prime Minister Li, let alone shot in the Forbidden Garden. Your family suffered on his behalf. , His family is now prosperous, how can he ignore you? "

Miss Yang lowered her eyes, shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"My cousin and I have broken off our marriage a long time ago. The He family has shown great mercy by allowing me to live here. How can I dare to have any more extravagant hopes? My aunt, please stop talking about it. Behind his family is King Yonghuai. Be careful of getting into trouble..."

"What are you two talking about?"

A low and shallow voice was very pleasant to the ears, but it was like a ladle of cold water in the summer, splashing on the two of them.

Yang Lingxiang's voice stopped suddenly.

The fat old woman was also shocked.

The two of them were talking in the dark, how could they be heard?

"You, who are you?"

The old woman came all the way from Pingcheng to attend the wedding banquet. She was an elder of the Hecha family. She was always gossiping, and a small thing could make her famous all over the world.

Although they were relatives, the old woman secretly couldn't bear to see He Qia and his son gaining power, nor could she see their family's status rising with the help of King Yonghuai.

She had never met Feng Yun and didn't know him at all.

Yang Lingxiang and Feng Yun met outside the governor's mansion that day, but no one introduced them at the time, and they didn't have much impression after just a quick glance.

But seeing Feng Yun's impressive momentum, she was very cautious and didn't dare to say anything.

Feng Yun doesn't play riddles either.

He glanced at the old woman coldly and looked at Yang Lingxiang with gentle eyes.

"Is this the third wife of the Yang family in Xianzhou? She is indeed beautiful and makes people fall in love at first sight."

No one doesn't like to hear compliments.

Yang Lingxiang's tense nerves relaxed.

"Which family is this sister from? But we just spoke, did we offend you in some way?"

Feng Yun said: "Nangmen Feng Yun, please give me advice from the third lady."

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