Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 375 Smiling Face Hiding a Dagger

Yang Lingxiang was startled.

She almost subconsciously took a step back.

When she came back to her senses, a layer of cold sweat had already appeared on her back.

Just now, the three words "Prince Yonghuai" had already come out. If Feng Yun hadn't interrupted her, she might have said more...

Yang Lingxiang was secretly nervous and bowed deeply to Feng Yun.

"I don't know Princess Yonghuai. I'm talking nonsense. I hope the princess will forgive me."

"The third lady is joking." Feng Yun glanced at the old woman and said lightly: "The third lady is wronged. It's right to complain a few words."

Yang Lingxiang didn't expect her to defend herself.

She was stunned for a moment, looked at the old woman, and then smiled awkwardly.

"I have never complained about my cousin. It was my aunt who stood up for me and pitied me a few words. I hope the princess won't take it to heart..."

When the old woman heard this, her heart trembled with fear.

She was just a chatterbox. She couldn't stand the good of He Qia and his son. She chatted with Yang Lingxiang when she saw him.

How could she bear the crime of "standing up for the weak"?

Princess Yonghuai was right in front of her. Yang Lingxiang, the little bitch, directly threw dirty water on her. She was so scared that her legs went weak.

"Look at my mouth, I'm just nagging. Princess, I'm rude, I'm rude." She looked around and wanted to run away.

"My daughter-in-law is looking for me. Go ahead. Princess, let me go ahead."

Feng Yun didn't have the energy to play tricks with such a woman in the back house. She saw through her panic and nervousness at a glance, smiled lightly, made her attitude clear, and hit her directly.

"Right and wrong are all caused by forcing yourself to take the lead. You are old now. If you don't know the truth that trouble comes from your mouth, I'm afraid you will bring trouble to your family."

The old woman's face turned pale when she heard her warning.

"I'm learning from you, I'm learning from you, my princess, please be tolerant."

Feng Yun waved her chin, "Go ahead."

She looked cold and didn't give the old woman a good look, and slapped her face directly.

The old woman left in disgrace, and no matter how much she hated her, it was useless.

Feng Yun was just relying on her power.

With Pei Jue's support, who can't she scold?

Yang Lingxiang bit her lower lip secretly, ready to be humiliated by Feng Yun.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the old woman left, Feng Yun became warm to her and gently pulled her arm.

"Third lady, it's hot in the corridor, and the banquet is about to start. How about we go to the inner room to talk?"

Yang Lingxiang was flattered.

The arm that was pulled by Feng Yun felt like it was on fire, and the whole body was stiff.

"Princess, don't you blame me?"

Feng Yun laughed with a groan.

"Why should I blame you? You are also a pitiful person. How similar are you and I? Although my father is alive, it is no different from being dead. The family cannot be relied on. How can a weak woman survive without relying on a man? In order to survive, it is not shameful to do anything."

Smiled again.

"We are not ashamed."

Yang Lingxiang's eyes turned red and she almost cried on the spot.

"Thank you, Princess, for your mercy." She bit the corner of her lips hard. "I hope you don't take my words just now to heart. I am ignorant and judge others by my own standards."

"Don't say these polite words." Feng Yun said with a smile: "Today, I hit it off with the third lady. We will have to drink a few glasses during the banquet. The third lady has no relatives around her, so it is inevitable that people will talk about her at the banquet today. Just sit with me?"

Yang Lingxiang was confused.

How could she be qualified to sit with Feng Yun?

Is this Princess Yonghuai flattering her, or... is there another purpose?

Feng Yun was talking and laughing, and walked towards the banquet with Yang Lingxiang.

When she was excited, she even enthusiastically took Yang Lingxiang's arm, just like a little sister.

That look and action, as intimate as anything, attracted the envious eyes of countless female relatives.

Some girls looked at Yang Lingxiang and gradually developed hostility.

How respectable and brilliant is it to be appreciated by Princess Yonghuai?

So, Yang Sanniang, who was originally prepared to make a big splash at He Chuandong's wedding, really made a splash and became an unpleasant person in the eyes of the noble ladies.

No one could see that Feng Yun was smiling but hiding a knife, except for Changmen's own people.

Xiaoman, Huan'er, and Pei'er followed behind the lady, listening to her silver bell-like laughter, their heartbeats accelerated a bit, and their whole bodies were tense...

But in order not to leave a flaw for the lady, they had to pretend no matter how nervous they were.

Pretending to smile, spring breeze blowing on their faces.

It was as if they didn't know what Feng Yun was thinking.

Feng Yun was undoubtedly the focus of the crowd.

From the waterside courtyard to the banquet, countless people's eyes were on her.

Lady Xuanping Hou was one of them.

Her son Qu Gong died in the mouth of the lynx raised by Princess Yonghuai. The pain of losing her son made her hateful. It was normal for her to look at Feng Yun with hatred and hostility.

But Feng Yun glanced at her and found that Lady Xuanping Hou's eyes fell on her. Although she hated and feared, she was not right when she fell on Yang Lingxiang.

She was more cruel and hateful than her.

It was as if the lynx that bit Qu Feng to death was Miss Yang San.

Feng Yun smiled faintly, pretending not to see it, and personally helped Yang Lingxiang lift the door curtain.

"Miss San, go this way."


Women have their own way of dealing with women, and men have their own way of talking.

In the front hall, Marquis Xuanping and a few idle relatives went to pay respects to the host, and had tea and talked with He Qia in the flower hall.

The wedding banquet was full of music and dance.

Unlike his wife who could not hide her emotions, the Marquis Xuanping had a smiling face, and there was no trace of grief for losing his son.

During the conversation, it was inevitable to mention Pei Jue.

"I wonder if the king's health has improved?"

He Qia hosted a banquet and treated him with great hospitality, but after hearing this, he also suppressed his smile and sighed slightly, "The king did not attend the wedding banquet, which means he has not recovered."

The Marquis Xuanping also sighed.

"The king worked hard for the country, but was injured by the scoundrels. I wonder how the bandits in Xiufeng Mountain are being suppressed?"

He Qia could talk about this matter.

"As far as I know, the bandits are the remnants of Guan Ping, the garrison commander of Wanning, and they are extremely powerful. Now they are defending in a dangerous place. There is plenty of food on the mountain and there is a water source. It is very difficult to wipe them out easily."

Marquis Xuanping chuckled, sipped his tea, and shook his head slowly:

"It's not difficult in fact."

He Qia's eyes lit up, stared at him, and asked seriously:

"What do you think, lord of the county? I would like to hear the details."

Marquis Xuanping lowered his eyes, glanced to the left and right, and smiled, "Burn Xiufeng Mountain."

Everyone was stunned.

Marquis Xuanping said again: "It hasn't rained for a long time, the trees are dry, and the fire is a little bit, and the mountain wind spreads. Can people still hide on the mountain?"

He Qia's face suddenly sank.

This kind of trick is of course effective.

But it's not that Pei Jue didn't think of it, nor that Shentu Jiong didn't have a brain, but that he was too cruel.

He Qia said: "This plan hurts others, but it doesn't benefit me."

If the fire can't be controlled, it will be a big deal.

Besides, the troops of Xiufeng Mountain didn't have to die.

He Qia glanced at Xuanping Hou and said, "All the people here today are from noble families with dignity. The county marquis should be careful about what they say and do. If people hear it, it may damage his reputation."

"This marquis is joking. You don't have to take it to heart, Governor." Xuanping Hou quickly apologized with a smile and bowed to He Qia, "Governor, I am rude."

He Qia then relaxed his tense face and returned the greeting with a smile.

"On the day of my son's wedding, the county marquis should not scare me."

The two looked at each other and laughed, as if they had not said anything just now.

Several people around also said a few awkward words and changed the subject.

In a moment, someone outside sang a greeting.

"Yunchuan Prince is here!"

Yunchuan Prince lives in Andu County. He Qia has invited everyone. No matter what, he has to hand in an invitation to Yunzhuang.

However, Chunyu Yan was a strange person. He decided who he wanted to associate with, and he did not reply to the He family in advance whether he would come or not.

He Qia was actually a little surprised.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he took He Chuandong to greet him.

Chunyu Yan's reputation for wealth was known to the world, and the gifts he sent were naturally valuable. The long gift list showed the pomp of the richest man in the world.

Apart from other things, just a set of bowls and chopsticks named "Fei Huang Teng Da", made of pure gold, was enough to make the people present sigh.

He Chuandong was excited, and He Qia also bowed repeatedly.

"Too expensive, really too expensive."

He added: "My humble home has prepared a small banquet, please come in, Prince."

He Chuandong also bowed and invited, "Prince, please come in."

Chun Yuyan returned the greeting without caring, and in front of everyone, he waved his wide sleeves lightly and said loudly:

"This prince should give this respect to the marriage of Changmen's people."

Everyone was surprised.

He is so close to Feng Shier Niang?

All eyes turned to him.

Prince Yunchuan wore a tall hat and a wide belt, and half of his face was covered by a mask, so his face could not be seen clearly, but the slightly raised corners of his lips showed that he was smiling calmly.

"After all, we are partners, and we still have to rely on Feng Shier to sell coal briquettes."

Everyone: ... (End of this chapter)

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