Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 376 Shameless

Feng Yun had no idea what happened to the male guest.

She sat down and talked to Yang Lingxiang.

Yang Lingxiang obviously had reservations about her.

An embarrassed smile.

Feng Yun looked at the panic and nervousness that kept appearing on her face, and he also smiled, smiling calmly.

In her previous life, she was just like Yang Sanniang, with all her emotions on her face and completely unaware of how to deal with unexpected situations...

After all, he is a person who has died once.

She was so calm that she surprised herself.

"Sister-in-law and Mrs. Xuanpinghou have any disputes?"

Her abrupt words were interspersed with the topic of family affairs with Ms. Yang Sanniang, which frightened her back and made her sit up straight.

"Concubine, I don't know Mrs. Hou. Why does the princess ask me like this?"

Feng Yun smiled, lowered his head, and whispered in a low voice: "Then Mrs. Xuanpinghou has been staring at you for a long time. I thought she had some trouble with the third lady?"

Yang Lingxiang held her breath slightly and pretended to be calm: "I am a loser. I killed my fiancé and my father who loves me the most. I guess no one likes a person like me..."

Speaking of her father, Yang Shilang, Yang Lingxiang's eyes turned red, showing some genuine sadness.

Feng Yun comforted and said: "Shilang Yang has a spirit in heaven and will protect the third lady. She will definitely find a good husband in the future."

Feng Yun also said this sincerely.

Perhaps it was her experience in her previous life that she always had more kindness towards the women who survived in this world. She would rather embarrass the men who took advantage of the situation. If she could not embarrass the women, she would not embarrass them.

She can even allow women to have some innocuous problems, be selfish, and work for themselves within the limits of her tolerance.

She could turn a blind eye or close one eye.

Give them a chance.

For example, Luo Yue, Shao Xueqing, Daman, Kong Yun'e...

Because she understands that being a woman is not easy.

If Yang Lingxiang could give up her petty thoughts at this moment, she could even help her...

After all, Nagato is so big and she loves beautiful women the most, so it couldn't be easier to take in a homeless beauty in distress.


After some lamentation, Yang Lingxiang became more and more distraught.

When the bride and groom finished their worship and were sent into the bridal chamber, she looked even more uneasy.

"Won't the princess go to the wedding ceremony?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "I won't join in the fun."

Mrs. Yang wants a chance to act alone.

Feng Yun gave it to her.

After saying so much, if she is still stubborn, you can't blame her for being ruthless.

The new house was crowded with many female relatives, all coming to see the bride.

Yang Lingxiang was Mrs. He's cousin, so she came in to cheer her up. Originally, it was nothing, but her identity was complicated. Not only had she been a matchmaker with He Chuandong, but she was also half a widow...

Many people are taboo about this.

It is unlucky for a widow to enter a new house.

As soon as Yang Lingxiangfu entered the door, there was a woman who looked like Mrs. Quanfu. She frowned and took one look, and her face immediately fell.

"Miss Yang, please don't step through this door."

This woman was invited by the old lady of the He family. She had a good status in the clan and her eyes were sharp. She didn't know what to say. She just glanced at her coldly. She was sensible and knew not to cross the threshold.

Yang Lingxiang is obviously the kind of ignorant person.

She said: "We've had a great time together, can't I just come and congratulate my cousin?"

A friendly chat ignited the topic.

Which serious girl would say something like this on someone else's wedding day?

Yang Lingxiang not only said that, but also stepped across the threshold and walked in.

"I'll leave after I watch my cousin drink the Heyi wine."

Her miserable expression made it clear at a glance that things were not that simple.

Some people had the mentality of watching a good show and took the initiative to persuade.

On the big day, I don't care if there is one more person making the wedding ceremony.

Wen Hui was sitting in front of the couch, no one knew her face under the hijab, but her voice was extremely calm and she sounded extremely gentle.

"Your cousin and I are very touched by Sanniang's kindness. How can we not satisfy this little wish? Chunyan, why don't you watch your seat for your cousin?"

Haruyan is Nagato's maid.

It was Fang Fucai who had been given the gift by order of Empress Dowager Li. Later she went to Yutangchun with Wenhui. After busying herself, her hands and feet were deft and useful, so Wenhui kept her.

This time when Wenhui got married, Feng Yun asked Chunyan and another maid named Chuntao to marry into the He family with her.

Chunyan responded, also smiling.

The three masters and servants didn't look at all alert.

Yang Lingxiang stayed.

It wasn't until He Chuandong walked in with a smile on his face, surrounded by the crowd, that he realized that the atmosphere in the room was wrong.

When he saw Yang Lingxiang, his face changed immediately.

Yang Lingxiang saluted slightly, "Cousin."

He Chuandong glanced at Wen Hui under the hijab and frowned slightly.

"What are you doing here?"

This was an attitude he gave Wen Hui.

It can be said that you are very rude.

Yang Lingxiang twisted her handkerchief and bit her lower lip slightly. After a while, she raised her head and smiled bitterly.

"The father of the baby in my belly is getting married. As a mother, can't I say congratulations?"

There was an uproar everywhere.

He Chuandong's pupils shrank sharply and his face immediately turned red with anger.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Yang Lingxiang lowered her eyes, "Cousin, as long as you are cruel and unkind to me, don't you want the child too?"

All eyes from all directions were directed towards the two of them. He Chuandong felt his face was hot and his whole body felt like it was on fire.

She had just drunk some wine and was in a state of agitation. Hearing the voice, she was even more angry and shouted the servant's name.

"Kick this shameless woman out."

She then walked towards Wenhui.

"Hui Niang, listen to me..."

Wenhui did not move and did not have time to speak.

Mrs. He's rather dignified voice came from outside the door.

"Why are you beating and killing people on your wedding day?"

She only heard that her son wanted to kick Yang Lingxiang out. She felt embarrassed and did not want to mistreat her family. Unexpectedly, Yang Lingxiang threw herself into his arms as soon as she stepped over the threshold.

"Ask my aunt to give me justice..."

Mrs. He was slightly startled.

When she understood, she showed a hint of surprise on her face.

"You are pregnant? Dong'er's?"

He Chuandong should have been married at this age. Mrs. He had waited long enough to become a grandmother. She was more worried than happy.

"When did it happen? How old are you? Why did you hide it from your aunt?"

"Mother!" He Chuandong's face fell, his eyes dark and full of annoyance.

"She's talking nonsense!"

Mrs. He frowned, grabbed Yang Lingxiang's wrist, protected her by her side, and stared at her son.

"I heard it from the third lady."

He Chuandong's cheeks twitched with anger, and he returned to Wenhui again.

"Hui Niang, I didn't..."

Wenhui had a veil on her head and her voice was very faint.

"Let's hear what the third lady said."

He Chuandong's back was covered with cold sweat, and he was much more sober.

"Yes. You are right."

There were many senior officials in the court today, even the eldest princess came to congratulate, giving the He family enough face...

Therefore, if this matter is not clarified, it will have a great impact on his reputation.

It may even affect his marriage with Wenhui.

But a pregnant woman pointed at him and said that the child was his...

How can he deny it?

He Chuandong's scalp was numb.

Obviously, since the day Yang Lingxiang came to the door, he had been targeted and a trap had been set...

Wen Hui was so calm...

If he panicked and acted out of place, he would give others a handle.

"Okay, you tell me."

He Chuandong's eyes were cold, but Yang Lingxiang didn't look at him. She just gently pulled Mrs. He's arm and sobbed softly.

"My aunt asked me that day, where did I go after my father passed away and my brother and sister-in-law neglected me, why didn't I come to seek refuge earlier or later, but waited until my cousin got married to come..."

Mrs. He was anxious.

Don't want to hear so much about the past, so she asked anxiously.

"Yes, where did you go?"

"Aunt, I'm in Andu, always in Andu." She looked at Mrs. He's face and said softly: "My cousin took pity on me and placed me in the rented courtyard in Hongmu Lane..."

He Chuandong was shocked.

"Ridiculous, in all these years, when have I ever seen you? Don't lie."

Mrs. He stroked Yang Lingxiang's back, "Don't be afraid of him, you say."

Yang Lingxiang seemed to have confidence, and then she raised her head and looked directly at He Chuandong.

"In those days, my cousin would come to Hongmu Lane to see me and talk to me every day. I know that the fleeting relationship that day was because my cousin lost his composure after drinking and was distracted for a while, so he lost his sense of propriety. But I treated my cousin with all my sincerity..."

After saying that, she suddenly knelt down to Mrs. He in front of everyone.

"Aunt, I know that my cousin has someone else to love, and Madam Wen is the confidant of the princess. I dare not hope to replace him, but I ask you to make the decision and let me stay with my cousin..."

Her head was getting lower and lower.

In the end, she knocked to the ground.

"Yang Sanniang was willing to be a concubine, just wanting to serve her aunt, to be in her arms, and to prevent her unborn child from wandering the streets and becoming a lonely wild child..."

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