Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 377: Scraping Bones with a Small Knife

The last sentence simply touched Mrs. He's heart.

How could she tolerate her own grandson living abroad?

However, she still had doubts about Yang Lingxiang's words.

She still knew her son to some extent.

He was kind-hearted and she could believe that he would take Yang Sanniang in, but she didn't quite believe that if he made the woman pregnant, he would not admit it and marry someone else.

His son is not such a heartless person.

Dare to do it but dare not admit it...

Looking at He Chuandong's angry expression, Mrs. He frowned and calmed down, then said to Yang Lingxiang in a low voice:

"In front of so many ladies and ladies, you swear a poisonous oath."

Yang Lingxiang touched her forehead to the ground.

"I don't dare to deceive my aunt. Everything I said is true. If I say anything false, my whole family will be struck by lightning and die."

Mrs. He was silent for a moment.

Cursing the whole family, this oath is very poisonous.

But except for her dead parents, she may not care whether the rest of her family is dead or alive.

Mrs. He frowned, "Your words alone are not enough to be trusted. Do you have any evidence?"

"The fetus in the belly is the evidence."

Mrs. He frowned. Although she couldn't bear it, she still told the truth.

"That doesn't count as evidence..."

Who knows if it is her son’s seed?

Even if she liked Yang Lingxiang and was willing to accept her into the He family, she would never be taken advantage of.

Yang Lingxiang smiled bitterly and looked back at He Chuandong.

"Cousin, don't blame me. I didn't want to cause such an ugly scene..."

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Lingxiang took out the jade pendant in his arms and a piece of paper in front of everyone.

The jade pendant belongs to He Chuandong.

Mrs. He recognized it.

The text on the note seemed to have been written in a hurry. It was much more scrawled than He Chuandong's usual handwriting, and it was vaguely legible.

"I have lost my moral character after drinking. I feel sorry for you, Sanniang. Today I will use the jade pendant as proof. I will inform my parents in the future and accept him into the house. I dare not treat him badly."

Mrs. He's expression changed.

Looking at He Chuandong, he said solemnly:

"Nie Zhan, what else can you say?"

The blood all over He Chuandong's body was almost cold.

It was supposed to be a happy day, and I happily married the woman I loved, but I never expected that I would encounter such an unfortunate incident and let people fall into it.

The most terrifying thing is that he can’t speak clearly even if he has a mouth.

The jade pendant belongs to him.

It had been lost for several months and could not be found everywhere, but today it appeared in Yang Lingxiang's hands.

And the note that clearly imitated his handwriting clearly showed that she was prepared...



"Hui Niang..."

He bowed deeply to Mrs. He, all the guests, and Wen Hui.

"He Chuandong also swears a poisonous oath here today. If I touch a finger of Madam Yang Sanniang in my life, my whole family will die!"

"Shut up!" Mrs. He's face darkened, "Can poisonous oaths be uttered casually? It's not you, this jade pendant, how do you explain this note? How do you explain it when you run to Mahogany Lane every day?"

He Chuandong: "I..."

To go to Yutangchun, you have to pass through Hongmu Lane.

He ran towards Hongmu Lane, immediately to see Wen Hui.

But if he said it in public, it would inevitably ruin Wenhui's reputation and make people think that there was a relationship between them before they got married...

He pursed his lips.

"Anyway, I haven't done it, and I won't even admit it if I beat him to death..."

Mrs. He looked at Mrs. Yang who was crying and was about to send someone to invite her husband over when she saw the bride on the couch moving.

Wen Hui stood up.

Lift the hijab in front of everyone.

"It's actually not difficult to know the truth and falsehood."

She has a warm voice and has been entertaining guests in Yutangchun all year round. She has developed a good temper. She is gentle and gentle in all big things. She seems to have no bones, but what she says is quite thoughtful.

"First, ask the doctor to see if Sanniang is happy. Second, ask for witnesses. He Lang must be followed by a servant when he comes in and out. The servant knows best whether he is hanging out with Sanniang."

After saying that, he glanced at Yang Lingxiang lightly.

"I wonder which house Yang Sanniang lives in Hongmu Lane? Yutangchun is across the street from Hongmu Lane. I run a shop there and am familiar with the neighbors. Maybe I can find one or two witnesses to testify against the three. Madam, justice?"

Yang Lingxiang looked at her calm eyes, and suddenly felt a cold air rising from the instep of her feet, feeling vaguely uneasy.

This look was very familiar to her.

During the banquet before, Princess Yonghuai also looked at her like this.

There was some pity and mocking laughter.


What happened in the back house soon spread outside.

He Qia was having wine with the guests. After hearing the boy biting his ears, he was so shocked that he was sweating profusely.

What is this thing called?

He originally didn't believe a single bit of what He Chuandong said that day.

How could Madam Yang Sanni be a craftsman from Yecheng?

After getting this news, he began to doubt.

On one thing, he and Mrs. He had the same idea.

No matter how bad his son is, there is no way he can pull up his pants and deny it.

He can't do such a thing...

"Everyone, please excuse me for a moment."

He Qia hurriedly asked the housekeeper to find the doctor, and hurriedly walked to the back yard.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the atrium, Xiaoman stopped him.

"Master Governor, our wife has something to say."

He Qia was furious at the moment, but after all, he was the backbone of the He family, and he couldn't be messed up even when the situation was urgent.

Feng Yun would not look for him out of nowhere.

He Qia's heart moved, and he turned around and motioned to his entourage to go to the backyard to appease his wife, and followed Xiao Man there.

Feng Yun is in the waterside pavilion.

There were too many people before, so she didn't have the chance to enjoy the garden. Now everyone went to watch the fun. It was quiet everywhere, but she sat still and smiled.

Seeing He Qia approaching, she raised her hand, covered her face with her wide sleeves, drank all the wine in the cup, then slowly put it down, stood up and said to He Qia:

"Let's go, Mr. Governor, come with me to catch the traitor."

"Catch an adulterer?" The monk He Qia Zhang Er was confused.

He didn't ask any questions and strode to follow Feng Yun.

There was a wedding banquet in He Mansion today. There were people drinking and drinking in the front hall, but the private room in the backyard was extremely quiet.

When he passed by, He Qia found that not only he had been called, but even his mother, the old lady of the He Mansion, had also come over with the support of the maid.

"Old madam, please come this way."

Xiaoman leads the way.

The direction they were going was to Yiyuan where He Mansion settled Yang Lingxiang for a short stay.

Feng Yun said: "It was my maid who took the liberty of coming out for convenience. She saw Marquis Xuanping sneaking towards the backyard. She felt strange, so she followed her, and unexpectedly found that Marquis Xuanping had entered Madam Yang's house..."

Mrs. He's old face was blue with anger.

There were some unclear mother-in-law and daughter-in-law issues between her and her daughter-in-law. The person who was most dissatisfied with Mrs. He taking in Mrs. Yang San was Mrs. He.

Hearing this, she didn't even wait for Xiao Man to finish speaking, she opened her legs, strode in, and pushed open the door of the wing.

"What a shameless guy, he sneaked into my He house."

He Qia was shocked and couldn't stop his mother even if he wanted to...

The door is opened, and the fragrance fills the room.

A girl-like woman, with her hands covering her belly and her long hair disheveled, was sitting on the couch in a panic.

And Xuanping Hou Qugong...

His clothes were disheveled, his feet were bare, his face was flushed, his steps were staggering, and he looked like he was about to run away.

The door is blocked.

There are servants under the window, too.

Qu Gong's pupils shrank slightly, and he swayed unsteadily on his feet. He held on to the screen and looked at He Xia with blurred eyes. It looked like he was drunk.

"Prince Governor, what does this mean?"

He Qia said with a cold face: "This is what He wants to ask the prince? He's house holds a wedding banquet, and the prince appears in the backyard with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes. Why?"

In fact, a discerning person can tell what is going on at a glance at the scene in the house.

But He Qia still saved face for Qu Gong.

Of course, it was also because he had doubts.

No matter how dishonest Qu Gong was, he would never choose such an opportunity to run into the He family's backyard and cause chaos...

He knew something was wrong, and Qu Gong felt extremely unjust.

"Prince Governor, Governor Governor, listen to me..."

His face was full of panic, and he waved his hands hurriedly, but his tongue was not smooth due to drinking too much, and he could only understand one thing for a long time.

"I have no intention of messing up your house. I was plotted against you. I just showed up in the private room and was knocked unconscious. When I woke up, I was here..."

He Qia seemed to believe it but not believe it.

But at this moment, he couldn't believe it.

"Absurd!" He looked at the woman on the couch, "Are you Yang Sanniang's maid? Why are you having a secret affair with Marquis Xuanping..."

The maid grabbed her clothes with her fingers, her face turned pale and uneven with fright, and her body was trembling.

"Pu, Pu and Marquis Xuanping have no personal relationship, no..."

Mrs. He was angry, "Are you saying you haven't? You let people catch you in bed and you still don't admit it! It's either you or your master. They are a bunch of filthy people after all!"

For the sake of her grandson's face, even if this matter is not true, Mrs. He will make it true.

"Come here, drag this shameless bastard down, strip her naked, and beat her to death with sticks..."

The maid's eyes widened.

She had no idea what was happening.

Just now at the banquet, she wanted to go with the third lady, but the princess's maid held her back, saying that her clothes were wet and wanted to ask her for convenience...

Who would have thought that it would be convenient for him to enter?

She vaguely guessed something, and her eyes suddenly shifted to look at Feng Yun...

Feng Yun's face was expressionless, like a bystander.

The maid's knees suddenly weakened and her whole body collapsed.

She doesn't want to die.

Not as ugly as death.

"Princess, help me, Princess, please help me..."

She knelt down in front of Feng Yun, not caring about her naked body, kowtowed twice, raised her face and sobbed:

"My servant is innocent. It's just that it was a bit hot just now. I took leave and went back to the house to take a nap. How could I have expected that Marquis Xuanping would come in suddenly..."

At this time, if you can bite others, you can't sacrifice yourself.

Feng Yun shouted solemnly, "That's nonsense. How could a noble prince and noble man shamelessly chase you into the backyard because of a maid? Does anyone believe what you say?"

The maid is mediocre in appearance, even a little ugly.

No one would believe that Marquis Xuanping broke into Mrs. Yang San’s house just to belittle her...


The maid closed her eyes.

Dead master, immortal slave.

Even a humble life is a life.

What's more, she lives up to her conscience every word. If there are gods and Buddhas in the sky, they will protect her...

The maid said: "The person who has an affair with Marquis Xuanping is Sanniang, not a maid. Sanniang is already pregnant with Marquis Xuanping's heir. If the princess doesn't believe it, she can send someone to ask Sanniang or ask a doctor. You will know if you feel the pulse. If a servant makes a false statement, he will die badly..."


There was a gasp outside the door.

Just at this moment, Mrs. He, who got the news, came over with several ladies and ladies. When she heard these words, it was like a bolt from the blue.

She saw her mother-in-law turning her head to look with angry eyes, and couldn't help but sway her feet.

"Go, invite the Marquis's wife over."

The maid just responded, and Madam He said:

"Call the third lady as well."


The maid was about to leave when she heard Feng Yun speak.

"Wait a minute."

Madam He looked at her.

Feng Yun had a lot of dealings with He Qia and his son, but this was her first time dealing with Madam He.

For the sake of He's father and son, she smiled at Madam He in a casual tone.

"The Marquis of Xuanping is at least a senior official of the court, a Marquis, so noble, who among you can make the decision?"

After a pause, she smiled slightly.

"Go and ask the Princess to come and do justice."

Madam He's mind was blank, and her body was stiff.

The women around her all looked like they were watching a good show.

Also, in her husband's eyes, there was a coldness and alienation that she had never seen since she married into the He family.

The husband resented her.

The mother-in-law didn't like her.

It was because she was unhappy in her husband's family that she liked her family. How could she have expected that her family was also a pit of fire...

This was going to kill her.

Madam He was speechless and stopped talking, but it was as if a knife was scraping her bones, and she was almost stripped of her body by the eyes from all directions...


Things soon became clear.

Yang Lingxiang was pregnant, and had been pregnant for three or four months.

Whether it was the Marquis of Xuanping or not, others did not know, but with her own maid as a witness, and the Marquis of Xuanping breaking into the backyard for a secret meeting and being "caught in adultery", it was impossible for her to deny her innocence.

Marquis of Xuanping was already very drunk, and he was beaten again, his clothes were messy and he was watched by people, and the Marquis's wife was crying and insulting him in a rage, so he simply lay there and passed out drunk.

He was a marquis, and the princess could not get angry on the spot.

She scolded him and asked the Marquis's wife to help the person down and ask for a doctor first.

Then, her eyes turned to Miss Yang San.

"Where did the jade pendant come from? Where did the letter come from? Madam Yang San, you must give an explanation to the He family. Otherwise, I will not forgive you."

The matter about the child's father is nonsense.

What about the jade pendant and letter that almost nailed He Chuandong to the pillar of shame, destroyed his relationship with Wen Hui, and destroyed the relationship between the He family and Changmen?

How could it be so thorough without early planning?

Pei Jue: As everyone knows, my wife is not to be messed with...

Feng Yun:...Then why do you mess with me every day?

Pei Jue: I will...send the antidote?

Chun Yu Yan: Selling coal, selling coal!

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