Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 379: Repeated Calculations

In order to test the utilization rate of briquettes, Feng Yun had already distributed them to the village for trial use.

But there is one thing. When people in the village take the briquettes, they cannot sell them privately. They must set a unified price and sell them in the workshop.

The news about the He Mansion and the news about the coal briquettes spread like a goddess scattering flowers, spreading from one to ten and then to a hundred. As soon as mass production started, merchants came to Andu one after another.

Nearby are merchants from Andu County.

People from Yupu, Wanning, Shiguan and other places came from far away.

Many people even made a special trip to Nagato's briquettes workshop to watch the briquettes being used.

In order to let people feel it intuitively, the fire in the briquettes workshop has not been extinguished for a long time, and the effect is clear at a glance.

These traders travel far and wide and have a keen sense of smell.

The emergence of briquettes is not a simple commodity, but has changed the way of fuel and affects the national economy and people's livelihood.

The traders were unwilling to let go of this business opportunity and went to Nagato one after another to ask to see Feng Yun.

Among them, there are two groups of people, the most scheming.

Some people saw business opportunities and expressed tactfully that they wanted to sign an in-depth contract with Nagato to enjoy the exclusive right to sell locally.

There are also some people who are willing to sacrifice their own interests in order to gain an ordering opportunity and a large supply of briquettes.

Feng Yun never received these people in person.

Just let Ah Lou deal with it.

The price set by the briquettes workshop will be discounted if you buy more, but Feng Yun will not give exclusive sales agents. He will also reject orders from customers who voluntarily increase the price and only want priority and a large number of customers.

Ah Lou once asked her why.

Either way, if you can get a better price by selling, why not go with the trend?

Feng Yun just said lightly.

“How can something that benefits the people be allowed to be monopolized by profiteers?”

Ah Lou has been with her for so long, and he already knows what kind of person his wife is.

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

Once briquettes are sold exclusively and lack competition, they will no longer be an affordable commodity for ordinary people.

This is not the lady's intention.

Nagato controls the core production method, why should he let the middlemen make a lot of money while he only earns some hard-earned money?

Ah Lou understood the first, but not the second.

Feng Yun didn't explain much about the mystery. He just asked him to report every word and deed of the merchants he met every day to her, and no omissions were allowed.

She is very cautious.

Ah Lou didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest.

For several days in a row, he put on clean clothes every day, sat in the hall, drank tea with merchants and talked, but he didn't make a single business deal, and he became more and more impressive as the general manager...

But it is foreseeable that the supply of briquettes will definitely exceed the demand, and there will be no worries about sales...

Feng Yun was not idle either.

On the third day after her marriage, Wenhui went back to Yutangchun to take care of business. Taking advantage of the time to take stock of the accounts, she got on the carriage and went to Yutangchun.

Wenhui was in a hurry, busy with everything.

Feng Yun smiled and joked when he saw her like this.

"You just got married, why don't you rest for a while before coming back?"

"I can't stop." Wen Hui's cheeks were rosy and her eyes were shining. Looking at this look, Feng Yun knew that the young couple must be newlyweds.

Her hanging heart was relieved.

"Looks like you're doing well?"

Wen Hui lowered her head shyly.

Feng Yun didn't tease her, and his expression became more serious.

"You don't serve your parents-in-law, and you go out to work just a few days after your wedding. No one in the governor's office says anything about you?"

Wen Hui laughed when she heard this and said mysteriously:

"Thanks to my wife, my mother-in-law was sent back to her parents' home by my father-in-law. I think there was some resentment..."

Feng Yun asked: "Then your husband feels at ease?"

Wen Hui paused and shook his head.

"He Lang felt very sorry for his mother-in-law about what happened this time. He didn't say anything from beginning to end, let alone stop him..."

Feng Yun asked: "Then Madam Yang San, haven't you confessed yet?"

Wen Hui pursed her lips and looked at Feng Yun and shook his head.

"Now I am locked up in the prison of the Governor's Mansion, and I am doing it according to the law. Every day when He Lang comes back, I ask him about it. Listening to his wishes, this third lady has a very strict mouth, and she insists that the child is his. She bites back and says In order to protect the reputation of the He family, they killed people and silenced them..."

She sighed.

"I didn't expect that she is actually a tough person."

Feng Yun chuckled.

"That means there is no punishment."

Good food and drink, everyone is tough.

If it falls into Pei Madang's hands, he will lose his skin even if he doesn't die. How many people can still be so stubborn?

She didn't say much and asked something else.

Wen Hui knew that she came here today just to inquire about the situation, so she quietly opened the curtain, took a look outside, and then said:

"I heard someone said that when Marquis Xuanping fell ill, he would only say "I'm sorry" in his mouth. His eyes were straight, as if possessed by a demon. It was very scary. The Marquis's mansion invited many doctors to see him. , there is no improvement..."

After a pause, she lowered her voice.

"It seems like you're about to die?"

Feng Yun lowered his head and took a sip of tea, "Really? Congratulations to Madam Hou."

Wen Hui laughed when she saw her old god.

"The old lady came to visit the Hou Mansion today and recommended Dr. Yao. Madam Hou was a little worried at first, but was persuaded by the old lady and agreed."

Mrs. He went to visit Marquis Xuanping on behalf of the He family.

After all, it happened in the He family. The case has not come to light, and people's lives are at stake, so we have to do something about it.

Feng Yun laughed.

"You are quite clever."

Wen Hui winked at her.

"I learned everything from my wife. It just so happens that the old lady is good to me. How can I be vague when it's time to help my wife?"

Feng Yun laughed softly.

She often feels that it is easier to get along with women.

They also know how to be grateful.

The two chatted for a while, and they mentioned that Luo Yue had given birth to a little son for Wei Zheng, and she also wrote a letter saying that after her confinement, she would return to her parents' house to stay for a while.

Wen Hui laughed.

"That would be fun."

They all regard Nagato as their natal family.

Feng Yun is obviously younger than them, but he seems to be their elder parent.

On his way back from Yutangchun, Feng Yun encountered the carriage sent by the Xuanping Houfu to pick up Dr. Yao.

The two cars met on the village road.

Feng Yun opened the curtain and glanced at Dr. Yao, then took the initiative to step aside.

Doctor Yao said hello, nodded and smiled at her.

"Thank you, madam."

Feng Yun said: "It is important to treat the disease and save people. Doctor Yao, please go quickly."

As the carriage drove away, Feng Yun did not put down the curtain, but looked at Nagato under the sun from a distance.

The family emblem is glowing and extremely conspicuous. A flag fluttering in the wind is like a straight backbone, giving off a majestic temperament in the silence.

Back at Zhuangzi, Ge Guang stopped the carriage, and Feng Yun led the two maids to the study.

Pei Ran looked at her from the south window.

As if they had a tacit understanding, their eyes met. Feng Yun's expression condensed and he quickened his pace.

Pei Madang slowly put down the scroll.

The light was lingering on the curtains. Feng Yun opened the curtain and went in. Sure enough, she saw the man sitting there, his handsome face as cold as ever, but she could easily catch a different emotion.

She said: "The king is waiting for me?"

Pei Madang's eyes were dark and his face was as heavy as water.


Their eyes met, Feng Yun said nothing and looked at him with a smile.

He then added, "We have something to discuss."

Chen Ci's voice fell into his ears. Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and signaled the servants to step back. Then he walked to his side and followed his gaze to the flowers blooming in the courtyard.

"The sun is out in the west, and the king actually wants to discuss matters with me?"

Pei Ran glanced at her.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "What's the matter? Tell me?"

Pei Madang said: "Li Zongxun contacted many traders privately, buying grain, grass, graphite..."

Feng Yun laughed when he heard it.

"Your Majesty is indeed very knowledgeable. Do you want to tell me that many of the traders coming to Changmen these days are from Yecheng..."

Pei Madang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was not kept in the dark.

"Just be cautious. I won't interfere with your selling of briquettes."

Feng Yun was startled.

I can't help laughing when I think of what I said that day.

"I don't just sell briquettes, I sell everything. For example...face?"

Pei Ran stared at her with cold eyes.

Feng Yun smiled faintly, "I failed to get it from Chun Yuyan, so he decided to target me. This Li Zongxun can be regarded as flexible and flexible, so what if I help him?"

Pei Ran frowned slightly, "How are you going to deal with it?"

"I've already thought about it for him." Feng Yun's lips curled up slightly, he leaned over and looked up at Pei Madang's face.

"General, how about we make a mockery of each other?"

Pei Ran hummed, his eyes stained with thick ink.

"How do I want to be black, how do you want to be white?"

Feng Yun burst out laughing.

Sure enough, without saying anything else, he consciously claimed the black side.

Feng Yun said: "The king tried every means to intercept the transportation channels of Yecheng. Not only grain, grass, graphite, but also other needed supplies were all stuck in his neck. He could not let go until he was suffocated..."

Pei Ran looked at her, "What about you?"

"Me?" Feng Yun slowly narrowed his eyes, his hands under his wide sleeves wriggled slightly, and his voice was clear.

"Soon someone will provide Li Zongxun with a secret transportation channel. At that time, it will be convenient for the king."

Pei Madang raised his eyebrows coldly and said no.

Feng Yun leaned over with a half-smile.

"Isn't it possible? Master Husband?"

She smiled broadly and her eyes were open and bright.

Pei Ran knew that she was scheming again.

Fortunately, this time he was not the one being plotted by her.

Chapter 2 is updated too late today. Sorry, I will update it early tomorrow~~

I love you with all my heart.

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