Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 380 Big surprise

Pei Madang had been recovering from his injuries for so long. He was like a little daughter-in-law, never leaving the door or taking a step forward. Except for the people in Feng Yun's room and his personal guards, almost no one else in the village had seen the king.

At dusk that day, people were surprised to find that King Yonghuai, with the support of his princess, came out of the house and all the way out of the farm to "inspect" the seasonal crops in the fields.

The two walked in front.

A group of guards and servants followed behind.

King Yonghuai has a stern face, and the princess is talking and laughing. The two of them are deeply in love, and they look both eye-catching and well-matched.

It is the busy farming season. At dusk, the heat is receding and the temperature drops. Farmers are coming out of their houses to work in twos and threes, and there are people everywhere in the fields.

Pei Mantiao came out at this time and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

From Changmen to the entire Huaxi Village, things quickly started to boil.

"Is King Yonghuai in good health?"

"I don't think so... If it's great, how can I use the princess to support me?"

"That's the deep love between husband and wife, you know nothing."

"Anyway, there is no danger to my life..."

"Someone won't be able to sleep again..."

"Isn't Wanning suppressing the bandits? General Shentu has been unable to attack Xiufeng Mountain for a long time. If the king gets better, the good days of the bandits will be over."

"That's right, I would personally avenge this arrow..."

People in the distance were whispering and talking.

Feng Yun took Pei Ran to the pavilion by the lotus pond and sat down. As if he didn't know, he made tea and talked casually.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?" Feng Yun asked.

Pei Ran looked around and looked back at her for a long time.

"Our crops are better than others."

Our home?

Feng Yun glanced at him and smiled lightly.

"I'm asking you, how does it feel to be surrounded by people after not leaving the house for a long time?"

Pei Ran said: "Where is there someone?"

No one dared to get close. Most of the farmers were in the fields far away.

How dare you not pay attention at all?

Feng Yun glanced at him: "I thought you would have to rest for a while, at least until the autumn harvest before leaving."

Pei Ran: "Who said I was leaving?"

Feng Yun was suspicious: "Aren't you going to leave?"

Pei Ran: "Still recovering."

Feng Yun: "The word period is used can be long or short."

Pei Ran hummed, "It's time to recover."

Feng Yun said nothing, looking at the farmers working far and near, he didn't know what he thought of, and glanced at them with a smile.

"Take your time, don't rush, give people a chance to daydream."

Pei Ran's eyes deepened, "My wife has arrangements, how can I dare to linger on the sickbed?"

"Come here." Feng Yun rolled his eyes at him, "As if you won't deal with Li Zongxun if I don't speak. If Yecheng is not eliminated, the Xijing court will be in trouble. Obviously I am helping you, asking you to sing a song What happened to the black face?”

Pei Ran glanced at her and said she was good-natured.

"My lady is thoughtful, I am very pleased."

Feng Yun was startled, looked at him, and smiled helplessly.

"Okay, whatever you say is whatever it is. It's better to have something to say than nothing."

Her voice was a little soft when she said the last sentence. Rather than saying it to him, she might as well be talking to herself...

Pei Ran didn't hear clearly and frowned slightly, "What did Yun Niang say?"

Feng Yun looked at him with a half-smile, and extended his gaze to the rice fields in the distance.

The golden rice is hanging heavy with ripe and plump fruits, swaying in the breeze, and the pastoral scenery is as picturesque as a poem.

Her face was filled with a soft glow.

"I say, the king is right. The crops I grow are better than others. When the king gets old and returns to the fields, come and plant crops with me."

She was joking.

Pei Ran looked at her deeply.

"Okay. Just wait for me."

There are no other people here, the two of them are sitting on the wind vent.

The farmland far and near is well-proportioned, and laughter can be heard from time to time.

But in the wooden pavilion, there was a suffocating silence.

A man and a woman who spanned two lives and had hidden concerns about each other sat by the pond watching the autumn harvest season, and had no other topics of conversation for a long time.

Finally, it was Feng Yun who broke the silence.

"The illness has not healed yet, so it is not advisable to sit for a long time. Let's go back."

Pei Madang looked at her and slowly stood up.

The two of them entered the village hand in hand, once again attracting the attention of the crowd.

So the news that King Yonghuai was getting better spread quickly.

Immediately afterwards, someone came to express condolences.

Those greetings that Feng Yun refused at the beginning were given again.

Pei Ran refused to deal with it and pushed it all to Feng Yun.

"If it wasn't for Yun Niang's big plan, I could still pretend to be sick, so why would I have to deal with these mundane things?"

Feng Yun calmly took over the trouble.

"Your Majesty, please be at ease, I will take care of everything."

This time she was in high spirits. Whenever royal family members or big family members came to visit, she would personally receive them, accept gifts, and send a gift in return. She also told the visitors that when this year's rice is received in the warehouse, new rice will be produced. , will host a banquet in the village, and invite everyone to taste the new rice.

Some people’s congratulations are genuine.

But for some people, Pei Madang's death was a bolt from the blue.

People in Zhuangzi come and go.

Feng Yun watched the movements from all sides and calculated how long it would take for the rice to be threshed and put into the warehouse. She felt more and more that her time was not enough, and she regretted stepping in to help Pei Madang with these trivial matters.

This kind of welcoming and sending scene was not something she liked originally.

"It's all your fault." Feng Yun deliberately complained in front of Pei Madang, "My pure life in Zhuangzi was completely shattered when the king came. Today the king will be tired tomorrow. So exhausted."

Pei Ran looked at her and was silent for a moment.

"Just deal with it."

Feng Yun said nothing.

He added: "If you don't want to deal with it, let the concierge take care of it."

Seeing that he was full of protective intentions, Feng Yun finally suppressed the smile on his lips, "Isn't that going to cause trouble for the king?"

Pei Ran frowned slightly.

He thought of the way she cried and said "I just want to be quiet" in her previous life, and her voice became hoarse unknowingly.

"What does Yun Niang say?"

Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly, and laughter almost burst out of his throat.

"I want your Majesty to remember that I am dealing with these people because of you..."

for you……

The waves in Pei Ran's eyes moved slightly.

He then heard her say: "You have to pay back whatever you owe me."

Pei Ran swallowed his words and became silent.

Feng Yun glanced at him and was about to speak when there were footsteps outside the curtain.

"Madam, someone from the Xuanping Hou Mansion is here, asking to see my lady."

It's Alou's voice.

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Ran and said, "If you don't see me, just say I'm tired today..."

Ah Lou bowed, handed over the gift list, and whispered:

"Mrs. Hou came in person."

Feng Yun looked at the gift list and thought for a moment.

"The God of Wealth is here, please come to the flower hall."

Compared with the time when Pei Ran was injured, the gift sent by Xuanping Houfu this time was much heavier. Before Feng Yun saw Mrs. Hou, he guessed that she had something to ask for.

But I didn't expect that Mrs. Hou actually came for Mrs. Yang.

When they first sat down, the two of them tacitly chose not to talk about what happened that day in the Governor's Mansion. They only drank tea lightly and said a few words of care and concern.

After the time for tea, Mrs. Hou changed the topic and gave Feng Yun a big gift.

"The Marquis's survival this time is all due to Dr. Yao's superb medical skills..."

Feng Yun couldn't tell the truth and smiled slightly.

"You're welcome, madam. Doctor Yao lives in Huaxi, but he is not from my village. I deserve this gift."

"If you can bear it, it has to do with the blood of the Hou family. No matter how great the gift is, the princess can also bear it..."

Mrs. Hou looked at her, her eyes suddenly red.

"The princess is a sensible person, and I won't beat around the bush with you. In addition to visiting the king, I also want to ask the princess to show her kindness..."

Feng Yun was silent, staring at her with half-smiling eyes.

Madam Hou suddenly felt fear in her heart and her voice became softer.

"Princess, don't get me wrong, I have no hostility, I just want to keep Mrs. Yang..."

Feng Yun said oh, raised his eyebrows, and deliberately showed a look of surprise.

"Mrs. Hou's bodhisattva heart is admirable, but why should we be like this when dealing with people who are like flies and dogs?"

Mrs. Hou smiled bitterly and shook her head, almost crying.

"Once Feng'er dies, I am too old to have any more children for the Hou family. No matter how bad Yang Sanniang is, she is still carrying the flesh and blood of the Qu family in her belly. I can't just watch her die with her child..."

Feng Yun was greatly surprised.

For so many days, even Yang Lingxiang didn't admit that the child in her belly was Qu Gong's, but Mrs. Hou herself was rushing to recognize the child?

Something strange happened. Feng Yun took the opportunity to drink tea and think for a moment. Then he raised his head and asked with a smile:

"Is this also the intention of Marquis Xuanping?"

Mrs. Hou shook her head, "Mr. Hou was lucky enough to survive, but his body is very weak. Doctor Yao said that he might not be able to recover in this life, and he will have to rely on decoction..."

Yao Ru told Feng Yun about Qu Gong's illness when he came back.

In fact, his body was fine, but his brain was the problem.

Feng Yun suspected that it was caused by the stick he ordered the guards to hit on his head that day in order to create "adultery".

Of course she didn't tell Dr. Yao the truth.

Just when discussing the condition, I told him that such a disease should be avoided to stimulate again...

"In order to prevent him from being irritated again, I haven't discussed it with him yet." Mrs. Hou continued with tears in her eyes:

"After this time, I also figured out that if there is no Mrs. Yang San, there will be other ladies. They are all the same anyway. It is better to pick up a ready-made one. At least, Mrs. Yang San's mother's family has no one, and she can't compete with others. go……"

She only wanted Mrs. Hou's status, and she didn't want to interfere with anything else.

Feng Yun looked at the tears in her eyes and believed that she was disheartened because of Marquis Xuanping's serious illness. She really figured it out.


Feng Yun put down the tea cup and asked calmly:

"Then Madam Hou, has she ever thought about what if the child is really not Marquis Xuanping's?"

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