Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 381 Careful Planning

Mrs. Hou was stunned.

How is that possible?

"I saw it with my own eyes when he met Mrs. Yang Sanniang at night..."

The carriage stopped at the door, and the little bitch welcomed him in.

Although I didn't see them rolling under the same bed with my own eyes, in the middle of the night, what else could a man and a woman do when they meet alone?

Mrs. Hou blurted out, and when she saw that Feng Yun didn't say anything, she was shocked and lost her words. She laughed dryly twice and said, "Make the princess laugh."

In order to leave a seed for her husband to continue the family line, she also endured humiliation.

Feng Yun curled up his lips and said noncommittally:

"I understand what Mrs. Hou said. You should go back first, and wait until the governor's office has something to tell us. Also, for such a big matter, Madam still has to think carefully before making a decision."

Mrs. Xuanpinghou, half-coaxed and half-persuaded by Feng Yun, left with red eyes.

Feng Yun looked at her sad look and didn't know whether to sympathize, pity, or secretly curse her for not living up to expectations.

After sending the person out, she returned to the house and saw Qian Sanniu carrying Pei Madang's light armor over.

She asked: "The king is going out?"

Qian Sanniu looked at her and saluted: "The king said that he wants to go to Xiufeng Mountain for a walk."

Feng Yun took the light armor from him.

"You go down first."

Qian Sanniu will worship next.

When Feng Yun came in holding the clothes, Pei Madang had just come out of the shower. His hair was full of moisture and before he had time to wring it out, his snow-white coat was slightly open, revealing a strong chest.

In her mind, Mrs. Hou still looked like she was about to cry. She was absent-minded and did not speak. She walked over and silently changed Pei Madang's clothes.

Pei Ran noticed her emotions.

"Not happy?"

Feng Yun raised his head and said, "No."

Pei Man pursed his lips and let her help him put the light armor on his body. Then he shook his arms vigorously, straightened his shoulders and said, "You see, my injury is healed."

Feng Yun hummed and lowered his head to adjust his belt, not in a high mood.

Pei Ran suddenly bent down, trying to see her expression clearly.

"I'll be back in two days."

Feng Yun raised his head calmly, "I know. Your Majesty wants to go to Xiufeng Mountain and try to subdue the bandits."

After being besieged for so long without attacking, Feng Yun knew that Pei Madang had the intention of conquering rather than killing.

Otherwise he wouldn't have delayed it until this point.

Precisely because it had been delayed for so long, the people who were besieged on the mountain had almost reached their limit. It was perfect for Pei Ran to go "supporting his sick body" at this time.

If it were her, she would do the same.

She was just a little regretful that such a tenacious team was not for her own use. It was a pity that it was not what Pei Ran thought it was at all. She was sulking because she was worried about something...

Pei Ran looked at her.

In such a hot season, her cheeks were a little white, and he was already sweating in his light armor.

Pei Ran touched her hand.

"So cold?"

Either angry or sick.

He frowned, "What's wrong with you?"

Feng Yun shook his head, "The little days are here, there is nothing else..."

Pei Ran nodded slightly, with a fleeting look of disappointment on his face.

But Feng Yun lowered his head to pull the corners of her robe and didn't notice his expression.

"Then you are still alive and well. I will ask Puyang Jiu to come and get a safe pulse for you later."

Feng Yun chuckled, "How can I be so fragile?"

Although Puyang Jiu is a doctor, he is still a man.

Now let him look at Guishui, and now pay attention to sexual intercourse, and he almost becomes an eunuch.

She thought Pei Madang was just talking, but not long after he left the house, Puyang Jiu came in high spirits.

"Why don't you ask me to get a safe pulse for my sister-in-law? Let me take a look..."

He thought that Pei Madang would use such a serious expression because Feng Yun was pregnant, telling him to pay more attention to Feng Yun's body.


Just Guishui came.

As for what?

Puyang Jiu didn't write any prescriptions, but told Feng Yun to take care of himself and avoid touching raw or cold things, and then left with the medicine box.

As soon as I went out, I suddenly reacted.

Does Pei Wangzhi want a child?

He looked back at Feng Yun's door and sighed.


On the second day after Pei Ran left, it was almost noon, and the man who raised his heart came over under the scorching sun.

The leader is Dong Bai, a small yellow man in front of Yuan Shangyi.

He said that he received something from the Queen Mother Duan from Xijing today, and some of them were gifts for his wife. His Majesty asked him to deliver them quickly.

Xiaoman looked at the exquisite palace supplies curiously and opened his eyes wide.

"Eunuch Dong, what are these?"

With a smile on his face, Dong Bai bowed his hand to Feng Yun.

"My wife will know after seeing it."

Seeing how excited Xiao Man was, Feng Yun smiled slightly and opened several boxes.

Cloth, jewelry, and some skin-nourishing ointments.

Dong Baidao said: "Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother said that the princess would take care of your majesty's daily life. She had already said that she would bring some gifts to the princess as a reward, but she delayed it until now so that the princess would not be offended."

Feng Yun quickly saluted in the direction of Xijing.

"Thank you for the reward, Your Highness. I am grateful for God's grace and feel flattered."

What she said was very pleasant, but Dong Bai looked at her calm face, and he didn't look flattered at all, and he laughed twice awkwardly.

"The villain will go back first. Your Majesty will take a nap later. If he can't be found, Lin Nvshi should be blamed."

Speaking of Yuan Shangyi, Feng Yun's expression looked better.

"How are you these days, Your Majesty?"

Dong Bai said: "To answer the princess, His Majesty is still the same. The weather is hot and he has trouble staying and eating. He has been thinking about coming to see the princess all day. Today, he was scolded by Ms. Lin and is willing to study hard."

Feng Yun felt depressed for a moment.

"I will make his favorite green cake later and go to see him."

Dong Bai agreed and left happily.

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, and really rolled up her sleeves and went to the kitchen.

She knew that the reason why she was moved by Yuan was because of Qu'er.

The maternal love and guilt that could never be redeemed and compensated in this life could only be melted in these cakes...


When the sun went down, Feng Yun estimated that Yuan Shangyi had finished his studies, so she carried the cakes over to please the child.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shangyi's eyes turned red when he saw her.

"Why did you come just now?"

Feng Yun couldn't bear to hear the child's aggrieved voice, so he quickly put down the lunch box, hugged the child in his arms, and gently stroked his back twice.

"What's wrong?"

The little body in his arms was trembling slightly.

Feng Yun looked down, "Oh, why are you crying?"

Yuan Shangyi shed tears silently, "I don't want to study."

Feng Yun frowned and took out a handkerchief to wipe his tears.

"You have to read books, but you don't have to read so hard. Yuan, don't force yourself, okay?"

Yuan Shangyi sobbed and sniffed.

"They say that children in the village school don't have to work hard to study, and they are very happy. Is that true?"

Feng Yun smiled, "How can studying hard not be hard? Their teachers are not as knowledgeable as Yuan's teachers, and they don't have to learn as many things as Yuan, let alone bear the happiness of so many people, so they will be happier..."

Yuan Shangyi suddenly grabbed her clothes and looked up at her.

"Can I go to the village school to study? Study with them and play with them?"

Feng Yun was silent.

After a long moment, he said, "I can take Yuan to play. I'm not sure whether I should make friends with them and study with them. Why not wait for the king to come back and ask his opinion?"

When he heard that he was going to ask Pei Jue, Yuan Shangyi's face fell.

"The king will not agree. He is more pedantic than the teacher."

I didn't expect Yuan Shangyi to evaluate Pei Jue like this.

Feng Yun laughed softly and pinched Yuan Shangyi's little shoulder.

"Tomorrow, Huaxi Village will have a monthly test. After the monthly test, I will take you there, okay?"

Yuan Shangyi nodded silently, "Okay. It's a deal."

"It's a deal."



Feng Yun smiled and hooked his little fingers together.


The village school in Huaxi Village not only has monthly tests, but also quarterly and annual tests.

In order to let students realize the importance of learning, Feng Yun specially set up a high bonus for outstanding students.

From monthly exams, quarterly exams to annual exams, the amount of bonuses gradually increases.

The invigilator is usually a teacher from the village school, and sometimes Feng Yun will send someone to supervise to show the solemnity of the exam.

Today is the monthly exam, and Ren Rude came early in the morning.

The village school prepared food and accommodation for the teacher and some students from other places, and the teacher's food and accommodation are free.

Ren Rude has a house in the manor, but he still likes to eat in the village school during class.

One is that he can get along with the students, and the other is that Changmen has a very evil potential ability-to do everything well.

The crops in the field grow better than others, and the harvest is higher than others.

The same food tastes better.

Ren Rude has despised Feng Yun since he first came to the manor, but now he dares not to look down on this woman at all. He even excerpts everything she does every time, studies it carefully, and then sends it back to Taicheng one by one for Xiao Cheng to review...

For example, the exam rules for this month, quarter, and year.

Novelty and fun, it enhances learning motivation. Even those young dandies sent by wealthy families to "steal" the teacher at the beginning have changed their ways under this set of rules and are making progress day by day.

As a teacher, he gradually experienced the indescribable sense of accomplishment and took the initiative to add a few classes for himself...

Ren Rude walked into the teacher's room of the village school and saw Feng Yun sitting inside. He was surprised and smiled and bowed.

"Madam, are you going to supervise the exam in person today?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "I came here specially to wait for Mr. Ren."

Ren Rude felt a little sad, but his face did not show any change. He stroked his beard and laughed heartily: "I wonder if you have any advice?"

"I dare not." Feng Yun returned the greeting, paused for a moment and restrained his expression, saying: "There is still a while before the monthly exam, please sit down, sir, let's talk briefly."

Ren Rude sat down.

Someone had already brewed tea.

Feng Yun did not beat around the bush and said solemnly:

"After the opening of the coal briquette workshop in Changmen, Mr. Ren also saw that merchants came to contact us from time to time. There are merchants from the south and the north, but I feel uneasy."

Ren Rude said, "May I ask what your wife means?"

Feng Yun said, "My original intention of making coal briquettes is to make it affordable and useful for the people to keep warm and cook, and no longer worry about fuel. Therefore, I am determined not to cooperate with unscrupulous merchants, drive up prices, and harm people's livelihood..."

Ren Rude nodded and sighed sincerely, "My wife is righteous."

Feng Yun raised her eyes slightly, and she said seriously:

"I have known your husband for such a long time, and I know his character well. I also know that he has many connections and many friends. Today, I would like to ask you to find a convenient way for me to sell my briquettes to the people I want to sell them to..."

Feng Yun: I just trust Mr. Ren. I believe Mr. Ren will sell my briquettes to the right person.

Li Zongxun: Please give me your ID card.

Xiao Cheng: My wife still wants me to take the blame, she must be thinking about me.

Pei Ran:? ? ? How about castrating such a... person?

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