Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 382: Working like a horse

Ren Rude knew everything about Feng Yun's affairs in Huaxi Village, and he knew everything about it...

So he was shocked after hearing it.

So many merchants came to her for cooperation, but none of them came to an agreement. He thought Feng Yun was asking for a high price...

Unexpectedly, it was because she didn't trust others?

Ren Rude was suspicious, but he just laughed it off.

"My wife's coal briquettes are in great demand. Such a good deal, as long as my wife is willing to nod, merchants all over the world will rush to buy them. Why do I, a middleman, need to intervene?"

"Mr. Ren, you don't know."

Feng Yun closed her eyes slightly, and her beautiful eyelashes blinked lightly, but there was no follow-up for a long time, until she sighed.

"It's easy to say in the areas under the jurisdiction of the Xijing court. No matter where the coal briquettes are sold, there is no worry about the sales, and there is no need to worry about the government coming forward to make things difficult. But if it is sold to the south and Yecheng, it's hard to say."

Ren Rude was very surprised.

"I heard from my wife that you want to go to Southern Qi and Yecheng to make a living?"

Feng Yun laughed and shook his head, "I don't dare to do that. There is an alliance with Southern Qi, but there are many disputes. Yecheng is a real enemy. If I go there, I will be chopped into meat paste?"

Ren Rude said: "What does my wife mean... I still don't quite understand?"

Feng Yun bowed to him and lowered his voice and said: "I want to ask Mr. Ren for help to find a reliable person and set a safe way so that I won't be embarrassed by the father and daughter of the Li family..."

Ren Rude suddenly realized, "So that's it."

Coal briquettes are produced in Huaxi. If the people who sell them in Yecheng don't have a strong relationship with the Li court, the coal briquettes business will not work...

At least on the surface, none of the merchants who came to Huaxi to contact Feng Yun were from Yecheng.


The news Ren Rude got was just the opposite.

Yecheng lacks graphite and is more anxious to purchase graphite than Nanqi, and also wants to buy coal briquettes for the winter than Nanqi...

One wants to sell, the other wants to buy.

Both sides feel that the other side does not want to do business with them, and both want to find a middleman to deal with them...

This is clearly a no-brainer.

It's just a lack of a thread, and who will pull this thread...

It's both a favor and a benefit, why not do it?

Ren Rude swallowed the words back when they came to his lips.

He frowned and stroked his beard, with an embarrassed expression.

"I'm afraid this not easy to handle?"

Feng Yun took a sip of tea and smiled slightly.

"Mr. Ren, don't worry, I won't treat you unfairly after the matter is done."

Ren Rude glanced at her and smiled.

"My lady is thoughtful, so Ren...will give it a try?"

Feng Yun bowed and smiled, "Thank you."


When the gong for the monthly exam sounded, Feng Yun left the village school.

On the main road, there were flowers and trees on both sides, and the fields were full of people. Walking on the road, you could almost smell the fragrance of rice.

Because Feng Yun used a greenhouse to grow seedlings, the planting period was not delayed. Her rice was the first to mature in the village, so it was also the first to be harvested.

At this time, there were villagers watching on the edge of the field.

Feng Yun walked over with an umbrella, and someone greeted her from a distance.

"Madam Li Zheng, the harvest is good."

"Madam Li Zheng, did the king go to Xiufeng Mountain to suppress the bandits?"

"Madam Li Zheng, they said that the bonus for the candidates in the village school this month will be increased again, is it true or not?"

There were countless questions, and Feng Yun didn't know which one to answer.

She just smiled and walked over and greeted casually.

Then, someone talked about more practical issues.

"Madam Li Zheng, next year your family will grow rice seedlings, can you teach us too?"

The simple wishes were all based on the initial distrust.

Because the heavy snow last year delayed the farming season, Feng Yun specially burned the greenhouse to grow rice.

When breeding, she actually asked the squad leader and the platoon leader to notify every household.

Squad leader Yang even went to her farm to see the seedling room with his own eyes, but he did not follow the instructions.

So, only her family caught up with the planting period and planted the selected seedlings in the field in time. During the locust plague, her family had the most ducks in the field. When the disaster situation was slightly better, her family's harvest of rice was twice as much as that of ordinary families...

During the famine years, food was the chewing of the whole family and the life of the family.

Looking at the plump rice grains, the villagers had regretted it long ago.

Privately, everyone said that in the future, they would do whatever the village head lady said, and follow her in doing farm work...

"Mrs. Village Head, why do you leave the rice stalks in your field so high? The stalks are too high, which is not conducive to returning to the field..."

Feng Yun smiled.

"My family harvested early, so I left them higher."

Then someone asked: "What is the purpose of leaving them so high?"

This is the regenerated rice that Feng Yun specially left.

She had already discovered that most of what her mother wrote in her book was beyond this era, and before that, she had never heard of regenerating rice.

She was originally running for the purpose of experimentation, and the villagers harvested late, and she was afraid that she would not catch up with the season, so she did not tell them about it.

Seeing that everyone was curious, she thought about it and took the opportunity to explain the matter of regenerating rice.

"When harvesting rice, do not damage the rice stalks, leave at least nine inches of short stalks, and then apply fertilizer to retain water. The side buds of the short stalks will tiller, and ears can be pulled out in about a month, and they will mature in two months. In October, you can harvest another season of rice."

"Harvest another season?"

The villagers' faces were full of shock.

"Rice is gone after one crop, how can it be regenerated?"

"Are you kidding, Mrs. Lizheng?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Everyone wait for my regenerated rice to be harvested, and then decide whether to follow suit next year..."

Next year?

Some people were unhappy when they heard this.

"Why can't my family do that?"

Feng Yun said: "Because I planted the seedlings early, harvested early, and prepared in advance, and reapplied basal fertilizer..."

As she spoke, she picked up a straw on the ground and motioned everyone to look.

"Take my rice home to compare, my rice beads are much fatter, taller and stronger. Only by raising the seedlings well in the early stage can we accumulate strength for regeneration. Otherwise, even if we leave the stumps for regeneration and tillering, it will be difficult to harvest..."

Everyone's face showed disappointment.

Although they didn't quite believe that rice could regenerate, the village head's wife did this. If they could really harvest two seasons of rice, wouldn't they suffer a big loss?

Harvest one season less.

Most people can understand. After all, the seedling conditions are different, and it is impossible to completely imitate the village head's wife.

But there are still a few people who start to complain because they can't get any benefits.

"If the village head's wife had told us earlier that the rice was growing again, my family would have gone to the fields earlier and harvested earlier..."

"Yes. But it's still uncertain whether it can grow again, so let's wait and see."

Feng Yun couldn't hear the small discussions in the crowd.

But it can be guessed that there will always be people who complain.

She didn't say much, nodded and smiled at everyone, and left the rice field.

Just as she was about to pick a handful of wild amaranth in the field, she saw Puyang Yi walking over with a young man.

Looking again, it was Puyang Zong, the Prince of Danyang.

It seems that this playboy's injury has healed and he can go out and walk again.

But why did he come to Huaxi Village?

Feng Yun had doubts in his heart, but his face didn't show any. When Puyang Yi approached happily, he bowed slightly.

"Meet Pingyuan County Lady, meet Danyang County Prince."

During the Xifeng and Xinghe dynasties, the Princess's Mansion was a distinguished family, and these two were also the pride of heaven, and they had to be courteous wherever they went.

But the world has changed.

The Princess is still noble and the backbone of the royal family, but her power is not as great as before.

Fortunately, Puyang Yi doesn't care about these.

When she sees Feng Yun, she rushes to get close to her, not caring about anything else.

"Yun Niang, Yun Niang, have you ever seen my house?"

The high-priced land that Pingyuan County Lady bought from Feng Yun has already been under construction.

Feng Yun didn't go there specifically, but she often saw the excitement there when she went in and out every day. Blue bricks, green tiles, green trees and delicate flowers were pulled to the new house one by one, and the progress was very fast. Several days ago, the house was seen to be putting up beams...

So, Puyang Yi saw that there were wastelands on both sides, and she was a little anxious. In front of her brother, she asked Feng Yun in a low voice.

"When will the construction of General Wen's house start?"

Feng Yun sold this high-priced land at that time, but it was agreed that the land next to it was reserved for Wen Xingsu's house, but Wen Xingsu was single and had no intention of building a house, so the matter was delayed.

When Puyang Yi mentioned it, Feng Yun suddenly felt that she should think about her brother.

My eldest brother was so busy that he had no time to make arrangements.

But he would eventually get married. He couldn't go back to Nanqi, and he had to have a home in Andu.

Not a house, but a home.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "I'm helping him choose a date. When the date is chosen, we will start construction."

Puyang Yi's eyes lit up.

"The craftsmen who built my house have good skills and are fast. I think they are very suitable. I will call them later. They are easy to talk about wages and so on."

"Ahem!" Puyang Zong coughed lightly and reminded him.

His sister had no restraint at all, and he couldn't bear it.

The beating he received at Xiaojieqiu last time hurt not only Puyang Zong's body, but also his face.

From that day on, his reputation was ruined.

He didn't do anything, just went up the mountain with Yuan Keng, but who knew that it would become known to the world, and it was also rumored that he and Qu Feng, the son of Qinghe County Marquis and Xuanping Marquis, molested Feng Yun...

It was a huge injustice.

He was still angry.

But somehow, my mother didn't help him vent his anger. Just when his injuries were healed, she actually asked him to follow Puyang Yi to Huaxi Village and asked him to help Feng Yun do things...

But this Puyang Yi, without talking about business, started talking about finding a man, which made him so angry that he couldn't vent it, and his face was particularly ugly.

He interrupted and successfully diverted the attention of Feng Yun and Puyang Yi.

"By the way, I almost forgot about my second brother." Puyang Yi smiled and took Feng Yun's arm, looking like she was very close to her.

"Ayun, my mother asked me to send my second brother to Huaxi Village to atone for his sins. Don't be polite. Just order him around. Use him in any way you want. Use him like a cow or a horse. You must let him get his revenge."

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