Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 383: Hidden Concerns

Puyang Zong's eyes widened.

My mother obviously didn’t say that...

I just want him to learn and practice so that he can take care of the family business in the future...

Pu Yangyi didn't give him any face.

"Why are you staring at me? My mother asked you to come to Huaxi Village just to be a cow or a horse. You have learned bad things from following those guys who tease cats and dogs all day long. You are not serious. Please reflect on it..."

Puyang was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"Pu Yangyi, don't push yourself too far!"

"So what if you push yourself to the limit?"

Pu Yangyi glared at his brother, turned to look at Feng Yun, and smiled with his eyebrows raised.

"As long as Yun Niang is willing to take him in, she can do whatever she wants, do whatever she wants..."

Puyang Zong is so hateful.

But there was nothing he could do.

He understood what his mother was thinking.

The eldest brother died a long time ago, leaving his mother with only two siblings. Puyangyi is a prodigal who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun...


That's okay.

In short, his mother made this excuse to prevent him from interacting with Yuan Keng and his group.

Puyang Zong had reluctance written all over his face.

So does Feng Yun.

She didn't have time to interrupt just now, Puyangyi just kept talking, making people overwhelmed.

After she waited, Feng Yun took a serious look at the gorgeously dressed Prince Danyang with a look of disgust in front of him.

Puyang Zong has a baby face and lives a pampered life. He looks young and fresh. People who don't know better think that he is just a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old. Who would have thought that he is actually Puyang Yi's? Second brother?

"Prefect, wait a minute." Feng Yun looked at Pu Yangzong and got a roll of his eyes. He laughed slowly and said calmly, "I have no intention of keeping the county prince, and there is no shortage of horses and cattle in my village. Please help yourself."

She gave a slight salute to the brother and sister, then turned and left.

Puyang was not happy at first, but when he heard this, he became angry.

Why should she look down upon herself?

"What do you mean, princess? I'm not worthy of being your horse, am I?"

Feng Yun looked back at him without saying a word.

Pu Yangyi glared at the unsatisfactory second brother, took two steps at a trot, and held Feng Yun's hand.

"Yunniang, don't be angry with him!" Pu Yangyi said coquettishly, winking at Feng Yun.

"My mother told me that I must complete this matter. Will Ayun give me a chance to show off in front of my mother? Let him reform in Huaxi Village."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and looked Puyang Yi up and down.

Then he slowly turned his gaze to Pu Yangzong's face.

There are indeed many children from aristocratic families who come to Huaxi Village to study, but the oldest one is only thirteen years old. How can she take in these "big children" who are in their twenties?

Princess, what does this mean?

A person who takes his children as his fate is willing to let his son suffer hardships in Huaxi Village?

She smiled lightly, not too polite or indifferent, and her tone was light:

"The county king has killed me. Feng Yun cannot bear it. Huaxi Village does not belong to me. The county king is free to come and go and is not under my control."

Pu Yangyi frowned and said softly: "My mother's intention is to let my second brother come to your village to give lectures, find something to do, and temper his character."


Feng Yun's heart moved.

Although the village school in Huaxi is famous, it mainly relies on arithmetic. In other aspects, apart from Ren Rude, there are not many well-educated teachers.

This Puyang Zong is a dandy, but he has a royal family background. If he becomes a teacher, he can give the children in the village a lot of experience...

Puyangyi was afraid that she wouldn't want to, so she kept saying:

"Although my second brother is not doing a serious job, he is very good at studying. When the emperor's uncle was here, he praised his homework many times. If Ayun doesn't believe it, you can give him a test..."

Feng Yun saw her anxious look.

Slowly, he took out a breath, suppressed the joy of picking up a big deal, and said in a deep voice:

"It's okay to stay, but the village school has a limited budget and can't afford to hire a gentleman as valuable as the county king..."

"Oh, no money, my second brother doesn't need any money."

Sir, who doesn’t want money, where can I find it?

Feng Yun hummed and nodded reluctantly.

"Then stay."

Puyangyi looked completely disgusted that her brother was worthless, and then said:

"It's just that my village hasn't been built yet, so I'm afraid my second brother will have to stay in your village for a while. If that doesn't work out, it's okay to let him live in a village school..."

Feng Yun glanced at Puyang Zong.

"Since it is the eldest princess's order, Feng Yunmo dare not disobey it."

Pu Yangyi breathed a long sigh of relief.

"That's great. Thank you, Yun Niang..."

Before her voice fell, as if she was afraid that Feng Yun would refuse, she let go of her arms and ran towards the carriage in the distance with a smile, waving to Feng Yun constantly.

"Ayun, my second brother's injury has been greatly healed. Don't be afraid of my mother blaming you. You can just use him..."

Puyang Zong did not bring any servants, not even a single servant.

Pu Yangyi trotted all the way to the carriage, then drove over and threw a baggage out of it.

"Goodbye, Yun Niang. Second brother, please reform well. My mother and I are waiting for your good news at the house..."

Puyang Zong stood under the hot sunshine, looking at the dirt-covered baggage, wanting to cry without tears, as if his whole body had been cut by a knife.

He had been surrounded by people since he was a child, and had always been so down and out.

Feng Yun glanced at him and looked at the baggage on the ground.

"The prince has a good rest today and will teach again tomorrow."

After that, she called Ah Lou.

"Take the prince to the village to study and find a better house to settle in."

Ah Lou looked at her in embarrassment.

"Madam, all the houses in the village school are full..."

Feng Yun frowned, "I remember Mr. Zhao was in a separate room? Why not let the county prince and Mr. Zhao squeeze in together."

Ah Lou was stunned and speechless.

Puyang Zong's face was almost turning green with anger.

His mother asked him to live in Zhuangzi and put him in the hands of this woman. She sincerely wanted to peel off a layer of his skin. It's just that he doesn't have any servants to wait on him, why should he live in the same house with a shabby household?

What's the difference between that and going to jail?

"Don't bother the princess for charity."

Puyang snorted and sneered, bent down to pick up the baggage, put it on his arm and walked towards the way he came without looking back.

Alou: "This... lady, what should I do?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "Let him go."

In a short time, Puyang Zong could no longer be seen on the road.

Feng Yun didn't pay attention. He turned around and took Xiao Man to pick a few handfuls of wild amaranth and go home. He asked the cook to wash them and prepare to steam the buns for Yuan Shangyi himself.

The little guy will go to the village to study with him tomorrow, and they have agreed to come for dinner tonight, so she has to prepare something that he has never eaten before.

Make your children happy.

She herself was very happy.

Feng Yun was happy to take matters into his own hands.

It was getting dark, and as soon as the buns were taken out of the pot, the sound of Ah Lou's fire was heard outside.

"Madam, madam, that Danyang County Prince, Danyang County Prince..."

Feng Yun looked back at the sweat on his forehead.

"Speak slowly if you have something to do. Why are you in a hurry?"

Alou said: "He is back again and is sitting at the door of Zhuangzi."

Feng Yun pursed his lips, wiped his hands on his apron, asked the cook to look at the buns in the pot, and said calmly:

"I gonna go see."

The prince of Danyang County didn't know what he had gone through. He was completely disgraced, his clothes were torn, his shoes were dirty, and his hair was messy. He sat there dejectedly, as if he had lost his soul.

Feng Yun stepped forward and saluted, "I didn't know that when the prince arrived, he would be far away to greet him..."

"What else is there? I'm here to beg."

Pu Yangzong's eyes were dull and he looked at her coldly.

"I'm homeless, Princess, please keep me."

Feng Yun glanced at him, remained silent for a moment, and looked sideways at Alou.

"Take the prince to wash up and settle down properly."

Ah Lou cupped his hands and said, "Here."


When it was dark, Puyang Yi got the news that her second brother had been invited by Feng Yun to join Zhuangzi, and she felt so beautiful in her heart.

"I'm going to return my mother's life."

What happened today was all caused by her instigating the eldest princess.

Puyang Zong is already lazy and doesn't want to make progress. If he follows Yuan Keng and that gang of bastards, he will really be ruined.

The eldest princess dotes on her children, but she doesn't want her children to become useless.

With Pu Yangyi brainwashing her all day long, she thought about it again and again and felt that although her daughter was naive, this plan was feasible.

As long as Puyang Zong stays in Andu, he will inevitably hang out with Yuan Keng and his group. The current tension between her and King Yonghuai is precisely because of Xiao Jieqiu's teasing...

Why not take this opportunity to let your son draw a clear line between him and those people like Yuan Keng?

That's what she thought.

Of course Puyangyi also has his own little thoughts.

"Mom, next door to my house is General Wen's homestead. I heard Ayun say that construction will start in good times. I recommended the craftsman to her, and the price should be cheaper..."

The eldest princess is also a woman, how could she not understand her daughter's thoughts?

"Things with elbows turned out!"

She chuckled, "You sent your second brother to Huaxi Village just to get close to General Wen?"

Pu Yangyi's eyes widened: "Where is it? Aren't I doing this for my second brother to change my mind and become a new person?"

The eldest princess snorted and poked her forehead with her hand.

"I don't know you yet?"

Pu Yangyi touched his forehead and let out a long sigh: "General Wen originally treated me kindly, but because of the second brother's matter, he ignored me. What chance do I have of getting close to him?"

The eldest princess stared at her lonely face and sighed for a long time.

"I hope your second brother won't blame me."

Pu Yangyi thought of the pitiful appearance of his second brother returning home in disgrace and being cruelly rejected by his mother, who kicked him out without even letting him in. Knowing that his mother was determined, she immediately spoke out to comfort him.

"No, no, no, second brother will figure it out. Mom is doing it for his own good..."

"Which mother in the world doesn't plan for her children..."

The eldest princess sighed.

The decline of the royal family and the gradual decline of the aristocratic family are the visible results.

That Pei Madang was not the new rich man in the court, but the most noble man in the court.

As long as she lives, she can still protect a pair of children.

But what day will she kick off her legs and leave?

When people leave and the tea is cold, who is willing to give the eldest princess the face of the palace?

For the sake of her son's future, she had to be ruthless.

However, she felt heartbroken when she thought of her son walking away alone, carrying his baggage.

"Go to Huaxi Village tomorrow and check out the situation."

When Puyang Yi heard this, he frowned.

"I can't do it. Whenever my second brother sees a chance, I'm afraid he'll regret it again. Mom, if you don't do it, you've already done it, why don't you endure it anymore?"

"But..." The eldest princess was still hesitating.

"There is no but." Pu Yangyi held her mother's hand and looked at her with fixed eyes, "Don't worry, mom, Yun Niang is not the kind of person who doesn't know what to do. My second brother is in Huaxi Village. At most, he will never repent. He will never It will get worse..."

The eldest princess sighed bitterly, "That's all."

Puyangyi let go of her mother's hand, and her eyes suddenly froze.

Only then did she realize that her mother, who had always taken good care of herself, was only about forty years old and already had gray hair.


She suddenly threw herself into the arms of the eldest princess.

The eldest princess hugged her, "What's wrong?"

Pu Yangyi felt very sad. Before she could speak, her eyes were already wet and her throat was choked.

"My second brother and I...were not good boys for my mother. Growing up, if we didn't do serious things, we would only make our mother worry..."

This was the first time the eldest princess heard her daughter speak so emotionally. Her heart was swollen and sour, but a smile appeared on her face.

"I am your mother. If I don't worry about you, who should I worry about?"

She slowly raised Pu Yangyi's head, stared at her and said:

"You are right to befriend Feng Yun. From now on, whenever my mother has a problem, remember, you have to look after your second brother for my mother..."

"Mom..." Pu Yangyi burst into tears, "You're so good, why do you say such things?"

The eldest princess shook her head and closed her eyes slightly.

There were many things that Pu Yangyi didn't understand, but she saw them clearly.

The bandit suppression in Xiufeng Mountain has been in full swing for the past two days, and Pei Madang went into battle injured, shocking the world.

There was a lot of discussion among the people.

In the tea house and wine shop, people are talking about the bravery of King Yonghuai every day.

But what the people don't know is that Pei Madang's focus is not actually in Xiufeng Mountain, but in Yecheng.

Before the Jin Dynasty was divided, many supplies in Yecheng had to be purchased from other places, and traders came and went frequently. Now that it is divided into two, there is less business on the surface, but it has never been stopped privately, and the government has not taken any serious action.

This time Pei Man made a real move.

Not only did they order merchants not to do business with Yecheng, they also sent a large number of troops to investigate the merchants who were doing business privately.

Once found, they will be punished for collaborating with the enemy.

A batch of materials seized today shows that the owner behind it is Yuan Keng's father, Xingyang Hui Wang Yuan Tao.

He commits crimes against the wind and acts daringly.

If the group of King Xingyang and Marquis Xuanping had any shady dealings with Yecheng, they would definitely be liquidated by Pei Ran.

Then she...

I'm afraid that he will also be regarded as their backer and be recorded.

The imperial power struggle is the most unbearable. It is still unclear whether there will be another storm when Pei Mang frees his hands.

The eldest princess caressed Pu Yangyi's back, feeling her heart surge...

What else could she do at this time?

Pu Yangyi: Mom, I beg you, please don’t do anything. The more you do, the more mistakes you make. It’s better to lie down...

Feng Yun: I think your daughter is right.

Pei Madang: ...After several days of suppressing bandits, why is there another man in Zhuangzi?

Chunyu Yan: Frustrating thing! Come on, break my legs...

Ao Qi: No one remembers little Ao Qi anymore, so sad.

Wen Xingsu: You want to build a new house for me, don’t you be too envious?

Everyone: Sigh! ! !

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