Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 384: Lectures under Imperial Order

At dawn the next day, Feng Yun got up and washed himself. When he was sitting in front of the mirror and dressing up, he suddenly thought of the pampered Prince Danyang who had been making a fuss until midnight last night.

She asked Xiao Man sideways, "Let's go and see if the noble man is up?"

Xiaoman burst out laughing when he heard the word "noble".

"You slept so late last night, how could you possibly get up?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

As soon as Puyang Zong settled in last night, he started to feel various discomforts.

The bed was too hard, there were mosquitoes, no one was waiting on him, the food was bad, in short, there was nothing to his liking.

Of course, if you are used to the comfortable life in the eldest princess's mansion, how can you stand the leisurely atmosphere in Zhuangzi?

The prince of Danyang County had to change his clothes and wash himself. The life of an ordinary person alone had cost him half his life.

The commotion lasted until midnight, and everyone in Zhuangzi could not find peace.

Feng Yun didn't tolerate him, so he directly asked someone to carry a convenient wooden bucket in, locked the door from the outside, and let him mess around inside.

In the latter part of the night, probably because I was tired, I stopped.

Feng Yun thought of the trouble this "living Bodhisattva" would bring and yawned.

"Go, tell the noble man to get up and get ready to go to the village to learn."

Xiao Man responded with a smile.

After a while, she came back with a grimace.

"The prince said it's still early and he needs to sleep a little longer..."

Without saying a word, Feng Yun stood up and walked towards the wing in the side courtyard.

In fact, Ah Lou really didn't treat this person badly. He chose the best room at the moment. He was not happy with it, so Feng Yun planned to change it for him in the evening.

"Go and scream."

She was followed by Ge Yi and another Bu Qu.

Ge Guang heard the sound and went up and knocked on the door.

The door lock had been unlocked, but Puyang Zong did not wake up. He was so angry that he turned over and ignored it at all.

Feng Yun pursed his lips towards Ge Yi and said, "Pull up."

Ge Yi: "Here."

The two men pushed the door open and went in. For a moment, there was a sound like a pig being slaughtered in the house.

Even though Puyang is so old, when has he ever suffered such injustice? In his opinion, Bu Lu is just a servant, and it is simply against the law for a servant to take hold of his master and his guests.

"Let me go, let me go!"

"How can I, the majestic Prince of Danyang County, be allowed to mess around with you?"

"Let go! If you don't let go, believe it or not, I will kill you all when I turn around..."

Puyang Zong yelled and cursed, making the scalps of the two tribes go numb. In the end, he pulled him out of his fallen clothes, put his clothes on his head, and dragged him to Feng Yun.

Feng Yun smiled and gave him a slight bow.

"Good morning, Prince, it's time to go to the village to learn."

"Did you know earlier?" Danyang County Prince was furious, but Feng Yun was not a trivial figure. He still had this sense of propriety. After swallowing the curse in his throat, he shook his sleeves and looked at Feng Yun with a sideways eyebrow.

"Is this how the princess treats guests?"

Feng Yun curled his lips slightly, "Since the prince is a guest in my village, he must abide by the rules of my village. No one here can make exceptions."

Puyang raised his eyebrows and lowered his voice.

"Did the princess deliberately tease me?"

Feng Yun frowned slightly, pursed his lips and looked at him, but smiled without saying a word.

Puyang gritted his teeth and stared at her.

"Other people don't know, but the princess knows best. That day in Xiaojieqiu, I didn't tease you at all. I even tried to persuade Yuan Keng... I am such a good person, but the princess hates me and takes advantage of my sister. Yao, he also persuaded my mother to throw me into your shabby village and suffer your anger..."

Feng Yun slowly raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Zhuangzi's gate.

"I have never forced the king to stay. As long as you want, the gate is over there."

Puyang swallowed hard and hummed heavily.

"You think I want to stay? I'm not forced by you."

Feng Yun's expression did not change, and even his smiling expression did not change. He said calmly and calmly: "Whether to leave or to stay, the prince will decide. But again, if you walk out of Zhuangzi, I don't care about you. Step into Zhuangzi, and the prince will decide." The king must follow my rules.”

She emphasized the last sentence slightly.

"Be ruthless, right? Who doesn't know how to be ruthless?" Pu Yangzong licked his lips, stared at her with his eyes, and pointed hard at her face, "Just wait for me."

Feng Yun said calmly: "I'm waiting for the king. Go ahead, pack up, and follow me to the village to learn."

Puyang Zong became angry when he saw her looking as stable as a rock.

"I won't go, whoever wants to go can go."

Feng Yun: "If you don't want to go, then please come back to the prince. My village does not support idle people. If you want to eat, you have to work."

Puyang wished he could just leave...

But he knew he couldn't.

His mother was so determined that she left him here. If she was not satisfied, he would not be able to return to the Grand Princess Mansion, and his life would not be good in the future.

"Okay, okay. I'm going to give lectures, and I listen to you. I'm going to give lectures, but at least you have to let me get enough sleep before I go, right? It's so early in the morning, why don't you let me sleep?"

After saying that, Puyang yawned, pushed the Bubu in front of him with all his strength, and made a loud demonstration.

"Go back to the house and take a nap..."

Before the voice fell, Alou came over happily.

"Madam, Your Majesty said that he is ready. Ask Madam when she will take him to the village to learn..."

Puyang Zong staggered in fright, kicked the threshold and almost fell down.

"You, what did you say? Who wants to go to the village to study?"

No one paid any attention to him.

Feng Yun smiled lightly and said, "I'll go invite your Majesty."

She flicked her wide sleeves and was about to go to Yangxinzhai. Yuan Shangyi, led by Dong Bai, trotted towards the side yard.

"My wife, I'm coming, I'm coming."

Puyang Zong looked at the small figure running into the yard, rubbed his eyes, and looked at him in disbelief.

Yuan Shangyi threw himself on Feng Yun and talked to her excitedly, with a smile on his face.

"I got up early today to do my homework."

"A Yuan is really hardworking." Feng Yun touched Yuan Shangyi's head.

Puyang Zong's foot, which had already stepped into the threshold, slowly retreated.

Hey, isn't that the little emperor?

Why did the little emperor look like he saw his own mother when he saw Princess Yonghuai?

Puyang Zong straightened his clothes and hurried forward to salute.

"Your Majesty, I, Puyang Zong, greet you."

Yuan Shangyi looked back at him, then at Feng Yun, and whispered:

"Why is my cousin here?"

He knew Puyang Zong, and was very curious about his appearance in the manor, but Puyang Zong was more curious about the little emperor's sheepish appearance in front of Feng Yun.

"Your Majesty." He took over and said with a smile: "I came to Huaxi Village to give lectures on my mother's orders."

Yuan Shangyi suddenly realized.

Looking at Feng Yun again, he turned around and put his hands behind his back.

"Then, Prince Danyang, you should give lectures well."

Puyang Zong: "Your Majesty, I obey your order."

He lowered his head and said, and when he looked up, Yuan Shangyi had already held Feng Yun's hand, and happily raised his head and said:

"My wife, let's go."

Feng Yun glanced at Puyang Zong, smiled and said, "Hmm," and walked in front.

Puyang Zong was almost tangled in his heart.

Originally it was just his mother's order, but now, how do you think about it, it means giving lectures on the orders?

The little emperor is also the emperor.

Don't joke.

He followed Yuan Shangyi and Feng Yun obediently and left the manor.

A group of palace servants and soldiers followed silently.

The sun was hanging in the sky, and the rosy clouds were shining.

Puyang Zong raised his hand to cover his eyes, and suddenly felt like crying.

How pitiful he was.

From then on, there was no good life...

Feng Yun ignored him and slowly walked towards the village with Yuan Shangyi's little hand.

The child was very excited.

Feng Yun's smile was worried.

When she passed the small bridge over Huaxi, she found that the water in Huaxi had completely dried up, and the creek bed exposed the washed stones, which were pale in color.

It hasn't rained for a long time.

Yang Shichang said two days ago that the villagers now go to Changhewan to wash clothes and carry water for irrigation, but the water level is also dropping sharply.

He and Liu Wuchang looked upstream and found that the riverbed began to appear in many places.

The people of Huaxi Village rely on Huaxi, and Huaxi relies on Changhe. This is a chain of survival. If Huaxi dries up, Changhe will not be able to recover.

This year is the first year of the three-year drought.

The disaster is far from over, and she must be fully prepared. (End of this chapter)

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