Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 385: The bandit surrenders

The children in the village school get up very early.

While the group was still outside the door, they heard the sound of reading loudly coming from inside.

Feng Yun lowered his head and glanced at Yuan Shangyi. Seeing his bright eyes, he knew he liked it here.

"When Prince Danyang gives a trial lecture, A Yuanke will come to supervise and supervise."

It is said to be supervision, but it is actually to let him feel the learning atmosphere of children in the village school.

Yuan Shangyi became happy indeed and looked back at Puyang Zong.

"Cousin, can you please tell me? Will it mislead others?"

Puyang Zong followed not far away, but when he happened to hear these words, his back straightened, and he said to himself that when he was studying in Beijing, he was the best among the group.

Who wouldn't say that he is willing to work hard and study well?

But he couldn't refute the doubts behind the little emperor's back.

He just hummed slightly to show that he heard.

Yuan Shangyi stuck out his tongue, and Feng Yun chuckled and patted him.

"It's okay. If he doesn't speak well, we won't let him speak."

Yuan Shangyi nodded his head, "Okay."

Puyang Zong's face darkened, and his heart felt like a knife, and he once again tasted the feeling of being despised.

He didn't say a word, and his eyes were not eyes, and his nose was not a nose, which was completely disgusting.

Poor, pitiful like him.

From then on, every day was like a year.

Feng Yun handed Puyang Zong to the gentleman in charge of the village school, and found the textbooks for the children in the village for Yuan Shangyi to look at.

While listening to their arrangement of class time, Yang Shichang hurried over.

"Madam Li Zheng, Madam Li Zheng... it's not good."

Yuan Shangyi was watching the arithmetic taught by the village school, and he raised his head in surprise when he heard the sound.

Feng Yun touched his shoulder comfortingly and looked at Yang Shichang.

"Don't be in a hurry. Speak slowly."

Yang Shichang had never seen the little emperor up close and glanced at him.

The little guy was dressed in silk and satin. He thought he was a young master who had just been sent to study by some aristocratic family. He nodded, ignored him, and reported to Feng Yun anxiously.

"There was a fight between Lu Gui's family and Yu Baochuan's family."

Feng Yun frowned, "Why fight?"

Yang Shi sighed, "In order to grab water. The two families live close to each other and use the same well. They have been living in peace for so long, but isn't there a drought recently? There is less water in the well, and this family has too much to pick up. , that house is not enough. From scolding to beating, I almost had to use a knife."

Feng Yun listened and remained silent for a long time.

She had seen Lu Guiquan's family when there was a locust plague last time. They were only willing to take advantage and not suffer any losses.

Yu Baochuan is currently working as a manager at the graphite mine in Jieqiu Mountain and was one of the first five people in the village to sign up. The Yu family is also the most active in responding to Feng Yun's arrangements, but they are a little soft-tempered.

If they hadn't been desperate, the Yu Baochuan family would never have fought with Lu Guiquan.

She thought for a moment and said to Yang Shichang: "First calm down the two families and let them calm down. It's best if we can shake hands and make peace. If it's really hard to say, come to Nagato and let me handle it."

Yang Shichang nodded immediately and left quietly.

Yuan Shangyi put down the book in his hand, "Madam, why are they grabbing water?"

There are too many things that the little emperor doesn't know.

Feng Yun smiled slightly and was about to explain to him when Pu Yangzong spoke first.

"Because of the drought this year, there is a shortage of water everywhere."

Feng Yun looked at him unexpectedly.

Unexpectedly, this dude actually cares about people's livelihood?

Yuan Shangyi asked: "What should we do?"

This time Puyang was stunned.

He only knew that there was a shortage of water, but as a royal family, everything could be guaranteed first, and even if there was a shortage of water, he could not go to the eldest princess's palace. Therefore, he had never thought about what to do if there was no water...

"It turns out that my cousin doesn't understand either."

Yuan Shangyi glanced at him, then looked eagerly at Feng Yun.

"Madam, what should I do if I'm short of water?"

Feng Yun smiled bitterly.

To avoid floods and droughts, you must first have savings.

Dig wells and ponds and prepare more food.

But there is no way for people to fight against the sky.

She said: "In years of severe drought, people have no choice but to go into exile. If there is no water, they will go to places with water to survive..."

But when there is a large-scale drought, many people have no choice but to die in the famine. There is no way around it.

There was a hint of disappointment in Yuan Shangyi's eyes.

It turns out that there are problems in this world that a woman cannot solve...

Feng Yun looked at his expression and suddenly couldn't bear it.

The little emperor already knew how to worry about the people. How could she let her children down?

So she thought for a while and then said: "Andu is a place that relies on water and has abundant water resources. Maybe there are other ways. Let me think about it."

The little emperor immediately became excited, took her hand and said:

"I knew that the lady must have a way."

Feng Yun sighed inwardly.

In order to show off as a hero in front of children, tonight she had to burn the midnight oil and read books again...

When Feng Yun returned to the village, he thought that the two troubled families would not stop, so he came to Zhuangzi, ready to go back to resolve the dispute.

Unexpectedly, what I saw was young Ao Qi.

A man and a horse came galloping over, the horses' hooves leaving a trail of smoke in the dry air. They stopped the horse with a "yu" sound until they reached the gate of the village, then jumped down and strode towards Feng Yun.

Feng Yun was very surprised.

A tall horse burst into view, carrying a tall and handsome young man on its back, as if running towards her from the distant sky under the blazing sunlight.

After not seeing each other for a long time, she stopped for a moment and then smiled slowly.

"Xiao Qi? Why are you here?"

The joy on Ao Qi's face slowly faded away in her calm tone.

At that moment, his ears were silent and there was no one else in his eyes.

Only Feng Yun.

In the entire Nagato, the entire world, he could only see Feng Yun.

But when he came back to his senses, he saw that the person Feng Yun was holding was the current little emperor.

"Your Majesty, Ao Qi, has met."

Ao Qi cupped his hands and his voice became a little deeper.

When he turned to Feng Yun again and whispered "I've met my aunt" in a low voice, his voice became even hoarse.

"I was ordered to come here to announce the good news to my aunt."

"Announcement of good news?" Feng Yun has encountered so many headaches these days. Where can the good news come from?

She walked forward slowly and looked at Ao Qi quietly.

"Where does joy come from?"

Ao Qi looked at the glow behind her, his eyes glowing a little, as if filled with her pretty figure, pure and fiery, but his voice had to be restrained and sober.

"Three days ago, I passed through Wanning Xiufeng Mountain and followed my uncle to suppress bandits..."

"Have the bandits been wiped out?" Feng Yun took over the words without waiting for him to speak.

She felt pity for the remnants of General Wanning, so she felt very conflicted. She hoped that Pei Madang could resolve the matter quickly and no longer let the people be frightened and talk about it...

I also hope that the people on the mountain can escape with their lives, change their minds, and start a new life.

Ao Qi saw the light in her eyes and cupped her hands.

"Hou Zhun, the bandit leader of Xiufeng Mountain, promised to put down his weapons and submit to Nagato..."

"What?" Feng Yun thought he heard wrongly.

It's not about surrendering to the Northern Yong Army.

But surrender to Nagato?

Feng Yun focused his eyes and looked down at Yuan Shangyi.

"It's hot outside, let's go inside and talk in detail."

It wasn't that she was worried about what Yuan Shangyi would think, but that those people were following the little emperor, and she didn't know who their confidants were, and what they would say if they heard it.

Ao Qi also realized that he was too happy just now and his words were wrong, so he quickly changed his words:

"It's not surrender, it's surrender."

He glanced at the little emperor and saw that he was silent and well-behaved, his thin lips pursed slightly, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"We have been suppressing the bandits for many days, but the mountain bandits are holding on to the danger. The more they fight, the more tenacious they become. My uncle said that the new dynasty has just been established and it is not appropriate to go on a killing spree, so the main thing is to persuade."

Feng Yun guessed this.

Pei Ran went there in person, not for the purpose of massacre.

She asked: "What happened next?"

Ao Qijun's face was slightly cold, and a murderous aura gradually gathered in his eyes. After all, his solemn look was no longer the young man he used to be.

"We have been trapped for many days and there is no food on the mountain. Last night, the bandit leader finally agreed to meet and discuss with my uncle, but he only allowed me to bring two guards up the mountain."

Feng Yun's body tensed slightly, "He's gone?"

Ao Qi said: "Gone."

He stared deeply at Feng Yun, his voice deep.

"Uncle went up the mountain alone."

Feng Yun looked at him in surprise.

That look was gentle and distressed.

Ao Qi slowly lowered his head, not looking at those eyes, "Hou Zhun naturally refused to surrender, but he probably also admired my uncle's bravery in leading only one person up the mountain. He did not feel embarrassed and sat down to talk to my uncle seriously."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but glance at Feng Yun.

"I don't know what he said specifically. In short, the result was... Hou Zhun refused to surrender to the Beiyong Army, but was willing to wash his hands in a golden basin, disband the mountain bandits, seek refuge with his wife, go to the mountains to mine, and go to the fields to grow grain." (End of chapter)

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